Title: Yamoto ATV's Expanding. Post by: Bigscrb15 on May 20, 2005, 10:10:54 PM I stopped by a local Yamoto dealer today and talked to him for awhile, he said that Yamoto is supposed to be the next big thing in the industry. He said july this year they will have 2 models of Personal Watecraft, and then october they will have a 1100cc sport street bike, november a 500cc 4x4 atv, jan of next year somethin else i think then next summer a 21foot ski boat. he also said by 2008 they will be producing cars. I might have some of those dates mixed up, but thats whats comin out. Thought it was interesting they were expanding their lineup that much. he also had the new 2005 200cc sport quad, its a 5speed manual liquid cooled, looks pretty nice.