ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: MrsPureLogic on July 22, 2005, 09:59:55 PM

Title: America West Pilots
Post by: MrsPureLogic on July 22, 2005, 09:59:55 PM
Ok, I'll start a new controversial topic  ;)  What about the 2 America West Pilots being sentenced to jail?  What's your take on it?  Did they deserve jail time?  Too harsh? 

Title: Re: America West Pilots
Post by: Honda328i on July 22, 2005, 11:52:29 PM
from CNN:
The pilots had been at the bar up until about six hours before their departure time; federal rules say pilots cannot drink in the eight hours before a flight. Police stepped in after screeners smelled alcohol on the pilots' breath. (America West's policy is 12 hours)

Tested hours later, their blood-alcohol levels were above Florida's 0.08 percent limit for drunken driving, which includes aircraft, according to testimony. Their levels were probably much higher when they were in the c0ckpit, experts said. (America West only allows 0.04)

Testimony showed that Cloyd and Hughes ran up a $122 tab and drank seven 34-ounce glasses and seven 16-ounce glasses of beer over six hours at the bar. At dinner before that, they had wine and Cloyd drank a martini, prosecutors said.

The pilots had argued at trial that they were not drunk. The also contended they were not in control of their Airbus 319 carrying 117 passengers and crew because it was being towed by a ground crew when police ordered the jet back to the gate.

Prosecutor Hillah Katz called that argument "an insult."
If the plane had crashed, it would have been murder, so because they got caught, in essence it is attmpted murder as far as I see it.  What were they thinking to endanger so many people?  Obviously, they weren't.  I don't think it is too harsh.  Think of how the people on that flight must feel about it.

Title: Re: America West Pilots
Post by: CAOSPOP on July 23, 2005, 08:08:42 AM
I read this article last night... That is damn scippy. Go to prison for five years !
I wonder how you would feel if you kid was on that flight to go visit grandma & grandpa?

Title: Re: America West Pilots
Post by: big-daddy on July 23, 2005, 09:28:29 AM
being they had a history of drinking... hang em! ;)

Title: Re: America West Pilots
Post by: jbbj220 on July 23, 2005, 10:35:10 AM
I have been inavaition for 43 years and it is real hard for me to belive that anyone in this proffesion could do what those two ex-pilots could do. They will never fly again, and yes they should spend time in jail, but 5 years, I am not sure about that.

On a litter note: I always thought you could not drink within 50 feet of an airplane and could not smoke 12 hours before a flight. Gess I was wrong.
