Title: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: stump66 on July 20, 2005, 03:46:05 AM It has been a while that I've seen anything really contraversial on her so here goes.
Now at this point in my life being the father of a teen boy I think what Debra Lefave did was very wrong. But also on the other hand being a male and looking back at my teen years I would have done about the same as the 14yr old boy did if a very attractive teacher came on to me, and been a hero for doing it. I'd like to hear some others views on what this (alledged)pedophile did to this boy? If it was a girl and male teacher the case would be viewed totally different, wouldn't it? Below is a link with everything you ever wanted to know about the case, the entire police report. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0628042teach1.html Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: Chuck_Norris on July 20, 2005, 06:41:22 AM We as parents entrust the educators of the school system to be the guardians of our Child/Children, Trusting within that proffesionalism that they will act accordingly and not violate laws that are set forth. From the Kids point of view or mind set is He scored big. The teacher violated the trust...We as parents try to protect our children from sexual predators male or female. Take Prayer and the Pledge out of the Schools and give them condoms and sex. Great Principals to live by.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: stump66 on July 20, 2005, 07:14:02 AM Well put. That kinda goes along with this old post I did.
http://www.atvflorida.com/forum/index.php/topic,901.msg32331.html#msg32331 Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: big-daddy on July 20, 2005, 07:23:37 AM Thanks Chuck and sport66... well put ;)
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 20, 2005, 08:18:41 AM If I was the kid I would of have been smarter, not telling my friends, getting pics and blackmailing her for straight A's. Then when I was out of her class I would show the pics on the internet. 8)
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: Old_School on July 20, 2005, 09:10:00 AM I'd give anything to be that kid. She's a hottie. Ditto on keeping it on the DL. Rides in the back of an SUV = priceless! ;D -Mark
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: LakeMaryKid on July 20, 2005, 09:25:02 AM I still wanna beat that lil effer up........the one that i got goin now is doin ok though, got me the photos so far and im gettin above a 3.0 GPA. See Da_Mtg_Man, i told you i would get good grades to keep my bike, just didnt say whether or not it would be legal. ;D
Still dont know why that kid would have told, but hes the one missin out. *rolls eyes shaking head left to right* IDIOTS Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 20, 2005, 09:31:02 AM I still wanna beat that lil effer up........the one that i got goin now is doin ok though, got me the photos so far and im gettin above a 3.0 GPA. See Da_Mtg_Man, i told you i would get good grades to keep my bike, just didnt say whether or not it would be legal. ;D Still dont know why that kid would have told, but hes the one missin out. *rolls eyes shaking head left to right* IDIOTS I wanna see the pics! Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: MrsPureLogic on July 20, 2005, 09:44:48 AM Well put Chuck, I agree!! I work for the school board and the thought of a teacher having sex with a student is so bizarre...much less the fact that she did it in her classroom. In my opinion (again, this is MY opinion) something is just not right with her to think she could do something like that and not get caught. Especially considering this was a 14 year old who of COURSE was going to feel proud and brag!! She's a beautiful girl, and any guy....particularly one her age would have loved to be with her I'm sure. She didn't need to go "there."
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: trx#9 on July 20, 2005, 11:10:46 AM Has anybody ever seen pictures of the kid see had sex with? I heard he was black thug and he thinks he's the king of the world now. you ever see the dike she went out with in high school? SICK!!!! The girl is sick. What a waste! I can't believe her lawyer said she to pretty to go to jail. Give me a brake, the law is the law looks should have no bearing in going to jail or not. Being from a upper class family see should know better. Let her sit and learn!!!!!
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 20, 2005, 11:14:57 AM Has anybody ever seen pictures of the kid see had sex with? I heard he was black thug and he thinks he's the king of the world now. you ever see the dike she went out with in high school? SICK!!!! The girl is sick. What a waste! I can't believe her lawyer said she to pretty to go to jail. Give me a brake, the law is the law looks should have no bearing in going to jail or not. Being from a upper class family see should know better. Let her sit and learn!!!!! Looks do matter. Welcome to reality ;D Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: trx#9 on July 20, 2005, 11:22:38 AM Thats why the jury should be blind folded or behind a wall problem fixed.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: stump66 on July 20, 2005, 01:07:50 PM I still wanna beat that lil effer up........the one that i got goin now is doin ok though, got me the photos so far and im gettin above a 3.0 GPA. See Da_Mtg_Man, i told you i would get good grades to keep my bike, just didnt say whether or not it would be legal. ;D Still dont know why that kid would have told, but hes the one missin out. *rolls eyes shaking head left to right* IDIOTS :o :o :o :o :o Curtis I'm appauled,lol jk Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: LakeMaryKid on July 20, 2005, 04:23:43 PM I still wanna beat that lil effer up........the one that i got goin now is doin ok though, got me the photos so far and im gettin above a 3.0 GPA. See Da_Mtg_Man, i told you i would get good grades to keep my bike, just didnt say whether or not it would be legal. ;D :o :o :o :o :oStill dont know why that kid would have told, but hes the one missin out. *rolls eyes shaking head left to right* IDIOTS Curtis I'm appauled,lol jk Appauled? possibly, shocked? Never! Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: stump66 on July 20, 2005, 05:59:05 PM YOU MIGHT LAUGH AT THIS
http://www.atvflorida.com/forum/index.php?topic=4977.msg69309#msg69309 Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: LakeMaryKid on July 20, 2005, 08:02:23 PM dude that was hilarious. Oh so true too.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: cain73 on July 20, 2005, 09:09:55 PM Looking back to when I was his age I would have wished to be in his shoes. However, as an informed adult and parent I think it's outrageous that we can't even trust our kids to the teachers any more. I'm sure he's proud and bragging to his friends when he's with them, but there is a great potential for psychological issues as a result of the abuse. There is usually a sequence, a right of passage if you will, that teens go through. His being victimized negated that and changed his life. there should be no leniency given just because it was a male victim. If it was a female we'd want the guy put under the jail. Abuse is still abuse. She needs to be punished based upon her crime not the victim's gender, her looks, or her financial status. String her up along side the other sick perverts to dissuade others from such acts.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 21, 2005, 10:27:43 AM Looking back to when I was his age I would have wished to be in his shoes. However, as an informed adult and parent I think it's outrageous that we can't even trust our kids to the teachers any more. I'm sure he's proud and bragging to his friends when he's with them, but there is a great potential for psychological issues as a result of the abuse. There is usually a sequence, a right of passage if you will, that teens go through. His being victimized negated that and changed his life. there should be no leniency given just because it was a male victim. If it was a female we'd want the guy put under the jail. Abuse is still abuse. She needs to be punished based upon her crime not the victim's gender, her looks, or her financial status. String her up along side the other sick perverts to dissuade others from such acts. Cain, your beginning to sound like a Liberal :) Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: MrsPureLogic on July 21, 2005, 10:38:05 AM Amen Cain!! Well put.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: bigb on July 21, 2005, 12:20:18 PM in my opinion it's not that big of a deal, should she get fired and never be able to teach again................. definitly.
should she labled a molester and sex offender and do time in jail,if the boy was willing and mentally stable i don't think so. reason being is he knew what he was doing and guys can't really be victimized that way.i am not defending her actions or saying she was right by doing this but it's different for a girl, i'm not sexist but it is. young girls can be influenced and swayed to do things they don't really want to do, people that do this are sexual predators in need of incarceration. i'm sure this young lad was all about it, thus making it a victimless crime. take her teaching privlages away and fine the bejesus out of her, she already lost her husband and credibility over it, now she can go be a dirty little stripper or something better suited for her. just my $0.02 Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: cain73 on July 21, 2005, 11:40:39 PM Looking back to when I was his age I would have wished to be in his shoes. However, as an informed adult and parent I think it's outrageous that we can't even trust our kids to the teachers any more. I'm sure he's proud and bragging to his friends when he's with them, but there is a great potential for psychological issues as a result of the abuse. There is usually a sequence, a right of passage if you will, that teens go through. His being victimized negated that and changed his life. there should be no leniency given just because it was a male victim. If it was a female we'd want the guy put under the jail. Abuse is still abuse. She needs to be punished based upon her crime not the victim's gender, her looks, or her financial status. String her up along side the other sick perverts to dissuade others from such acts. Cain, your beginning to sound like a Liberal :) Please don't insult me like that ! ;) I am not speaking from a liberal stand point at all, but from an experienced one. I used to work with kids/teens with all sorts of psychological problems including sexual abuse. I didn't switch over to the other side of the fence, I just know what happens to the kids when stuff like this happens. in my opinion it's not that big of a deal, should she get fired and never be able to teach again................. definitly. should she labled a molester and sex offender and do time in jail,if the boy was willing and mentally stable i don't think so. reason being is he knew what he was doing and guys can't really be victimized that way.i am not defending her actions or saying she was right by doing this but it's different for a girl, i'm not sexist but it is. young girls can be influenced and swayed to do things they don't really want to do, people that do this are sexual predators in need of incarceration. i'm sure this young lad was all about it, thus making it a victimless crime. take her teaching privlages away and fine the bejesus out of her, she already lost her husband and credibility over it, now she can go be a dirty little stripper or something better suited for her. just my $0.02 She should definitely be labeld child molestor and never teach again. However, boys can be victimized just like girls. I am not saying that he didn't consent or know what he was doing, but he is still a victim. Boys can be coerced just like girls. I am not out fighting for the feminist movement, but this is one time when both sexes are absolutely equal in being a victims. It may have more apparent impacts on females than on males due to their different ways of dealing with things, but the negative impact is still there (in most cases). Just because it was a male doesn't mean there was no crime or victim. This may have negative effects in many aspects of his life for years to come. She should not be allowed to commit a crime such as this just because it was against a male and (I'm sure he did) he enjoyed it. If someone said they wanted to die and someone else killed them it's still a crime that needs to be punished, not overlooked because the recipient thought they wanted it at the time. We can't adjust the law based on gender. Lock the child molesting woman up. Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 22, 2005, 09:24:04 AM Quote Please don't insult me like that ! ;) I am not speaking from a liberal stand point at all, but from an experienced one. I used to work with kids/teens with all sorts of psychological problems including sexual abuse. I didn't switch over to the other side of the fence, I just know what happens to the kids when stuff like this happens. Quote I know where you're coming from when you talk about kids. I spent some time working with Kids in Distress and can't fathom how people could do the things they do to children. Now in the case of a 14 year old boy I doubt there will be any damaging or residual effect. You remember 14, how would have you reacted? It wasn't long ago we here in America were getting married at that age, of course if you lived past 30 you were lucky, but I think people dealt with it just fine. Just my .02 cents Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: bigb on July 22, 2005, 11:30:19 AM i was doing the do at 15. i'm alright.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on July 22, 2005, 12:17:11 PM i was doing the do at 15. i'm alright. Are you sure? ;D Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: bigb on July 22, 2005, 12:30:22 PM no, but i feel pretty good about it. i guess time will tell.
Title: Re: PINKY PROMISE??? Post by: cain73 on July 24, 2005, 06:22:25 PM It's not just the act at that age, it's the fact that he was taken advantage of and manipulated by an older person in power. I'm not saying he definitely will sustain any bad effects from the experience, but there is potential for it. For instance issues with authority figures (like today's youth don't have enough issues with that as it is) or problems with personal/intimate relationships. A 14 year old boy with a 14 year old girl is 1 thing, but a 14 year old boy with his 29 year old teacher is another. Even if it doesn't negatively impact him, it is against the law to protect our children and should be enforced.
I'm not saying I don't understand your point of view, but I think that we have to put away our subjective opinions and view the situation in an objective way with the well being of our kids in mind. |