ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Ida_Mann on July 04, 2004, 06:46:02 PM

Title: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on July 04, 2004, 06:46:02 PM
after my adventure in ONF this weekend, I realised that there might be a need for some emergency numbers,,,,and since so many of us have NEXTEL radios, and they tend to work in parts of the forest that cell phones don't,,,,,I thought it might be a good idea to post mine in case anyone may need some assistance sometime.


if I don't know you, announce youreself as and I'll be kind ;-)

Nathan Bassett

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Chuck_Norris on July 04, 2004, 09:01:01 PM
I think this is a good Idea: desperation happens, especialy in IDAs case or for that matter mine with the problem we ran into. If you want mine PM. me

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: robo02cop on July 05, 2004, 12:22:05 AM
Good Idea!!!  If anyone wants mine pm me!!!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Holeshot36 on July 05, 2004, 05:46:14 AM
Here's mine:162*58757*4. I live down the road from big scrub. Mike

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: jackass4life on July 06, 2004, 02:05:43 AM
smart thinking bro  ill be getting one soon so ill post mine

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on July 24, 2004, 04:49:35 PM
I'm bumping this to the top because we may have had a reason to use the emergency network and really couldnt.

Is there anyone else out there that would be willing to give up their numbers for the sake of an emergency?

Hopefully Chuck and friends are OK up there in Jasper.

We hope to hear from them soon.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on July 24, 2004, 05:05:32 PM
grizz 158*21*2715

awesome Grizz, thanks.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on July 24, 2004, 08:28:40 PM
We are about 30 min from ONF.We are in Apokpa. If you need anything give a shout to: 162*150355*3.
Mike and Melissa

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigwilly on July 25, 2004, 07:01:04 PM
heres mine 159*5027*487 broward i know lost lake & holey lands pretty well dont be scared to holla

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on July 25, 2004, 08:19:05 PM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Michelle on July 26, 2004, 07:22:54 AM
If anyone ever decides to ride at Three Lakes and need's anything 162*27*14112
I'm just three miles away...321-624-2379

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on July 26, 2004, 10:11:37 AM
you know, maybe we shouldn't limit this to just Nextel numbers, possibly if we end up running into bad problems and really need help, we could give out cell numbers too.

there isn't much area that a good cell phone won't work anymore except for remote parts of ONF and some in the northern portion of the state.  This could end up being helpful.

maybe a "keeper of the list", someone who has their phone on them at all times?

I know I keep mine on me all the time because it's a company phone and I'm sorta on-call, but I rarely keep it when riding,,,although I almost hope I lose it on a trail because then I get to put a new phone on my expense report ;-)

just an idea to throw out there.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: flat8up on July 28, 2004, 08:15:41 AM
SW Florida area here... 158*115*5176

Always willing to help a fellow rider.  


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: rappycop03 on July 31, 2004, 03:03:26 AM
if any needs help around Lee County you can hit me up mine is on 24/7 like if u have trouble with the police i can usually pull some strings ;D mine is 159*52750*1 8)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Magnum330 on July 31, 2004, 05:29:34 AM
Just a thought maybe someone could make a list of names and numbers to print out so when their is a group ride they could be passed put the day of the ride. That way cell numbers could stay likda private. Plus new people that show up that day could have em and not have to back track this thread to get the nextel numbers the night befor.

Just a thought.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: KSCFIRE on July 31, 2004, 08:41:09 AM
I'm in central Brevard county. If anyone needs help I'm off 2 out of 3 days. PM me for my cell and direct connect #'s.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: ProEMTPFF on August 01, 2004, 05:22:32 AM
If anyone thinks they might need help in Canaveral Groves or 5A PM me for my number.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: dreth on August 01, 2004, 06:54:16 PM
i would first like to say that if you put your # on here for someone to use that means you would be willing to help someone if you are able to and that is a rareity in our world today. this is great, the response is just unbelievable. nextel has already saved me once and i never ride without it. i hit a jump and the bike ran over my knee and i was trapped under the bike i was able to call for help. i believe you get what you give and i love the movie PAY IT FORWARD so you can count me in 159*26*4421 my 2way.  

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: BlackBeast on August 02, 2004, 09:28:41 AM
This is a great idea, guys!
I don't have my Nextel anymore, but if I remember correctly there is a way to store all of the numbers under a single talk-group on your phone. That way if you're in trouble, you just select the one talk-group and your message will shoot out to everyone on the list. Much better than having to shout "Mayday!!!" a million times.

Someone should compile a list of all of these numbers so they're all in one place.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on August 18, 2004, 08:42:13 AM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: BigDog on August 18, 2004, 11:31:54 AM
The Dog is  158*30*23087

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on August 18, 2004, 11:49:18 AM
I made this topic a sticky so that it doesn't get lost in the old threads.Everyone with a Nextel should store these number under a group in your phone so that you have them in an emergency. This has already worked for a group of riders in Jasper that got stuck in a Lightning storm and had a terrible quad accident trying to escape the storm.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: joshintampa on August 18, 2004, 02:31:37 PM
Mine is 162*55740*23 and its always on!


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Qdawg76 on August 18, 2004, 03:32:45 PM
here is mine


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: bbf on August 20, 2004, 03:40:36 PM
here is my 159*37*13231

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: robo02cop on August 21, 2004, 08:03:40 AM
im in the clearwater area....mine is 161*182657*2

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Asphaltdragon on September 03, 2004, 07:43:31 PM
here is my numbers 159*37*24541

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: jjamesbar on September 07, 2004, 10:28:35 PM
mine is 904-361-8895 and 160*132476*21


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: GaryinSeffner on September 21, 2004, 06:40:21 PM
Hey guys I'm new to the board but I'll throw my number out there just in case!!

Gary 161*159393*1

I'm in Seffner just outside of's a big town with nowhere legal to ride. haha.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 2old2soon on October 05, 2004, 08:30:52 PM
I'm in Orlando.  If you are in need call me and I'll help.


Just tell me you got this from ATVFlorida so I know who you are.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Victim on October 18, 2004, 08:09:17 PM
I think it's a great idea! We are in Ocala 352-208-3246
and just a thought the Sheriffs dept in Ocala is 352-732-9111

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: inked4life87 on October 25, 2004, 06:07:32 PM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: GrizzlyBear on October 27, 2004, 11:12:28 AM
I live in Ocala and will be glad to help anyone with a problem.

My Nextel number is  162*177533*2 and the cell number is 352-895-3561


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: DSRIDER on November 20, 2004, 08:43:28 AM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: OrlandoPredator on December 01, 2004, 07:13:28 PM
Good idea....I'm in Leesburg (Central Florida...not far from Big Scrub)

Nextel:  160*26574*5

If I can't get there to help, I will at least call someone who can!!  Just let me know you are from ATVFlorida!!!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MoToXgUrL07 on December 20, 2004, 10:03:46 AM
I dont know if I will be much help but im a lil south of ocala in hernando....If you get lost any where around this area I can get you mine is 158*25*955 the woods are my back :)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: B-man on December 21, 2004, 11:55:45 AM
Here's mine 158*42649*20   Lots of nextel customers on here, I just hope their service gets better with the sprint merger  :-/, can't beat the DC though  ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Its_a_Jeep_thing on January 02, 2005, 04:25:43 PM
heres mine


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Taintedpaintworks on January 05, 2005, 06:49:49 PM
I'm in Jacksonville so in case anyone needs emergency Superbowl directions, Paintjobs or sticker replacements, feel free to call.

ok, ok, I suppose I could also come and drag your broken wrecked self out of the woods too... ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 400exRacer77 on January 05, 2005, 07:11:04 PM
it may not be of any help but heres mine just in case. 161*191619*15 ... hey motoxgurl ill be in hernando in like amonth so ill beep u one day and we can meet up and go ridin'.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MoToXgUrL07 on January 06, 2005, 07:26:05 PM
sounds good, just let me know.....I know some other guys want to too but just

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 400exRacer77 on January 07, 2005, 09:51:30 AM
aight i PM'd you.........

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on January 09, 2005, 05:46:05 AM
I just one and i love it 159*224927*14. hope to see yall at rodman

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on January 09, 2005, 05:53:06 AM
 i just got my new nextel and i love it expecially with the county discounts 10% yee-pee. my numbers are 305-989-0345 and direct connect 159*224927*14. im in the dade county area.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mudsplasher on January 09, 2005, 08:14:40 AM
 ;D ;D ;D

ok i have nextel too
here is mine
monroe county
mud  (sally)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mudsplasher on January 09, 2005, 08:23:17 AM
SALLY  (mud)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: T2 on January 09, 2005, 05:42:29 PM
SALLY  (mud)

Sounds Great!!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on January 10, 2005, 01:39:25 AM
Did you know that if you work for a government acency municipal,county,state or federal nextel will put you on a corporate account so that you can save some money. This also applies if you own your own bussiness. I got a great deal on my phone but you gotta shop around some indipendant dealers are willing to work with you. I got mine from Big-daddy and he couldnt have provided a better service. The guy is great !!! Recommended A1A guy. Ive gotten service in the Dade County Jail elevator where i work. this is unheard of with any other carrier.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on January 11, 2005, 07:01:04 AM
161*194081*11   i just got my nextel thought id post the  radio number  im in  pasco  tampa area  if you are rideing in the area  give me a shout im always up for a ride

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: jackinthebox23 on January 12, 2005, 10:26:38 AM
i just got my new nextel and i love it expecially with the county discounts 10% yee-pee. my numbers are 305-989-0345 and direct connect 159*224927*14. im in the dade county area.

I work for Dade county too CAOSPOP.  What dept you in?  I'm Miami-Dade Television

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on January 13, 2005, 05:44:25 AM
Jack I work in the county Jail

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mudsplasher on January 13, 2005, 03:46:13 PM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on January 13, 2005, 07:42:56 PM
damn Grizz, I am the Nextel guy, and the new name is Sprintel. Grizz is 100% correct both company have a lot to gain. Nextel will move from the 800 mhz Frequency to the new unused 1.9 GHz Frequency by the end to the year. also Nextel is using 6 to 1 technology that start this year, but only the i860 user are on it. all other phone are on the old 3 to 1 old system. what the different less drop calls and less bongs.

I have a Nextel partner meet in Orlando feb 16 to 18. And let you know whats up. DC 158*285*833  

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on January 14, 2005, 07:19:46 AM
The latest from Corporate:
> After meeting recently with a few of you, there seems to still be a
> few questions out there regarding the Sprint-Nextel merger. I will
> always do my best to keep you informed of any information that is made
> available to me as soon as I get it. Please share the below with all
> of your sales reps.
> Regarding Customer Inquiries: Please direct all customers to our
> website as there is a link at the top of the page to the
> formal announcement. Or they can visit
> Regarding Customer Migrations: Please inform your customers that we
> are not forcing any customers to move from Sprint to Nextel or Nextel
> to Sprint as a result of the announcement. If there are any sales reps
> out there that are telling (lying to) customers that they have to move
> from one to another due to one of the Network's going away, please get
> as much details as possible and forward to me so I can properly
> address it. Nextel and Sprint are still competitors until the merger
> is finalized so we are happy to win any business from them, but there
> is no forced migration in place.
> Regarding Network Technologies: Nextel recently renewed its iDEN
> network agreement with Motorola for another 3 years. We will still
> operate the iDEN network for quite some time. Look for Widen to launch
> in the next couple of months.
> Regarding Network Build-outs: Nextel is still fully committed to
> building and enhancing our iDEN network, including adding over 600 new
> sites in the state of Florida and thousands of BRs (Base Radios -
> channels that process calls) over the next 12 - 18 months. We have
> fully launched the 6:1 capability in Florida and we currently have
> almost 250,000 handsets that are 6:1 capable in Florida. This number
> should grow rapidly as we experience our normal gross adds and
> customer equipment upgrades.
> If you have any questions please feel free to contact me either by
> email or phone.
> I look forward to a great 2005 and continued success building the
> Nextel business in Southeast Florida.
> Thank you,
> A****** P******
> Sr. Sales Manager - Indirect Distribution

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Asphaltdragon on January 16, 2005, 07:25:13 PM
Chris  Direct Connect - 159*37*24541

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: high-jacked on January 23, 2005, 10:00:41 PM
Hey all, when I became a nurse I vowed to help when in need. When I became a man I got NEXTEL!!!!! call if you need to. 160*16527*2 ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on January 25, 2005, 07:06:33 AM
Sprint Nextel Merger: "Nextel Promise" Customer Letter; New i.n.c Resource Created A letter is being sent to all customers January 24 (except National and Alliance accounts) to address some of the questions customers may have regarding the proposed Sprint Nextel merger. To assure them that there is no better time to stay with and/or buy Nextel, the letter describes the "Nextel Promise:"
     *      "Your current Nextel phone, and any of the new, technologically advanced phones that we introduce this year, will continue to operate on our network for years to come. That means you can upgrade or add phones to your account with confidence.
     *      We will honor the terms of your Subscriber Agreement after Nextel and Sprint merge, and we will continue to offer a range of competitive voice and data plans for a variety of needs and budgets.
     *      Our unparalleled Direct Connect® walkie-talkie network will continue to expand, enabling our customers to connect coast-to-coast and country-to-country. Instantly."
Additionally, resources for Sales Reps/ARs are available on a NEW Sprint Nextel Merger Talking Points page <> on i.n.c, featuring a copy of the customer letter, a comprehensive FAQ and collateral that can be shared with customers. A hard copy of the collateral describing the Nextel Promise is being sent to all ARs in early February



O******* E. G******| South Florida| Sr. Indirect Account Executive|

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: supermansatv on January 25, 2005, 09:57:01 AM
Do you a a cost sheet for all the Nextel phones. My company is talking about up dating all of our Nextel phones. It would be nice to be able to have the cost of each model. Thanks for your help. [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: bud2928 on January 25, 2005, 04:16:37 PM
Nextels work pretty good out there? We have about 30 of us from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue coming up Feb 20 - 22. All of us have Nextels.

PS - Cool Site

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: The hyrbid kid on February 08, 2005, 08:27:21 PM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on February 10, 2005, 01:50:26 PM
Can someone ubdate the list of nextel numbers. About the talk group what do you want to call it ?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Z-Racer-5c on February 18, 2005, 08:12:11 AM
I know Lehigh pretty well and If I can't find you I have friends that can! 159*224391*22

It also will work for ridding in the area. I am always looking for more people to ride with! Just give me a BEEP BEEP!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: fire803 on February 24, 2005, 05:42:06 PM
I live on 452 approximately 5 minutes from Big Scrub and unfortunately because of my job I have my nextel on 24 hours a day so feel free to call if ya need help.  162*36*22577

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 02, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
check your phone to see if you are on the new 6 to 1 system. you must have a new phone (205 305 315 325 530 710 730 830 860) hit #*#321#*# you sould be in a screen that say primary intrcnct. hit ok, then you we see n6:1 int (on or off). if it off, hit on. if it doesnt change you have a software problem.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: bud2928 on March 02, 2005, 02:23:09 PM
What is the 6 in 1 system

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 02, 2005, 02:44:31 PM
The new iden system has more lines, less drop calls. old system was 3 to 1. one line is used for data on both system. 6 to 1 system give you 5 lines for calls. each lines hold millions of call at once. Florida is the only state to have it.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 02, 2005, 02:45:10 PM
 ;D plus 600 new towers biggest foot print in Florida

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on March 04, 2005, 05:29:19 AM
Hey Daddy is my phone on the new system let me know.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on March 04, 2005, 05:32:40 AM
 How about someone getting with the moderators to add a section of your profile accessable to "members Only" for contact information. A forum so members can put there info in and it stays in alphabetical order. Come onn i know we have computer genuises here.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 04, 2005, 09:22:51 AM
Hey Daddy is my phone on the new system let me know.

Manny read back a few post to find out how to check. but I know your phone is on the new system.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: apkkfx400 on March 09, 2005, 02:44:29 PM
I'm new to the website, but lovin' it-bought a kfx400
about 4months ago and live in Apopka-kindof close to
everywhere-here's my nextel dc#162*132165*1.

myself and usually 'bout 3-5 others ride out at sea world,
croom, onf depending on what kind of time we have-
but always looking to meet and ride with new people.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 17, 2005, 06:59:16 AM
New Plan:
National Business 1,000 Plan Promotion
Effective March 16 - May 31, a reduced price of $55 per month for 12 months (was $65) is available in the following markets: Alabama, Bay Area, Central Valley, Chattanooga, Colorado, Florida (Central, North, Southeast, Southwest and West), Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New England, Oklahoma, Oregon, Philadelphia, Utah and Washington.

The National Business 1,000 Plan includes:
1,000 Anytime Cellular minutes
Unlimited Direct Connect
Unlimited Weekends
200 Group Minutes
Long Distance, Caller ID and Voicemail included

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: lil_Mrs._Honda1 on March 17, 2005, 07:01:34 AM
I bought the i830 and the battery stinks i it!! after a few hours of being off the charger it drops to about 1/2 charged ! whats up with that !!????

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: KSCFIRE on March 17, 2005, 01:54:08 PM
Big Daddy, got the phones today and they're up and running. Thanks for the help and great service.  :D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 17, 2005, 04:59:34 PM
Thanks Paul, if you need anything give me a call. Glad to help Ricky

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 18, 2005, 04:33:13 AM
 That phone lot easy to use than your old one. The hard part is adding all your contact on the new phone ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 18, 2005, 04:49:24 AM
grizz, if you near the doral area I can transfer your contract at the shop. we are near the dolphin mall

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Aquiles on March 21, 2005, 03:25:08 PM
Call me for a tow, Call me for a ride. Its all good.

Nextel  159*37*19651


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: koh0001 on March 25, 2005, 08:36:15 PM
Palatka area... 158*28*20092 - [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] KOHLER

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on March 30, 2005, 07:30:46 AM
Nextel maintains iDEN not dead yet
Nextel Communications said it has no plans to abandon its iDEN platform as a result of the wireless carrier's pending $33.8 billion merger with Sprint, despite reports, rumors and conjecture to the contrary.
Since the merger was first announced in late 2004, many industry analysts have speculated that the combined company would dump iDEN — the standard over which Nextel's Direct Connect push-to-talk (P2T) service operates — in favor of Sprint's CDMA network, a move that would cast iDEN's continued viability in grave doubt. Nextel told Telephony that such fears are unfounded, at least for the foreseeable future.
“While we are keeping our options open in terms of long-term technology as we begin integration discussions with Sprint, we're very much in a growth mode with the iDEN technology,” said Nextel's senior vice president of marketing, Mark Schweitzer, who will serve as the chief marketing officer of Sprint Nextel once the merger passes legislative muster.
Schweitzer said Nextel plans to continue expanding iDEN's geographic footprint and enhancing existing group-calling features, moves buoyed by the rollout of iDEN capacity-enhancement technologies. In addition, the company is ordering handsets from iDEN's developer, Motorola, in numbers significantly greater than in 2004, and anticipates still larger orders for 2006. Such statements contradict published reports claiming Sprint would migrate all of Nextel's voice traffic to CDMA by 2008, which Schweitzer said is wholly inaccurate.
“As of 2008 we would have upwards of 20 million handsets on the iDEN network, and at that point in time, it is likely to be the pre-eminent push-to-talk offering,” he said. “A dynamic that exists in our customer base is that over 90% of our users use Direct Connect in a given month, and over two-thirds of conversation is Direct Connect conversation. It's a network that all hangs together. Economically, we will have invested so much in the iDEN network that there's no benefit to rapidly force customers off of it. A much higher proportion of new customers will be going on the Sprint network, but force-migrating minutes off the iDEN network won't make any sense.”
Since the Sprint/Nextel merger was officially announced in December, conventional wisdom has held that Sprint's CDMA network would emerge as the combined company's standard of choice. Speculation that Sprint Nextel would completely phase out the iDEN network reached a fever pitch earlier this month following Sprint's annual Investment Community Meeting, in which executives announced they would launch P2T services on the EV-DO Rev. A platform in 2008 (see chart).
“Before [2008], there's no way you're going to phase iDEN out — I'd say it will survive for another two to three years, minimum,” said Phil Cusick, a Bear Stearns analyst. “I would compare iDEN more to analog than anything else. It's going to be a smaller and smaller slice of spectrum you run it on, but it could be out there for another 10 years. I don't think it's going to be out there forever, but it could be five to 10 years before you turn this thing off.”
Regardless of the duration of Nextel's continued commitment to iDEN, Motorola appears destined to suffer from the fallout. While CDMA now boasts a 20% market share, the iDEN standard has languished by comparison, attracting few other suitors besides Nextel. Canada's Telus Mobility is another iDEN carrier and a roaming partner of Nextel, but Nextel alone generates 9% of sales and 13% of income for Motorola.
“There's only one customer in the world for iDEN, and that's Nextel,” said Iain Gillott, founder of iGillottResearch. “Motorola will tell you there's a lot of international business and other carriers, but when you look at the relative size of them next to Nextel, it's a single-carrier business.”
iDEN's immediate future seems assured. Late last year, Motorola announced an agreement with Nextel to continue supplying the carrier with iDEN products through the end of 2007. The agreement includes continued expansion and upgrades of base station and network equipment, as well as current and future iDEN phones for both Nextel and its Boost Mobile subsidiary. Motorola also announced plans to introduce new iDEN handsets in the next 12 months, among them models with so-called WiDEN technology that promises data rates up to four times faster than current iDEN devices.
But long term, the future's uncertain. “Motorola is the big loser here,” Gillott said. “If Nextel had migrated to CDMA on their own, then Motorola could have said, ‘We'll help you,’ and they would have gotten some CDMA business out of it. Now, the network's already built, and they're going to have to fight for handset market share. The only worse situation [for Motorola] would be if Nextel went bankrupt and ceased operations.”

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on April 08, 2005, 08:31:04 AM
That's a great idea! I am always out at Holy Lands... anyone that goes out there and wants my number, email me!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mudrat on April 13, 2005, 04:35:59 PM
Here is mine, We ride all over Central Florida on any givin weekend, Have large Trailer and plenty of room/tools, ect.


Great Idea!!!!!!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: brett711 on April 24, 2005, 02:00:44 PM
yamaha660bsr here in plantation, if you need help, here is my dc number..

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: qt314nfla on April 29, 2005, 01:51:47 AM
Got another number to add to the list.  161*195037*13  I'm in Sarasota but I ride all over.  Ya never know when I'll be around for help.  I always have a GPS if I'm out and am able to punch in your location if you can give me coordinates to come help, find you, or call for help.

Question Big Daddy...I have an i730 and I have no idea how to put some of the other numbers into a group.  Could you help me w/ this?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on April 29, 2005, 07:47:44 AM
Got another number to add to the list.  161*195037*13  I'm in Sarasota but I ride all over.  Ya never know when I'll be around for help.  I always have a GPS if I'm out and am able to punch in your location if you can give me coordinates to come help, find you, or call for help.

Question Big Daddy...I have an i730 and I have no idea how to put some of the other numbers into a group.  Could you help me w/ this?

hey girl, you can store 600 contracts but not in groups. you can have group on D/C for a extra monthly cost. if you want to have groups on the contract you need a blackberry. Sorry

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Asphaltdragon on April 29, 2005, 04:15:34 PM
It would be awesome to have a "distress" group. Let's say you get into serious trouble, hit the group d/c and transmit a message to all the atvflorida members!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on April 29, 2005, 04:19:29 PM
very expense d/c group call..

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: qt314nfla on April 29, 2005, 08:50:48 PM

hey girl, you can store 600 contracts but not in groups. you can have group on D/C for a extra monthly cost. if you want to have groups on the contract you need a blackberry. Sorry

Thanks for the info.  Next question, do we have an up to date list of the current DC numbers?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on April 30, 2005, 07:15:25 PM
maybe since I started this, I'll grab and combine all the numbers.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Reefer650 on May 04, 2005, 06:37:19 PM
*If anyone needs help I know Holey lands pretty well


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: qt314nfla on May 04, 2005, 07:32:39 PM
maybe since I started this, I'll grab and combine all the numbers.


Ida that'd be great thanks so much in advance.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on May 05, 2005, 06:42:27 AM
maybe since I started this, I'll grab and combine all the numbers.


Ata Boy. Allways on the GO !!! Thats because ID@ MAN !!!
Just Because.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on May 05, 2005, 07:26:56 AM
big-daddy, i need a plan that has about 600 anytime minutes, nights and weekends, long distance, nwdc, and enhanced data service. right now im paying $75 plus trimble outdoor w/o data and telenav before taxes so its like $100, any plans out there that include nwdc or enhanced data(just use it to send pics and for the data service for telenav) anyway to get it down lower?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 01:25:36 PM
Bigscrb15, call me 158*285*833 or fax copy of your bill to 305-884-1985.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 01:34:16 PM
new phones just came out this week. i265 color screen, i275 camera phone for $99.99 and the i355 color screen with direct Talk. For those that doesnt know what direct talk is. direct talk bypass the network and talk from radio to another direct talk radio off the system. some great goverment prices 10 to 15 units for $39.99 a unit for the i355 also for the i710. 10 to 15 units for $86.99 a unit for the i830. for all you Rangers on the site.  ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on May 05, 2005, 04:35:45 PM
new phones just came out this week. i265 color screen, i275 camera phone for $99.99 and the i355 color screen with direct Talk. For those that doesnt know what direct talk is. direct talk bypass the network and talk from radio to another direct talk radio off the system. some great goverment prices 10 to 15 units for $39.99 a unit for the i355 also for the i710. 10 to 15 units for $86.99 a unit for the i830. for all you Rangers on the site.  ;D

Ricky post some pics of the new phones

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 05:35:36 PM

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 05:36:20 PM
i275 camera phone

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 05:36:54 PM
i355 direct talk

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 05:37:20 PM
i605 bluetooth

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 05, 2005, 05:38:00 PM
still no i930  :-/

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: bigscrub79 on May 06, 2005, 10:04:15 AM
Big-daddy what phone do you recommend to get. Do any of them get better reception than others? And if anyone needs my DC# 161*35*35913. I am in winter haven and dont know many areas that well but if you can give me directions ill come try to help.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 07, 2005, 07:39:26 AM
bigscrub79, any phone that has the new 6-1 system. Hit #*#321#*# hit ok and see if the 6-1 is on. if its off hit the button to turn it on. if it doesnt turn on. it has a software issue. I like the i305 and the new i355 for riding, its rain proof.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: racemanfl on May 07, 2005, 09:24:57 AM
Mine wont change to 6-1????

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 11, 2005, 07:54:17 AM
Raceman if you have a service contract, take it in for service.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: racemanfl on May 11, 2005, 09:15:27 AM
Yes I do will take it in Thanks

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 16, 2005, 09:03:48 AM
Up dated list;
IDA_MANN) 158*42664*12  ORLANDO                                    
HOLESHOT36) 162*58757*4     ALTOONA      
GRIZZ)954-275-0180)158*21*2715 DAVIE  
MRSNIGHTBREED162*150355*3  APOPKA                  
BIGWILLY159*5027*487   DAVIE                                  
CHUCK_NORRIS160*20559*1  BRYCEVILLE                           BIGWORM3699158*793*145    MIDDLEBURG                        
MICHELLE(321-624-2379)162*27*14112KVILL KK’VILLE
RAPPYCOP03)159*52750*1  FTMYERS
DRETH159*26*4421    FT PIERCE                                .                                      
JJAMESBAR(904-361-8895)160*132476*21  JACKSONVILLE                      
2OLD2SOON 162*315561*1   ORLANDO                            
JOSHINTAMPA162*55740*23   TAMPA                                                          
CAOSPOP 159*224927*14  MIAMI(3059890345)
INKED4LIFE87 158*87*535  WESTON
VICTIM(352)2083246   OCALA
DSRIDER159*218937*2  MIAMI
BIGDOG 158*30*23087    FTPIERCE
B-MAN  158*42649*20     OCALA
GOTAHEMI2004 161*194081*11PASCO TAMPA
GARYINSEFFNER 161*159393*1
BIG-DADDY 158*285*833 MIAMI
jmpnkfx400 162*132165*1 Apopka
Aquiles 159*37*19651
koh0001 158*28*20092 Palatka
mudrat 158*23*4121
yamaha660bsr 159*5033*333 plantation
QT314Nfla 161*195037*13 Sarasota
Reefer650 159*203200*2
bigscrub79 161*35*35913
DA_MTG_MAN 159*5024*84

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 16, 2005, 09:06:11 AM
The ferrari phone i836

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on May 16, 2005, 10:03:43 AM
thanks Big-Daddy, youda man, I just got back to this and thought I'd work on the list this morning,,,,then I see this  ::)


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 17, 2005, 09:19:03 AM
Ida_Mann, just trying to stay on top of the forum. The new i930 running into delays, software issues.  :-/

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on May 21, 2005, 04:35:40 PM



Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on May 21, 2005, 04:39:46 PM
bigscrub79, any phone that has the new 6-1 system. Hit #*#321#*# hit ok and see if the 6-1 is on. if its off hit the button to turn it on. if it doesnt turn on. it has a software issue. I like the i305 and the new i355 for riding, its rain proof.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 21, 2005, 05:33:41 PM
only the 7520

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on May 21, 2005, 06:14:06 PM
10-4 mine is a 7510. what would i gain by getting the 6-1???

  why arent you @ rr???

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on May 24, 2005, 08:41:05 AM
Latest news on the i930. My inside source just got back from a trip to a Nextel high level confrence. He personally had the "NEW" i930 in his hand and actually used one. He said that the phone is silver and black and will be out in October this year. He said the i930 looks a bit different than the previous pictures and betas that were out. But again, he says they are dropping in October this year. I will talk to him more today and find out exactly what features are actually on the phone.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 02, 2005, 08:45:49 AM
Battery Life:
Nextel's network is continually being updated to provide our customers with the latest efficiencies in battery capacity and performance. Customers will now see an additional 35% standby time improvement in their GPS-Enabled phone's battery life, thanks to Network System Release 11.0! If your customers use one of the phone models listed below, they may have already noticed the difference!
Network System Release 11.0 was completed over-the-air and was completely transparent to the user
Check out the charts below to see which handsets benefit from this latest update...
Standard Lithium Ion
Kit # SNN5705
Phone       OLD SBT       NEW SBT
i860       65 hrs.       90 hrs.
i736       75 hrs.       101 hrs.
i730       75 hrs.       101 hrs.
i710       75 hrs.       101 hrs.
i88s       75 hrs.       101 hrs.
i205       75 hrs.       101 hrs.
i530       75 hrs.       101 hrs.

Slim Lithium Ion
Kit # NNTN4930
Phone       OLD SBT       NEW SBT
i830       60 hrs.       81 hrs.

High Capacity Lithium Ion
Kit # NNTN4655
Phone       OLD SBT       NEW SBT
i325       135 hrs.       180 hrs.
i315       145 hrs.       195 hrs.
i58sr       125 hrs.       169 hrs.

Extra Cap. Lithium Ion
Kit # SNN5706
Phone       OLD SBT       NEW SBT
i305       90 hrs.       121 hrs.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: spacerider on June 05, 2005, 12:47:13 PM
We ride in ONF and soon starting to ride in Croom soon - If anyone needs my Nextel Number just let me know

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: susieblazer on June 05, 2005, 02:27:46 PM
We ride in ONF and soon starting to ride in Croom soon - If anyone needs my Nextel Number just let me know


              I already have that!!! heehee

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 13, 2005, 02:17:17 PM
just got my new i930 camera phone... ;D I will be testing the phone for Motorola for the this few weeks.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 13, 2005, 02:28:13 PM
just got my new i930 camera phone... ;D I will be testing the phone for Motorola for the this few weeks.

I was almost positive they would scrap that project, I have been seeing the alpha versions for over a year and the technology they are using is getting older and older as they push back the release date. I hope they have added new features that will allow the phone to compete with other carriers.

does the phone still look like this? i imagine it does because I was reading the manual to this phone and the drawings look like this


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 13, 2005, 04:52:21 PM
I have the beta version phone. it changed, smaller and silver in color. Software working good so far. I cant show the phone over the internet, but if you come to my camp on the 25 you will see it.  ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 13, 2005, 05:08:42 PM
ok i will pick it up on the 25th, i will bring it back to you the week of the 11th. i need the gsm capabilities in the caribbean:) that will save me some money. lol, j.k

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: racemanfl on June 13, 2005, 05:59:05 PM
Big daddy I just got the i275 and the battery life is terrible, will the larger battery make a big difference in usage?? mine is dead by 10:00 or 11:00 am, I had the i305 before and at least could get by till 3 or4 in the afternoon  Thanks Jerry

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 13, 2005, 08:09:14 PM
yes, it will double.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: racemanfl on June 13, 2005, 08:57:18 PM
Thanks will try

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 15, 2005, 10:13:50 AM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 22, 2005, 11:14:34 AM
new phone i850 with camera and direct talk 128 sim card (black)

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Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 22, 2005, 11:15:39 AM
i560 replacing the i530.. caller id outside

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Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 22, 2005, 11:18:43 AM
i760 replacing the i730... By the way the worst phone that Motorola have ever put out! Bye, bye i730....

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 22, 2005, 11:25:53 AM
$50.00 back to use anyway you
choose on every NEW Nextel activation on top of all other savings*
FREE car charger and ear bud on all upgrades and new lines.

* on new activations only, please call 305-884-1795 for full details

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on June 29, 2005, 10:13:11 AM
Combined Sprint Nextel to be called Sprint
Nextel name dropped except as product brand

Jun 23, 2005
Sprint Corp. and Nextel Communications Inc. unveiled the planned branding efforts and a new logo to be used following Sprint's pending acquisition of Nextel, which is expected to be completed during the third quarter of this year.
The new company, which to this point has been referred to as Sprint Nextel Corp., will be known as Sprint, with the Nextel name continuing as a product brand.
"The companies are in the enviable position of possessing two incredibly valuable brands with overwhelming positive and powerful equity in the marketplace," said Mark Schweitzer, senior vice president of marketing for Nextel and designated chief marketing officer for the new Sprint. "Our brand strategy and logo will integrate the most valuable assets of each company's identity."
Along with Sprint shareholders maintaining a majority interest in the new Sprint, the branding change solidifies Sprint's position as the acquiring company in the transaction despite both companies still referring to the deal as a merger.
Sprint cited the broad market appeal and history of its brand name in choosing to move ahead with Sprint as the "lead go-to-market brand name for the new company."
"The Sprint name, brand attributes and the sentiment they evoke in minds of consumers are relevant today and provide a great foundation for the future," Schweitzer explained.
The Nextel name will continue as a brand within the Sprint service portfolio for services provided on Nextel's iDEN network-including its Direct Connect walkie-talkie service-and for services geared toward selected businesses, public-sector customers and "high-value individuals who have proven to be avid users of Nextel services."
Nextel's influence in the new operations will be more prominent in the new logo, which will incorporate Nextel's yellow and black colors with the Sprint name and a new tagline that reads "Together with Nextel." In advertising featuring Nextel products and services in the combined company's markets, the Nextel name will be prominent with the "Together with Sprint" tagline.
Sprint also said that the new company will remain committed to Nextel's sponsorship of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series, which will retain its current series branding through 2006. A decision regarding the series name and branding beyond next season is expected to be made prior to the series season opener in 2006.

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Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on July 06, 2005, 09:56:30 AM
New Plan; Nextel to Nextel Phone

Subject:  Nextel Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option
   Date:  07/01/05
To:    All Nextel Direct Sales and Authorized Representatives in Baltimore/Washington (excludes Southern VA), Colorado/Utah, and Florida (Southeast FL, West FL, Southwest FL, Central FL, and North FL)   NHQ-RP-04-0136
What’s New – Now extended through July 31, 2005!

Nextel Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option! Now customers can choose to have a fully integrated communication tool just by adding unlimited mobile-to-mobile minutes onto their existing rate plan* for just $10 per month.  Nextel offers more ways to stay in touch anytime or anyway with those important to you.  With the Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option, customers get to talk anytime, anywhere without using their anytime cellular minutes.  Customers can buy-up Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile on the following Nationally available rate plans only:

o   Free Incoming Plans
o   Free Incoming Plus Plans
o   National Power Plans
o   National Shared Minute Plans
o   National Value Plans
o   Local Instant Connect Plans
o   NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series 500 Plan

Talk all you want with Nextel.
Nextel’s Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option offers a hassel-free value to those customers whose professional or personal life requires that they stay connected, all while minimizing unexpected overage charges.  No longer will customers have to worry about changing rate plans when their calling habits change.  Just add on the Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option and you’re done.  Unlimited mobile-to-mobile minutes lets you talk as long as you like with other Nextel customers•! 

Please Note:  The Buy-Up Option does not change the underlying attributes of a customer’s rate plan.  Therefore, if a customer purchases a plan that includes long distance then there will be no additional charges for long distance while using the Mobile-to-Mobile feature. 

If the customer’s plan does not include long distance (i.e. Local Instant Connect Plans and NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series 500 Plan), then the customer will be charged our standard $0.20/minute for each long distance Mobile-to-Mobile call but will not be charged for cellular minutes. 

* Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option is not available with National Team Share, National Business, National 1,000, BlackBerry or Corporate and Government Local Shared Plans.
 Offer valid on calls made while in the U.S. and Hawaii on the Nextel National Network.
• Nextel Partner and Boost customers

For just $10 more per month added to their rate plan, customers who value or have a need for constant contact with other Nextel customers can Buy-Up Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile minutes!

Business Rules
•   All customers and prospects in select markets on a nationally available price plan, excluding National Team Share, National Business, National 1,000, BlackBerry and the Corporate or Government Local Shared plans, are eligible for Nextel’s new Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option.  If a customer on an ineligible rate plan wants the Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option, they must migrate to one of the eligible Nationally available price plans (see overview) to take advantage of this offer.
•   Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Buy-Up Option cannot be added to Alternate Line Plans.

Included Minutes & Sharing
•   Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile minutes are used before any other plan or period specific (i.e. Night and Weekend) minutes.
•   Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile minutes do not share.
•   Nights are defined as Monday – Friday from 9:00 PM – 7:00 AM.  Weekends are defined as Friday 9:00 PM – Monday 7:00 AM.  A call that begins during a non-Night or Weekend period and continues through a Night or Weekend period will receive a split rate for billing purposes.  For example, if a customer begins a local call at 8:58 PM and ends the call at 9:05 PM, the first 2 minutes will be rated against their cellular bucket and the last 5 minutes will be rated against their Night & Weekend bucket.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on July 11, 2005, 05:56:14 PM
the owner Manual for the i930

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Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: CAOSPOP on July 11, 2005, 07:19:34 PM
Engish please.  ::) :P

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on July 25, 2005, 10:30:21 AM
Direct Talk
Direct Talk is the all-digital off-network walkie-talkie service integrated into Nextel phones that works anywhere, anytime between compatible phones within a range of up to 6 miles under. Terrain, weather, foliage and man-made structures (such as buildings), among other things, may impact range availability. In-building usage may significantly reduce Direct Talk range. Direct Talk operates on the 900 MHz ISM public frequency and provides group and private walkie-talkie capability. To use the off-network walkie-talkie, customers switch into Direct Talk mode and can not access any of their network-based services, including cellular, Direct Connect, and Web and Messaging services while in that mode.Because Direct Talk does not rely on the Nextel Network, it is valuable during emergencies when landlines and cellular networks may be busy or down. Direct Talk is included with the purchase of every i315 and i325 phone and is now available on the Motorola i275 and i355 (more phones to come). No provisioning or monthly fees required

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on July 25, 2005, 01:25:47 PM
Direct Talk
Direct Talk is the all-digital off-network walkie-talkie service integrated into Nextel phones that works anywhere, anytime between compatible phones within a range of up to 6 miles under. Terrain, weather, foliage and man-made structures (such as buildings), among other things, may impact range availability. In-building usage may significantly reduce Direct Talk range. Direct Talk operates on the 900 MHz ISM public frequency and provides group and private walkie-talkie capability. To use the off-network walkie-talkie, customers switch into Direct Talk mode and can not access any of their network-based services, including cellular, Direct Connect, and Web and Messaging services while in that mode.Because Direct Talk does not rely on the Nextel Network, it is valuable during emergencies when landlines and cellular networks may be busy or down. Direct Talk is included with the purchase of every i315 and i325 phone and is now available on the Motorola i275 and i355 (more phones to come). No provisioning or monthly fees required

Call your Nextel rep and see if he wants to hand these phones out at the next group ride! Ill take one

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on July 25, 2005, 05:17:22 PM
i 870 new phone coming out in a few month. (sorry no pictures)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on July 26, 2005, 03:44:49 PM
I am sure you have some sort of confidentiality clause in your contract with nextel so I will be the bad guy and post info, lol.


Clam Form Factor
Tavernier/i605 and Qwest/i860 features
176 x 220 (2.2” Diagonal) Active Internal Color Display
96 x 65 External Color Display
1.3 Mega Pixel Camera with Spotlight and Dedicated Button
MP3 Player with Dedicated Buttons
Additional Memory Option
Integrated Bluetooth
7.x Browser
DRM 1.5
Enhanced Selective Dynamic Group Call (SDGC)

I also think there is an i890 coming out with WiFi capabilities


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: froggy0501 on July 27, 2005, 04:15:26 PM
My family and I are new to this atv stuff - however we are having a blast. I think this is the best thing I have ever seen (nextel ID #'s) on any of the forums I have read. This is a great idea. I would be willing to comply the list if anyone would like. It's great to know there are still good people out there.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on July 29, 2005, 07:29:12 AM
froggy0501, post the number I was going update the list next week.

Bigscrb15  ;D

1.3 Mega Pixel Camera alot better than i860

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 04, 2005, 09:41:50 AM
System Reset this weekend:

I wanted to give you a heads-up that our engineering department will be performing a frequency retune for all of the SEFL market this Friday night 8/5/05.  The areas that will be retuned are from Monroe county to Indian River county across to Okeechobee.

Retunes are a very necessary part of being able to add sites and BRs (channels) to existing sites to optimize the maximum reuse of our frequencies.

In the past, these have mostly been very smooth and transparent to our customers. When we have had ones that did not go smoothly, our engineering team has worked diligently to fix any issues immediately after. They employ additional drive-testers during these retunes to drive all of the affected areas to test network performance to ensure success. I will send whatever update I get Monday morning.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 05greengriz on August 08, 2005, 09:11:59 AM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 08, 2005, 10:49:08 AM

Site Name: North Kendall
On Air Date: 8/1/2005
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new site to the SEFL area, which came on air on 08/01/2005. The site is located at 7410 SW 72nd St, Miami FL 33143 Lat. 25.70, Lon. -80.31; coverage extends N to SW 64th St, S to SW 80th , E to SW 70th Ave and W to SW 87th Ave.
Site Address: 7410 SW 72nd St, Miami, FL 33143  Site Type: Capacity

Site Name: South Brickell
On Air Date: 7/31/2005
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new site to the SEFL area, which came on air on 07/31/2005. The site is located at 2250 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129 Lat. 25.75, Lon. -80.20; coverage extends N to SW 15th Rd, S to SW 26th Rd, E to Brickell Ave and W to SW 9th Ave.
Site Address: 2250 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129  Site Type: Capacity

Site Name: South Palm Beach
On Air Date: 7/29/2005
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new site to the SEFL Market area, which came on air 07-29-2005. The site is located at 26 - 39 - 56.52N and 80 - 4 - 19.38 W; coverage extends N to Southern Blvd, S to Forrest Hill Blvd, E to Park Ave and W to Florida Mango Rd. Site Address: 2002 Summit Blvd, Glen Ridge, FL 33406  Site Type: Capacity

Site Name: Langford Park
On Air Date: 7/30/2005
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new site to the Southeast Florida area, which came on air 7/30/05. The site is located at 27.22611 -80.23722 in Jensen Beach, FL at the intersection of Industrial Blvd. and Savannah Road. Coverage extends N to Jensen Beach Blvd., S to the Inlet, E to Indian River Drive and W nearly to US-1. Site Address: 1105 NE Industrial Blvd., Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Site Type: Capacity

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on August 11, 2005, 04:22:22 PM
I know L Cross/ Okeechobee Woods well.... Always at River Ranch.... Anyone ever needs a hand : 159*219695*1  (Just say )

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 11, 2005, 07:21:25 PM
its official 8-15-05 Sprint and Nextel together

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on August 12, 2005, 07:30:30 AM
does anyone know where i can buy the 560 in yellow ????

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 12, 2005, 04:33:56 PM
With or without a contract? new Lines only

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 15, 2005, 10:46:22 AM
August 12, 2005

Dear Authorized Representative Principal:

As of today, Sprint and Nextel have now officially merged into the Sprint Nextel Corporation. I want to personally welcome you to our new organization!   There is celebration in the air at the new Sprint Nextel Corporation, not to mention the incredible anticipation that comes with knowing what we are now capable of achieving in the marketplace when we go to market as the new Sprint.  Until the new Sprint goes to market, keep doing what you are doing now.

This is an exciting time not only for our company, but also for our distribution partners, and you will soon learn more about the advantages you can expect to see as a result of Sprint and Nextel joining forces to deliver superior wireless capabilities.  We are eager to get started.

As many of you know, I have most recently served as Vice President of Indirect for Nextel, and it is a role I will continue as a member of the new Sprint Consumer Sales executive team.  I look forward to exploring how we can most effectively leverage the new Sprint advantages for our customers – and for your business. 

Over the next few weeks, your Indirect Account Teams will be contacting you to present a contract addendum that will enable you to participate in the full product offering of the combined companies.  Additionally, your teams will receive a merger “Playbook” that will serve as a road map to what’s changing and what’s staying the same, in terms of how we’ll engage with you as the Sprint-Nextel Corporation.

In preparation for our launch to market, we have created several tools and resources to guide you over the next few months.  You will receive information regarding the “cross-product” offering that will be available for your business to sell.  You will also receive information on the new co-op program, brand and signage guidelines for the new company. 
Your Indirect Account Teams will also be working with you, as usual, to ensure your team is trained and ready to serve customers when we go to market as the new Sprint in a few weeks.  If you have any questions, concerns or needs, please contact your pre-merger Sprint or Nextel team.  As always, they are ready to provide whatever support you need.

I’ll be in touch again soon to share perspective on what we expect the coming weeks and months will bring.  Again, welcome to the new Sprint.  We couldn’t be more proud of our collective achievements with you as our valued partner.  And we’ve only just begun!

Best regards,
Keith Schneider
Vice President, Indirect Distribution

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 16, 2005, 04:25:45 PM
Looks like Nextel is dropping the name to Sprint...  :o  No more Nextel

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: qt314nfla on August 16, 2005, 06:00:41 PM
Does this mean we need new phones?  And if so are they going to be providing them for us at a comparable phone to what we have?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on August 17, 2005, 01:38:54 PM
QT, I started a thread on the merger.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: fordracing99 on September 01, 2005, 12:58:44 AM






Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 09, 2005, 10:50:45 AM
Sprint and Nextel at work.... No other wireless goes this far to help ;)

Thanks to the efforts of teams to successfully re-route customer circuits around New Orleans, all long distance services have been restored to normal for Sprint local telephone customers in the Florida panhandle.  Work continues in the effort to restore Internet access for corporate customers in North Florida.

Supporting our customers

For the thousands of our customers who have been impacted by Katrina, we have waived charges for long distance, text messaging, roaming and overages.  And as our retail stores re-open, customers will be able to stop in to make essential wireless calls at no charge.

Demand for support from our ERT is so extensive that nearly all their available equipment is in the field. This includes 4,000 phones equipped with the "Direct Talk" feature, allowing emergency personnel to communicate without having to access the iDEN network. Additionally, we have set up a large air-conditioned tent in Gulfport, Mississippi, where we are serving public safety responders up to 3,000 meals a day, for the next two weeks.

Helping our communities

We continue to receive hundreds of inquiries from concerned employees who want to know what they can do to help. You can send your own questions and suggestions to, or find out more in the special "Hurricane Katrina Coverage" link on i-Connect. In the coming weeks, we will expand our recovery assistance beyond Sprint City and the American Red Cross. We will continue to keep you informed via i-Connect.

Sprint employees around the nation have responded to calls for assistance. As of yesterday, employee donations to the Red Cross have passed $100,000, and Sprint has matched these contributions and contributed an additional $250,000 to disaster relief. I invite you to contribute if you haven't already.  We also will host a previously scheduled event to benefit the Red Cross in the Washington, DC, area next week.  In addition, we know that many of you are involved in individual efforts in your communities, and that work is a vital part of the recovery effort.

We are using our new NFL sponsorship to encourage further support for the Red Cross.  Instead of running Sprint commercials during the kickoff game September 8 on ABC, we will run spots featuring NFL players inviting fans to donate to the Red Cross.  This is one more example of how we can leverage our brand in serving this important cause.

Lastly, Sprint is stepping up our community involvement by working with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to reunite lost children with their families.  Previously, Nextel was a longtime partner of the Center, using wireless technology to help locate missing children around the country.  In Katrina's wake, we are supporting the investigators of Team ADAM from the National Center to reunite families that were separated during the evacuations from the region.

All of our work responding to this disaster have been communicated externally via a press release that went out to the wires yesterday afternoon.  This disaster is heartbreaking.  Your support -- whether it's through a donation or through your efforts in the field -- is making a difference.   

Gary Forsee

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 09, 2005, 11:39:46 AM
b. diddy, have you heard anymore on the i870? I am now hearing jan/feb of 2006 release. do you know about the 930 release date?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 09, 2005, 01:50:52 PM
12 new phone on the 4 qtr of this year. FCC approved both i930 and i870 two month ago. I'm get the i870 what do you what?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 09, 2005, 01:51:50 PM
i870 the day it comes out, let me know

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 09, 2005, 07:50:10 PM
will do

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 10, 2005, 10:35:44 PM






I could be wrong, but if I am not mistaken the ERR/CHANNEL does not allow better service all it does is tells you what channel your on(control, talk, data) and what vocoder your using. and what split side of the vocoder ur using. I don't think it allows you to access emergency channels. I beleive you have to have a public sector account to get the phones with the emergency talk group that will allow you to get through on tied up networks.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 11, 2005, 08:54:07 AM
That guy was full of it. Err channel is error channel to help tech fix your phone.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 21, 2005, 01:02:42 PM

The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina has generated an unprecedented response from relief organizations, government agencies and businesses that operate in the region.

The job of re-establishing Sprint’s wireless and long-distance service in the area, as well as supporting emergency workers and other customers, is expected to continue for some time. The task is big, and it requires a big base of operations for support.

Welcome to Sprint City, a command center and rally point in Baton Rouge, La., approximately 80 miles up the road from the hard-hit city of New Orleans. Sprint City is the staging area for the hundreds of Sprint employees and vehicles that provide assistance to the area. It’s the jumping off point for the deployment of our Mobile Command Center, our Emergency Response Team (ERT) fleet, SatCOLTS (or satellite cells on light trucks), a Network and Sales RV, Mobile Service and Repair unit and lots of other people power and equipment.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on September 26, 2005, 05:51:20 PM
yeah you can see the FCC approval for the i930 on their website.... no idea why it wasnt released already...  it was rumored for Q4 2004, notice keyword "rumor".


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 26, 2005, 06:37:56 PM
just before christmas  ;) Look for the i870 this going to be better than the i930

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 26, 2005, 08:23:21 PM
I still think they need to scrap the 930, who wants a smart phone without bluetooth? It took too long to develop and now its out of date. There is a new Blackberry coming out the 7100i, can work on both networks(nextel & sprint). I would get it if it had camera. They have not released any other info that I know of but it is on VAD. Can you verify it is still there big daddy? This is the one picture I got from someone.

Also on FDT it has price for the  7100i and i930
7100i SRP of $349.99 ( no contract price) so you will get it for $199.99 with a 2 year contract. Thats if there is no rebate on it.
i930 is going have an SRP of $499.99 so $349.99 w/ 2 yr contract.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 29, 2005, 11:33:28 AM
The i930 is going to be out soon, very very soon. Next couple days. Here is some info on it.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on September 29, 2005, 11:45:41 AM
Ok I know that I got my i850 right when it came out, which was only a couple months ago..... but I want the i930!!! hey BD will that phone still drop my calls? lol  :D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on September 29, 2005, 11:53:14 AM
I have found the i830 to be very reliable and doesn't drop my calls.

just FYI,,,,I don't care about the latest and greatest stuff ;-)


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on September 29, 2005, 11:56:24 AM
I used to not care about the latest things but I seem to have problems with all the phones I get, in the areas I go. And I have the newest flip phone and I am still getting dropped calls and no service in my house! I just think it is the area I am in.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 29, 2005, 12:06:55 PM
I am waiting for the i870 maybe. I might go with the i930 for the GSM so it works when I am outside of us/canada.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: gery350 on September 29, 2005, 12:20:03 PM
im hijacking!

;D ;Dcingular!!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 29, 2005, 01:01:45 PM
dang Cubans and there hijacking ;)

I wanted to bring you the latest on the Network in Southeast Florida. Attached is a list of new sites that are scheduled to come on air within the next 90 days. We also have a new Regional VP of Engineering that has been fully brought up to speed on what is happening in Florida. He is currently evaluating a few options and believes that we can get some capacity relief fairly soon through some initiatives other than just building more sites. I will provide the details as soon as they are made available.

1   FL-3568 - C   Southern Blvd / Turnpike   CAP   9/2/2005
2   FL-3593 - A   Fellsmere   CAP   9/9/2005
3   FL-0801 - A   Triangle Park II   CAP   9/16/2005
4   FL057Z   DT Vero Beach II  FL4591   COW   9/21/2005
5   FL-4831 - B   Ludlam & SR 986   CAP   9/21/2005
6   FL044Z   Kentucky Club  FL6596   COW   9/23/2005
7   FL-528V   Miami VA Hospital   CNS   9/25/2005
8   FL-3609 - A   Wynmoor GC  SOW   COW   9/26/2005
9   FL-040Z   Sawgrass Arena - SEFL1699#2   COW   9/28/2005
10   FL-3678 - C   West Parkland   CAP   9/30/2005
11   FL-3880 - A   Turnpike & 41st   CAP   9/30/2005
12   FL-4585 - A   Hidden Pines   CAP   9/30/2005
1   FL-0808 - A   North Venetian   CAP   10/15/2005
2   FL-4839 - A   Coco Plum   CAP   10/17/2005
3   FL-0890 - A   South Miami Springs   CAP   10/21/2005

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 29, 2005, 01:08:48 PM
Cody, I'm with you on the i870 and if you need a GSM phone I have loaner phones that you can use for free ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on September 29, 2005, 01:35:37 PM
None of those sites will help me... but it may help others get off the ones close to me.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: gery350 on September 29, 2005, 02:09:07 PM
dang Cubans and there hijacking ;)

we dont hijack-we smuggle!
 cmon you know better BD. ;D ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 29, 2005, 03:17:56 PM
the one on Southern Blvd / Turnpike is a big site

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 29, 2005, 04:46:05 PM
cool, then im definitely gonna wait for the i870. I hope its soon, im gettin sick of this brick, lol. Although I did take this i355 throw as high in the air as I could while it was on and let it hit the concrete and the battery door didnt even come off or lose power. its a tough phone.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on September 30, 2005, 01:19:42 PM
Ok BD I am going to scream if I have another dropped call! You said my phone is on the new tech, shouldn't it act like it?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on September 30, 2005, 07:35:29 PM
but you didnt buy it from me  ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 03, 2005, 08:14:23 AM
but you didnt buy it from me  ;)

Next time I will!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 03, 2005, 02:29:23 PM
j/k girl. bring it by the shop I'll look at for you. N/C  ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 03, 2005, 02:53:19 PM
This weekend it has started making airplane like noises in the middle of ringing. When I call someone it will ring and than make an airplane engine noise for a few seconds and than ring again. It doesn't do it everytime, but it is the weirdest thing. Anyone else having this problem?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 03, 2005, 04:27:30 PM
my shop in the doral area, off the turnpike. is it 30 days old?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 03, 2005, 04:30:15 PM
Yes it is more than 30 days..... But just barely! When are you open?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 05, 2005, 06:07:05 PM
mon to fri from 8:00am to 6:00pm and sat from 10:00am to 5:00pm call me first ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 05, 2005, 10:00:21 PM
i930 should be out tomorrow, its so tempting to break down and buy it. i will decide tomorrow what im gonna do, lol.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 07, 2005, 06:21:15 PM
Got one today... Takes a long time to start up and bigger than the i860. camera same as the i860(very poor) they went on backorder today too

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 07, 2005, 06:49:11 PM
im suprised the i930 is still VGA camera... i thought it was suppost to be 1.3mp or something.  no need for me personally to upgrade from the i860 if the camera is the same. :-\


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 07, 2005, 07:03:54 PM
wait for the i870 phone... few more weeks

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 07, 2005, 07:57:23 PM
wait for the i870 phone... few more weeks

yeah i heard about that from howardforums.  is that the silver/white one with the RW/Play/FF buttons?
only thing is, phonescoop doesnt have any info on it.  All the other phones had info on them way before they were released, expecially the i930.  Since the i870 is going to be better than the i860, and not as good as the i930, i expect people to be getting the i870 and getting more info about it.  It just seems weird that there not as much info out on it as the previous phones.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 07, 2005, 08:20:05 PM
I have posted info and pics about the 870 earlier in this thread. hofo sucks. goto some of the other iden sites if you want real info.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 07, 2005, 08:28:34 PM
I have posted info and pics about the 870 earlier in this thread. hofo sucks. goto some of the other iden sites if you want real info.
i agree hofo sucks ive been banned there 3 or 4 times, i usually go to nextelmodz and hofoufn.  admin of nextelmodz lives and works about 10 minutes from me.  jupitercellular (verizon dealor of all things lol)


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 07, 2005, 08:50:17 PM
all my ips were permanent banned from nextelmodz. i goto ideninsider, i was friends with the guy that helped start the whole iden hacking scene.(patrick) he was the first one to make webjal. i am not into that stuff anymore really. i used to have the i95 with clear housing and led mods and all that stuff, one of the phones youd see on ebay for $1000.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 08, 2005, 12:42:31 AM
all my ips were permanent banned from nextelmodz. i goto ideninsider, i was friends with the guy that helped start the whole iden hacking scene.(patrick) he was the first one to make webjal. i am not into that stuff anymore really. i used to have the i95 with clear housing and led mods and all that stuff, one of the phones youd see on ebay for $1000.
yeah webjal is good, im using ufnjal (easy-version of webjal), i was using myjal for awhile untill i found out the story behind all that. II is good, i dont post there but i read occastionally.  i used to be really big into that kinda stuff, but not so much anymore.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 08, 2005, 08:42:03 AM
Thats funny guys... your know all the hacker sites.  ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 08, 2005, 10:27:03 AM
Thats funny guys... your know all the hacker sites.  ;)

yup, i make my own ringtones, wallpapers, and for the i730 my own palletts.  better than buying them from nxtl.  ;D


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 08, 2005, 09:22:18 PM
those are the sites for everyday people, the good sites are by invitation only.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 08, 2005, 11:29:49 PM
those are the sites for everyday people, the good sites are by invitation only.

you said the good sites are by invitation only... how many are there? i only know of one.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 08, 2005, 11:35:30 PM
4 i know of. but 2 of them, we only have like 5-10 members.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on October 13, 2005, 09:54:37 PM
10/13/05 @ 9:54 pm...

I just noticed Nextel's phone webpage doesnt have the i930 on there.  WTF?  Pulled it already?

edit: just read that they pulled it off the site because of backorders? rofl that makes no sence... just put "BACKORDED" on the page instead of taking it off your site O_o.  Meh its Sprintel, what can I say.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on October 13, 2005, 10:11:14 PM
by the way,,,might want to take me off the list, I won't have the phone much longer.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 14, 2005, 08:08:57 PM
by the way,,,might want to take me off the list, I won't have the phone much longer.



Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 16, 2005, 05:28:53 PM
I still think they need to scrap the 930, who wants a smart phone without bluetooth? It took too long to develop and now its out of date. There is a new Blackberry coming out the 7100i, can work on both networks(nextel & sprint). I would get it if it had camera. They have not released any other info that I know of but it is on VAD. Can you verify it is still there big daddy? This is the one picture I got from someone.

Also on FDT it has price for the  7100i and i930
7100i SRP of $349.99 ( no contract price) so you will get it for $199.99 with a 2 year contract. Thats if there is no rebate on it.
i930 is going have an SRP of $499.99 so $349.99 w/ 2 yr contract.


The 7100i will be on sale tomorrow (10/17/05).

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on October 17, 2005, 11:47:42 PM
Our number back on pg 1 or 2 has not been in service for quite a while.

PM  me or Mike and we will give you the new ones  :)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 19, 2005, 12:43:35 PM
Thats funny guys... your know all the hacker sites.  ;)

yup, i make my own ringtones, wallpapers, and for the i730 my own palletts.  better than buying them from nxtl.  ;D


I make my ringtones by using Adobe Audtion to edit any part of any cd I want and turn them into ringtones on the program. I use MyJal to upload them onto my phone.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on October 20, 2005, 08:20:56 AM
Add my number to the list. 159*231956*2

Thanks again Big Daddy for the hookup  :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 20, 2005, 08:22:43 AM
What list?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on October 20, 2005, 08:30:30 AM
Here is a simplified list so far:

Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
Foremanron             162*27*6495           Plant City

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 20, 2005, 08:31:15 AM
Ok BD if you know my direct connect (on my i850) put it up there. If not I will get back to ya'll!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on October 20, 2005, 08:42:39 AM
Here is a simplified list so far:

Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2

Thanks Mellissa, I added the cities to the ones that I knew. It's a good idea to print this out and keep it in a safe place. There is a lot of people on here that will drop what they are doing and help you out if you are in need. Don't hesitate to ask if you need it.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on October 20, 2005, 05:48:09 PM
sniff sniff,,,makes me want one again.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on October 21, 2005, 08:25:30 AM
Ok it is 159*5008*378 Ft. Lauderdale

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: zippor25 on October 21, 2005, 11:45:27 AM
New to the site but seems like you guys are a great bunch of people so here's mine too.  161*26948*1 I'm in Orlando with family in Clermont

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 21, 2005, 12:38:52 PM
Add my number to the list. 159*231956*2

Thanks again Big Daddy for the hookup  :ThumbsUp.gif

Your welcome  ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 21, 2005, 12:41:58 PM
Ok BD if you know my direct connect (on my i850) put it up there. If not I will get back to ya'll!

Sorry Girl, just readed for the first time.

Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*32613*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Ft. Lauderdale

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on October 21, 2005, 07:23:13 PM
Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
bigscrb15    162*29*1984      Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*32613*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Ft. Lauderdale

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on October 31, 2005, 09:41:48 AM
i870 comes out today  ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on November 01, 2005, 12:48:49 AM
I got the 7100i , decided I didnt use camera enough and didnt really care about mp3. I love this new BlackBerry

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on November 01, 2005, 12:50:57 AM
I got the 7100i , decided I didnt use camera enough and didnt really care about mp3. I love this new BlackBerry

congrats man... that thing looks so awesome.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on November 01, 2005, 10:50:38 AM
I got the 7100i , decided I didnt use camera enough and didnt really care about mp3. I love this new BlackBerry

Why? E-mail?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: o4250 on November 01, 2005, 02:58:08 PM
this is such a good idea

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on November 01, 2005, 03:06:50 PM
i was looking at the tech specs compairing the i860 and the i870, the i860 is still better in alot of ways.  i870 doesnt have video recording/playback like the i860 does... only thing the i870 has that the i860 doesnt that is good is the memory card slot, mp3 buttons, and bluetooth


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on November 01, 2005, 03:10:15 PM
I got the 7100i , decided I didnt use camera enough and didnt really care about mp3. I love this new BlackBerry

Why? E-mail?

Yea, Email is sweet. I have Ramble IM which keeps me connected constantly to AIM. The weather apps are nice. Good games. Just an overall great phone. Takes awhile to get used to after only owning Motorolas. It also gets better service than my i860 did.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bigscrb15 on November 01, 2005, 03:13:36 PM
i was looking at the tech specs compairing the i860 and the i870, the i860 is still better in alot of ways.  i870 doesnt have video recording/playback like the i860 does... only thing the i870 has that the i860 doesnt that is good is the memory card slot, mp3 buttons, and bluetooth


The i870 offers Video recording. In 2 different resolutions if Im not mistaken. The maximum length for video has been extended from 10 seconds(i860) to 30 seconds on the i870.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on November 01, 2005, 03:20:00 PM
i was looking at the tech specs compairing the i860 and the i870, the i860 is still better in alot of ways.  i870 doesnt have video recording/playback like the i860 does... only thing the i870 has that the i860 doesnt that is good is the memory card slot, mp3 buttons, and bluetooth


The i870 offers Video recording. In 2 different resolutions if Im not mistaken. The maximum length for video has been extended from 10 seconds(i860) to 30 seconds on the i870.

its on there now, yesterday when i looked at it, it wasnt.  weird.  looks like you can send video on the i870 too, which cant be done on the i860.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on November 01, 2005, 04:38:29 PM
Well I got the i870 today. Let the the testing begin. ;)

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on November 01, 2005, 06:11:36 PM
hey, you know there are other people that could test for you as well ;-)

like maybe someone who is getting new service with you,,,,i dunno, someone like that ;-)


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: RL400 on November 01, 2005, 10:33:49 PM
hey, you know there are other people that could test for you as well ;-)

yeah, maybe he should send me one.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on November 04, 2005, 10:00:02 PM
Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
bigscrb15    162*29*1984      Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Ft. Lauderdale
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on November 17, 2005, 01:44:38 PM
My location is now Pompano.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: team_quad_green on December 04, 2005, 11:10:09 AM
162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: motoX941 on December 19, 2005, 12:21:05 AM
i can help any where in the nortport/burnt store road area my number is 159*500214*10


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Im@cracker on December 19, 2005, 10:55:36 AM
My DC # is 158*42248*27

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: LostCause on January 01, 2006, 10:10:36 AM
ADD me.....


I can be to the big scrub campground in 40 min.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on January 01, 2006, 12:32:32 PM
Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
bigscrub79   161*35*35913   Winter Haven
bigscrb15    162*29*1984      Winter Haven
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Pompano           
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala
team_quad_green  162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves
motoX941  159*500214*10  nortport/burnt store road area
Stanton 158*42248*27 Winter Springs
LostCause 158*23*55465 ?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: LostCause on January 01, 2006, 05:15:08 PM

Located in Leesburg.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: yamaha350r on January 01, 2006, 11:39:19 PM
this is a great idea u neve know wen u might need help out there specially u people that ride by your self

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Dr.D on January 06, 2006, 12:18:24 AM
 live 20 min from croom jon-161*191811*19

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on February 08, 2006, 10:46:08 AM
new phone coming out soon i960 same as the i930, but with bluetooth and 1.3 mega pix camera.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: bigscrub79 on February 08, 2006, 10:49:23 AM
Me and cody switched to sprint so i took our numbers off. If anyone wants our phone numbers just PM me and i will give them to you.

Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15  
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2  
WALSH450R   161*192711*3  
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22  
fire803                   162*36*22577  
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651  
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333  
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2  
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24  
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Pompano           
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala
team_quad_green  162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves
motoX941  159*500214*10  nortport/burnt store road area
Stanton 158*42248*27 Winter Springs
LostCause 158*23*55465 ?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Bo322 on March 07, 2006, 01:52:53 AM
Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Pompano           
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala
team_quad_green  162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves
motoX941  159*500214*10  nortport/burnt store road area
Stanton 158*42248*27 Winter Springs
LostCause 158*23*55465 ?
Elder1  158*17*31165   Indiantown

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: zephyr on April 19, 2006, 01:51:27 PM
big daddy what do you know about the reliabilty of the i560 I currently have a i730 and wanting to change.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: blackhammockmudder on May 02, 2006, 06:02:28 PM
heres mine joe jacksonville   158*28*38947

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: blackhammockmudder on May 02, 2006, 06:06:25 PM
Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   158*27651*24   
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Pompano           
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala
team_quad_green  162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves
motoX941  159*500214*10  nortport/burnt store road area
Stanton 158*42248*27 Winter Springs
LostCause 158*23*55465 ?
Elder1  158*17*31165   Indiantown
blackhammockmudder 158*28*38947 jacksonville

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: gearhead400 on May 09, 2006, 02:09:20 AM
holy crap, i just re-organized that whole list, put all the areas in alpha order, and had it lookin all pretty. Previewed, it looked good, then i hit "back" by mistake. there goes like 20 minutes down the drain. I'll add my number and fix it up tomorrow  :P

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: MachineDog on May 18, 2006, 02:16:12 PM
What about cell-phone numbers? I know you could call 911 out there but sometimes they just take too long to find you, most don't know the trails like a seasoned ATV rider. Heck, My dad has to run calls on the ambulance to US27 from the station down by old griffin road, by the time they get there most of the time someone else has gotten them out and taken them to the hospital.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on May 19, 2006, 10:31:16 AM
I don't see a problem with adding numbers,,,but this started because the nextel radios seem to work better with a broader range than a cell phone conversation did.


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 05greengriz on July 06, 2006, 06:50:14 PM
I edited my new numbers

Screen Name   Number   Area
Holeshot36   162*58757*4   Altoona
Grizz                   158*21*2715   Davie
BigWilly                   159*5027*487   Davie
Chuck_Norris   160*20559*1   Bryceville
BIGWORM3699   158*793*145   Middleburg
Michelle                   162*27*14112   Holopaw
flat8up                   158*115*5176   Punta Gorda
rappycop03   159*52750*1   Ft Myers
dreth                   159*26*4421   Ft Pierce
BigDog                   158*30*23087   Ft Pierce
joshintampa   162*55740*23   Tampa
Flsportsman05   158*1982*343   St. Augustine
bbf                   159*37*13231   lauderdale
robo02cop   161*182657*2   Clear Water
Asphaultdragon   159*37*24541   Sunrise
jjamesbar                   160*132476*21   Jacksonville
GaryinSeffner   161*159393*1   Seffner
2old2soon   162*315561*1   Orlando
inked4life87   158*87*535   Weston
GrizzlyBear   162*177533*2   Ocala
DSRIDER                   159*218937*2   Miami
OrlandoPredator   160*26574*5   Leesburg
MotoXgUrL07   158*25*955   Inverness
B-man                   158*42649*20   Ocala
Its_a_Jeep_thing   161*1038*662   Palmetto
Taintedpaintworks   160*1033*515   Jacksonville
400exRacer77   161*191619*15   
CAOSPOP                   159*224927*14   Miami
mudsplasher   158*31*8912   Big Pine Key
L.E._YFZ_2005   161*194081*11   Tampa
big-daddy                   158*285*833   Miami (  Nextel Hook up)
high-jacked   160*16527*2   
WALSH450R   161*192711*3   
Z-Racer-5c   159*224391*22   
fire803                   162*36*22577   
jmpnkfx400   162*132165*1   Apopka
Aquiles                   159*37*19651   
mudrat                   158*23*4121   Longwod
brett711                   159*5033*333   
QT314Nfla   161*195037*13   Sarasota
Reefer650   159*203200*2   
Da_mtg_man   159*5024*84   St.Petersburg
SWAMP_DONKEY   158*31*28216   Sebring
05greengriz   159*502490*6
FORD4X4GIRL   159*219695*1
fordracing99   159*5039*127
TRX350_on_the_Rack 159*231956*2
Mrs.Nightbreed        162*326213*18         Clermont
MuddyGurl101  159*5008*378 Pompano           
Id@ M@nn     162*326712*15    Orlando, but when riding,,,Ocala
team_quad_green  162*36*4261 Cocoa/5a/Canveral Groves
motoX941  159*500214*10  nortport/burnt store road area
Stanton 158*42248*27 Winter Springs
LostCause 158*23*55465 ?
Elder1  158*17*31165   Indiantown

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Scott 660 on October 24, 2006, 07:58:03 PM
If you break early in the Ocala Area and not want to go home early,I have one heck of a work shop.
Scott 660     160*134062*18

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: fire20 on October 24, 2006, 08:24:52 PM
Fire20  Brevard County 158*24*27344

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: twitch on November 07, 2006, 08:14:37 AM
My name is john and I'm either out at ONF or Osceola...Ill be glad to help when I can.  Or if you have the direct talk feature on your phone I'm on ch 5 code 1.  I also usually have my FRS radio on ch6

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on November 16, 2006, 09:48:13 AM
Thank You Troops – Military IL Offer (Effective 10/1 – 12/31/06)
For a limited time, Sprint is offering NEW military IL customers the following offer:
> Waived activation fee for all NEW lines of service! This would include new Add-A-Phone plans too!
> Free month of service (excludes Add A Phone plans).
This offer is in addition to our existing military offer of a 15% MRC discount.
Proof of military employment is required. This would include any military personnel, active or retired that has a military id showing that they are part of the Army, Airforce, Navy, Marines or National Guard.

The program is being promoted in national advertising through December 25th in all four Military Times branch specific publications as well as in 37 on base newspapers nationwide. Online banner advertising can also be found on the Military Times websites beginning Nov 20th.

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: twitch on November 16, 2006, 08:00:42 PM
Thank You Troops – Military IL Offer (Effective 10/1 – 12/31/06)
For a limited time, Sprint is offering NEW military IL customers the following offer:
> Waived activation fee for all NEW lines of service! This would include new Add-A-Phone plans too!
> Free month of service (excludes Add A Phone plans).
This offer is in addition to our existing military offer of a 15% MRC discount.
Proof of military employment is required. This would include any military personnel, active or retired that has a military id showing that they are part of the Army, Airforce, Navy, Marines or National Guard.

The program is being promoted in national advertising through December 25th in all four Military Times branch specific publications as well as in 37 on base newspapers nationwide. Online banner advertising can also be found on the Military Times websites beginning Nov 20th.

what about the coast guard????

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Joe Porter on November 17, 2006, 12:55:05 PM
I would give mine but I am in Kentucky lol
But I am planing to be in Fla racin my quad in Feb ;D

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: big-daddy on December 06, 2006, 10:31:42 AM

heres the router info.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: dadkids on December 06, 2006, 07:50:25 PM
If anyone is ever in Virginia in need of help around the Richmond area here is my #
166*23*12934 Hector

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: litoo7 on January 22, 2007, 01:13:37 PM
I'm in the miami Area.  DC- 158*5*12295 If anyone needs help count me in!

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mud.junkie on May 12, 2007, 08:24:21 AM
is the 580 worth it or should i keep my 530?

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: caospop on July 07, 2007, 10:28:37 PM
I still have a NEXTEL my #'s 305-909-3015 and direct connect is159*224927*14.
I am in the Miami Dade area

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: goin_deep on July 19, 2007, 05:40:29 PM

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: 07foreman on July 25, 2007, 05:21:26 PM
Im in the south west miami area any one wants u can PM me for my radio im usually at 8th & 157th on the weekends if not im only 10 minutes away and willing to help


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: fishfry on July 30, 2007, 09:31:57 PM
Out at the ranch a lot. north and south side.

Cliff  159*37*63665


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Ida_Mann on August 06, 2007, 05:42:46 PM
sorry guys and gals, don't have my nextel anymore,,,,but if you wanna beep my mother-dear and say hi, she's got the number now ;-)


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: mxu 500 on September 03, 2007, 11:25:58 PM
I'm in Summerfield   maybe 20 min from ONF   roughly 30-45 min or so from Croom  (160*134793*10)     Just give me a shout and say your from the site....i'll be glad to help if i'm available...

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: ridinjammer4ever89 on May 04, 2008, 10:28:33 PM
if any 1 is round the holopaw area... suburban estates.. and whatnot
 here's mine... 159*61*10429 Chris...

Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: billabongcr on July 24, 2008, 11:23:43 AM
i dont have nextel but the areas all around here gets good reception. i live in daytona park estates and right next to DBCC, or if your out by the oc mud grounds or db woods call me


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: megapurt400 on July 25, 2008, 08:41:53 AM
North Jax Osceola and South Ga

just announce atvflorida


Title: Re: NEXTEL radio rescue numbers
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on October 01, 2008, 09:50:15 PM
Ft. Pierce or River Ranch If I am there almost every other weekend

158*61*665  ;)