Title: Apollo Days Family Fun Ride 2923 Dirt Bikes & Quads Post by: ApolloMotorCycleClub on February 05, 2023, 08:27:06 PM March 10th 11th 12th 2023
Ride miles of one-way trails Friday day & night, Saturday day & night. Event closed at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Family camp area adjacent to the kiddie loop. Camping (primitive) is included with plenty of room for RVs. Camping area has portable toilets, showers, and bike wash. This will be a great opportunity to come check out the Florida Cracker Ranch. It’s normally a membership only property. For more information about the property: http://FloridaCrackerRanch.Com (http://FloridaCrackerRanch.Com). Separate one way trails for bikes and quads, (due to insurance reasons no Side x Sides allowed at this event) There will also be Strider and Stacyc courses for the little ones, Limbo, Balance Beam, and Slowest Race. An offroad riding event for all skill level of riders. This property has something for everyone. https://apollomotorcycleclub.com/2023-apollo-days/ (https://apollomotorcycleclub.com/2023-apollo-days/) $10.00 RaceGas credit for Rocky Mountain ATV for every paid entry. |