Title: New Riding Spot coming to Fort Meade...Bones Valley ATV Park Post by: Bacchus_fl on October 03, 2014, 01:26:50 PM I may be late to the parade on this one but just found this article and figured I'd share.
http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December (http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December) Little far from me but I have family in the area so all the more reason to make a visit! :) Happy Riding!! Title: Re: New Riding Spot coming to Fort Meade...Bones Valley ATV Park Post by: Thunderdually on October 03, 2014, 03:18:45 PM I may be late to the parade on this one but just found this article and figured I'd share. [url]http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December[/url] ([url]http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December[/url]) Little far from me but I have family in the area so all the more reason to make a visit! :) Happy Riding!! What a Joke!!!! $250 dollars a year to ride 200 acres... The same county closed down a private 1800 acre atv park that was great because of Political BS and their proud that they built a 200 acre park? So they have 200 acres.. how much is left to ride after they put up buildings and a parking lot??? Ride Croom it's only $60 a year and you can ride 2600 acres... Title: Re: New Riding Spot coming to Fort Meade...Bones Valley ATV Park Post by: AintSkeered on October 03, 2014, 04:27:45 PM :'(
Title: Re: New Riding Spot coming to Fort Meade...Bones Valley ATV Park Post by: patches206 on October 03, 2014, 09:37:32 PM I may be late to the parade on this one but just found this article and figured I'd share. [url]http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December[/url] ([url]http://www.theledger.com/article/20141003/NEWS/141009807/1338/news00?Title=Fort-Meade-ATV-Park-to-Open-in-December[/url]) Little far from me but I have family in the area so all the more reason to make a visit! :) Happy Riding!! What a Joke!!!! $250 dollars a year to ride 200 acres... The same county closed down a private 1800 acre atv park that was great because of Political BS and their proud that they built a 200 acre park? So they have 200 acres.. how much is left to ride after they put up buildings and a parking lot??? Ride Croom it's only $60 a year and you can ride 2600 acres... Merle your right on the money with this one. |