ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Shotgun on October 17, 2012, 12:48:19 PM

Title: What happened to this website?
Post by: Shotgun on October 17, 2012, 12:48:19 PM
This site used to be so busy back in the day. What happened? Is it the economy? Does anyone ride anymore?

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: patches206 on October 17, 2012, 02:55:56 PM
Wade how the hell are you?   I have cut way back fuel cost and less money in the pocket because of increased expenses.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: asmart82 on October 17, 2012, 03:10:07 PM
Wade how the hell are you?   I have cut way back fuel cost and less money in the pocket because of increased expenses.

Sounds like you are having the same problems that Mitt Romney has been discussing in his debates!!!

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: AintSkeered on October 17, 2012, 05:43:42 PM
Stop lining up to buy those new widgets, every time a new model comes out and you'll have more money for fuel. LOL

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: Shotgun on October 17, 2012, 07:31:07 PM
Who's Wade?

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: patches206 on October 17, 2012, 10:33:25 PM
Who's Wade?

My mistake had a few beers and thought I read Showgun not shotgun.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: mrbones on October 18, 2012, 11:57:51 AM
The economy probably is keeping people from riding that slows the site down. If someone is struggling with their mortgage, the first thing to go are the ATVs. At the same time a few years ago, Croom was raising their rates, Ocala was getting restructured, gas prices were hiked (and just stayed there ever since) and the bottom just fell out. The site is still here, but there's too many guests and not enough participants. It would be nice to see everything pick up again.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: TRXASAURUS on October 18, 2012, 12:00:33 PM
Facebook and social networking has also taken a big bite out of web forums

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: mrbones on October 18, 2012, 02:44:53 PM
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook suck. I don't understand why people like to give away their privacy for imaginary friends.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: digginfool on October 18, 2012, 03:55:02 PM
I had to find friends somewhere!    ;)  What else was I supposed to do?  :dunno.gif

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: AintSkeered on October 18, 2012, 08:01:13 PM
These days, I just think people are getting tired of all the talk and they're simply seeking real action. You can find loads of friends at your local shooting ranges and ATV riding spots. We've learned not to jeopardize our limited ATV riding spots by advertising them here for all the mutants to get them shut down.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: little blue 300 on October 18, 2012, 08:04:23 PM
We've learned not to jeopardize our limited ATV riding spots by advertising them here for all the mutants to get them shut down.

Very Smart !!!

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: Shotgun on October 19, 2012, 07:32:43 PM
Damn good point.

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: dieselbeef on October 22, 2012, 08:13:08 AM
im here

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: bignickwaite on November 13, 2012, 10:06:26 PM
I used to be on here all the time. I sold my ATVs after I sold my CR500 to some guy named John on here. I rember that like it was yesterday because I wrecked it going about 65 down my parents street. I just kinda forgot about this site when everything got sold. But this used to be an entertaining site with good people and good information about the sport. Glad Im back to check in:)

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: cr500pro on November 14, 2012, 02:32:07 PM
its not just this site, everything online is dead,  even on face book n tweeter ,folks arent chating.folks dont even wanna text,i know of a few freinds that have even disconnected there cell phones,technology is awesome but not at the end of the month when its time 2 pay for it all..

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: rdm225 on November 14, 2012, 03:59:08 PM
Where is my boy Jackl havent seen him on here in a coons age

Title: Re: What happened to this website?
Post by: Dirty Girl on November 14, 2012, 08:28:04 PM
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook suck. I don't understand why people like to give away their privacy for imaginary friends.
If I could ride with fine folks like yourselves on a regular basis, i'd tell FB to pound sand!!  :D