ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: scrambledeggs on July 07, 2005, 04:45:16 PM

Title: River Ranch POA
Post by: scrambledeggs on July 07, 2005, 04:45:16 PM
Read this and share your thoughts.

I think it is bogus that they are keeping landowners from accessing their own land because they don't pay the $60 a year to be in the redneck club. But might be coming to an end out there.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: ucfneed2ride on July 07, 2005, 05:00:50 PM
wow $60 a year to be in a redneck club? SIGN ME UP!!!

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: SwampRat on July 07, 2005, 05:06:06 PM
Very interesting article.  I would like to hear from the River Ranch owners on the site.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 07, 2005, 05:15:49 PM
old news,3805.0.html

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: BCConviber on July 07, 2005, 08:30:13 PM
Ok god.. not this again........ ::)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 08, 2005, 09:51:02 AM
Its about time is all I can say. Personally, I think it is hilarious and long over due.

Hey, while we're on the topic lets review those "River Ranch Property Owners Association rules" that a person gets when they buy property and get a QUIT CLAIM DEED (no such thing as a "quick claim" deed).

Rules and Response/Questions

1) You may not build on your property.

Response – Are you kidding me? Let me get this straight, I own the property and I cannot build on it? Well, here's a very simple question.......why not? Who made up this rule? Nobody questions this? Wake up.

2) You may only pick a camp site in the "camp site area" which must be approved by the property owners association.

Response – Who owns the camp site area? Do I get express permission, in recordable format, from the camp site area owners to build a camp on their property? I mean, everyone knows that, if you don't own the property, you cannot legally build on it. So, seeing how I am not a complete idiot I certainly wouldn't want to build on or occupy another person's property without their express permission. I mean after all, they could basically kick me off at any time. Also, who is the property owners association and why do they have to approve my camp site? Are they the owners of the camp site area? If they are, then I guess I better be sure I get written approval from them to put my camp in the "camping area".

3) You may not build permanant structures on your camp site.

Response – You mean like most of the “camps” already there? Why not?

4) Anyone can cross your property who is a member of the River Ranch Property Owners Association.

Response - Why? Do they have an easement recorded in the Polk County public records. Because, after all, absent express written permission from me, a recorded easement is the only way anyone else can lawfully enter my property. What if I don't want anyone else on my property? Can I fence it off? If I do, will my fence get torn down and run over like Dennis Covington's camp and jeep did? Will I get death threats too?

5) Dues of 60 dollars a year are required.

Response – For what? What does my $60.00 get me? What happens if I don't pay it? Death threats? Bullet holes in my "camp"? Can I please see a copy of the accounting for the last ten (10) years of the association? Also, while you’re at it, how about the tax returns? After all, under Florida law, as a paying member of the River Ranch Property Owners Association, I’m entitled to these documents.

6) If you wish to have your lot surveyed you do so at your own expense. But you can not build on it, or set up camp on it if it is outside the camp area.

Response – What is the purpose of this rule? Do you think I’d try to make someone else pay for my survey? Again, why can’t I build on my property? If it’s mine........ it’s mine. I mean, you wouldn’t buy a lot in a subdivision unless you could build on it would you? Has anyone looked for or found any law, regulation, code or other authority preventing me from building on my property?  Also, who owns the rest of the property I ride on? Does the River Ranch Property Owners Association have some type of recorded document allowing anyone who is a member of the association to utilize all of the property not belonging to them?

I always get a laugh out of this subject. Too funny.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 08, 2005, 06:32:09 PM
Then  dont  BUY  IN  there  !!!!!!!!! Its  gonna  be  the  only  place  you ll  be  able  to  ride  a  ATV  unless  A-holes  like  this  keep   complaining  !!!!! ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: scrambledeggs on July 08, 2005, 09:24:11 PM
Sorry, I didn't see the other thread. I am actually interested in buying out at river ranch and was doing some reasearch when I came across the article on the net. The last thing I want is to see another area dissapear for ATVing, but I really don't want to be under the control of any POA. What gives the POA authority to enforce rules. I don't fully understand the legalities of quitclaim deeds and POA's.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 08, 2005, 11:29:25 PM
RR is not a ATV park, its a Hunting and Camping Club.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 09, 2005, 07:29:29 AM
I'll tell you what, go camp in the non-camping area during hunting season and see how good a shot a redneck can be. The rules are there for your safety, during part of the year RR is a HUNTING CLUB. Do you really want to set up camp on a rifle range? During my visit I saw what the $60 dues goes towards in action( the camp fire department ) among other things.
If your that concerned with the legal end of things you won't fit in out there anyway, so just stay home.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: scrambledeggs on July 09, 2005, 08:31:22 AM
I am a hunter and an ATVer. I've been to RR on many occasions and I have no problems with the people out there. I'm fine with the POA rules and fee. I am just worried that other landowners who are not, are going to try to bring them down. As far as RR being a hunting club and not an ATV park - I agree thats what they want to be, but during the off season most people are out there just to ride.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 09, 2005, 05:42:12 PM
I am a hunter and an ATVer. I've been to RR on many occasions and I have no problems with the people out there. I'm fine with the POA rules and fee. I am just worried that other landowners who are not, are going to try to bring them down. As far as RR being a hunting club and not an ATV park - I agree thats what they want to be, but during the off season most people are out there just to ride.

Dont  worry  they  ve  been  try  crap  for  years    POA  is  the  best  part  of  RR  they  will  take  care  of  the  members  and  there e property    I  just  bought  into  a  lease  out  there  and  the Gate  people  are  cool  with  me  and  that  article  is  total  horse  Sh@@ cause  I  ve  never  seen   anyone  walking  around the  gate  with  a  Shot gun  !!!! ::) ::)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 09, 2005, 09:07:05 PM
I'll tell you what, go camp in the non-camping area during hunting season and see how good a shot a redneck can be. The rules are there for your safety, during part of the year RR is a HUNTING CLUB. Do you really want to set up camp on a rifle range? During my visit I saw what the $60 dues goes towards in action( the camp fire department ) among other things.
If your that concerned with the legal end of things you won't fit in out there anyway, so just stay home.

Ha ha ha.

That's too funny. Get'r'll get shot....rednecks are good shots...

Give me a break.
The "camp" fire department is one truck. If a person is buying out there, they should be concerned with the legal side of things. Again, what gives the "River Ranch Property Owner's Association" any right to: (a) dictate what I can or cannot do on my own property; (b) mandate where I can and cannot put up a "camp" unless on property they don't own; or (c) allow anyone to enter my property at will provided they pay a $60.00 yearly due to an illegal organization? Oh, wait a minute, I know what gives them the right....rednecks are good shots right?? Oh yeah, for my safety!

This is too funny.

By the way, jwscroll, you going to address the rules and my prior questions? Or, just tell me I won't fit in because "[I'm so] concerned with the legal end of things you (I) won't fit in out there anyway, so (I should) just stay home"

Then again, according to FORDFANZ, I'm an "Ahole". Why? Beacuse I asked some very simple questions that anyone with 1/2 a brain who was ever considering "buying" into RR shold be concerned about?  I mean come on! If you "own" property in RR I sure hope you are concerned about these questions. It's so basic it's unbelievable someone would be dumb enough not to be concerned about these issues.

But, I guess I'm an "A-hole" for thinking and pondering simple questions when I see others being led around by the nose. Call me a jerk for being intelligent. ha!

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 09, 2005, 09:28:15 PM
I'll tell you what, go camp in the non-camping area during hunting season and see how good a shot a redneck can be. The rules are there for your safety, during part of the year RR is a HUNTING CLUB. Do you really want to set up camp on a rifle range? During my visit I saw what the $60 dues goes towards in action( the camp fire department ) among other things.
If your that concerned with the legal end of things you won't fit in out there anyway, so just stay home.

Ha ha ha.

That's too funny. Get'r'll get shot....rednecks are good shots...

Give me a break.
The "camp" fire department is one truck. If a person is buying out there, they should be concerned with the legal side of things. Again, what gives the "River Ranch Property Owner's Association" any right to: (a) dictate what I can or cannot do on my own property; (b) mandate where I can and cannot put up a "camp" unless on property they don't own; or (c) allow anyone to enter my property at will provided they pay a $60.00 yearly due to an illegal organization? Oh, wait a minute, I know what gives them the right....rednecks are good shots right?? Oh yeah, for my safety!

This is too funny.

By the way, jwscroll, you going to address the rules and my prior questions? Or, just tell me I won't fit in because "[I'm so] concerned with the legal end of things you (I) won't fit in out there anyway, so (I should) just stay home"

Then again, according to FORDFANZ, I'm an "Ahole". Why? Beacuse I asked some very simple questions that anyone with 1/2 a brain who was ever considering "buying" into RR shold be concerned about?  I mean come on! If you "own" property in RR I sure hope you are concerned about these questions. It's so basic it's unbelievable someone would be dumb enough not to be concerned about these issues.

But, I guess I'm an "A-hole" for thinking and pondering simple questions when I see others being led around by the nose. Call me a jerk for being intelligent. ha!

No  your  a  Ahole  because  you  dont  even  know  that  the  place  is  in  a  Flood   zone  and  most  of  the  time  is  under  water   for  one 

plus  ITS  NOT  ZONED  FOR  RESIDENTIAL  ITS  ZONED  AGRI  and  has  been  for  ever 

Plus  you  know  nothing  about  RR  IT  IS  A  HUNT  CAMP 

Morons  bought  property  there  cause  they  never  researched  it  and  thought  it  was  a  steal   but  if  you  would  look  into  thing s  you  would  see  that  they  will  never  be  allowed  to  build  a  "house" out  there   there  will  never  be  Paved  Roads 

Its A  place  for  people  to  go  out  and  enjoy    Fla  the  way  it  was  !!!!      But   because  Grandma  and  Grandpa   got  scammed  cause  they  were  IDIOTS  and  bought  Land  UNSEEN    Us  REDNECKS   are  not  allowing  them  to  see  their  land  well  guess  what  If  you   go  look  at  a  pond  right  now  thats what   you  r  land  looks  like   cause  thats  what  my  land  looks  like  out  their  right  now  ya  I  know  where  my  plot  is there  is  a  plot  map 

RR  is  a  HUNTING  LEASE  and  when  Hunting  season  is  over  its a  place to  play 

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 09, 2005, 09:44:32 PM
BLAHBLAHBLAH, shutup and ride.  8)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 09, 2005, 10:41:22 PM
FORDFANZ,  comes out from the bottom of his rock at times. Dont let him get under your skin. Before this it was Big Cypress and the same Blah,blah,blah  We are dumb rednecks dress in como and carry guns.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 09, 2005, 11:08:14 PM
FORDFANZ, ahole comes out from the bottom of his rock at times. Dont let him get under your skin. Before this it was Big Cypress and the same Blah,blah,blah  We are dumb rednecks dress in como and carry guns.

Ya  I  know  but  it  pisses  me  off   ::) ::)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: dirty1 on July 10, 2005, 01:37:49 AM
 As a deed holder i can tell you one thing, the only reason why there might be questions as to the rules and regulation against a piece of property owned by someone, is because some people( some of you beeing on here and you know who you are) and other people on ebay are sell bbogus quarter shares and full shares at prices that will gag a horse.   i am not afraid to say that i baught two deeds in past month for 680 each, i own them free and clear.  now there are others going for 4500 dollars, well yeah that can be a concern spending that much money and beeing told what you can and cant do.  if the prices will come back down to reality and River Ranch was treated they way it should be there would be no problems.  Now when you got some fool trying to get a couple thousand for his piece and talking it up as an atv park, well there will be concerns when Joe Shmoe with his deed gets to his atv park and finds out that it is not what he just paid a crap load of money for........... YOU OVER PRICED FOOLS SELLING DEEDS FOR CRAZY MONEY IS WHY QUESTIONS ARE BEEING RAISED.   GO SELL BRIDGES IN BROOKLYN AND LEAVE OUR LAND ALONE.......

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 10, 2005, 02:15:43 AM
Ya  go  look  at  Ebay  right  now  and  there   are  peices  selling   anywhere  from  1200- 6500 :o :o :oAnd  they  dont  know  what  they  are  buying  !!!!!!!!But  like  I  said  just  because  you  get  scammed   dont  yell  at  us  Land  owners  that  know  what  the  land  is  for  thats  why  Iam  there  thats  why  I   bought  at  river ranch  and  thats  why  I  pay  my  60.00  every  year  !!!!!!!

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 10, 2005, 06:41:13 AM
Anoriginal, I don't have to explain the rules cause you already did. If you would listen to whats being said instead of argueing just for the sake of argueing you would understand.
That plus it's not worth my time to write a speech for someone that's clearly not worth the trouble.
Why would you come to a ATV site and knock a riding area, way to work towards the greater good Anoriginal.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 10, 2005, 10:03:36 AM

Lets look at your last comments:

No  your  a  Ahole  because  you  dont  even  know  that  the  place  is  in  a  Flood   zone  and  most  of  the  time  is  under  water   for  one 

(No, it's not. Portions of it are as are numerous properties in Florida. What's that got to do with anything?)

plus  ITS  NOT  ZONED  FOR  RESIDENTIAL  ITS  ZONED  AGRI  and  has  been  for  ever 

(Hmmm. I own property zoned A and and A-1 which is agricultural. I have homes on it too. Your point?)

Plus  you  know  nothing  about  RR  IT  IS  A  HUNT  CAMP 

(Actually, I do know lots about RR. Obviously much more than you. It's not a hunt camp. There is no hunting lease. It is privately held property currently controlled by people who do not own it. The Hunting Camp issue is a farce.)

Morons  bought  property  there  cause  they  never  researched  it  and  thought  it  was  a  steal   but  if  you  would  look  into  thing s  you  would  see  that  they  will  never  be  allowed  to  build  a  "house" out  there   there  will  never  be  Paved  Roads 

(Again, not true. You can build a house out htere on your property if you meet all the requirements.  Paved roads are not necessary nor a requirement in that area. Also, the original roads were platted. Improbved or not, the raods are there in the public records. Wonder where you got  your info?)

Its A  place  for  people  to  go  out  and  enjoy    Fla  the  way  it  was  !!!!      But   because  Grandma  and  Grandpa   got  scammed  cause  they  were  IDIOTS  and  bought  Land  UNSEEN    Us  REDNECKS   are  not  allowing  them  to  see  their  land  well  guess  what  If  you   go  look  at  a  pond  right  now  thats what   you  r  land  looks  like   cause  thats  what  my  land  looks  like  out  their  right  now  ya  I  know  where  my  plot  is there  is  a  plot  map

(Not sure what your point is on this one. Sure, folks got scammed, but it doesn't change their ownership interest.  Regardless of where there land is located within RR, a person has a right to visit it and preventing them from entering or accessing their own land without paying a $60.00 fee to cross land that doesn't even belong to the people charging the fee is quite frankly...criminal.)

RR  is  a  HUNTING  LEASE  and  when  Hunting  season  is  over  its a  place to  play 

(No, it's not. There is no lease. Do you have a lease? With who? Who gets paid for the lease? the property owners? Do you have a lease for the entire 44k acres? With the actual owners? Come on. I'm not being a jerk, just stating simple facts. I always find it funny that when I ask simple questions that anyone with a minor amount of intelligence should ask too, I get flamed. Or, I get people coming back at me (who obviously do not have any clue what they are talking about) with non-existent or false facts.)

jwscroll - You accuse me of knocking a riding area and not working toward the greater good. Yet, at the same time you turn a blind eye to my questions and obvious issues that directly impact RR and your ability to ride there in the extended future. Re-read my posts. Then re-read yours. I asked simple questions that I cannot believe you (as a RR property owner and rider) would not be concerned with. If you're not, it is you that is clearly unconcerned with the greater good. I read what you posted and try to understand, but you avoid the questions all together. All I got so far from you is:

1. I'm not worth your trouble (guess your riding future isn't either?)
2. You think I'm and A-hole. (Why? I didn't call you names. Just asked a few questions)
3. I don't know what I'm talking about (Okay, sure. I think we cleared this up already.)
4. Rednecks are good shots and the rest of the area (other than the "camp area") is a rifle range.

FORDFANZ, ahole comes out from the bottom of his rock at times. Dont let him get under your skin. Before this it was Big Cypress and the same Blah,blah,blah We are dumb rednecks dress in como and carry guns.

Gee bigdaddy, sorry if intelligent discussion and questioning got you upset. All I was doing was asking a few simple questions. I mean, If a person "owns" a place out there and likes to ride on it and the surrounding area, you'd think they'd want to find out the ins and outs of the place. After all, if the place comes under attack (as more and more riding areas do every day) it seems a smart rider would want to have as much information as they could to assist them in keeping the place open.
Oh well, maybe not, we'll just let those Rednecks who are good shots take care of it for us.

Give me a break guys. I've seen your other posts on this board. You guys are all smarter than this and above your comments directed toward me. Based upon your posts regarding other subjects, I can see you are all good guys. Don't you at least wonder about the RR situation and how it is operated? Come on! You better be concerned and ask questions (and try answering mine). You can bet your butts the people who want to see RR taken away are asking these questions. Again, not being a jerk. I'm not an A-Hole. I know all the ins and outs on RR and what's going on. I know the people in charge of the RR POA and those who want to close it up.  Personally, I'd hate to see it go. But, until folks like ourselves (you guys and myself included) start getting at these issues, we're losing the battle.

If my comments piss you off, I'm sorry. But, they're the truth. Focus your energy on the issue, not me. I'm just bringing it to your attention

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 10, 2005, 10:55:50 AM
Ok  you  know  Everything  I  get  the  point  SO  STFU  If  you  dont  like  the  Idea  of  RR  then  dont  buy  property    do  not  go there  and  dont  worry  about   end  of  story  ...Oh  no  I  see  you  wanna  sit  behind  a  computer  and  Bith=ch  about  something  that   you  PROBABLY  have  never  been  too  and  seen  what  goes  on Ya  its  not  a  lease  but  you  get  the  Idea  and  no  its  no you  cant  build  a  house  in  the  middle  of  a  flood area and  you still  dont get  the  point  of  UNDEVELOPED    your  like  trying  to  talk  to  my  2  year  old  so  drop  it  and  let  us  land  owners  enjioy  RR   

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 10, 2005, 10:58:18 AM
do you have a deed? if you do, I buy from you for $600.00... What do say

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: dirty1 on July 10, 2005, 11:43:40 AM
hey anoriginal, i baught my deed s knowing good and well i could never build, but i can put a trailer there, whats wrong with camping in a flood zone if your in an elevated trailer?  also River ranch properties is a created association like living in a housing development.   Why dont you come down here to miami and buy a house in Coral Gables for well over a milion dollars and find out that you can't  paint it anycolor but one of three, canot have a pickup truck infront of your house, cannot posses a visible ATV, and can only put certain trees in your yard.  you should move here, you could complain all day to the Gables association and tell the all about there zoning and all those other things you know.....

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 10, 2005, 01:17:29 PM
You are so right Dirty1, I lived in the Coral Gables for over 30 years. You are limted  to 3 dogs and cats. No boats on the side for the house, end less rules.  ;)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 10, 2005, 04:02:09 PM
Ok you know Everything I get the point SO STFU If you dont like the Idea of RR then dont buy property do not go there and dont worry about end of story ...Oh no I see you wanna sit behind a computer and Bith=ch about something that you PROBABLY have never been too and seen what goes on Ya its not a lease but you get the Idea and no its no you cant build a house in the middle of a flood area and you still dont get the point of UNDEVELOPED your like trying to talk to my 2 year old so drop it and let us land owners enjioy RR

Wow. That was sure intelligent. Again, the issue isn't what and where you can or can't build. But, If you can't grasp what the issue is, you'll never get it and its obviously above you. Sorry about stirring you up, I'll leave you alone and not bother you with anything involving thought beyond a high school level.

Relax, Im joking. I don't want any good shot rednecks aiming at me through a Wal*Mart Tasco. You know those Rednecks are good shots and all of RR besides the "camping area" is a rifle range.

do you have a deed? if you do, I buy from you for $600.00... What do say

Nope. Thanks though.

hey anoriginal, i baught my deed s knowing good and well i could never build, but i can put a trailer there, whats wrong with camping in a flood zone if your in an elevated trailer? also River ranch properties is a created association like living in a housing development. Why dont you come down here to miami and buy a house in Coral Gables for well over a milion dollars and find out that you can't paint it anycolor but one of three, canot have a pickup truck infront of your house, cannot posses a visible ATV, and can only put certain trees in your yard. you should move here, you could complain all day to the Gables association and tell the all about there zoning and all those other things you know.....

Not sure what comparison you're trying to go for here. But, regardless I am not sure it really makes any difference. RRPOA is not an association in the sense a true homeowner's or community association is. The biggest difference being the fact they (the association) do not own the property they are attempting to regulate.

Why do you folks get so touchy when someone asks a few questions about RR? It's always that way with RR. Ask the RRPOA folks for some back up and they accuse you of being a jerk or a trouble maker or threaten to shoot you and burn down your camp. Ask any deed holder the same questions and they call you an A-Hole or accuse you of consiring against them. Relax folks. It's only a series of questions on some (what appear to be) basic rules.
Funny, all this hatred toward me for no reason combined with unsolicited personal attacks and not one person has yet to address the issues.

Oh well, if you folks and the RRPOA won't do it, you can bet the folks who want to take the property away can do it. Don't think it can happen? Try Big Cypress, CMC Heartlands, Remuda Ranches, Devils Garden, Inverness, Appilachicola...etc.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: tekhanto on July 10, 2005, 05:03:55 PM
As far as building restrictions they are coming hard on that now compared to few years ago.  State of Florida is monitoring what is put in ...
That is why no permanent structures now since Fl stated a no go and no permits were used.  By bombing range fence line US govt was going to try
and enforce a 1 mile back from their property line no campsites etc for
Homeland security issue but I haven't heard that mentioned for a while as that would impact alot of people.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 10, 2005, 06:36:08 PM
Number one: I did not or would not call you an AH%LE. You obviously let your strokin get ahead of your brain.
Nuber two: I'm glad there are people like you out in the world, it gives me a reason to escape to RR.
Number three: Don't call me out, especially if your just some punk kid who's bored during the storm.
Number four: While you were writing the Gettysburg Address, I was out riding.
Number five: Frankly my dear, I don't give a d@mn.
BLAHBLAHBLAH Shutupand ride

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: team_quad_green on July 10, 2005, 09:18:16 PM
If you dont like river ranch dont go there. Ive had a camp there for 5 years and I dont go there that much much but for $60 a year is a fee to have gate to keep riff raffs out.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 10, 2005, 10:00:52 PM
You sure seem smart......

You didn't call me an A-Hole, you just agreed with someone who did.
As for me being a punk kid, uh I think you can tell when comparing our respective prose that I'm not. Besides, my wife reminds me all the time that I'm getting old.
Calling you out? As I recall, it was you that did the calling then couldn't back any of your ramblings up with fact.
Not giving a d@mn is the problem.

Never said I didn't like it. But, I sure do not like the way people are getting led around by their noses out there. Pretty soon, none of us will be able to go if we don't change something.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 10, 2005, 10:16:07 PM
dont reply to him!!! you will never win with this guy. The same thing with Big Cypress thread... Blah blah blah blah

BTW: you call your self an ahole  ;D You got that one right  ;)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: stretchy on July 10, 2005, 11:16:09 PM

   These are indeed good ? I also have a camp area in RR.

I accept theses rules (Whether legally binding or not) for the "privaledge" of riding at RR.

I also concur w/ the idea of a camping area, I wouldn't want my "camp" in the middle of an open field during hunting season. A designated camping area suits me fine.

When I bought my deed I knew I would be buying into an association rhat had certain rules and required fees.

I am not concerned w/ tax returns for my fee.
Frankly as long as I have place to ride and camp I will adhear to RRpoa rules. When this whole thing comes to an end (hopfully never) I will own an acre 1/4 SOMEWHERE.

THIS doesn't answer any of your quest. But thats just how I see the situation to be.

If any of the authorities see fit, they will seize/sell the property at any time. We will get a check for the assessed value, and that will be that.

IF there is a better "system" lets hear it. I believe we can fight to keep this area open but we must have some sort of governing body (RRpoa) works for me. Athough I don't believe The state or the county give a damn about whether we have a place to ride ANYWHERE in the state.

I will remain open-minded on this issue and promise not to take it personally. I get aggravated at times, but promise not to take it out on you. There are legitamite quest that are unanswered, but most people let it go as long as they can ride.

That seems to be the situation at hand, complicated,  If you could shed some light on this issue. PLEASE do .

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 11, 2005, 05:18:03 AM

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 11, 2005, 08:29:27 AM

No, another member called me an A-Hole. Nothing like the internet. Makes people real brave. As far as my Big Cypress Swamp discussion goes, everything I said would happen is happening. Gues that was blah-blah-blah too?


You don't give a d@mn remember?


Thanks for the comments. You're the first person who's replied who actually seems concerned. I'd love to see things kept open at RR. As things are now, it is just a matter of time before the state or the Fed steps in and changes things. And, you're right, they could care less about making sure we have a place to ride. So, how do we ensure we keep RR?

Several folks have discussed the idea of approaching hte state regarding a joint governed (private and state) preserve open to the general public for a fee under a quota system. Ayone "owning" an interest in RR already is governed in and they are exempt from the quota. The Camp area is consolidated with all property owners assigned a defined parcel within the camping area.

That's not a bad idea considering the fact you would then have a definitive parcel assigned to your ownership interest with a defined ingress and egress. Any fears of not knowing where your property is located would be solved.

The association could finally become legal and legitimate. In addition, the state would likely kick in with assistance in the form of forestry service fire fighters and equipment and increased law enforcement/wild life management presence. Lord knows RR needs a wild life management plan.

Owners would benefit from knowing exactly what they own and would have the piece of mind associated with knowing their property would not be taken in the near future via eminient domian. In addition, they'd benefit from increased fire protection and wildlife management.

The property would benefit from the wildlife management frame the state would impose. Trails would be defined, areas designated walk in only, wetland protected, etc.

Finally, nobody would have to beat their chests and threaten shootings by good shot rednecks. Everyone's interests would be protected, their ownership legitimatized and protected and RR's continued openess and use by everyone who wants it would be guaranteed.

Maybe its pie in the sky. But, it sure beats the alternative of having the government sieze it over time or the Sierra Club hassle you and out spend you until they take it from you via their friends in the government. Unless you are very organized with extreme financial backing, it's hard to beat the Sierra Club once they set their mind to something.

I'd like to see somethign done to protect it regardless if many folks are too dumb to care what happens or lack the mental capacity to realize what's going on. I hope it all works out.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: jwscroll on July 11, 2005, 08:50:57 AM
Look, I'm not trying to argue w/you, I do care about what happens to our riding land but I'm not at this site to exchange witty banter. I'm at this site to meet people who are worth getting to know, and I gotta tell ya if ever I need lawerly advise I;ll be sure to ask you.
I would not use profanity to get my point across, nor did I ever agree w/ the statements made by others. I can stand alone in my fights/debates, just because I chose to spend my weekends riding not typing speeches deosn't make me a bad guy.
I would also never threaten someone w/a good shooting redneck. I was referring to the bad shooting rednecks. Errant shots kill, and not all hunters are as experienced at checking their background as they should be, an accident of that sort is not the type of publicity RR needs I'm sure.
        I don't give d@mn so much that I"m trying to organize a toy run in an effort to shed a better light on ATVer's and the loss of riding land while at the same time helping the community around us.
       Your statements at the begining of this thread set the wrong tone for the points you're trying to make. Perhaps some of your points are valid ones, I myself have delt w/much worse redtape in the military and can live w/the few rules that exist at RR.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 11, 2005, 12:18:39 PM

I appreciate your comments and your concerns. Send me a PM and I'll kick in some $$ for the toy ride.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: backinsaddle on July 11, 2005, 04:32:49 PM
Does anyone that has a deed in RR have title insurance?  I don't know a lot about real estate, but I do know that when I bought my house, I had to pay for title insurance.  This assures me I have a clean title, and if there is a problem the title insurance will kick in.  If I buy property in RR, I would assume that I'm paying for a place to play and that at some time the state could come in and take over, and seeing as I don't really know if I own anything, I'm not entitled to any compensation.  Thoughts anyone?

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 11, 2005, 04:51:41 PM

Good point. From what I've heard, very few parcels in RR are purchased with title insurance. The majority are via quit claim deeds done exclusive of title inspection or insurance. 

If you have title insurance, it would be interesting to see what type of exceptions were written into the policy. I've purchased land in the Big Cypress and several exceptions went along with the policy. Thankfully, access and ownership rights were guaranteed.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: racemanfl on July 11, 2005, 06:26:27 PM
Does anyone that has a deed in RR have title insurance?  I don't know a lot about real estate, but I do know that when I bought my house, I had to pay for title insurance.  This assures me I have a clean title, and if there is a problem the title insurance will kick in.  If I buy property in RR, I disagreeumption would be that I'm paying for a place to play and that at some time the state could come in and take over, and seeing as I don't really know if I own anything, I'm not entitled to any compensation.  Thoughts anyone?


I think that is why almost everyone on here bought into RR.
Dont to really own anything just a place to have fun,Some one should start a poll and I think you will see that is the answer.
Nobody really gives a crap about who owns what just a place in this great state to have fun,
This guy starts this s**t all the time Jerry


Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: tekhanto on July 11, 2005, 08:05:03 PM
I know that when I went with the group to Tall the lobbyist we hired was
wanting to get all that own out there to sign the papers at gate ( remember?) that would say we do not want to be taken over by the State
and are voicing dissapproval.  He wanted to get board to have say for group like a condo group or homeowners assoc.  Jeb's buddy there at
committee was chairman and was from Texas not even a Fl resident.  His
people had told him that only 200 people were there at RR and didn't oppose it and that was quickly challenged by the lobbist who informed them it was about 4000 and no one wanted it !!!!!  But they still voted
to proceed since their votes were already made up without our show
of numbers but we did fill up the complete room and got some attention.
WE all have to stick together for the greater good    as corny as that sounds

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on July 11, 2005, 08:40:56 PM
WOW!!!  I can't believe I read the whole thing. It's pretty cool to sit back and watch other people debate for a change.  Debate, name calling, threats, insults what ever you want to call it it's sure entertaining.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: FORDFANZ on July 11, 2005, 10:05:02 PM
Well  iam  done   Hey  if  yall  wanna  ride  pm  me  and  I  ll  meet  yall  there  .I  cant   wait  TO  RIDE  ON  MY  PROPERTY  AGAIN  !!!!!! :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: dirty1 on July 12, 2005, 12:22:41 AM
HERE IS A QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU...   How many of you on this site would pay a 600 dollar down payment and 60 bucks a year to have a camp at Badluck?   i know i would just to have a somewhat secure place to ride and i think all of you would too do to the fact that fourwheelers are expensive and we are running out of places to ride.                                                                                         

Anoriginal, do you even own a fourwheeler????  or do you have an allwheel-drive Saab or somthing like that......

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 12, 2005, 07:51:42 AM
being that this debate on open forum.. Let me clear something up. River Ranch is a hunting and camping club, Not a atv riders club. People go there to hunt and camp. also most the time you need a 4x4 to move around. So if you thing that you are going to buy into RR just to go riding, think it thru...

Redneck in a tree stand for 4 hour and a Atv with a loud exhuast drive by in the hunting section, scaring on the game. Hmmmm Redneck gets pissed off, redneck are darn good shot. I can hit a quarter at 100yds easy and I am only half a redneck. RR is a big place to be walking back because you have allot holes in your tires. There other places you can buy land to go riding, that are not hunting areas.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 12, 2005, 09:18:56 AM
Just a couple comments not directed at any one person.

River Ranch is private property and should not be open to the public that is why people buy property out there. If someone wants access then pony up and buy land and become part of the POA. Property owners should be allowed access to their land regardless if they are part of the POA even though currently RR won't let you in unless you are part of the POA. The money that goes into the POA should be going back into the property itself, paying for repairs, gate security, etc... I can't comment as to whether that is happening at RR but that is how it works at other privately owned areas that are similair to RR. Through the grapevine I've also heard that RR has an attorney on retainer, which is where a fair amount of the dues go to.

I do not own land at RR but I do have some at another location that is similar to RR. I bought land specifically to have a place to go to that I will not be chased out by police, a place to set up a semi-permanent camp and just flat out a place to go riding where 90% of the people out there actually care about the property.


Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 12, 2005, 09:32:22 AM

Good points.  My only concern is that in the event the ownership issue comes to a head, everything is effected negatively. Hunting, fishing, riding, camping, etc. Hopefully a happy medium will be reached.


If you call asking simple questions "starting sh*t" then okay. lol  

Also, if you buy without title insurance and with quit claim only, you bought wahtever interest the seller had in the property and nothing more. If the seller had nothing, you bought nothing. If the seller had minimal rights, that's all you got too. If the state takes it, youre entitled to whatever the eminent domain proceedings determine you're entitled to, regardless of title insurance or not.

Personally, being a part owner in a title company, it would take quite a bit of guarantee or extremely clean title to write a policy on anything in RR. Even then, I'd put in some serious exceptions.


If you're really worried about losing places to ride, why the hostility instead of working to keep it open?

I don't own a SAAB, but the wife has a cool BMW!


Great points. I'm extremely good friends with RR's attorney who also went and spoke with the Gov. It was great to see the numbers that got involved. Hopefully, everyone will realize it takes that type of action over and over to get a good end result. I can tell you, the RR subject is being discussed a lot more than what most people realize. It's a hot topic from time to time in the capital.
It's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out. I just hope it doesn't turn into another Big Cypress or Remuda Ranches.


I'm with you on property owners being allowed to access thier property no matter what. I've personally seen people turned away who owned property in RR but were not members of the POA.  Pretty sad.
The attorney for RR does most of his work for free or minimal charge. He owns a place in RR and had relatives on the board too. He's a great guy and believes in his work.  You are absolutely right on the dues and where it should go.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Gamer on July 13, 2005, 09:16:03 PM
HERE IS A QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU...   How many of you on this site would pay a 600 dollar down payment and 60 bucks a year to have a camp at Badluck?   i know i would just to have a somewhat secure place to ride and i think all of you would too do to the fact that fourwheelers are expensive and we are running out of places to ride.                                                                                         

I would pay a couple thousand dollars to own a camp out at badluck.  It just does not get any better than out there.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: hellison on July 13, 2005, 10:35:15 PM
being that this debate on open forum.. Let me clear something up. River Ranch is a hunting and camping club, Not a atv riders club. People go there to hunt and camp. also most the time you need a 4x4 to move around. So if you thing that you are going to buy into RR just to go riding, think it thru...

Redneck in a tree stand for 4 hour and a Atv with a loud exhuast drive by in the hunting section, scaring on the game. Hmmmm Redneck gets pissed off, redneck are darn good shot. I can hit a quarter at 100yds easy and I am only half a redneck. RR is a big place to be walking back because you have allot holes in your tires. There other places you can buy land to go riding, that are not hunting areas.

WOW! Big Daddy....this sounds like a careful with the new law that allows a person to protect themselves in what ever means! You could find out your not the only Redneck with a good shot!

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: dirty1 on July 13, 2005, 10:48:16 PM
or get banned for that ;D

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: mudnuri on July 17, 2005, 08:28:19 AM
ya'll are funny. RR has been working for YEARS just the way it is as a hunting/camping place. They are cool enough to ALLOW ATV's. Then some fancy city slicker wants to change everything to his liking.
Anoriginal, you are far from original. Too many of your type have come here to Floriduh to "Change it." You want to bitchh , piss, and moan about what you can and can't do.
I just got back from RR. I am so grateful there is a place to ride even with restrictions. Jackbags who stir up the pot ruin it for everybody.
Don't be like this. If you are a decent person you will roll with it and find a friend who has a deed w/ passes so you can enjoy it, too. I have watched in silence to your garbage for too long. You seem educated but not smart. If you were smart you would be riding instead of complaing and being all "woe is me." Woe is not you. Your ideas suck. Leave your Northern aggression up North where it belongs and let a Southern man be.
You can quote me 'till the cows come home and you will be wasting yor breath.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Anoriginal on July 18, 2005, 03:10:36 PM

Well, I guess there's just nothing wrong at all then huh? You proud southern man you.  I guess I should leave a southern man alone...get r done, the south's gonna rise again, roll with it, country boys can survive... B.S.  Give me a break there Hank Jr. Sure am glad you've got it all figured out. However, in doing so, you assumed too much about me.

The first half of my family came to Florida in the early 1810's from the area that is now Coffee County, Georgia. Originally a penal colony for England. They settled in what is now eastern Manatee County.

The other half came immediatley following the Civil War when my great great uncle (who rode beside General Lee into Appomatox when he surrendered) took his family south to Florida.  Part of the family settled in northern Florida, eventually leading to the county being named after my family. The remainder moved to the Manatee County area in about 1870. We've been here longer than any family in the county and longer than just about any in Florida.

Now, what were you saying about Northern aggression?  Duh.....?

As far as being "woe is me". Never have been. Anyone who knows me personally (and many of the folks on this site do) can attest that I am a polar opposite to that description. I absolutely love being me and make no qualms about it. I'm the happiest and luckiest person I know. I do not mind one bit directing my energy and ability at preserving places in the Florida outdoors for all of us to enjoy in the way we choose to enjoy it.  Had you taken the time to read my posts with an impartial and open mind (tough one huh?) you'd see this.

Finally, my ideas don't suck. Many of the folks who at first did not agree with me on this post have since PM'ed me and we've come to realize we share a common thread. That thread is to protect and promote places to ride even when it means protecting the morons who "roll with it" or who think riding and being aloof to the problem veses trying to do something about it is the way to go.  Thankless job most of the time and the biggest opposition usually comes from uneducated moron's who want to ride, but don't put forth the effort to be involved or take time to realize what the issues are.

As far as the cows being home, I was in my pasture last night.....(not in the city) and they were all there. LOL

I hope RR stays open, I mean it. Thanks for making me laugh.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 18, 2005, 03:13:55 PM

WOW! Big Daddy....this sounds like a careful with the new law that allows a person to protect themselves in what ever means! You could find out your not the only Redneck with a good shot!

No threat ! Read a book call Redneck Rivera tells the story for his jeep and camp being shot up, because it was in the hunting area. I dont know if its true  ???

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: CAOSPOP on July 18, 2005, 03:46:36 PM

WOW! Big Daddy....this sounds like a careful with the new law that allows a person to protect themselves in what ever means! You could find out your not the only Redneck with a good shot!

No threat ! Read a book call Redneck Rivera tells the story for his jeep and camp being shot up, because it was in the hunting area. I dont know if its true  ???

BIG-D your ONLY 1/2 REDNECK !!!! You LYING sack OF S*IT you lyed to me.  :'(

What am I going to tell MOM now HUH.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: big-daddy on July 18, 2005, 04:04:15 PM

WOW! Big Daddy....this sounds like a careful with the new law that allows a person to protect themselves in what ever means! You could find out your not the only Redneck with a good shot!

No threat ! Read a book call Redneck Rivera tells the story for his jeep and camp being shot up, because it was in the hunting area. I dont know if its true  ???

BIG-D your ONLY 1/2 REDNECK !!!! You LYING sack OF S*IT you lyed to me.  :'(

What am I going to tell MOM now HUH.

Ok, you got me!!! but look who talking, you gun carrying hillbilly. ;)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: CAOSPOP on July 18, 2005, 10:33:48 PM
 You mean i'm a hillbilly? Ohhhh K . I guess your right.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: dewman on October 18, 2005, 06:12:48 PM
i to am a deed holder. rr is not and will never be a riding area.   it is and will always be a hunting club.. i cant tell you how many times some city slicker has been riding a sport quad at mach 1 and scared every living animal off.  this year i think i might get me a rr 2 point, haha. as far as every one bitching be cause they have no place to ride piss on ya.  you are the very ones who cut fences, chase cows, ride in wet weather ponds,  and litter.  and now you same people want to come into a hunting club and destroy it also. then where do i go ? i also here of people bitching about the roads they cant get there 2 wheel drive truck to camp.  it is a mud and sand road not paved stay home. i am just tired of some yankey flying down main grade, i stop and tell them there is a 10 mph speed limit, and they just look at ya and wheely away. no more i will stop every one who doesnot follow the rules because rr is mine.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on October 18, 2005, 06:20:33 PM
First off I want to welcome you to the site.
I agree with you on the speeding in the camp area. People are constantly flying up and down the roads and that needs to stop.
There are several of us that are working with the board members to get some projects going so that we can help the hunters and respect their rights as land owners. I am also a hunter but I ride more than I hunt. The majority of us are land owners for the same reason as you are and that is to enjoy the outdoors with our family and friends. Hope to meet you out there some weekend.


Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: gery350 on October 18, 2005, 07:46:20 PM
i to am a deed holder. rr is not and will never be a riding area.   it is and will always be a hunting club.. i cant tell you how many times some city slicker has been riding a sport quad at mach 1 and scared every living animal off.  this year i think i might get me a rr 2 point, haha. as far as every one pregnant doging be cause they have no place to ride piss on ya.  you are the very ones who cut fences, chase cows, ride in wet weather ponds,  and litter.  and now you same people want to come into a hunting club and destroy it also. then where do i go ? i also here of people pregnant doging about the roads they cant get there 2 wheel drive truck to camp.  it is a mud and sand road not paved stay home. i am just tired of some yankey flying down main grade, i stop and tell them there is a 10 mph speed limit, and they just look at ya and wheely away. no more i will stop every one who doesnot follow the rules because rr is mine.

i can relate with alot of what your saying, i've seen alot of the destruction that people have caused, but we all are not like that.  if your saying it aint a riding area  when was the last time you walked to your hunting spot. all i see out there are people riding there orv. whether to go out to their hunting spot or riding, i dont recall seeing alot of people walking.
good talking to ya.

oh yeah, never say never.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: team_quad_green on October 18, 2005, 09:53:42 PM
to bad I only seen damtg man and his crew and about 20 others at the clean up. If you wanna cry about this place help us out when were trying to make atvers look better out there. The roads are getting better give them time, Ive been out there almost 5 years and the rode are 100% better.

Team quad green

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: customrubicon on October 19, 2005, 10:56:12 AM
I have owned buggies and atv's for years. Buggy owners and atv owners have the same issues. I do not think that I have to list them all. The people on buggies fly down main grade, litter and tear things up also. There are bad apples in all that we do. We as a group we need to help keep up the image of atv riders in RR. The clean up ride on the 15th was a start and a success. I did not see anyone else out there picking up trash but the atv riders from this site. I did see people throwing beer cans on maingrade minutes after us picking up the older cans.

Can't we all get along ?????

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: tekhanto on October 19, 2005, 09:19:04 PM
The clean up I feel was a success for the ATv'ers and River Ranch  people were looking at us like we were crazy picking up the trash as they would go by.  Although one person stopped and said " thanks".  But the Main gate was telling people that the clean up had been put off to another day and wasn't happening on Sat.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on October 19, 2005, 10:09:12 PM
The clean up I feel was a success for the ATv'ers and River Ranch  people were looking at us like we were crazy picking up the trash as they would go by.  Although one person stopped and said " thanks".  But the Main gate was telling people that the clean up had been put off to another day and wasn't happening on Sat.
We also had a few people thank us, that makes you feel good inside that other people cared. On the same token there were a bunch that rode by and looked at us like wee were crazy.
I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you tekhanto, I was on the yellow king quad. I hope to meet you soon.


Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: mainetoo2005 on October 20, 2005, 08:20:56 AM
I was on the yellow king quad.

AKA the "SLUG"?

Some guy name ORVILLE came up and thanked me when I was walking. I heard fiddle music.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on October 20, 2005, 09:43:59 AM
I was on the yellow king quad.

AKA the "SLUG"?

Some guy name ORVILLE came up and thanked me when I was walking. I heard fiddle music.

correction. " the turd"

Deliverence huh?  ;D

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: tekhanto on October 21, 2005, 05:13:29 PM
I'm sure we will meet out there hopefully sooner not later.... puts abit more into
going to meet others and have fun and just ride .

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: mainetoo2005 on October 22, 2005, 11:17:10 AM
I was on the yellow king quad.

AKA the "SLUG"?

Some guy name ORVILLE came up and thanked me when I was walking. I heard fiddle music.

correction. " the turd"

Deliverence huh?  ;D

Oh ya... El Turdo... I never saw a yeller turd before. But is your bike and you can give it any loving name you want :)

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: AintSkeered on October 22, 2005, 04:08:58 PM
There'll be no litter once Disney buys everyone out and builds their new resort.

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: cypress33415 on October 22, 2005, 09:56:49 PM
OK, 1 Quick question? I keep reading that this is a HUNT CLUB and not an ATV park. So can some of you guy's post some pic's of the game you have takin. I'm looking into buying some property up their and would like to see what kind of game you guy's take off the property. THANKS 

Title: Re: River Ranch POA
Post by: cypress33415 on November 03, 2005, 12:41:32 PM
DANG! Not 1 pic ? Maybe it is more of an ATV area then a hunting club..