ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: susieblazer on March 08, 2011, 04:54:05 PM

Title: ONF
Post by: susieblazer on March 08, 2011, 04:54:05 PM

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: susieblazer on March 16, 2011, 06:54:19 PM
soooooo no body has been huh? geeze

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: xchief1320 on March 16, 2011, 09:14:53 PM
I've been 2 or 3 times in the last few months and went in at the Rodman trailhead. The new trails are decent, but if it's hasn't rained much it can be real dusty and alot of soft sand in areas. And with the yellow trail being 2 way you have to be careful for jeeps/trucks as well as other atv's. But all in all it's pretty fun every now and then..

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zman03 on March 16, 2011, 09:16:06 PM
whats the speed limit?  15 mph?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: xchief1320 on March 16, 2011, 09:48:18 PM
I read on a few forums there was a speed limit but the rangers at the gate never said anything and I never saw any signs posting a actual limit. The only signs were right as you went into the trailhead and they only said slow,  But as you got on the yellow trail nothing else was posted.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on March 17, 2011, 08:04:29 AM
I went down about 3 weeks ago. It had rained the night before and wasn't real dusty. The best thing to do is park at Rodman, Delancey or the lot of of 19 and head out to the Pipeline, Tobacco and Hog Valley Trails. The Delancey Trail sucks. It's all wooped out between Delancey and Rodman. May go this weekend.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: psd on March 17, 2011, 11:00:05 AM
Trails are in great shape I rode last weekend, whoops  are not bad at all, parked at Delancy for the day! They have been grooming the trails daily according to the polite ranger that checked us out on the trails!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on March 17, 2011, 04:07:09 PM
That's great news Chuck. The reason I suggested the Tobacco patch was all those trails had just been groomed that day. I mean we were the 1st group over them after the box blade or whatever went through there.

I'm looking forward to a ride this weekend.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: xchief1320 on March 17, 2011, 04:13:58 PM
Do ya'll actually park at the camp grounds at Lake Dalancy or right off 19 at the Dalancy loop trail head or whatever it's called?
Everytime i've went we've parked at Rodman trailhead but I want to park somewhere else next time, getting to the good trails from Rodman sucks with all the soft sand.
The parking right off 19 looks decent but is all open with no shade. Thought about going to the camp ground but doesn't it cost to park there and is down a long dirt road?


Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on March 17, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
There is another parking lot off 316 I think it is but if you don't want to go to Rodman or Delancey (yes it is down a dirt road that is bumpy) then park at the one off 19. The other one I mentioned off 316 is the trailhead for the pipeline trail. IMO the best riding is going to be the western loops.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: xchief1320 on March 17, 2011, 04:25:35 PM
One of the guys that rides with us has a lowered Lightning so he can't go down real bad dirt roads. If it's decent then he can make it.
Does it cost to park at Delancy? We're in Jax so the 316 one would be way out the way.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on March 17, 2011, 07:55:05 PM
Just park at the trailhead located off 19. There's usually a volunteer there with trail info.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: xchief1320 on March 20, 2011, 07:54:56 PM
We ended up riding ONF yesterday. It was very dry and dusty. Until the rains come I won't be going back.
If you go be careful of riders on the wrong side of the trails. Ran across 2 seperate groups riding on the wrong side and it almost caused accidents.

Also just to answer the question I had it does cost $6 per truck to park at Camp Delancy. We parked off 19 and it was free but if you've never been you might be better to park at Delancy. Tons of shade and it's on the yellow trail. The parking off 19 leads into the purple trail which can be confusing if you've never been. It has many loops in it so if you make a wrong turn you'll be going around in circles.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on March 22, 2011, 05:24:54 PM
I rode there for the first time monday on the north trail system.  Nice scenery but the trails were all pretty much the same; flat sugar sand with no challenge at all, execpt making sure you don't run out of fuel.  Barely any whoops and no speed limit, although all the trails are two way and I'd be real careful on the tighter trails like the Delancy loops and the pipeline trails, which were the best of all the trails out there.  I only saw four other people on the trails all day, and two workers.  The Salt springs connector is NOT a trailhead as I thought it was.  I parked at the trailhead off of 19, although the delancy campground would be a better option.  The trailheads at rodman and off 316 were okay places too.  I purchaced my pass at Silver springs vistor center, which also had maps.  The speed limit myth is coming from the fact that the Ocala Adventure trail, aka Bicentennial trail, the one where big scrub is located.  It has a 15mph speed limit on one small section. Overall, Gald I tried it out once but it's not a place I'd make the 2.5 hour drive to go to again.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Reaver221 on April 06, 2011, 07:29:09 PM
My buddy and I are planning a trip to ONF in May, he's working weekends now but that changes soon.  We're thinking of camping for the weekend.  Any thoughts on that?  Is it safe enough to camp there?  If not, we can stay at my mother's house in Ocala. 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on April 08, 2011, 03:02:00 PM
Too try and answer many of the questions on here:

Delancy West Campground costs $6 per vehicle and you can get onto the yellow trail from both ends of the campground.  The yellow trail connects to the red, blue, purple, brown and green(motorcycle).  All other trailheads on the northern half of the Forest are free to park and unload at. (316, HWY19, Rodman, and the motorcyle TH on FR 66)
Salt Springs Connector and the soon-to-be-opened 88 Store connector are not THs but rather destination connectors.

No posted speed-limits on the northern trails or the Wiregrass trail on the southeastern part of the Forest.  However, like many have said, the width and visibility of each trail varies and riders should take caution to their speeds, surroundings and other riders traveling in either direction.

All OHV trails on the Ocala National Forest are two-way trails and suggest slower speeds.  All trails are designed for enjoyment of nature and family rides...not for difficulty, racing or speed.

The Centennial Trail that surrounds the bombing range and that is attached to Big Scrub CG in the southern-center part of the Forest does have a posted speed-limit in an effort to slow riders for everyone's safety.  Many riders still ride much faster than the 20mph signs suggest.  Riders on bikes especially due to the issues with riding in soft sand.  This is an understood problem and it is asked that all riders take caution as to their speeds, surroundings and other riders.

Camping on the forest is generally safe and no issues have been reported in recent months.  However, being that today is different in regards to the impending Gov't shutdown, check with your ranger station.  If a shutdown does happen, these trails and CGs would be shutdown as well.

any questions email me at

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: duroc825 on April 08, 2011, 10:07:28 PM
However, being that today is different in regards to the impending Gov't shutdown, check with your ranger station.  If a shutdown does happen, these trails and CGs would be shutdown as well.

any questions email me at
Hmmm? sounds like one could ride like back in the "good ole days"!  ;)

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on April 08, 2011, 11:03:00 PM
I wasn't ridin then but it would be nice to find out what it was like!!!   :d

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Backwoods Racin on April 09, 2011, 08:09:50 AM
It was a lot more fun and a whole lot safer.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: cj on April 09, 2011, 10:49:35 PM
It was a lot more fun and a whole lot safer.

X 100

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on April 10, 2011, 01:54:28 PM
What is this 88 store connector?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on April 15, 2011, 04:42:08 PM
What is this 88 store connector?

It is the newest part in the extension of the Northern Trail system towards the south end of the Forest.  This part of the trail will begin at the 316 Trail Head, cross CR316, and then continue about 4 miles until it reaches a corral built just in the woods from the 88 Store on FR11 (used to be FR88).  You can stop at this corral and walk up into the store for food, supplies, fuel among other things.

We should be opening this section VERY soon since I am finishing up the signs and carsonite posts for this section over the weekend.

As time progresses, we will continue to open "already-approved" trails that will eventually connect the Northern OHV Trail System with the Centennial OHV Trail System.  (These trails will span across the portion of forest in between CR314 and HWY40.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Backwoods Racin on April 15, 2011, 06:38:13 PM
What is this 88 store connector?

It is the newest part in the extension of the Northern Trail system towards the south end of the Forest.  This part of the trail will begin at the 316 Trail Head, cross CR316, and then continue about 4 miles until it reaches a corral built just in the woods from the 88 Store on FR11 (used to be FR88).  You can stop at this corral and walk up into the store for food, supplies, fuel among other things.

We should be opening this section VERY soon since I am finishing up the signs and carsonite posts for this section over the weekend.

As time progresses, we will continue to open "already-approved" trails that will eventually connect the Northern OHV Trail System with the Centennial OHV Trail System.  (These trails will span across the portion of forest in between CR314 and HWY40.
I take it that you are some how involved in the trail system, let me ask you how long you have been involved and what you think about the system they have now. I will tell you that I know it is more dangerous than before there was a designated trail system. What do you think?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on April 23, 2011, 03:16:31 PM
What is this 88 store connector?

It is the newest part in the extension of the Northern Trail system towards the south end of the Forest.  This part of the trail will begin at the 316 Trail Head, cross CR316, and then continue about 4 miles until it reaches a corral built just in the woods from the 88 Store on FR11 (used to be FR88).  You can stop at this corral and walk up into the store for food, supplies, fuel among other things.

We should be opening this section VERY soon since I am finishing up the signs and carsonite posts for this section over the weekend.

As time progresses, we will continue to open "already-approved" trails that will eventually connect the Northern OHV Trail System with the Centennial OHV Trail System.  (These trails will span across the portion of forest in between CR314 and HWY40.
I take it that you are some how involved in the trail system, let me ask you how long you have been involved and what you think about the system they have now. I will tell you that I know it is more dangerous than before there was a designated trail system. What do you think?

Yes I am involved in an "official" manner.  I have been working on the trails since April of 2008.  I understand the idea of them being more dangerous now than then based on the fact that riders were more spread out and had less chance of coming across one another.  However, in actual reports given to us, mind you a lot of incidents go unreported, the numbers were very similar in accidents in the 12 months prior to shutting down the South half of the forest as they were for the following year.  Also, I have had no accidents reported to me on the Centennial or Wiregrass Trail Systems for 2011.  I don't doubt that there have been some, but usually a percentage of those, on average, is reported.
I do think that with time and the continuous opening of new trails and connectors that the chances of multiple run-ins with other riders will decrease.  
I have lived in the Ocala National Forest all my life (1981) and have witnessed firsthand the changes that have been made in the past decades.  Some are made to stop resource damage, some are made for better management and some are made for reasons I haven't been enlightened to yet.  Trail systems like ours are in place all over the country, and in time we hope ours grows to rival some of those.  Safety is an important part of our management plan, however, you know as well as I that how fast or wreckless a person drives is solely on that individual.  We can only post signs and try to educate the public as to safe riding procedures and a trail enjoyment atmosphere versus a wide-open racing area.  Above all, my personal view is for those on the trail system to enjoy themselves and return to the Ocala, safe and sound!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on April 23, 2011, 06:35:19 PM
Thanks for the info, any idea when those two connectors will be open?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on April 26, 2011, 07:49:01 AM
Thanks for the info, any idea when those two connectors will be open?

Salt Springs connector has been opened since late 2010.  It connects to the Southeast corner of the Yellow(Longleaf) Trail. 
The 88 Store Connector (88 Connector Trail) is currently being signed and should be open by the end of the week.  It connects to the Brown (Pipeline) Trail at/just west of the 316 Trail head.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on April 26, 2011, 05:02:33 PM
Yea I knew the salt springs connector was already open.  But what about the one that connects to the big scrub area?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 01, 2011, 12:17:51 PM
Yea I knew the salt springs connector was already open.  But what about the one that connects to the big scrub area?

The already approved trails/connectors that will systematically link the northern trail with the Big Scrub area will open periodically from north to south.  When I was last made aware of our planning phase, the connector leading to the centennial trail from the north trails would be the last due to the technicalities and legalities of crossing HWY 40.
Small trails will continue to be opened in "chunks" moving south from areas around Salt Springs and FR11.  At this time, I could not tell you which piece would be next.  When I do find out, I will attempt to let you know.
I am very excited about the idea of a "finished" trail that spans from the Big Scub area all the way to Rodman and Delancy.  The only issue is when pieces can be opened and maintained versus the amount of staff on duty to do so.  Also a drop in overall OHV use on the ONF has slowed the process down as tell everyone to come out!  With more use, the ebtter chance I have to persuade those who make the final decision to move faster!  I personally manage the Centennial Trail around Big Scrub and I am trying to improve it with every chance I get!  The process is slow with the lack of personnel, but I am taking strides to make it safer and more enjoyable to every rider.  If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them!  (Keep in mind that some ideas I just can't do due to legalities and such.)  Thank you!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on May 01, 2011, 09:47:37 PM
Thanks for all you are doing and keeping us posted. I think once the trail is open more people will come out. The last time we used the bathrooms at Big Scrub it was clean as all get out. I was like this is at a campground? Once again thanks for all you do.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on May 01, 2011, 11:39:06 PM
This past weekend was my first trip to ONF for 2 days of riding.  I have to say, I was really impressed.  Being that the last 15 years I have been riding pretty much exclusivly at Croom.  Don't get me wrong, croom is a great place and we should all be lucky we still have it, but the North trails at Ocala were a great change of pace and the lack of the "croom whoops" was a nice relief.  We logged over a hundred miles in 2 days and had a blast.  We were there Fri and Sat and only saw two other riders.  I would have to say it has to be pretty dangerous on busy weekends.  I can see a lot of head on accidents with the limitted visiblity on most trails.  I have to try out the centtenial trail next time I go up.  I wish the state would wake up and have more areas like this throughout the state

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on May 02, 2011, 07:36:58 AM
I never thought I'd like the trail system but I do. I like others wish the trails were one way but I'm thankful we have someplace to ride. I look forward to the 2 systems getting connected. I think it may get some more riders if that was done.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: I_N_3 on May 02, 2011, 03:12:53 PM
What were the trail conditions like?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on May 02, 2011, 09:13:44 PM
What were the trail conditions like?

I thought they were pretty good.  The only trail that I thought was a little rough was the hog trails.  I can't imagine riding dirt bikes there with all the soft sand.  As usual as soon as the air warmed up it got very dusty

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: sugarsand007 on May 03, 2011, 04:19:07 PM

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on May 03, 2011, 04:47:53 PM

In my opinion, go ride croom for a while and pay $60 for the full year even if you only ride there once and like me, you will appreciate a change and the riding in Ocala.  I will probably rarely get up to Ocala so the $10 for 3 days is a bargin. 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 08, 2011, 03:50:44 PM

I responded to your message and sorry for the delay.
So everyone else knows, I will be working on the Wiregrass much more this summer as it stands now, since the Centennial trail is groomed to a standard that I can sustain.  Hopefully we will get more rain which allows my equipment to do a much better job in our dusty, soft sand that is spread all over our trails!  If anyone has any questions or concerns, I check this forum frequently and you can always shoot me a personal message as well.  Thank you for the good posts above about the trail conditions and we will continue to try and make them better!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 1Scorpion on May 08, 2011, 04:45:25 PM
 It's been a long time since I've been to ONF. I'm planning on riding Sat. morning. Do they still have the permits at the trailheads ?
 I'm hoping a friend of mine rides also I'm trying to get him into ATVing. If not 'll go it alone.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on May 08, 2011, 05:56:37 PM

I responded to your message and sorry for the delay.
So everyone else knows, I will be working on the Wiregrass much more this summer as it stands now, since the Centennial trail is groomed to a standard that I can sustain.  Hopefully we will get more rain which allows my equipment to do a much better job in our dusty, soft sand that is spread all over our trails!  If anyone has any questions or concerns, I check this forum frequently and you can always shoot me a personal message as well.  Thank you for the good posts above about the trail conditions and we will continue to try and make them better!

Well when I was last up to the north trail system it was looking pretty good as far as trail maintance goes.  My only complaint was the Northwest side needed better marking and more grooming.  Otherwise good job!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 09, 2011, 03:10:06 PM
Yes, fee envelopes are avaiable at all trailheads for 3 day riding passes. $10 for adults, $5 for kids 15 and under. 

I also just let the guy who runs the North trails know about the Northwest corner of the trail system.  He knows some of the signs are faded and some are missing.  He will begin fixing that area and spend some time grooming it as well.  He has been running our tractor on the yellow trail lately as well as spending time finishing up the 88 Connector trail that begins at the 316 Trail head! 

Thanks again for all the compliments and concrens, we want to use forums like this to help us keep our trails up and enjoyable!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 1Scorpion on May 09, 2011, 04:35:58 PM
 Thanks Kris,  I'll be heading up there this weekend.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 1Scorpion on May 14, 2011, 08:04:47 PM
 Road ONF today it's been quite a long time since I've been there.  I started at the trailhead on 316. I was surprised at how good the trails were. We rode 70+ miles. I had to see for myself that the connector trail went to the 88 store it does. Better yet it's not a straight boring trail it's got curves. Good job.
 I wish we could park at the store but it gets you real close.
 All I can say is both my wife and I had a great time. We don't get to ride often so it's great to have a place with so many trails. We came across only one other group of ATVers 8 of them all having fun. And we got out there before the storm front came thru. We'll be back for sure.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 21, 2011, 12:29:54 PM
Road ONF today it's been quite a long time since I've been there.  I started at the trailhead on 316. I was surprised at how good the trails were. We rode 70+ miles. I had to see for myself that the connector trail went to the 88 store it does. Better yet it's not a straight boring trail it's got curves. Good job.
 I wish we could park at the store but it gets you real close.
 All I can say is both my wife and I had a great time. We don't get to ride often so it's great to have a place with so many trails. We came across only one other group of ATVers 8 of them all having fun. And we got out there before the storm front came thru. We'll be back for sure.

Glad to hear you had a great time!  It is quite hard to keep the trails in top condition with the amount of riders, storms and damage through misuse.  With only a handful of people consistently working on the trails' upkeep and improvement it is nice to hear of a positive weekend.  If you have any comments or suggestions  please feel free to send them our way!  The more riders you can persuade to come try out the Ocala NF, the more funds come in, the more stats we can track, and the more opportunities open for us to expand our trail system.  Again, I am very happy that your weekend was enjoyable and I hope you visit again real soon!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: powerstroke157 on May 24, 2011, 05:31:14 PM
Me and my wife have been wanting to try ONF again after years of being gone. My question is I have outlaws on my atv and I had heard a rumor that I could be fined for such aggressive tires. Is this true? Not looking for mud just some nice trail riding.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on May 26, 2011, 10:39:53 AM
I also would like to know about the tires. Plan on riding Tate's Hell next week & wondering if i need to put stock tires back on. Haven't been able to find the info about tires on any of the web sites. I've checked ONF,Croom,Tate's HELL, nothing about about tires!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on May 26, 2011, 05:03:28 PM
Just got off the phone with a ranger from Tate's Hell & according to him any style tires are allowed in the state forests. You should be ok powerstroke157. I'm not going change tires now!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: powerstroke157 on May 26, 2011, 05:11:25 PM
Good Deal! Thanks SMP63
Getting to old to deal with tickets over stupid things like tires. lol
Thanks again

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 27, 2011, 10:09:32 AM
This is the wording used in our Ocala OHV Map Guide:
Users are encouraged to keep tread depth to a maximum of 1 inch.  This will help prevent soil displacement and reduce trail maintenance costs."

As an individual who can issue citations...this is lowest on my level of priority when enforcing rules.  My main concern is that if you have very aggressive tires that your big intent is NOT to use them to do tricks and burn outs and donuts and tear up the trail.  However, issuing citations is at the discretion of the issuing individual and I can only speak for myself, although the guys who run OHV with me feel pretty much the same.  The riders intentions go a long way with me and how I treat the individual.  If you are just out to have fun and trail ride then by all means, come on out! 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: powerstroke157 on May 27, 2011, 11:22:23 AM
Thanks kdclere, glad to her from an official. Deff not there to tear any thing up, just cruise around and see the sights.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on May 27, 2011, 12:30:44 PM
Thanks Kris for the info. The ranger @ Tate's Hell should have told me the same. After reading your post i went to ONF web site & still can't find that info about tires. Have a good & safe holiday Kris & everybody!!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Paul_S on May 27, 2011, 02:00:16 PM
Thanks Kris for the info. The ranger @ Tate's Hell should have told me the same. After reading your post i went to ONF web site & still can't find that info about tires. Have a good & safe holiday Kris & everybody!!!!

Tates Hell is a State Park and have different regs than ONF  ;)

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on May 27, 2011, 09:20:56 PM
KD I got a couple of questions
first you mention that you track the day passes how do you track the yearly pass holders
second what are the rules conserning cutting limbs that arepertruding out into the trails. I dont want a ticket for trying to help you.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work ;D

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on May 28, 2011, 04:29:11 PM
KD I got a couple of questions
first you mention that you track the day passes how do you track the yearly pass holders
second what are the rules conserning cutting limbs that arepertruding out into the trails. I dont want a ticket for trying to help you.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work ;D
We do have a log of everyone who purchases a yearly pass, however we ask those individuals to make a photo copy or our office will make a copy to place in their window while riding so we can check.  Most times, if I don't find a hangtag or any proof in a vehicle, I issue a warning saying "proof or purchase was not displayed" NOT "you didn't pay".  This allows me to leave an info sheet that tells the individual what actions they could have done wrong and how to correct them, I also log each plate number and vehicle to see if it happens more than once...then things could get worse for that person.  That's all really in regards to that.
As for limbs...PLEASE cut them...with as much trail as I have to try and keep up with, I never get caught up on the trimming, it is almost impossible.  Riders like you are the only ones who can help out!  You are more than welcome to remove limbs, brush and downed trees (of course, at YOUR risk) you know the government!  If you want to look into maybe trimming for a lil bit during a ride sometime, I can talk with you or anyone for that matter about volunteering for the day in exchange for free riding instead of the fees...BUT it has to be arranged prior to the ride not the day of or afterwards.
Thanks, Kris

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on May 28, 2011, 08:39:02 PM
Thanks Kris

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: strubby on May 30, 2011, 06:07:50 PM
Finally, a lot of the questions I had about the new trail systems are answered! Are there any ideas or future plans for one way loops off the main trail? Almost everywhere I currently ride is non-directional or marked, so I'm not complaining in any way. Now that the girlfriend has her own bike I'd like to make a trip out. Where is best to park and what would be the best trails for sport riders? Also, to purchase the 3-day pass at the trailhead, does your ATV have to be registered? Mine is but we haven't gotten down to the tag office for the 250 yet. Thanks...

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 03, 2011, 03:20:28 PM
Finally, a lot of the questions I had about the new trail systems are answered! Are there any ideas or future plans for one way loops off the main trail? Almost everywhere I currently ride is non-directional or marked, so I'm not complaining in any way. Now that the girlfriend has her own bike I'd like to make a trip out. Where is best to park and what would be the best trails for sport riders? Also, to purchase the 3-day pass at the trailhead, does your ATV have to be registered? Mine is but we haven't gotten down to the tag office for the 250 yet. Thanks...

Wandering Wiregrass trail off of CR445, (east off of HWY 19 towards Alexander Springs) is a 17 mile loop that is two-way, but seems to rode counter-clockwise by most riders.  For the majority of the trail it is open from brush for better natural visibility if that is your concern.  As of now, there are no plans to make any of the trails on the Ocala NF one-directional, sorry.  Just as an update, I am in the middle of trail-raking the Wiregrass and have finished the entire western side.  It is definitely a lot flatter than it was a week ago.  The trail it self has developed a lot of whoops and I am trying to knock them down now.
If you would like to try out any of the other trails on the National Forest, I would recommend parking at the trailhead north of the intersection of Forest Road 14 and Forest Road 09 to ride the Centennial Trail, a 45 mile looped system with two seperate, but shared loops.  This trailhead allows you to customzie your ride plan by looking at the map at the is also closest to any water areas...for cooling off.
As for the north end of the forest, I would park at the trailhead on HWY19 or CR316.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: pault on June 05, 2011, 10:22:18 AM
Kdclere, you are doing an awsome job with the trails and keeping people informed. My family and I go there when we can and we have alway have a great time. What would be the best way to get to Big Scrub coming from Palatka and can you access the Wondiering Wiregrass and the new Centenial Trail (new on around the the bombing range) from Big Scrub. Where is the storee 88 at.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 05, 2011, 01:47:17 PM
Kdclere, you are doing an awsome job with the trails and keeping people informed. My family and I go there when we can and we have alway have a great time. What would be the best way to get to Big Scrub coming from Palatka and can you access the Wondiering Wiregrass and the new Centenial Trail (new on around the the bombing range) from Big Scrub. Where is the storee 88 at.
Palatka take HWY19, pass HWY 40 and then continue south until Forest RD 14 (there is a neighborhood on both sides of the road at HWY19) and make right.  Travel 7 miles west until reaching Big Scrub Campground at the intersection of FR14 and FR14.
The Centennial Trail can be accessed from Big Scrub and gives you 47 total miles to ride.  The Wiregrass cannot be accessed from Big Scrub.  To use the Wiregrass you would have to trailer your machines past FR14 on HWY 19 another 1/3 miles then take CR445 east for a mile and a half until reaching the trailhead on your left.
These routes are the quickest as they keep you on pavement for the longest period of time.  Thank you for the kind words and I will keep up my hard work as best I can during the dry months.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 05, 2011, 01:50:04 PM
As for the 88 Store it is on Forest Road 11 (what used to be Forest Road 88) just below the intersection of CR316 and FR11.  Easiest way to get to a trail head closest to this location from Palatka is to take HWY19 south until CR316 in Salt Springs then travel east until the 316 Trail Head.  From the trail head you can ride south on the new extension trail to the 88 Store, the extension is about 4 miles.  Also fromt he Trail Head you can access the other trails in the North Trail System.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: pault on June 05, 2011, 08:07:57 PM
Thanks for the quick response. We normaly offload and start at the Rodman trail head and ride all the north trails and pass through Lake Delancy campground to cool off and snack. So I can access the store from the North Trail. which one and is this store normally open on weekends. Thanks again.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 06, 2011, 07:46:40 AM
Store connector is located off of the Brown Trail (pipeline trail).  It is attached to the brown trail at 316 TH.  As far as I know it is open everyday, unless hours have changed recently.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on June 26, 2011, 09:21:23 PM
On a last minute trip, we rode the centennial trail today.  Very nice ride and the trails were a 8 out of 10 in my book.  Very few whoops.  This trail seems easier to ride than the north trails since there are not as many blind spots to see traffic coming at you.  We parked at the TH before big scrub campgrounds a little off of powerline rd.  Is there any other TH you can access this trail without driving miles down a fire rd?  Not that I care, but the truck took more abuse than the quad did to get back there.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 27, 2011, 03:23:36 PM
On a last minute trip, we rode the centennial trail today.  Very nice ride and the trails were a 8 out of 10 in my book.  Very few whoops.  This trail seems easier to ride than the north trails since there are not as many blind spots to see traffic coming at you.  We parked at the TH before big scrub campgrounds a little off of powerline rd.  Is there any other TH you can access this trail without driving miles down a fire rd?  Not that I care, but the truck took more abuse than the quad did to get back there.

Glad you had a good time!  I am actually heading out tomorrow to rake the Scrub Jay loop of that trail and check for down trees, signs etc... 
There are three access THs for Centennial.  The on off of FR14 (powerline where you went), the one inside Big Scrub CG, (but you are required to pay the CG fee to park there), and one on FR09, (same as the first one only this one is just south of HWY 40 on the "gas pipeline" road).  The last one has the least amount of time spent on clay/dirt roads.  There are signs on each direction on HWY 40 stating "Centennial OHV Trailhead, next left/right" near the road turnoff.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on June 28, 2011, 09:34:11 AM
On a last minute trip, we rode the centennial trail today.  Very nice ride and the trails were a 8 out of 10 in my book.  Very few whoops.  This trail seems easier to ride than the north trails since there are not as many blind spots to see traffic coming at you.  We parked at the TH before big scrub campgrounds a little off of powerline rd.  Is there any other TH you can access this trail without driving miles down a fire rd?  Not that I care, but the truck took more abuse than the quad did to get back there.
I need to get your number Dave. I would've loved to have gone. I'm really glad to read that the trails are in good shape. With the rain we had was it brutal dusty?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on June 28, 2011, 04:00:05 PM
Rode the Scrub Jay loop, (Bottom 20mile loop of Centennial Trail), today with an ATV and rake system and my chainsaw for clearing downed trees.
Very excited to report that it did not need to put much effort into raking as this loop of the trail was pretty smooth, however I did give it a good "once-over" since I was riding it.  I also cleared about 7 obstructions from the recent storms and now the entire loop is clear and free of tree debris and such.  There is a lot of growth that has come in from the Spring season and from the rains, but the trail is very ridable and I only was touched by brush a few times during my ride.
I intend to ride the northern remaining part of the Centennial on Friday so I can make sure it is smooth and unobstructed!  I am beginning to try and clear out corners so that visiblity is good for oncoming riders since we can't go to one-way trails.
Please come out and give the trail a try if you haven't been or it has been awhile.  I am trying to create an environment that promotes fun, safe riding without the hassle of trees and roots and whoops and so on.  Lots of work to still do!  Always enjoy everyone criticism and feedback to make the trail better!!!
-Kris Clere

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: sugarsand007 on June 28, 2011, 04:22:36 PM

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Chillinthemost on June 28, 2011, 04:49:30 PM

  I haven't participated in any ONF discussions in a while because I guess I am still bitter regarding all the "improvements", but since you seem to be very involved I will tell you how I feel about the trail system.
  I started riding in Ocala about 8 years ago and enjoyed it enough to buy a place up there. My place is almost directly across from the trail by the pig pen. I used to spend a couple of weekends every month up there and hosted many groups rides right out of my yard.  As the new system was being implemented and closed signs were being posted EVERYWHERE, I completely lost interest in riding in the forest.  
  I will attempt to explain some of my problems with the system.  I will be honest and tell you that I am a racer and like to burn up the trails. Whoops, high banked turns, logs, ditches, hills, bumps, and jumps etc. are what I like to do.  This type of riding was much better before the new system was put in.  With that said, I understand that the forest is not a race track and I have other places to get my fix of more extreme riding.  
 The real killjoy for me was that I used to have destinations to lead group rides to.  We could ride from my place on the west side of the forest all the way to the St. Johns river east of 19. There was also several other river destinations along the Oklawaha river and of course the Rodman dam pit and the Eureka dam pit to stop and let the kids play.  Its too bad the open pit areas were closed because it was a great place to let the kids loose.  I never let my kids lead on the trails for fear of a head on collision, so they are stuck riding long dusty loops around the forest with no fun destination to go to. This is why I dont even trailer the quads to the forest anymore. I'll be up there this weekend for the 4th  but I wont be bringing the bikes.
 So if anything can be changed it would be nice to add some cool destinations. I also understand that at some point the whole system will be connected. That would be cool to be able to start at the north end and travel all the way to big scrub with places along the way to stop for fuel and drinks.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: stacktester on June 28, 2011, 05:22:24 PM
I started riding there about the same time and I never thought of a destination when we rode. We just got on the 4 wheelers and took off and whenever we had to put the reserve tank on was usually time to head in. They added the trail to the 88 store and kept the blue sink pond in the big scrub loop. Unless somebody wants to take a chance and open a place what is out there? I definately think there's way more trails out there that could be ridden and with 4 wheelers on them it would actually save the forestry from cutting them back. I think opening a pit back up and making an area for the sport quads would definately bring some more riders.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on June 28, 2011, 09:38:39 PM
On a last minute trip, we rode the centennial trail today.  Very nice ride and the trails were a 8 out of 10 in my book.  Very few whoops.  This trail seems easier to ride than the north trails since there are not as many blind spots to see traffic coming at you.  We parked at the TH before big scrub campgrounds a little off of powerline rd.  Is there any other TH you can access this trail without driving miles down a fire rd?  Not that I care, but the truck took more abuse than the quad did to get back there.
I need to get your number Dave. I would've loved to have gone. I'm really glad to read that the trails are in good shape. With the rain we had was it brutal dusty?
Sorry Donnie, My buddy called me around 8pm Saturday night and asked if I wanted to go.  We are going on vacation tomorrow and when I get back, I'm going shopping for a new quad.  I got a bug up my rear to sell my Can Am and I sold it in a week.  The trails were pretty good.  It was dusty but not bad.  I actually enjoy the ride on the new trail system except the fact of riding in fear of having a head on collision.  I have had many friends get seriously hurt at croom because of riders that blast through the trails and never look where trails cross.  I feel sorry for the smaller kids who ride the pit at croom only to get roosted by some careless rider who needs get his adrenaline pumping.  I think the ocala system is good for trail riding not MX...just my opinion.  I'll definatly get ahold of you when I get back and see if we can meet up there.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on July 03, 2011, 08:59:51 AM
On a personal level I can definitely agree with everyone that the lack of destinations and "play" areas is disheartening.  I grew up here on the Ocala National Forest and although I was not an avid rider, I did enjoy many activities that have been closed or restructured over the last decade.  My personal feeling is that the Rodman dam pit should be open.  I do not see where there will be much growth coming back due to the damage of mining the sand and dirt in the first place.  I can say that there will be more destinations when the trail systems connect (Mill Dam, Juniper, Shanty Pond, etc.), but the timeframe for the connection will be later rather than sooner.  The Centennial Trail is on two destinations (Blue Sink Water Hole and Farles Prairie-Lakes), but that does not help riders on the north end right now.  The north trails have connected to the Salt Springs Shops and the 88 Store though as they move farther south.
A quick note about the Wiregrass trail.  I have been attempting to knock down the whoops and keep the trail as clear as possible.  Hopefully the rain has helped me a little, but the past month's fire situations and critical projects have really kept me off all trails.  The Western half of the trail still needs a lot of my attention.  The powerline portion was disced with the tractor repeatedly a couple weeks ago and has been "destroyed" again by heavy truck use.  It is unfortunate that this portion of the trail shares vehicle traffic.
I will be at my Annual Training for the National Guard from July 8th thru July 24th.  I will attempt to pass on some upkeep work to another employee during that timeframe, but again no promises.  I appreciate everyone who does come out to ride and the feedback I get, positive or negative.  Some things I cannot improve upon or change, but I will try and address them as best as possible.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Backwoods Racin on July 03, 2011, 10:34:00 PM
On a personal level I can definitely agree with everyone that the lack of destinations and "play" areas is disheartening.  I grew up here on the Ocala National Forest and although I was not an avid rider, I did enjoy many activities that have been closed or restructured over the last decade.  My personal feeling is that the Rodman dam pit should be open.  I do not see where there will be much growth coming back due to the damage of mining the sand and dirt in the first place.  I can say that there will be more destinations when the trail systems connect (Mill Dam, Juniper, Shanty Pond, etc.), but the timeframe for the connection will be later rather than sooner.  The Centennial Trail is on two destinations (Blue Sink Water Hole and Farles Prairie-Lakes), but that does not help riders on the north end right now.  The north trails have connected to the Salt Springs Shops and the 88 Store though as they move farther south.
A quick note about the Wiregrass trail.  I have been attempting to knock down the whoops and keep the trail as clear as possible.  Hopefully the rain has helped me a little, but the past month's fire situations and critical projects have really kept me off all trails.  The Western half of the trail still needs a lot of my attention.  The powerline portion was disced with the tractor repeatedly a couple weeks ago and has been "destroyed" again by heavy truck use.  It is unfortunate that this portion of the trail shares vehicle traffic.
I will be at my Annual Training for the National Guard from July 8th thru July 24th.  I will attempt to pass on some upkeep work to another employee during that timeframe, but again no promises.  I appreciate everyone who does come out to ride and the feedback I get, positive or negative.  Some things I cannot improve upon or change, but I will try and address them as best as possible.
Hey seem to be the only person involved in the trail system that really understands the people who actually use the trails, and while you may not be able to change the things that we feel unreasonable we do appreciate your hard work and input. Thanks

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on July 04, 2011, 06:19:49 AM
Hey got a question for you.  I'm in the preplanning stages of a ride/camping weekend at Delancy.  Is there alot of standing water on the trails?  The only time I've been up there it was bone dry but I was concerned with all this recent rain...

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on July 05, 2011, 07:40:50 AM
Hey got a question for you.  I'm in the preplanning stages of a ride/camping weekend at Delancy.  Is there alot of standing water on the trails?  The only time I've been up there it was bone dry but I was concerned with all this recent rain...

Even with all the rain, the guy who manages the North-end trails is pretty sure that there won't be much standing water.  There are only a few spots that keep water after it has rained and he says they may be the only ones with water.  Hopefully the trail is damp enough to keep a lot of the dust down though.  Good luck and have a safe weekend.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on July 11, 2011, 11:03:54 PM
Kris thanks for your hard work. BIG thanks for your service in the NG. I rode the cent loop last weekend and had a great time. I know it is a never ending job  There was a tree down blocking the trail just west of the CG. but other riders have already made a ride around. I live 20 mins from Croom and with all the whoops there it is worth the drive to ONF. Getting ready to check out the northern trails tomorrow.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: pault on July 16, 2011, 09:05:54 AM
Whats the quickest way to access the Centenial Trail from Palatka and is their access to the Blue Sink hole to cool off with a dip. We have never ridden this trail and will give it a try next weekend.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: titoatv on July 16, 2011, 11:41:34 AM
hi guys im new on this please i need some help i have an atv but dont find anywhere to ride it im in central florida area "orlando" can you help me where i can ride?  thanks!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on July 25, 2011, 12:07:55 AM
tito there are 4 legal places to ride croom, ONF omega rancho keep looking around this site and you will see the good and bad about each

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Ranger on July 31, 2011, 10:07:23 PM
I like ONF the most so far and I'm in Orlando as well

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: pywacket1955 on August 01, 2011, 03:33:00 PM
I it true that you can ride to the 88 store or salt springs from lake delancy?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Busta Nutt on August 01, 2011, 04:17:35 PM
it be true! ;D

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 02, 2011, 05:55:11 PM
Just got back from riding the Centennial trail. Had a a great time. ;D :) ;D :) But beware there are approx 10-12 trees down blocking the trail. Also the north trailhead is got a lot of woops.  :( But I know the guys up there will get it taken care of soon

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 03, 2011, 09:21:45 AM
My son & I are thinking of going to ride that trail. Thanks for the warning about the downed
trees. Do you think the trees can be winched out of the way? Also did you check out the swimming hole?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 04, 2011, 11:33:25 AM
Blue sink was great and refreshing as far as winching probally not. most would require a chainsaw and most of them can be driven around.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 04, 2011, 11:44:25 AM
Thanks Zephyr!! ;D     How do like the 800 ??

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 04, 2011, 12:03:47 PM
Love it glad I got the extra power I will probably head back to onf next Tuesday

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 04, 2011, 12:10:23 PM
What trail you plan on riding?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on August 05, 2011, 08:51:06 AM
Thanks for the update about the trees!  I just returned from a few weeks of military training and have to play a little catch up.  Sorry for the delay, I will get out there as soon as possible and cut them out.  Hopefully, Saturday morning, early before riders show up, if not maybe Monday.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 05, 2011, 11:57:17 AM
SMP probably do Centennial

Kris you way also want to check the envelope supply at the north end trailpoint it looke like there were not to many left. As I am a yearly pass holder it did not matter. And again a BIG THANK YOU for your National Guard service

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 08, 2011, 08:04:40 PM
Anybody going to Centennial on Tuesday

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 09, 2011, 06:45:00 AM
I would really like to Zephyr but got to do full service on the green bike & change oil in the red one. Tried to do it yesterday but all i got done was get them cleaned up inbetween rain showers
Waiting now for the sun to come up so i can get started.  If you don't go today maybe we can get together tomorrow & go.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 09, 2011, 07:40:38 AM
Got to work tomorrow maybe we can get together next week.  :'( loading up now send me. A pm with you n
umber and we can work out the details

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 09, 2011, 08:03:48 AM
Just looked at radar CANCELLED

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 09, 2011, 10:09:53 AM
Ok no problem will send you a pm. Fixin to rain hard here. 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on August 14, 2011, 10:06:31 AM
Not sure if you know yet, but is there any planned trail maintenance for centennial for this coming Tuesday. Also is there a list of when the Bombing range will be used for the rest of the year. I understand the trail is closed on days they do bombing

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on August 29, 2011, 01:16:51 PM
Gonna be heading up to ONF to ride Labor Day, how are the trails looking?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: sugarsand007 on August 30, 2011, 09:35:53 AM

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: mrbones on August 30, 2011, 09:40:39 AM
Too many whoops?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on August 30, 2011, 09:52:44 AM
When myself, Mudbucket2, Zephyr rode Centennial the trail was in good shape. We did have to move tree from the trail but other than that Had a great time!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on August 30, 2011, 06:55:28 PM
I'd like to check out the big scrub loop, but their website the trail has a 20mph speed limit

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on August 30, 2011, 07:30:30 PM
I'd like to check out the big scrub loop, but their website the trail has a 20mph speed limit

I was concerned about the 20mph limit my fist time out there, but to be honest, unless you are speed nut and ride your quad like you stole it consistantly, I averaged right around 19-20mph all day.  Especially with this heat, after about 10 miles for me, I'm slowing down on the radical stuff.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on September 03, 2011, 11:57:14 AM
anybody wanna come ride ONF monday, labor day?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on September 06, 2011, 01:09:07 PM
Rode centennial yesterday and had a great ride   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Not sure is I will renew my croom pass even though i drive right past it it get to ONF

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 06, 2011, 02:06:26 PM
How was the trail & did you ride with anyone? Had a blast in N. Fla.. Helped build a roof over
brother-in-laws dads 5th wheel, plowed & planted food plots for the upcoming deer season,
drank a bunch of beer, did alot of night riding & swimming in the ST. Marks River.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on September 06, 2011, 03:35:30 PM
Trails in good shape(starting to get some woops) but it was after a holiday weekend, a few trees down as usual a friend from that area meet me there

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on September 06, 2011, 04:31:25 PM
I rode the north system monday.  Bunch of trees down.  Yellow trail was wooped out as usual but the rest were in good shape other than the trees and other debris hanging into the trails.  Had a good, fast ride till a branch from the aforementioned trees knocked my chain off.  We where over on tobacco patch when it happened and we had parked at delancey!  And that's also when the storm hit.  So we decided to tow it back via FR75 and lucky did not get in any trouble.  The new 88 store connector is great, just wish you could ride up to the store vs. pakring in a corral.  USFS should at least give the store some gas cans so riders can buy fuel.  That trail is pretty rutted too.  Also, trails were nice in dry other than a few small water puddles.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SpeedQuest on September 08, 2011, 12:09:09 AM
We rode at Delancey on Saturday.  The two new trails are pretty nice.  I agree, the 88 trail is great, but not having gas cans at the station kind of defeats the purpose.  Almost makes a guy want to drop off his cans at the station prior to riding around, but even that is silly.

We really liked the Salt Springs Connector trail.  We parked, walked across the street and had some lunch at the restaurant.  Decent burgers and COLD drinks were not the usual ATV ride lunch for sure.

Looking forward to going back more often as the temps drop a bit.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on September 08, 2011, 06:53:12 PM
I actually ended up riding my bike up to the pump anyway because I was nearly out of fuel.  The people at the store were cool about it, just don't get caught by the rangers or police, it could be a ticket.

Question for yall.  I heard that pub, Pig's Pen, in Hog Valley where the blue tobacco patch trail hits the road, sells pizza.  It's close enough to the trail that you could pop over there to stop and eat.

Also it should be mentioned that currently the 88 store connector trail crosses the paved road.  Rumor has it that they are gonna bury a Large colvert under the road for atvs to pass through.  Also will allow black bears and other wildlife to cross the road safely.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Dirty Brutes on September 11, 2011, 09:23:52 AM
Next time someone that is familiar with the trail system goes there I would like to tag along. Went there once with out a clue and thought it was pretty boring. Maybe someone that knows where they are going would help me see it better. Thanks

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Dorsey on September 11, 2011, 10:42:21 AM
Next time someone that is familiar with the trail system goes there I would like to tag along. Went there once with out a clue and thought it was pretty boring. Maybe someone that knows where they are going would help me see it better. Thanks

Same here. Plus seemed unsafe with 2 way trails with people flying around the corners.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 1Scorpion on September 11, 2011, 11:04:39 AM
 I'm hoping to be able to start or restart riding again in the next few weeks. I always park at trailhead on 316. It's the closest trailhead to the 88 store.
 I've never been to any of the places where I hear people go out to eat. I need to find them. 
 I find the trails are great fo all day touring just nothing technical though.
 As for the blind corners we need to do some trimming to make the two way traffic safer.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 11, 2011, 11:08:22 AM
Can one do this without getting in trouble with the rangers?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 1Scorpion on September 11, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
 I'm sure Kris will see this post and let us know. However last I knew as long as you are trimming . NOT logging or cutting a new trail there was no problem.  But it's been a long time since I spoke to a ranger . 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 11, 2011, 11:39:47 AM
Would be nice to know.  Will check this later, headed out the door to ride Rancho!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Dirty Brutes on September 11, 2011, 03:34:27 PM
SMP63 Hope you have fun and wish I was there with you. Had a blast last time we rode.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Dirty Brutes on September 11, 2011, 03:38:57 PM
400EX and speedquest look like the ones we need to hook up with to show us around ONF.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on September 11, 2011, 05:43:12 PM
400EX and speedquest look like the ones we need to hook up with to show us around ONF.

I'd be happy to go, I'm always looking for more riding partners, especially ones that can go during the week cause that's when most of my days off are.  I've only been up there twice so far but I plan on going more now that dirty foot is closed.  I know my way around, it's an easy place to navigate.  I'm not a super fast rider but I don;t like to poke around either.  What do you ride?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Ranger on September 11, 2011, 05:50:25 PM
I ride with Speedquest a lot up there, he's definitely the man to follow. I always get so damn lost time we plan a ride we'll probably post up here. We have mostly sport ATVs so usually  ride at a medium-fast pace but utes are definitely welcome to come along I bet.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Dirty Brutes on September 11, 2011, 06:54:28 PM
400EX and speedquest look like the ones we need to hook up with to show us around ONF.

I'd be happy to go, I'm always looking for more riding partners, especially ones that can go during the week cause that's when most of my days off are.  I've only been up there twice so far but I plan on going more now that dirty foot is closed.  I know my way around, it's an easy place to navigate.  I'm not a super fast rider but I don;t like to poke around either.  What do you ride?

Brute Force 750s. Let me know. Going to be doing some schedule changes soon.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 11, 2011, 10:08:14 PM
Post up when yall go, i would like to tag along!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Busta Nutt on September 21, 2011, 04:15:02 PM
I am going up there sunday and monday if anybody wants to do some ridin. Got some fencin to do also maybe some mowin ;D

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 22, 2011, 08:50:57 AM
What time you plan on headin up that way Busta Nutt?  I take it you got property there?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Busta Nutt on September 22, 2011, 03:21:26 PM
I'll be there saturday night till monday afternoon sometime. I have an old trailer in the valley.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on September 23, 2011, 10:40:45 PM
As far as trimming on the trails see Kris's response on pg 3 of this subject
below is his answer
As for limbs...PLEASE cut them...with as much trail as I have to try and keep up with, I never get caught up on the trimming, it is almost impossible.  Riders like you are the only ones who can help out!  You are more than welcome to remove limbs, brush and downed trees (of course, at YOUR risk) you know the government!  If you want to look into maybe trimming for a lil bit during a ride sometime, I can talk with you or anyone for that matter about volunteering for the day in exchange for free riding instead of the fees...BUT it has to be arranged prior to the ride not the day of or afterwards.
Thanks, Kris

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on September 28, 2011, 03:00:38 PM
My son & I are going to ride ONF north & south trails Saturday & Sunday. Anybody is welcome to join us. It's what he wants to do for his birthday.  Post up here if you would like to ride along
with us!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on October 05, 2011, 09:28:02 PM
We had a blast riding the trails @ ONF!! Sat. we rode Centennial including the inner loop. Had lunch & went for a swim @ Blue Sink. On the way back to the truck had twin cubs jump out & run up the trail about 100' in front of us, let off the throttle & was going for the brake when
momma bear appeared. She took 3 strides up the trail then spun around in a cloud of dust &
stood up looking @ us! Thankfully she decided we weren't a threat & continued after the cubs.
Told my son we were gonna stay put a couple minutes to give them time to go about there way. To be honest I coulda used a courtesy wipe. It took a minute to get the seat outa my azz. LOL!! We loaded up & spent the night @ the Holiday Inn Express. They were nice enough to let me park @ the front entrance & kept an eye on the wheelers. Will definitely stay there again. Sun. we parked @ the 316 trail head & road Pipeline to the connector trail to Longleaf &
rode it. Nice trail until you get north of the campground then the whoops began, some parts not
bad but others i was having Croom flash backs!! Took the Salt Springs connector & had a burger & fries @ the "Square Meal" restaurant. Barely made before they closed, open 7am to 2pm 7 days a week.  Looked around the "Country Store", they have pizza & hot dogs & are your
basic convince store open 9am to 9pm. After that my son was ready to head back to the house. Headed back up there tomorrow for the day with a friend & do some more riding. Gonna try to find the pub i read about & give the pizza a try.    

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SpeedQuest on October 12, 2011, 03:55:56 PM
A group of us are going to Delancey this weekend.  We plan to stay at this RV park: (

You can ride your ATV/OHV from your RV site to the ONF Trail System.  We will be riding Saturday, Sunday, and possibly part of Monday.

Get a hold of me if you want a 'guided' tour.  We plan on riding all of the trails, going into Salt Springs and eating at least once, and hitting the 88 store at least once.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on October 12, 2011, 06:07:02 PM
When you go to the Square Meal try the fried catfish. Gonna get that the next time I'm there.
Not a big fan of catfish but the owner gave us a sample & it was very good.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on October 20, 2011, 06:58:20 PM
My wife & I are planning to ride ONF this Saturday 10-22. Was wondering if anybody would like to join us!! Let me know, you're more than welcome to join us!!!!!!! Should be some great temps for a ride.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on October 21, 2011, 06:41:06 PM
Wherein ONF are you going to be riding and what time are you leaving?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on October 21, 2011, 07:35:05 PM
Hows it been going Zephyr. Gonna ride the north trails & will be heading that way about 9am.
I will use the trail head on 316. 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on October 24, 2011, 11:14:46 AM
We had a great ride @ ONF with Zephyr!!  Temps where great, some of the Hog Valley & Tobacco Patch trails where tire hopped kinda bad tho. Allot of hunters on the trails putting up tree stands for the upcoming deer season!! Delancy campground had quite a few campers there. All in all had an excellent time!!!!!  Made it back to the trail head as the sun went down.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on October 30, 2011, 05:37:59 PM
Rode the centennial Trail early this morning around 8am.  It was 50 degrees out and was perfect for riding.  The trail was overall good condition with no trees blocking the trail.  the worst part was the hunters running dogs.  We must have seen 20 different trucks with cages and many were driving down trails that were for ATV's only.  They made many deep ruts that were a tad too wide for the ATV so at some spots it was difficult.  All in all it was a great day

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: bigwili on November 04, 2011, 08:58:42 PM
So I am new. Is there a campground that you can stay in a ride quads out to the trails? Like Croom?.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: mrbones on November 04, 2011, 10:23:14 PM
Lake Delancy, West Side does.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on November 05, 2011, 01:23:15 AM
If you want to ride the Centennial Trail theres the Big Scrub Campground also!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: bigwili on November 05, 2011, 08:54:49 PM
I parked a big scrub years ago and it was just a big grass parking lot. and everybody said to chain dogs to everything or it would get stolen. is it different now?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on November 05, 2011, 09:25:16 PM
There's picknick tables @ every campsite & couple bathrooms with showers. In the cooler months it would be a nice place to camp. Just not enough shade trees for the summer.  As for stuff walking off, can't help you there. The last time i rode thru there on the wheeler their were
a couple tents set up with vehicles there & they were unattended.  It's a shame people can't leave other peoples stuff alone!!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on November 05, 2011, 09:36:21 PM
There's picknick tables @ every campsite & couple bathrooms with showers. In the cooler months it would be a nice place to camp. Just not enough shade trees for the summer.  As for stuff walking off, can't help you there. The last time i rode thru there on the wheeler their were
a couple tents set up with vehicles there & they were unattended.  It's a shame people can't leave other peoples stuff alone!!!!

I totally agree with you.  We all work hard for what we have and all it takes is one stupid a$$ and we get screwed

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on November 05, 2011, 09:48:35 PM
I know what your saying man!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: zephyr on November 14, 2011, 10:26:34 AM
Rode the north trails this past weekend and while stopped at one of the trail heads meet Kirk one of the NICE rangers He was very professional asked to check the green tags and all was ok. The north end of the yellow loop is getting very sandy and wooped out. The brown loop southern section is poorly marked. Other wise it was a great ride.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on November 14, 2011, 10:37:42 AM
That part of the brown loop is a little lacking as far as markers, just remember to keep heading south if tyring to get back to the trail head!!   Hows things beeen going Zephyr?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on December 02, 2011, 11:40:58 AM
Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is enjoying the trails.  To answer a question I saw a page back, trimming our trails is more than fine, just please keep it to the growth next to the trail and not any TREES or anything to make a new trail.
I will relay to Kyle to poorly marked southern section of the Brown.
I am in charge of the Centennail on the South and I and gearing to start the maintenance season again down there so enjoy the hopefully "smooth and clear" trails and keep an eye out for any maintenance crew if you are riding mon-fri.
If you have specific questions about the Centennial, check out the Centennial Thread under Where To Ride in the Forum.


Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on December 24, 2011, 07:38:22 AM
My daughter & I will be going to ride the north trails one day next week & then take my son to 5A & ride. Let me know if you want to ride along!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on December 24, 2011, 08:59:18 AM
My daughter & I will be going to ride the north trails one day next week & then take my son to 5A & ride. Let me know if you want to ride along!

I wish I could go. :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on January 08, 2012, 07:12:09 PM
Rode the north trails on a spare of the moment thing early this morning.  The weather was great and so were the trails.  We rode the yellow and brown trails totalingabout 50 miles.  The only part of the trail that was rough was a small part of the south end of the yellow where they must have brought a big dozer through and caused some ripples in the trail.  The dust however was insane.  There were 3 of us and I was in the rear.  I sucked up so much dust it wasn't funny.  So bad I had to stop at some turns because I could not see which way the trail went.  We need some rain!!!  Overall, it was a great day.  Can't wait for hunting season to be over so I go back to riding safely on the centennial trail

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on January 08, 2012, 10:48:17 PM
I believe my son & i bumped into your group "literally", I srubbed fenders with the lead bike, a good looking blond was on it. Ummm not to argue with you but the ripples you speak of was inbetween Delancy Loops & Lake Oklawaha. I also think it was a big dozzer. We rode the outside trails starting @ the trail head on 316 & yes it a great day for riding & it was super dusty!!!! Seen a small black bear & a couple deer on the store 88 connector trail!! My son wanted to ride there instead of 5A. 

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on January 09, 2012, 08:56:34 PM
I believe my son & i bumped into your group "literally", I srubbed fenders with the lead bike, a good looking blond was on it. Ummm not to argue with you but the ripples you speak of was inbetween Delancy Loops & Lake Oklawaha. I also think it was a big dozzer. We rode the outside trails starting @ the trail head on 316 & yes it a great day for riding & it was super dusty!!!! Seen a small black bear & a couple deer on the store 88 connector trail!! My son wanted to ride there instead of 5A. 

 Nope, not us.  Haven't rode with a good looking blonde in a long time.  Your right about the ripples.  I still loose my sense of direction alot.  I'm still hacking up dirt today.  I need to find some kind of mask to wear if it continues to be that dusty.  I'm getting over a cold and the dust did not help.  Lucky you that you saw a bear.  We have been hoping to see some good wildlife but no luck yet

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on January 09, 2012, 09:37:59 PM
I believe my son & i bumped into your group "literally", I srubbed fenders with the lead bike, a good looking blond was on it. Ummm not to argue with you but the ripples you speak of was inbetween Delancy Loops & Lake Oklawaha. I also think it was a big dozzer. We rode the outside trails starting @ the trail head on 316 & yes it a great day for riding & it was super dusty!!!! Seen a small black bear & a couple deer on the store 88 connector trail!! My son wanted to ride there instead of 5A. 

 Nope, not us.  Haven't rode with a good looking blonde in a long time.  Your right about the ripples.  I still loose my sense of direction alot.  I'm still hacking up dirt today.  I need to find some kind of mask to wear if it continues to be that dusty.  I'm getting over a cold and the dust did not help.  Lucky you that you saw a bear.  We have been hoping to see some good wildlife but no luck yet

We buy dust masks @ walmart, they work good. The blond was a passenger, couldn't tell you what the guy (driver) looked like. LOL!!!!!!  We decided to ride the trails in the opposite direction than usual to change it up. Next time we ride up there gonna ride Centennial & then go over to Wiregrass. Haven't rode Wiregrass yet.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: mulemedics on March 18, 2012, 11:17:26 AM
any info on restrictions on side by sides????  I was at ONF about 5 yrears ago with my mule 610, but have since had a kid so we need to upgrade.  All of the new ones are a lot bigger.  If i go bigger and wider can I still ride at ONF???

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 18, 2012, 12:52:14 PM
On the North Ocala trails, most are mixed use trails. All of Hog Valley, Tobacco Patch, Longleaf
(except a small section) are mixed use. Parts of Pipeline are also. The only ones that aren't is the Motorcycle Loop & Delancy Loop trails.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 25, 2012, 09:57:59 AM
The wife & I had a great time yesterday on the north trails. Got rained on a couple times but didn't last long. The trails were in great shape & the whoops on the north side of Delancy camp ground have been smoothed out!!!!   Gonna ride Centennial Loop next time we go.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 352guy on March 25, 2012, 08:19:02 PM
thinking about going here. got a few questions though. does the bike have to be registered and have a title? do u have to wear a helmet? also is there any fee to ride here like croom?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on March 26, 2012, 02:00:35 AM
Have to have the green sticker which means its titled, I think you have to have a helmet, and there is a fee of you have to pay at the trail head, last time I went it was 10 bucks for two or three days of riding.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 26, 2012, 01:11:06 PM
Welcome to the forum 352guy!!!!!   Patches206 is correct about the green sticker if want to be legal, seen a few Sat. that didn't have them & also were riding 2 up. ( not legal to unless its a factory 2 up) Helmets are suggested but not required.  He is also correct about the $10 pass good for 3 days!!!!! The pass is good @ all 3 places in Ocala. North Trails, Wiregrass Loop & Centennial Loop (Ocala Adventure Trail).  Hope this answers your questions.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 08Honda400EX on March 28, 2012, 12:27:01 AM
Very last minute, but I'm going to ride the centennial trail tomorrow afternoon.  Was planing on parking at the big scrub campground and doing the loop, then maybe riding wandering grass too.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 352guy on March 28, 2012, 07:55:34 AM
Welcome to the forum 352guy!!!!!   Patches206 is correct about the green sticker if want to be legal, seen a few Sat. that didn't have them & also were riding 2 up. ( not legal to unless its a factory 2 up) Helmets are suggested but not required.  He is also correct about the $10 pass good for 3 days!!!!! The pass is good @ all 3 places in Ocala. North Trails, Wiregrass Loop & Centennial Loop (Ocala Adventure Trail).  Hope this answers your questions.

thanks for the welcome. maybe i ask what 2 up is?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on March 28, 2012, 08:34:59 AM
Factory built ATV for two riders.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 28, 2012, 12:36:28 PM
Welcome to the forum 352guy!!!!!   Patches206 is correct about the green sticker if want to be legal, seen a few Sat. that didn't have them & also were riding 2 up. ( not legal to unless its a factory 2 up) Helmets are suggested but not required.  He is also correct about the $10 pass good for 3 days!!!!! The pass is good @ all 3 places in Ocala. North Trails, Wiregrass Loop & Centennial Loop (Ocala Adventure Trail).  Hope this answers your questions.

thanks for the welcome. maybe i ask what 2 up is?

It's when 2 people ride 1 ATV. Some people mount a cargo box/seat on the back of their wheelers to make it more comfotable for the second person but the wheeler was designed to carry 1 person.  The factory 2up wheeler is designed to carry 2 people & is usually little wider &
has a longer wheel base & is more stable with 2 people on board!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: 352guy on March 28, 2012, 01:03:22 PM
oh gotcha. sorry kinda new to the atv world. used to ride dirtbike like 10 years ago

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on March 28, 2012, 01:14:06 PM
Outlander Max 800 2up with a aftermarket trunk.


Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 28, 2012, 01:56:02 PM
Outlander Max 800 2up with a aftermarket trunk.


With patches wheeler he can legally have 2 people ride it anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Thunderdually on March 28, 2012, 03:58:13 PM
Outlander Max 800 2up with a aftermarket trunk.


With patches wheeler he can legally have 2 people ride it anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even under trees that fell over the trail  ;) :L :L

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on March 28, 2012, 07:21:47 PM
 rolback1 rolback1

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on March 28, 2012, 11:12:05 PM
Outlander Max 800 2up with a aftermarket trunk.


With patches wheeler he can legally have 2 people ride it anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even under trees that fell over the trail  ;) :L :L

Yes just barely! <nanaparty>

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on April 07, 2012, 10:24:59 AM
My son & I rode the Centennial Trail on Friday & as we were unloading a Ranger pulled up & informed us that the trail head on FR9 south of HWY40 is soon to close. They have just about completed the new Trail Head on FR13 south of HWY40. He said the new Trail Head is located just as the pavement ends on FR13.  We had a great ride & seen 3 deer. Sections of the trail was tire hopped bad!!!!! We stopped & ate lunch & went for swim @ Blue Sink. It was a refreshing swim as the water is still on the cool side. There were a few poeple camping at Big Scrub & the brush along the trail going into it has been trimmed back at the corners. They did a nice job!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on April 07, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
Steve you took your Saturday bath early. rolback1 rolback1 <nanaparty>

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on April 07, 2012, 01:42:08 PM
 rolback1 rolback1  I sure did TJ!!!!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: BigChair on April 08, 2012, 12:03:14 AM
Rode Longleaf today for the first time in my RZR. Had a complete blast!!  ;D

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on April 08, 2012, 04:05:26 AM
Welcome to the forum Big Chair!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: patches206 on April 08, 2012, 07:14:10 AM
Welcome to the forum Big Chair!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: ONF
Post by: BigChair on April 08, 2012, 09:11:47 AM
Thanks Guys!

For someone starting out, there sure is a lot of great information here in the Forum. Appreciate reading all the tips and getting good advice on where to ride!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Starbuc71 on April 08, 2012, 12:06:06 PM
My son & I rode the Centennial Trail on Friday & as we were unloading a Ranger pulled up & informed us that the trail head on FR9 south of HWY40 is soon to close. They have just about completed the new Trail Head on FR13 south of HWY40. He said the new Trail Head is located just as the pavement ends on FR13.  We had a great ride & seen 3 deer. Sections of the trail was tire hopped bad!!!!! We stopped & ate lunch & went for swim @ Blue Sink. It was a refreshing swim as the water is still on the cool side. There were a few poeple camping at Big Scrub & the brush along the trail going into it has been trimmed back at the corners. They did a nice job!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is this new trail head?  The worst part of the centennial trail heads is the drive for miles down the dirt road.  We usually park at the trail head closet to blue sink down the road from big scrub.  Is this new one on the complete opposite side?

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: SMP63 on April 08, 2012, 04:21:08 PM
Hello Starbuc71!  Yes the new trail head is on the north side of the loop, Blue Sink is on the south side of the loop. The new Trail Head is just south of HWY40 on FR13. According to the Ranger FR13 is paved for a distance when you turn onto it off HWY40 so it will be nice not to have to drive on the dirt roads to get to it. They have already moved the signs from FR9 to FR13 on HWY40. He said all they were lacking is the new sign that has the big map, small maps & envelopes.

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: kdclere on April 09, 2012, 01:00:10 PM
My son & I rode the Centennial Trail on Friday & as we were unloading a Ranger pulled up & informed us that the trail head on FR9 south of HWY40 is soon to close. They have just about completed the new Trail Head on FR13 south of HWY40. He said the new Trail Head is located just as the pavement ends on FR13.  We had a great ride & seen 3 deer. Sections of the trail was tire hopped bad!!!!! We stopped & ate lunch & went for swim @ Blue Sink. It was a refreshing swim as the water is still on the cool side. There were a few poeple camping at Big Scrub & the brush along the trail going into it has been trimmed back at the corners. They did a nice job!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm the ranger you ran into.  I try to keep some update son here and answer questions when I can.  I'm glad I met you guys while I was out there.  Sorry about the areas where it is tire-hopped, I hope to get out with the rake soon and finish up the trail.  I'm glad you like where the volunteers have trimmed back.  I will keep working to improve the trail when I get good days at work to do so!  I love the Centennial Trail and will put some good effort into it this summer while my volunteers are away.  Thanks again for enjoying the trail and I hope to run into you again sometime in the near future!

Title: Re: ONF
Post by: Busta Nutt on April 12, 2012, 05:34:45 PM
I will be up there this weekend if anyone wants to ride pm me I will give you my number. I will be in the Hog Valley area.