ATV Florida Forum

General => Tech Corner => Topic started by: MedicMudder on March 04, 2011, 03:10:47 PM

Title: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: MedicMudder on March 04, 2011, 03:10:47 PM
Hey guys I have 2004 500 HO Sportsman,the issue is I think the carb needs to be rebuilt.It won't go past 3400 rpm with out sputtering,bogging out.took the air box lid off ran great!! (sounded funny) kinda like a sport bike ...anyway,my filter dose not look that bad. Any help would be nice,if the carb needs to be rebuit is it hard to do don't wanna go to the Dealer To much$$$$$$
                                                                                            Tnks  ;D ;D

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: QuadMAN2k5 on March 04, 2011, 04:04:44 PM
Sounds like your main jet is clogged/dirty. It is NOT a hard job to do it. Save yourself the money and do it your self.  Does your bike sputter/backfire when it is reving dow? If you removed the air box lid and it runs fine then you may be running on the rich side (when your lid is on). Taking the lid off will increase your air flow. To solve this you could leave your lid off or you can tinker with your pilot screw in order to leab your bike out. If you are feeling uncomfortable doing it yourself buy a manual online for $6. They are easy to mess with.

My guess is your carb needs to be cleaned on the whole.

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: pault on March 04, 2011, 04:20:16 PM
Just had a similar problem on a 2008 400 HO. It would idle find but miss and sputter on top end. The carb was dirty and needed rebuilt. I didn't do it myself as I was unsure how to disconnect the throttle cable on the top end of the carb. JPS charged me $184.00 which included a new air filter. Not bad but still kind of high. Next time I will do it myself.

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: QuadMAN2k5 on March 04, 2011, 04:24:06 PM
yea i would reccomend doing it yourself. The rebuilt kits are cheap. Plus youll never have to take it to the dealer again for your carbs.

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: MedicMudder on March 04, 2011, 09:23:16 PM
thnks  8)

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: rtrperformance engines on March 07, 2011, 09:50:18 PM
Before you take the carb off try this, on most of the sportsman models, there is a hard plastic piece in the intake boot to keep the filter from collapsing when tightning the clamp , and it will turn side ways and restrict the air flow. take the filter off and run your fingers in the boot to ck.  Polaris will not rev with the air filter out and the lid removed unless it is to rich. also sometimes the spring in the slide will bind up  and the slide wont raise up to take in air. this is common when backing up and not using the over ride button and the engine back fires, blowing off the spring.

Title: Re: carb problems on a Polaris
Post by: MedicMudder on March 08, 2011, 09:29:55 PM
cool tnks I will check this out.