Title: BARTOW SAT HURRY!!!!!!!! Post by: atvaltz on July 02, 2005, 09:40:39 AM I got a call lthis morning from some buddys we are heading out there today as well as tommorow.
anyone wanting to join us today huryr and get your arss down there see ya Title: Re: BARTOW SAT HURRY!!!!!!!! Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on July 02, 2005, 09:44:27 AM They are open for practice?! I thought it was just races on Saturdays.....Mike is at a meeting. If he gets back in time I want to try and head out, because we cant tomorrow.
My mom recently got a quad and has got the entire family going out to Ocala on Sundays ;D Title: Re: BARTOW SAT HURRY!!!!!!!! Post by: atvaltz on July 02, 2005, 10:14:43 AM i dont know but they said they are practicing come on out see ya there