ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Anoriginal on October 27, 2010, 10:12:09 AM

Title: Hunting Season
Post by: Anoriginal on October 27, 2010, 10:12:09 AM
Now that hunting season's been in full swing for a while, I'd love to hear how everyone's done. Anybody had any success?

I've been a little this year. Not as much as usual. Took two in South Carolina last month. Nothing in Florida yet. Haven't seen any bucks large enough to shoot. But, I'll be out again this weekend. I've seen tons of deer this year though.

Let's hear about it.   :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: Hunting Season
Post by: foreman1 on November 03, 2010, 07:43:46 PM
Hey Matt.
Its been slow for me this season. Passed 2 legal spikes opening of muzzle loading and one 3" second week. I seen one 7pt which a friend ended up taking and thats it.

Only time there's been activity was during the new moon combined with a cold front. The Lunar calendar's been fairly accurate.
There's been a couple of nice bucks taken checked out and one hog .

However ,
I seen 1 panther and another hunter seen 2 crossing turner rvr rd.  A dead cat was found and retrieved not far from where I was seeing the research plane circling.
Found tracks and scat on a trail I was clearing last sunday afternoon.
Just remembered , another account of an encounter mentioned , near Birdon.

The so called Florida Panther needs to be de-listed , but will never happen as long as its funding carreers and projects at a federal level.
We have way too many cats roaming the cypress in my humble opinion.
As a life long tennant of the area ,whats your take on this subject?

Title: Re: Hunting Season
Post by: Anoriginal on November 03, 2010, 07:55:24 PM
I think the entire Panther thing is over played and simply a means to an end on the part of the left wing enviro nazis that want to kick all of us out of the Big Cypress. The studies they use to try and oust us are based on incorrect science. When it's brought up to them, they just try to shift the subject.

There was recently an article written in a Naples newspaper on the Panther and the fact that it has serious genetic flaws due to cross breeding and, as a result, it will never totally repopulate. We constantly see tracks up around our camp and saw one last year run down the road in front of us. Several of my friends have seen them as well.

I've taken two so far this year. Heading out to a private place this weekend for opening. Pretty much a guarantee at this place to take a nice buck. I'll keep you posted.

Come by the camp and see us some time. We're going to be in over thanksgiving.

Title: Re: Hunting Season
Post by: foreman1 on November 03, 2010, 08:01:41 PM
My thoughts exactly .

I'll be out there from Nov 12th thru Dec 1st , hoping for some cool weather .
Will stop by.

Title: Re: Hunting Season
Post by: Anoriginal on November 04, 2010, 09:17:46 AM
My camp is immediatly south of the NPS back country camp. We're coming in on the 12th through the 14th and the 24th through the 29th.

See you there.