ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: derek330 on September 15, 2010, 09:32:20 AM

Title: #'s on quads......
Post by: derek330 on September 15, 2010, 09:32:20 AM
i see in the latest SDTA email that the quads are having to bring thier bikes to signup for number plate inspection. i would just like to say that i HAVE been told a few times to have a number plate on the front and rear of my machine. the problem most quad people have is that the radiator is directly in the front of the machine so if I (we) were to put a number plate in front of the radiator the machine WILL overheat! i have told this many times to the people that ask me why i dont have a # plate on the front. i DO however have a number on the hood but i understand that its hard to see it when your at track level. also on my machine the exhaust comes from the center of the frame so when i put a # plate on the back it blocks the exhaust. this is eaiser overcome than the front plate. i plan on making a turndown for my silencer so i can run a rear # plate. there is NO WAY i can put a # plate on the front of my machine blocking the radiator. we need to come up with a new plan.........  any thoughts?

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: 1fastltr450 on September 15, 2010, 10:48:32 AM
for the rear you can get a # plate for a suzuki 450. the exhaust goes out the middle also. front I am not sure of .

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: WJDTRI on September 15, 2010, 01:07:02 PM
How about a vest or Jersey with big legible numbers on the front & back. Bright Iridescent orange like road crew vests  :)

Not trying to cause engine over heating or any problems........scoring is hard enough when you can see the numbers

we are open to suggestions


Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: 2 wheeled flat tracker on September 16, 2010, 08:46:39 AM
If you have a numberplate on the hood and it is large enough and clearly visible then you will not have any problems passing the # plate inspection process, I encourage you to get creative for the rear and make sure there is also a large easy to read plate on the back of your quad.

We are open to suggestions and have been asking all yr with minimal effort from the quad entries, we are now forced to inspect prior to accepting entry fee $$ to avoid the issues that arise throughout the night. Scoring is difficult enough and we as organizers need to make sure our riders are doing everything in their power to help the situation. If plates are not clearly visible from a safe distance either in the tower or from the infield entry fees will not be accepted and racing will not be permitted.

Best regards

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: derek330 on September 16, 2010, 10:40:10 AM
i had a great idea last night. how about a "shark fin" number plate on the rear. that would be easy to see, kinda like a passing billboard. LOL as soon as i get one made i will take some pics.
if it turns out well then i could make the other quad guys some for a small fee.

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: 2 wheeled flat tracker on September 16, 2010, 10:52:49 AM
Hey Derek, now your cooking with oil, I knew you would come up with some fine South Ga Engineering. Seriously it sounds like a great idea as long as it does not interfere with the rider when they move back on the seat. If its mounted from the back of the seat outward it would be out the way and easy to read.

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: derek330 on September 17, 2010, 09:40:05 AM
im talking maybe below the grab bar.....  south GA FTW! :P

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: LostCause on September 17, 2010, 10:36:57 AM
That is how they put their numbers on in Europe. 

Title: Re: #'s on quads......
Post by: shawnsadler110 on March 15, 2011, 03:55:41 AM
I know here in Ohio we run number plates on the BOTTOM of the front bumper OR mounted to the cross piece of the handlebars. and as far as your rear goes. u can do the "Shark Fin" as mentioned or the LT450 brackets to mount ur number plate UNDER the center out rear exhaust. also i have seen a setup using a U-BOLT through the number plate attaching it to the rear grab bar.