ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: FishaHallic on August 31, 2010, 11:32:37 PM

Title: The story of Patt
Post by: FishaHallic on August 31, 2010, 11:32:37 PM
The sad story of Patt,

Yes Patt spelled his name with 2 ts because he wanted people to notice him.  Patt grew up in a well to do family and basically Patt got everything he wanted, cars, education, nice homes and he even paid for some of his own stuff and not let mommy and daddy get it all for him.

Patt wanted more, he wanted to be "The Man", he wanted power and he wanted respect.  Patt pushed himself in whatever he did and always tried to top others in any activity, this is what lead to his downfall.  You see Patt was a  body builder and he strived to be the biggest and best but Patts body style did not fit the style needed to win.  More about this later.

Patt always enjoyed sports and he would listen to sports and study sports and even go watch games.  One day Patt was watching a game between team A and team B and they needed a referee and they saw Patt was always there so they asked if he could be fair and impartial and he assured them he could.  After some politicking to get the job they finally gave it to Patt and again he assured them he would be fair and impartial.  Things went good for several months until suddenly a pattern was noticed.

You see Patt did not like team A or anything they stood for, he despised there success and it ate him up that they always looked good while team B always looked like bafoons so Patt came up with a plan.  Patts plan was too start throwing the games for team B, he would start slowly at first and then slowly expand his part in this plan so that there was no way that team A could win, Patt would make sure of this.

Soon Patt was throwing every decision to team B and Patt thought no one would notice but he was wrong.  Besides team A who obviously noticed there were also outsiders that noticed what was going on but said nothing.  Now Patt does not know this but soon many of those Patt tried to impress were not only shocked at Patts conduct but they soon realized that Patt had no integrity or morals.  Finally Patt started to notice a change in associates behavior but he could not put it together that he was losing any credibility he once had.

During this time Patt continued his body building and soon became obsessed with winning, winning at anything he did.  Patt came across some people that said they would help him win these bodybuilding contest if he would only shoot this medicine into his thighs.  Well Patt desperate for attention starts the injections and before long Patt is beefing up and winning some contest but then it started.  Patt noticed his testicles getting smaller and smaller and his back started breaking out all over but the worst part was the uncontrollable anger Patt felt.  Soon this anger was more than Patt could control and he started snapping at his family, friends, strangers and even the players of the game he was supposed to be refereeing for .

Patts anger grew as the months went by and soon this anger started to take a toll on his family life, his wife wanted answers to his small testicles and his anger and soon there was talk of a divorce.  This talk enraged Patt even more to the point he could not even hardly function without losing his temper, Patt started drinking and growing more belligerent with each day.  With his family falling apart and friends leaving him he grew more and more despondent and then he finally realized what he had become.

Patt finally realized that he no longer was a man but more of a child that throws tantrums when he does not get his way.  Patt thought that this sucked and wondered what he had done to his once promising life but Patt knew it was too late, his friends have left him he had no respect and worst of all he did not respect himself, Patt realized he grew into a complete and udder moron without any self control.

One would think that Patt would have attempted to turn things around but instead he just got angrier to the point that he was finally kicked off of being a referee because every one knew he could no longer be impartial.  Patt still followed sports after all of this and he still got very angry when team B screwed up and would try to defend team B but by then it was over, everyone knew Patt was useless and Patt knew it also.

So what it the moral of this story, don't let yourself be a Patt, learn self control, try to be fair and respect both teams and if you can't you to could turn out like Patt and in the end team B did not even like Patt.  Besides all this who wants small testicles like Patts?

Title: Re: The story of Patt
Post by: digginfool on September 01, 2010, 10:25:45 PM
I guess the joke is that your name is Patt?   rolback1 rolback1 <nanaparty> CL

Title: Re: The story of Patt
Post by: FishaHallic on February 22, 2012, 11:08:02 AM
The saga continues............................Patts testicles are now like raisins, all hope is lost for Patt, his dillusional thoughts are eating at him all day every day.  The sad part is that Patt has now urinating sitting down and is wearing a dress but Patt thinks all is well.   STAY AWAY FROM ROIDS.