ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: FishaHallic on September 16, 2009, 07:00:15 PM

Title: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: FishaHallic on September 16, 2009, 07:00:15 PM
Starts tonight at 8 pm on Versus.  Should be a good one with......Kimbo Slice, that street fighting sensation that got stomped on the Showtime mma show?

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: buythisatvstuff on September 16, 2009, 08:10:19 PM
I don't think they would have hyped him on the show up so much if he didn't make it into the house, but I hope he gets knocked out.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: FishaHallic on September 16, 2009, 08:21:21 PM
BTW, it's not on till 10pm, there are LIVE fights on first.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: buythisatvstuff on September 17, 2009, 09:52:30 AM
I wan't impressed with many of the guys they brought in for this season. I wish they had another 16 guys and made them all fight to get into the house like on prior shows. It looks like Dana's agenda is to get some huge guys to compete against Brock Lesner.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 17, 2009, 11:11:15 AM
I think Kimbo is a joke. Nothing more than a street thug with no skills. He made his reputation via viral video, fighting nobody fighters. The one time he actually fought someone half way decent, he lost (Gannon).

His MMA fights are the same. In the beginning, they put a few tomato cans in front of him and let him beat them down fast. None of these guys were any good. Mercer was washed up and out of shape. Bo Cantrell was a last minute replacement for Mike Bourke and was out of shape and pathetic. Tank Abbott was a mess and looked like he was going to have a heart attack crawling into the cage. And of course there's the Thompson fight that was called wwwaaaaaayyyy to early because Thompson's ear was bleeding. None of these were real MMA fights.

However, as soon as he faced a marginal MMA guy (Seth Petruzelli), Kimbo got dominated. Petruzelli isn't even on the MMA radar but, he possesses actual MMA skills. So, it was easy for him to beat Kimbo.

Unless Kimbo's done a bunch of training and actually learned a thing or two, he will stand no chance. However, if he's managed to get in great shape, surrounded himself with good trainers and managers and manged to apply what he's been trained to do...he might stand a chance. Of course, that all depends on the caliber of the guys chosen for the show along with him. If they've got decent skills, Kimbo's just a circus attraction to boost ratings.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: buythisatvstuff on September 17, 2009, 11:34:34 AM
I agree this is likely a publicity stunt to draw in even more viewers and provide controversy to ensure it's a hot topic. I think Dana has talked a lot of crap, but has now decided to use it to his advantage. He hypes up Kimbo and brings him in. They'll probably have him fight the most pathetic of the bunch (just a guess) to get him a win and training time. I'm sure he's been working some actual MMA skills prior to this reality series. However, I don't think he has all the tools necessary to be a force in the heavy weight division unless he's been making great improvements without our knowledge.

The heavy weight division has been getting a lot of attention since Tim Sylvia kept laying on people to eek out wins. Couture was brought back to revitalize things, and several Pride heavy weights have been brought in to deepen the talent pool of this division. I think that's part of the reason Brock was brought in. But at this point, after the Coors Light comment, and the wins by virtue of size, I think Dana wants a competitor for Lesnar.

With all the new additions to this weight class, we are now seeing both ends of the spectrum in this broad weight class. You have guys that could possibly fight at 205 going against guys that have to cut weight to make the 265 limit, thereby transcending what would be multiple divisions. I would like to see this weight class divided into heavy weight and super heavy weights with limits something like 205-229 and 230-265. I think the reason for the delay is that they need to find more huge guys to make the super heavy weight class a viable one instead of having only a couple of potential fighters. It may take a while, but I think that's probably what's in the cards. If not, Lesnar will continue to take people down, lay on them and pound them out with those sledge hammers at the ends of his wrists, which is a parallel to what Sylvia did by using his height/reach to squeak out wins in a most boring fashion.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 17, 2009, 12:01:50 PM
Sylvia's fights are the most boring I've ever seen. Even against the likes of Arlovski. I never liked him. Slow, lethargic, lay on someone and poke away. (Kind of like Keeter having sex.)

There are a lot of great fighters out there at 250lbs + who are looking for a shot. However, most of them lack the experience of someone like Lesnar.  Wes Sims and Roy Nelson have some skills. We'll see.

Kimbo does seen humble. However, they sure picked two of the biggest D-bags for coaches EVER!!!!! At least with Greg Jackson on board with Rashad; Rashad's team will actually learn a thing or two.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: buythisatvstuff on September 17, 2009, 12:34:08 PM
I don't like the style of either Rashad nor Rampage, but I think Rashad will be a better coach, and a better all around fighter. Having Greg Jackson on board will give a great advantage to team Rashad, and I think they'll do better as a team for it.
I dispise Kimbo because he is nothing more than a glorified thug. He's very full of himself, and in this arena I doubt he has the skills to back it up. I do think he will work hard and focus on his weaknesses and greatly improve as a fighter. I still don't like him, and hope he gets knocked out. I don't like Lesnar either, but I'd love for the UFC to throw Kimbo in there tomorrow with Brock and watch it unfold.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 17, 2009, 03:22:28 PM
Kimbo didnt get dominated by Seth P. Kimbo got paid to fall but he didnt make look to smooth. Im from Miami so as much as i think Kimbo's not ready or ever be ready for the UFC i am definately cheering for him. I wish the would have introduced him normal and not like a Mr. Cool guy 16th man.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 17, 2009, 03:32:26 PM
Kimbo didnt get dominated by Seth P. Kimbo got paid to fall but he didnt make look to smooth. Im from Miami so as much as i think Kimbo's not ready or ever be ready for the UFC i am definately cheering for him. I wish the would have introduced him normal and not like a Mr. Cool guy 16th man.

You're kidding right? Kimbo got paid to fall? I mean, you do know that Elite XC filed for bankruptcy not long after the Kimbo debacle. Petruzelli was the very first fighter Kimbo faced with decent MMA experience and Kimbo got owned. It wasn't even close. Watch the fight again. It's all over the internet. Kimbo never stood a remote chance.

Not to mention the fact that Elite XC offerred Seth more money to stay away from take downs and stand and bang with Kimbo. Kimbo got owned. His total lack of ability shined right through.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: trx#9 on September 17, 2009, 03:48:11 PM
That's it, I'm going to climb back into the ring.... :box.gif

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: FishaHallic on September 17, 2009, 03:59:08 PM
Ok guys, do I need to have this moved up to the politics section?

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 17, 2009, 04:52:46 PM
Kimbo didnt get dominated by Seth P. Kimbo got paid to fall but he didnt make look to smooth. Im from Miami so as much as i think Kimbo's not ready or ever be ready for the UFC i am definately cheering for him. I wish the would have introduced him normal and not like a Mr. Cool guy 16th man.

You're kidding right? Kimbo got paid to fall? I mean, you do know that Elite XC filed for bankruptcy not long after the Kimbo debacle. Petruzelli was the very first fighter Kimbo faced with decent MMA experience and Kimbo got owned. It wasn't even close. Watch the fight again. It's all over the internet. Kimbo never stood a remote chance.

Not to mention the fact that Elite XC offerred Seth more money to stay away from take downs and stand and bang with Kimbo. Kimbo got owned. His total lack of ability shined right through.

Kimbo got poked in the eye an fell down. He got hit by an off balance one leg in the air mini straight. Come on man look at you tube like you say.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 17, 2009, 10:35:12 PM
Kimbo got his azz kicked. That's it. End of story. Call the dogs. No pokes in the eye. No slips. No dives. Nothing. Just beat.

Even Kimbo admitted he got beat fair and square by Seth. Come on man. Give it up. Even the man himself admits it.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 18, 2009, 10:46:27 AM
Ofcourse he admitted he got beat. He cant admit he took a dive for some extra money. You got your opinion on the fight and i got mine. Im sure many agree with you and many agree with me. The house i was watching it in all said the same thing. Read the youtube comments at the bottom of the page. And yes he did get his ass whooped.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: trx#9 on September 18, 2009, 11:33:39 AM
Up and coming fighters don't take dives for cash, especially someone like Kimbo. Why would he want to tarnish his record and future pay day's by taking a dive so early in his career.
This ain't wrestling.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 18, 2009, 01:18:56 PM
Your an up and coming fighter? You know Kimbo? If your answer is no to both questions how do you know? Every one has their own opinion to that fight. Look at his prior fights the man has taken more of a beating than an off balance straight. At the end of the day i guess NO ONE will really know. And if you dont think stuff like that doesnt actually happen in professional sports your in denial my friend.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: trx#9 on September 18, 2009, 02:01:01 PM
Your an up and coming fighter? You know Kimbo? If your answer is no to both questions how do you know? Every one has their own opinion to that fight. Look at his prior fights the man has taken more of a beating than an off balance straight. At the end of the day i guess NO ONE will really know. And if you dont think stuff like that doesnt actually happen in professional sports your in denial my friend.
I was an up and coming boxer at one time and I never seen any type of money for dives. I've seen a lot corrupt managers and promoters ripping of fighters before but for the most part never seen or heard of an up and coming fighter willing to fix a fight. If any thing it would be the other way around with the other fighter take a dive due to the popularity of kimbo and future big bouts for tv.
Let me teach you simple economics, Kimbo winning brings in much money for t.v. advertising and big pay per-view fights, Kimbo losing brings in smaller caliber fights which nobody wants to watch which results in no green backs....... :o

Get over your bro.....

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 18, 2009, 02:13:50 PM

I guess it's a Miami thing...we wouldn't understand. Kimbo wasn't an up and coming fighter though....he was just a novelty brought in to boost ratings. Prior to fighting Seth, the only person he'd ever fought with any skill was Gannon. And Gannon whooped him too. All the other "fights" he had were just fodder for web video. None of those people were even remotely close to being fighters.

The type of people who think Kimbo took a dive are the same one's who think OJ is innocent.

And you may have left boxing behind but, you've made quite a lucrative career out of dancing at the Fuzzy Pickle!!

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 18, 2009, 03:08:19 PM
Never seen any money for dives??? YOU LIVE IN LA LA LAND. Maybe at the level of fighting  you were involved with there was no money involved, so ofcourse your not gonna see any dives. Miami Thing??? I think Kimbo would get DESTROYED versus any fighter in the UFC heavyweight division. Infact i dont even think he stands a chance to win the show he is currently on. If he has to fight the winner of the first fight that was a wrestler, he's done. So trust me Mr. Upcoming fighter/Fuzzy Pickle dancer Kimbo is not my bro. Mr. Anoriginal remember this if the glove does not fit then we must acquit!!!

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 18, 2009, 03:24:21 PM
I know.... I know...... And:

Bush blew up the dykes around New Orleans and doesn't care about black people....

Rodney King was a saint.......

The Jena Six are all good kids....

Blah Blah Blah

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 18, 2009, 03:48:18 PM
Cant we all just get along?

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 18, 2009, 03:56:45 PM
When the people who my hard earned tax dollars go to support start acting like human beings and stop blaming everyone else for their own stupidity and laziness....sure, we can all get along.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: trx#9 on September 18, 2009, 04:44:54 PM
It must be a Miami thing  ;)  So true  :L :L :L

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: 686RAPTOR on September 18, 2009, 05:19:51 PM
It must be  8)

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: lulu500 on September 19, 2009, 12:24:40 PM
When the people who my hard earned tax dollars go to support start acting like human beings and stop blaming everyone else for their own stupidity and laziness....sure, we can all get along.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: buythisatvstuff on September 19, 2009, 12:29:12 PM
I'm not stupid or lazy................can I have some tax dollars please ?  ;D

Back to the UFC - I don't think Kimbo has a chance. He is a very muscular guy with knock out power............ in the streets. I don't think he will be able to deal with the talent of real MMA fighters unless he gets with a good camp and does some serious training. Houston Alexandar is another big guy (light heavy weight) that has crazy knock out power, but on his back he has been shown to be an inverted turtle out of water. I love to Alexandar fight and hope to see him develop more as a fighter, but he has more potention (imho) than Kimbo.

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: Anoriginal on September 19, 2009, 01:34:16 PM
No! You may not have any tax dollars because you're cabale of independant thought and self reasoning! You racist pig!

I agree with you on Alexander. I think he's probably the most dangerous toe to toe guy in the UFC today. If he gets some ground and pound skill under his out!!!

Title: Re: Ultimate fighter HEAVY WEIGHTS starts tonight
Post by: D33411 on September 20, 2009, 01:52:55 PM
Rumble at the Rock Friday night.  Hard Rock in Hollywood.  Dawn