ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: yfzracer88 on August 30, 2009, 11:28:49 AM

Title: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: yfzracer88 on August 30, 2009, 11:28:49 AM
Jake wrecked in Dade city last night and broke his femur. He had surgery last night and they put pins in. Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers. We are on our way to hospital. We  will update later.  Reba

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: Outlaw06 on August 30, 2009, 12:37:20 PM
best wish  and  aspeed recover   to jake gunn and ryan  hollway

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: Ellis#8 on August 30, 2009, 01:39:48 PM
get well soon jake ...where going to miss you out at dc

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: 250rsith on August 30, 2009, 02:16:28 PM
Hope you get better soon! God Bless!!!

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: trx#9 on August 30, 2009, 02:20:21 PM
Very sad to here this, but on a serious note about broken femors they heel quick. I remember a kid named Justin Gandy who broke his femor a Loretta Lynn's, he was air lifted out of there and amazingly was back riding 6 weeks after his injury. Hopefully this will be the same for Jake, hang in there kid.  ;)

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: TBR on August 30, 2009, 02:45:31 PM
I am sure you will heal up quick Jake, and make Toby wait on you the whole time you are healing up. You know breakfast in bed. If you need a bell to ring for him just call me.

The TBR Crew

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: Kawidad on August 30, 2009, 04:54:14 PM
Hey guys,
     Jake is doing good. They inserted a Titanium Nail(what else would they put in a quad racer)from the hip down into the femor last night. He is on the morphine drip right now but in good spirits. Thanks for all of the support and hopefully we will see yoou guys soon. I will update you all later as i get the info. He might be home as early as tomorrow evening.

Thanks to all,
Toby,Renay and Jake

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayer for Jake Gunn
Post by: RTN on August 30, 2009, 05:52:56 PM
Went and visited with Jake and family today.  Jakes doing great and in good spirits.  Still the same ole Jake.  He'll bounce back b4 we know it. 

Heal up soon Jake and we love ya like our own.

T.C., Lisa and Tom

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: yfzracer88 on August 30, 2009, 08:54:58 PM
We also went and visited with Jake.  He is in good spirits considering everything that he is going through. 

Hopefully, he will get to go home tomorrow, but if not I look forward to going back and waiting on him some more.

We are proud of the way you are handling everything and if there is anything that we can do for you, just let us know.

Steve, Reba, Chris

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: A.T.P. RACING on August 31, 2009, 11:50:47 AM
Well, now that he has some hopped up Titainium parts he should be ready to go for next race!!!!  ;)

On a serious note, I hate to see any of our quad family get hurt.

Get well soon Jake !


Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: yfz450runner on August 31, 2009, 03:12:40 PM
Yeah now that he's got some aftermarket parts in him he will be faster!! Get well soon Jake!! ;)

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: miniquad8 on August 31, 2009, 05:07:12 PM
you will bounce back better than before...get well are in our thoughts and prayers.....the covil family

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: lugnuts on August 31, 2009, 05:50:40 PM
hope you get well soon...I never like to hear about anyone getting hurt....
you'll be back befor you know it..... 8)


Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: Kawidad on September 02, 2009, 05:01:36 AM
Hey everyone,
  Jake is now home. He is doing OK,alot of pain but working it out. Thanks to everyone for your support and well wishes.

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: tony pitts on September 02, 2009, 08:30:53 AM
toby just seen this. hes a tough boy he will be good as new in no time. i agree with mike he will be faster than ever with a new aftermarket part especially titanium. good luck and  get well soon... and also gonna try to come down and watch a couple races when the series starts again.

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: 53yfz450 on September 02, 2009, 09:59:26 PM
Thank you guys so much for the thoughts and prayers this is really hard for me to go through with and if u know me u know how hard it is for me to sit I'm home now and in allot of pain. Its slowly getting better and I hope to be back out at the track soon to spectate at the very least.LOL thanks again for everything!

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: 310R_Dude on September 02, 2009, 11:36:41 PM
Get well soon mon'. You'll make it through. Stay strong mentally, and then physically
you'll be back sooner than you think ;)  

I'll "lend" the lyrics to a song that helped me stay strong when I got seriously hurt:

"I get knocked down... But I get up again... You're never going to keep me down"

I know it's stupid but... you have to find things to help make it better for yourself no matter

Anyway... godspeed your FULL recovery Jake,
 - Dan

I don't really like the whole song, just the chorus ;)

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: fastrnrik on September 04, 2009, 08:49:51 AM
Never like to see a rider hurt. Heal up quick! I broke my femur several years ago and have the titanium rod too. You'll be fine in no time!
Let us know if we can help with anything.

From all of us at Thunderbowl Speedway.

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: Kawidad on September 06, 2009, 09:31:14 AM
Hey everyone,
   Just thought i would give an update and thank some very important people who are helping us through this.

Jake is now getting up on his own (without excrutiating pain anyway) and is taking some normal steps with the assistance of the walker.He is determined to get out of the chair and house and go walk in the mall with the old people(LOL).He is doing great and really thanks everyone who has prayed and talked and helped him with all of this.

As a parent this is a hard thing to watch,but, with the friends we have this has been alot easier on Renay and I as well as Jake-we appriciate all of you who have helped and would like to thank some people:

Randy Yoho and staff on the track-You guys are amazing and i can't sya thank you enough to Randy,Tim and the rest of the medical staff at Dade.

Brit-you are amazing and really a great person,you have helped so much and put up with Jake and we can't say thank you enough.

Reba,Steve and Chris-you guys know how much we appriciate all of the help and waiting on Jake when you are around(Reba)and it has been very hard to let you guys know how much it means to us,but thank you for everything.

Yolonda,Tom and Sam-You have been such a big help in so many ways this last year or so and we cannot begin to pay you back for all of the good your family has given us,so a big Thank You is in order!

Charles and Family-the support Jake has gotten from you is nothing short of amazing and we can't say thank you enough for everything you have done for Jake as a Boss,Freind and Supporter.

Ryan Cook and Family-I owe your Dad alot of thanks as well as the whole Family for all of the support and help during the accident.

Tad and Family-Thanks for all of your help that unfortunate Sat.

David Brewer and Family-Thanks for the visits at the hospital-they meant alot

Tc,Tom and Lisa-Thanks for being there for us still-it is nice to have that...

Andrew-You know who you are and thanks alot....

The Lang Family
The LOng Family
I know i have forgotten some people and i apologize..I thank all of you..

Thanks for letting me ramble,

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: yfzracer88 on September 06, 2009, 06:33:23 PM

Toby, Jake & Renay,

It was great to see you all yesterday.  It was especially nice to see Jake get up and walk with his walker.  I agree with Jake, it needs a #53 on the front of it, lol.  It put my mind at ease seeing him do that.  I was so concerned for him after the accident happened.  But, after seeing his determination, I'm sure he will be back good as new before we know it.  Even better!!  We look forward to seeing you soon.  Let us know if there is anything that we can do to help you.  Get Well Soon Jake.... Reba

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: Kawidad on September 15, 2009, 05:30:00 AM
I hope this works.....

Title: Re: Thoughts & prayers for Jake Gunn
Post by: Kawidad on September 15, 2009, 05:31:55 AM
This was set up by his Boss Charles and i thought i would post it for those that asked about it.

Thanks for all of the help and support from all of you....

Toby Renay and Jake