Title: Attn everyone coming/thinking of coming to the labor day feature Post by: Paul_S on August 25, 2009, 10:25:10 PM The xc race at the upcoming Labor Day feature weekend is going to change a little.
We are going to set up a very cool ~20 mile loop. This loop will be fun, whether your competitive or not. Plan is to have 2 classes for the atv's, one is competitive and one is a fun class. There is no entry fee for either class. We are going to break out of the xc course and close the park down while the race is on. Just one lap though. Should take between one and two hours. As it's one lap, should be no reason the slower riders won't want to run as they are not in danger of being passed every five minutes by an far faster rider. Winner of the Sport Quad class will win a golden ticket to the plex, it will give them FREE entry any weekend (fri-sun) the place is open (except for events held by outside organisations - of which we only have 3 or 4 a year), that means no entry fee for any feature weekend, they won't have to pay any gate fees (does not include race fees) for our endurance or mx races. You will be able to come and ride at the plex for free, any regular weekend too. This also includes practice fees for our big track. |