ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: crom A zone on March 13, 2009, 07:57:34 PM

Title: i think i can
Post by: crom A zone on March 13, 2009, 07:57:34 PM
umm.... where should i start.  how about  at holylands i was riding with jrpro and few others. jrpro got me drunk because he said i ride like girl when i sober. i was running over the lil trees like a normally do  and after about  4  trees in a row i meet my match the tree flipped me over and spilt my beer.  while still in the air jrpro and my other friend where running to save me and by the time i hit ground and they got thee i flipped my 4x4 back up on all 4 wheels by my self.

another time and l cross for the ATV rally they had there, i only had my 2wd because my 4x4 was in the shop because rear end  was off it (thats the next story) it was that time of day for mud drag racing they had going on   and as soon as they said u dont need helmate  budlight told my bike to join an race. so i did   i went really fast and skimed across top of the water until the end when i hydro planed  and flipped 3 times.  the funny part is if i did not flip  i would have won the mud drag race on a 2wd  sport quad  lol

ok last one for now   jrpro and i got to l cross Friday afternoon it was bone dry i was looking for wet spot  when all of a suddon a found a buggy stuck in hole  it was thick nasty mud so i said ok i can do it  so i decided to cross rut the buggy ruts for more fun after fighting with it for 30 min or so  and 2 beers form people said i was working to hard i snapped front axle and decided to get pulled out. knowing i was 2wd now for rest of weekend i was gonna take it easy sat right ?  well budlight kicked in and next think you no  i am towing my friends jon boat with 2 people in it around mudhole and going strong.  i unhooked  to go pull these girls out and  bam budlight told me to show off  i did got stuck and forgot 4x4 was not working so i started hoppin on back rack  and next think you no my rear end fell off.    believe it or not i had rive put new rear end and front drive shaft under warranty   on my bike for free   ;D

these are all true   storeys ask jrpro if u dont believe me we got pics of all of them too

Title: Re: i think i can
Post by: Keeter on March 15, 2009, 10:54:41 AM
umm.... where should i start.  how about  at holylands i was riding with jrpro and few others. jrpro got me drunk because he said i ride like girl when i sober. i was running over the lil trees like a normally do  and after about  4  trees in a row i meet my match the tree flipped me over and spilt my beer.  while still in the air jrpro and my other friend where running to save me and by the time i hit ground and they got thee i flipped my 4x4 back up on all 4 wheels by my self.

another time and l cross for the ATV rally they had there, i only had my 2wd because my 4x4 was in the shop because rear end  was off it (thats the next story) it was that time of day for mud drag racing they had going on   and as soon as they said u dont need helmate  budlight told my bike to join an race. so i did   i went really fast and skimed across top of the water until the end when i hydro planed  and flipped 3 times.  the funny part is if i did not flip  i would have won the mud drag race on a 2wd  sport quad  lol

ok last one for now   jrpro and i got to l cross Friday afternoon it was bone dry i was looking for wet spot  when all of a suddon a found a buggy stuck in hole  it was thick nasty mud so i said ok i can do it  so i decided to cross rut the buggy ruts for more fun after fighting with it for 30 min or so  and 2 beers form people said i was working to hard i snapped front axle and decided to get pulled out. knowing i was 2wd now for rest of weekend i was gonna take it easy sat right ?  well budlight kicked in and next think you no  i am towing my friends jon boat with 2 people in it around mudhole and going strong.  i unhooked  to go pull these girls out and  bam budlight told me to show off  i did got stuck and forgot 4x4 was not working so i started hoppin on back rack  and next think you no my rear end fell off.    believe it or not i had rive put new rear end and front drive shaft under warranty   on my bike for free   ;D

these are all true   storeys ask jrpro if u dont believe me we got pics of all of them too

I see a trend. You and being upside down.  Hmmmm    :N

Title: Re: i think i can
Post by: digginfool on March 15, 2009, 01:15:01 PM
umm.... where should i start.  how about  at holylands i was riding with jrpro and few others. jrpro got me drunk because he said i ride like girl when i sober. i was running over the lil trees like a normally do  and after about  4  trees in a row i meet my match the tree flipped me over and spilt my beer.  while still in the air jrpro and my other friend where running to save me and by the time i hit ground and they got thee i flipped my 4x4 back up on all 4 wheels by my self.

another time and l cross for the ATV rally they had there, i only had my 2wd because my 4x4 was in the shop because rear end  was off it (thats the next story) it was that time of day for mud drag racing they had going on   and as soon as they said u dont need helmate  budlight told my bike to join an race. so i did   i went really fast and skimed across top of the water until the end when i hydro planed  and flipped 3 times.  the funny part is if i did not flip  i would have won the mud drag race on a 2wd  sport quad  lol

ok last one for now   jrpro and i got to l cross Friday afternoon it was bone dry i was looking for wet spot  when all of a suddon a found a buggy stuck in hole  it was thick nasty mud so i said ok i can do it  so i decided to cross rut the buggy ruts for more fun after fighting with it for 30 min or so  and 2 beers form people said i was working to hard i snapped front axle and decided to get pulled out. knowing i was 2wd now for rest of weekend i was gonna take it easy sat right ?  well budlight kicked in and next think you no  i am towing my friends jon boat with 2 people in it around mudhole and going strong.  i unhooked  to go pull these girls out and  bam budlight told me to show off  i did got stuck and forgot 4x4 was not working so i started hoppin on back rack  and next think you no my rear end fell off.    believe it or not i had rive put new rear end and front drive shaft under warranty   on my bike for free   ;D

these are all true   storeys ask jrpro if u dont believe me we got pics of all of them too

I see a trend. You and being upside down.  Hmmmm    :N

Don't forget the Budlight!  I see a career under a bridge for this brainy-smurf.