ATV Florida Forum

General => Product and Services Reviews => Topic started by: jwscroll on June 12, 2005, 09:01:59 AM

Title: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: jwscroll on June 12, 2005, 09:01:59 AM
In my recent dealing w/Champion I've noticed a slight lack of intelligence in their computer sys.. Been there twice for air and oil filters and when they brought the parts out of the back I had to tell them three times that was not the right size. Finally I got em to look up my previous orders to get the right numbers.  Moral, know your numbers before you go in. Service dept. is soso, backed up most of the time takes two weeks just for them to inspect.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: jwscroll on July 18, 2005, 08:10:45 AM
Okay, now that I've cooled off about it I'll tell you why I'll not go back to Champions Cocoa.
My wifes recoil starter would not engage when you pull the cord, the spring worked fine and the rope would go back in no problem just would not turn over the motor. Easy fix, I could have done it myself but the bike is under warranty and I needed that time to accomplish other things. So I took it to Champions for warranty work.
I get a call Sat. from Champ. saying they couldn't fix the bike cause I had mud and water in the recoil case, the warranty is void in this case. I got a little upset but figured I could fix it, when I got there to pick it up the girl at the counter asks "how are you gonna pay?".... "What do you mean how am I gonna pay? I brought it in here for warranty work?"
"Diagnostics check, we don't work for free.", is the response I get.
"You need to take that up with Honda cause I didn't authorize anything but warranty work, and if you did something without approval then thats your loss. I want my bike!", i said.
At this point I'm getting pretty hot, "First you void my warranty then you want me to pay you for looking at it?"
This whole time I've got my 4 year old in my arms trying to maintain my cool.
The head of service realized I wasn't going away quietly and said"Just give him the bike."
When the head of service brought it around I told him I used to like coming here, and that I didn't get upset until they tried to charge me for warrantywork.
"How do you think I maintain this big building?" is the response I get.
I'm done with them, I no longer have a dealer in Brevard county that I would trust to take my bikes to so if anyone does Honda warranty work Holla.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: gery350 on July 18, 2005, 02:19:23 PM
you know thats a load of crap. mud/water. you did buy an ohv. off-hiway-vehicle. what type of terrain is there on a non hiway surface. mud/water. unless they are street legal. all ohv's are going to have mud/water.  you should of told them"you did sell me an OFF HIWAY VEHICLE. but i'm sure it wouldnt have made a difference. some dealers just dont care.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: HondaATC on July 18, 2005, 02:35:21 PM
Sounds to me like the gasket that sealed the case from mud and water failed, letting water in which should have ALSO been under warranty. Do they think you took the cover off and purposely filled it up or something? Smart ones they are  ::) Its been my experience that most all the name brand dealers have awesome sales department, pretty good parts department, but the service area is always lacking. There are exceptions, but they are few and far apart.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 18, 2005, 09:35:24 PM
If you need parts go to

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: kodiak-jason on July 19, 2005, 11:25:28 AM
Hey jw, Legally they "the dealership" can't void you're warrenty. It's all in how the dealer presents it to honda. Usually they have a cut off point at a certian dollar amount, before they have to get  authorization from honda to proceed with repairs.I can tell you one thing they did'nt contact honda about your bike. I have only delt with them one time since they opened just for this very reason. P.M. me and I'll give you my # and we can talk. I have a really good dealer I do business with. Jason

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: jwscroll on July 21, 2005, 05:23:58 AM
I have yet another Champion story.
My buisiness partner recently had them replace the brake handle for the front brakes, now instead of half a handle he has no front brakes cause they did not adjust it after they put it on. You can squeeze it all the way to the handle bars and no brakes.
You think I would have learned my lesson then.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: greenmachine on July 28, 2005, 01:28:54 PM
If they proved it wasnt warranty & gave you a repair estimate, then you owe them an estimate fee if not repaired. They are within the law. I am sure you probably (unknowingly) signed a sheet of paper at the dropoff date explaining this. Not trying to get you upset, but that is just business. Although it is required by law that the shop hourly rate & est fee price be posted in the service area in plain view for all to see. Now if they did not give you an estimate for repair then you owe nothing & find another dealer.

Title: Re: Champion Honda Cocoa
Post by: rubicon500kid on July 29, 2005, 01:37:24 AM
the same happind whit my moms recon but it was down here  and they said that she had water in the carb and water in the air box and every thing and it was only 2 days old we rode it in the grass and it was boging out and every thing then we take it in and they r like water vodies the warnety we r like wtf so what is a utillty atv for to site there and then we took it up whit the manager og the whole places and they took care of it and said that he would deal whit them