Title: Powercoating? Post by: Picow18 on June 11, 2005, 12:24:04 AM Do any of you guys or girls know of any powercoating places in south florida? I want to get my swingarm powercoated if you know any, please tell me thank you....
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: Picow18 on June 11, 2005, 01:35:49 PM ????
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: bigb on June 11, 2005, 01:38:27 PM i know a guy that does it in pinellas, if that helps ya.
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: big-daddy on June 11, 2005, 01:54:44 PM ATP: Mike Walker (Mr Nighbreed) they do all my powercoat work.
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: 53yfz450 on June 11, 2005, 02:23:38 PM whos the guy in pinellas. ???
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on June 11, 2005, 02:27:24 PM Laskers Powdercoat is in that area
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: bigb on June 11, 2005, 02:40:24 PM he's a buddy of mine from a different forum. he does it at home and does a damn good job. he has pics and examples of his work at his house.
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: Picow18 on June 11, 2005, 08:35:48 PM Any places in the Delray Beach , Wellington, Boyton Beach or anyplaces around here ?
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: Exmx54 on June 11, 2005, 11:03:07 PM Learn how to do a little research on your own for once.....
http://www.google.com/local?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&q=powder+coating&near=Delray+Beach,+FL&sa=X&oi=localr Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: ish on June 12, 2005, 02:20:13 AM i got a guy here in miami check out our site he is there. www.atvmiaxtreme.com
pm him he is ...... yfzmaster ................ yu can se his work if you go to projects and check it out. Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: rubicon500kid on June 12, 2005, 02:26:35 AM how much would racks cost to be power coated
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: DjLeOo on June 12, 2005, 02:27:21 AM how much would racks cost to be power coated Pm yfzmaster !!!! He'll give you a good price !!!! Chk what he did for me !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9797/237vh.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/8991/246hs.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7605/254ca.jpg) Blasting the Frame (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/4038/262mb.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7627/272aw.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/5062/288zu.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/1927/299pb.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/4345/308eu.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7871/317zr.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/5598/324sv.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9036/335oz.jpg) Yfzmaster grinding down some old Rust & Paint still on the Frame !!!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3712/345dh.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3886/358qm.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/8838/367ln.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3485/377la.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3057/388ii.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/1309/399yt.jpg) Frame looking a lot better after a couple of Blast !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9688/400ni.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/2118/415xv.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3016/427wp.jpg) Getting Ready to hit that Powder !!! I went with the Gold Vein Candy Apple Red !!! sh*t looks sweeeeet !!!!! First Hit Gold Vein !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/4570/437is.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/5291/444pc.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3999/458gk.jpg) Card we found on the floor !! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/4530/469zk.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7953/474zq.jpg) Up-Close Real Nice Color !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/8715/481ov.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7260/495ya.jpg) Ready for that Oven !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/2519/502xf.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7668/514nz.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/6839/527af.jpg) This Color is Phatttt azz hell !!! I almost kept it that Color !!! Gold Vein !! [size=18]After Baking for 20 Minutes this is what it looks like !![/size] (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3320/533gm.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/6135/547vt.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9673/551wb.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/1158/566vh.jpg) Me Getting Ready for that Candy Apple Red !!!! Out of Hand !!! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9333/572dl.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9439/585no.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/6466/592cj.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/4938/601aa.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/3513/612vc.jpg) Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: DjLeOo on June 12, 2005, 02:30:24 AM Dr/ LeOOoooo in De House !! LOl
(http://img67.echo.cx/img67/2366/625mc.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/2381/634sc.jpg) [size=18]Ready to Heat Up !!![/size] (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/1512/640il.jpg) Peak-A-BoO (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7361/659lf.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/5449/665de.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/6312/677cl.jpg) Touching up some parts !! (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/2594/688jk.jpg) Bad Azz Color !!!! [size=24]Gold Vein Candy Apple Red [/size][/u] (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9043/693wb.jpg) (http://img67.echo.cx/img67/7683/707jd.jpg) Thats it for now !!! I will post some more as i put it all back together !!! Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: big-daddy on June 12, 2005, 09:04:17 AM nice Leo
Title: Re: Powercoating? Post by: tampaboy813 on June 12, 2005, 03:38:31 PM man that looks a lot better then my Hybrid PC work...it was comming off the hubs and the frame...