ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 02:06:01 PM

Title: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 02:06:01 PM
Make sure that if you're going to look at the bike JohnF has for sale that he tells you everything about it and the title situation. If it is the same bike he was selling a few months back, there are significant title issues you need to be aware of.

According to him a few months ago, he does not have a title. Rather, he allegedly purchased bike from some other person who still owes money on the bike. So, if you buy it from JohnF, there's no guarantee he'll pass the money on to the original owner and certainly no guarantees the original owner will pay off what's owed to the bank.

This means that you might buy the bike from JohnF, only to have the bank come back and repo the bike from you to satisfy the original purchaser's note.

Pretty slimy and criminal. I attempted to ask JohnF about this on his thread about this bike but he deleted it. If he had nothing to hide, you'd think he'd simply respond to the issue and clear it up for everyone.


JohnF, if you're still trying to rip someone off you're even lower than any of us thought.

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Du660 on November 24, 2008, 02:48:38 PM
Hey reality f**k no one cares about your opinion on here. Im the one that john got the raptor from we traded for his 250r and im still paying on it so he will have a title soon, so mind your own damn business ur not selling it so get the f**k out of here you piece of sh*t!!!!
( Aabusive language towards another site member

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: renmus on November 24, 2008, 03:12:53 PM
Hey reality f**k no one cares about your opinion on here. Im the one that john got the raptor from we traded for his 250r and im still paying on it so he will have a title soon, so mind your own damn business ur not selling it so get the f**k out of here you piece of sh*t!!!!

Realityhello knows that I am not a huge fan of his  ::), but this response is very immature.  He brought up valid points.  If you are still paying on it, good for you.  However, until you finish paying for the  bike, his comments stand on solid legs.   And before you say mind my own business, when  you post on an OPEN FORUM, it becomes everyone's business. 

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 03:16:11 PM
renmus -

Thanks. You're right, you and I have had our share of disagreements but we've always had mutual respect. However, everyone knows that comments like Du660's are born from a lack of intelligence and ability to respond with any class or maturity.

Bottom line, I will always point out impropriety and bad deals. There are a ton of good people here who deserve better than this type of garbage.

So, JohnF and Du660....looks like people do indeed "care about [my] opinion here".  :o

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Du660 on November 24, 2008, 03:26:16 PM
It will be sold this weekend so we are not worried about, then we  will be laughing at your dumb ass for wasting all your time for nothing

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 03:40:10 PM
Hardly a waste of time. Like I said, I know four people for sure that will not be buying it. All of the PM'd me and asked about the deal. If you found a sucker elsewhere, so be it. I honestly hope it all works out for them.

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 03:48:48 PM
Call whatever you like. today I had one person PM me and the last time you posted the ad another three PM'd me. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Unlike you, I've nothing to hide in this scenario.  :-*

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: AintSkeered on November 24, 2008, 03:53:53 PM
As always, the insults prevent effective communication and resolution of this issue. First, JohnF discontinued his previous ad because he got insulted for it. A few days ago, he reposted the ad and locked it so as not to be insulted, again. Then, Reality was forced to start another post to express concerns which any experienced buyer would have. But, it was not necessary to insult anyone or call this a criminal act. Is it a criminal act if the original owner signs a bill of sale which specifically states that the original owner will pay-off the balance(or it belongs to the lienholder)? And, shouldn't that prove that the new buyer didn't buy stolen property? Instead of insulting JohnF, I reported this new ad to the moderators on Sunday morning(for the same reasons). It remains posted. I never forget that they're the moderators and I'm just a visitor.

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Anoriginal on November 24, 2008, 04:00:00 PM
Aint -

The problem here is that JohnF's original ad never disclosed any of this. His current ad does little to explain things either. And yeah, it's illegal to sell something you don't own without full disclosure or payoff.

Notice I didn't lock any of my threads?

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Du660 on November 24, 2008, 04:33:40 PM
well reality illegal as it is, there is not a damn thing you can do. it will be sold this weekend so choke on it

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: AintSkeered on November 24, 2008, 05:27:43 PM
Reality, is there no other legal remedy to protect all parties other than the original owner securing a personal loan or credit card cash advance for the balance?

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: B. Graves on November 24, 2008, 06:31:58 PM
i dont care what some of yall say, i think thats its good for him to post this. what happens if that bike never gets paid for and it is wanted for repo? then someone goes to register it or has already registered it to themselves and they come lookin for it> id be really pissed and come after my money back. if they didnt comply, id go after blood. i dont know how much hes askin but thats alot of money wasted if someone decided that its not worth paying off. im not saying that johnf and du660 are not gonna stand by their word. i dont know them personally. but i do know some people who wouldnt care. so this is a good thread. i think.

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: klutchbuster400 on November 24, 2008, 11:19:24 PM
well reality illegal as it is there is not a damn thing you can do it will be sold this weekend so choke on it
Think before you post much?

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: B. Graves on November 25, 2008, 01:12:18 AM
i dont care what some of yall say, i think thats its good for him to post this. what happens if that bike never gets paid for and it is wanted for repo? then someone goes to register it or has already registered it to themselves and they come lookin for it> id be really pissed and come after my money back. if they didnt comply, id go after blood. i dont know how much hes askin but thats alot of money wasted if someone decided that its not worth paying off. im not saying that johnf and du660 are not gonna stand by their word. i dont know them personally. but i do know some people who wouldnt care. so this is a good thread. i think.

i dont care what yall say either fox. you have seen me buy and sell bikes on this site and do you ever remember an instance where i screwed someone? why do you assume im some type of criminal? do i have a reputation for that? i dont know how you dont know how much im asking for it but the price is $3300. its a 2007. yeah thats a good deal.

too many damn people on this site with too much spare time sticking their nose where it doesnt belong. this shouldnt even be called atv florida all i see is people arguing with each other non stop in the political and open discussion section. well i think this and you think that blah blah this site is pathetic mind your own damn buisness

no, ive never heard of you screwing anyone over. thats why i didnt say that you are criminals and that people shouldnt deal with you. i personally wouldnt care if it had a title. id never register it anyway. up til 02 or 03 none of them have titles. a bill of sale is good enough for me. but if it didnt get paid off and someone wanted a green sticker for it or something so they can ride at croom or ocala, they would be SOL. and might lose the bike. as far as i now youre a good standup honest guy and i believe that you would get them the title. i dont even remember ever seeing du660 on this site before though. i have no idea about him.

Title: Re: JohnF's 2007 Raptor - Buyer Beware
Post by: Keeter on November 25, 2008, 09:07:42 AM
ill take a picture of it in the back of the new owners truck and a picture of the cash  8)

Make sure the picture shows the new owners tag.  ;)