ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Gato on November 13, 2008, 09:40:02 PM

Title: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: Gato on November 13, 2008, 09:40:02 PM
                 I in a way am fortunite,  I celebrate my 20th b-day but I was born July of 1970 and reborn Nov. 12, 1988 after being shot in a hold up/carjacking. The shot went through my left arm and in the side of my chest then thru my lung finally coming to rest between my esophagus and my heart.                                                                                                                                           At the time no one person had lived thru a .25 Cal gunshot wound at less than 3 feet, and after a conference of 12 of the top cardiologist in Miami a decision was made to just leave it, cause to operate it would be thru the back have to cut thru the rib cage to TRY to get it out. I was advised that I may not live the operation and if at best would would be left side slouched the rest of my life.
                After 4 days of having a tube draining the blood in my lung it was pulled out, then the next day the xray showed it was still filling up with blood it had to be put back in, and let me tell you it HURTS A ALOT right up there with maybe having birth I guess is the closes thing I think.
                I got out of the hospital Thanksgiving Day. I was told by the doctors I was as actually dead as they said I had lost so much blood they didn't know why or how I was alive. They said I should start counting from Nov 12, 1988. As I now know a .25 cal shot at close range people die of the shot or loss of blood. But I am still here and that is good news for most.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME just a little story to share with all.

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on November 14, 2008, 05:31:00 AM
Wow, You are a lucky man. We all have a checkout date and that day in 88 just wasn't your date to go.

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: indianjoe on November 14, 2008, 07:09:24 AM
Happy Birthday!!!!

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: shogun323 on November 14, 2008, 07:39:00 AM
Wow!! That's a great story. I see why your screen name is gato. You surely have 9 lives!!

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: TNTaylor on November 14, 2008, 11:11:26 AM
Sad story but continues to be a happy ending.  Happy Birthday to you and a wish for many more to come.

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: Gato on November 14, 2008, 08:20:33 PM
thanks everyone
Wow!! That's a great story. I see why your screen name is gato. You surely have 9 lives!!
Now it is 8 but that was not why I got the name  ;)lol

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on November 14, 2008, 08:35:01 PM
Glad you were the exception to the rule. Did they catch and convict the punks? I would imagine after that experience, that you're now one of those people that always view the glass as half full.

Title: Re: Happy 2nd Bday to me
Post by: Gato on November 14, 2008, 08:45:06 PM
Thank buds It was messed up but I look back and wonder about my kids, Judy my Wife and my Family and think about it if I where not delt that hand as we lost my father to heart attack Sep86, My grandfather Feb87 and my issue Nov88 there is no doubt on my moms strength but I am glad it turned out this way. Before that point I was on my way down the wrong path and I changed drasticly, and that is why I was called gato in sence but It worked out both ways so I keep the name lol
Glad you were the exception to the rule. Did they catch and convict the punks? I would imagine after that experience, that you're now one of those people that always view the glass as half full.
the sad answer is no the cops thought I was doing something illegal as the first part of the incident the holdup was to sell me drugs I said no the it turned into the holdup he pulled the gun, snatched my chain and ask me to get out of the car at the same time I punched it and got shot as I drove away. The cops automaticly thought I was do something illegal they seached the car so good they found the lock to my chain between the bucket seat and center console of my 86 monte carlo at to time thru all the blood. But it was a time I both regret and cherish it happened as I said I was going no where and I was running fast. and no they where not caught I had to call the office of Janet Reno at the time cause no Det or Officer ever came to ask me or see if I would recognize some one out of a picture book. I had to go to the station. Department Of Miami Police was really messed up then.