ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 04:24:29 PM

Title: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 04:24:29 PM
My son is 9, in the 4th Grade, and in Catholic School. 

They are studing Goverment in School right now, and they read this Florida Weekly paper.  So apparently during recess, the topic turned to Presidents, and this girl asked my son who he would vote for.  He said McCain.  She then proceeded to him, oh "you're not voting for him cuz he is black", and Anthony said, no, why would you say that.  Then she starts chanting "anthony is a racist, anthony is a racist"; Then apparently some other kids joined in....  I am sorry but that just sucks.... >:( 

This really upset him, not because the girl was making fun of him, he can take that, but what he couldn't take was being called racist.  I just think it sucks, that this was a discussion between 9 year old kids.  And I really think it sucks, just because my son likes McCain, is now being called a racist.... 

Well I just wanted to vent that's all....   

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: AintSkeered on October 17, 2008, 04:39:14 PM
Chero, I'm sorry you and your son experienced the moronic young girl. But, how can you be surprised? There's no excuse for it, however, this kind of backlash comes from all of the morons who use any and every excuse to spew their hate and venom for OTWs(Other Than White). I'll say it again, this same backlash IS going to get Obama elected in less than 3 weeks. If those morons had any brains, they'd keep quiet and just vote their conscience, instead of spewing their slanderous lies and half-truths. Tens of millions of voters HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF IT.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on October 17, 2008, 04:43:07 PM
Its bad when politics goes so far as to affect a child's life and calling him/her racist.  Politicians have no accountability, and that in itself hurts us a lot, in many ways.  I am sorry!  :'(

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: renmus on October 17, 2008, 04:44:03 PM
I think it is pretty sad that it was not stressed to the children that voting is a private decision.  No answers or reasons are needed to make your choice.  Anthony should have told her: "Silly girl, voting is for grownups!".

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on October 17, 2008, 04:44:58 PM
Cheropride,Im pretty much always on your side as we have similar views but why in the world would you bring up McCain or Obama again?If you have not noticed,there has been no mention of politics on here for a few days and to be quite honest,it has been a nice break.Even "you know who" has refrained from bringing up the subject. I agree that your son was treated unfairly.I just hope this doesn't start it all over again.We "the site" needs a break from it in my opinion.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on October 17, 2008, 04:45:19 PM
I think it is pretty sad that it was not stressed to the children that voting is a private decision.  No answers or reasons are needed to make your choice.  Anthony should have told her: "Silly girl, voting is for grownups!".

I was thinking the same thing

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on October 17, 2008, 04:50:03 PM
Cheropride,Im pretty much always on your side as we have similar views but why in the world would you bring up McCain or Obama again?If you have not noticed,there has been no mention of politics on here for a few days and to be quite honest,it has been a nice break.Even "you know who" has refrained from bringing up the subject. I agree that your son was treated unfairly.I just hope this doesn't start it all over again.We "the site" needs a break from it in my opinion.

This should be about the child anyone that brings up Who or Who need not post!

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on October 17, 2008, 04:51:26 PM
This should be about the child anyone that brings up Who or Who need not post!

LOL I sound like an owl  ::)

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 04:53:50 PM
Cheropride,Im pretty much always on your side as we have similar views but why in the world would you bring up McCain or Obama again?If you have not noticed,there has been no mention of politics on here for a few days and to be quite honest,it has been a nice break.Even "you know who" has refrained from bringing up the subject. I agree that your son was treated unfairly.I just hope this doesn't start it all over again.We "the site" needs a break from it in my opinion.

OMG get over it...  This has nothing to do w/who is the better candidate, it has to do w/the way my son was treated.  I was not bringing up a political issue about Obama/McCain, cuz either candidate has nothing to do w/that.  It has to do w/how are society see things, and what kids are subject to now-a-days.  


And for everyone else that got the point thank you....  I am sorry when you have kids, and stuff like this hurts, and it upsets you.  I really don't think the politicians in this had anything to do with this.  The sad thing, it is society.  And yea, renmus, that is what I told him to say, but you surely no how kids can be...  The last thing I ever want my kid to be is a racist, and remarks like that can leave a mark.  But we talked about it, but he still can't understand why she would say that, which for me, just shows more of my sons character.  

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on October 17, 2008, 05:20:11 PM
Don't get your panties in a wad Chero. That was the first thread I have seen in a while that mentioned the Presidential candidates by name and it's sure to get a response somewhere along the line that will pull it in a political direction. Maybe you need to get over it, Mrs sensitive.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: EigerGuy on October 17, 2008, 05:45:06 PM
Wow that does suck, but that goes to show how that little girl is being brought up. She mostlikly heard it at home. When I was 9 the last tining on my mind was any kind of race, but then again kids now-a-days are completly different....

On a side note, I work in a Middle School and a student asked me who I was voting for, i didnt respond(no matter what i said im sure she would have had a comment) and when i didnt she asked me if i was racist(because im white and shes black) and i asked her if i semed racist, of coures she said no....

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: crom A zone on October 17, 2008, 05:48:07 PM
whats wrong  with being a racist? he should be proud

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 05:58:31 PM
Oh it surely comes from their parents.  Honestly I feel racist does suck.  It just breeds hatred, and that was the past, and if we continue to live in the past, we will surely never change our future.  One would hope by now, kids would be growing up in a Country was past all that crap, but clearly that ain't the case....

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: eldiablo64 on October 17, 2008, 06:29:29 PM
he should've said atleast i'm not a sexist

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 06:35:38 PM
he should've said atleast i'm not a sexist

Okay LMAO that was good....  :o

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: crom A zone on October 17, 2008, 07:03:11 PM
Oh it surely comes from their parents.  Honestly I feel racist does suck.  It just breeds hatred, and that was the past, and if we continue to live in the past, we will surely never change our future.  One would hope by now, kids would be growing up in a Country was past all that crap, but clearly that ain't the case....

so  thats where is wrong.   It  takes 2 to be happy   ignorant people think that  if u say stop that hate it works   there is more prejudice people   out there towards  white  then there is towards black. plain and simple. You can not hide the past and we should not hide the past.  We   as a group need to stand together   and almost preach what we believe in. weather its peace on earth or not. until the day  when people  stop throwing the color card, race card, or  religion card   there will never be  the world that Mr.  Lincoln   wanted.   Your  son  got a taste  today of   what the world is really  like.  As   a proud parent of him  it stinks really bad  to see what kinda world  we are living in.. Now   do you want him to grow up thinkin everything gonna be OK  or you want him to take charge and stand  up for  what he believes in?   

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 07:36:42 PM
Exactly Matt, and w/kids it's a fine line.  For example, he is proud of the Rebel Flag, but yet he knows that causes some to judge him.  He does NOT see the rebel flag as a symbol of hate, but of heritage.  And yes, you are right, he is seeing the world for what it is.  But we know even as adults, it is a fine line that we must walk, and it shouldn't be something that a child is subjected too.  I can remember as a child, race was never an issue, and hell I grew up in Miami.  Why is it now, I just don't know.  It almost seems as if racism is getting worse, instead of better. 

I get what happen was horrible, I get it was wrong, but so was it for the Jews, the Polish, the Irish, the Cubans, the Indians....  The list goes on and on.  I don't hear ppl saying your a racist cause your indian, it's just so one sided.  I am not black, so no, I don't get what they feel, and no I never will.  But I can say, I don't view blacks any differently than I view myself.  A white guy and a black guy can be just as much a thug, as anyone else. 

But to this day, you still hear the race card thrown out there.  The media sure don't help. 

But yes, I will teach him to be strong, and never back down from what he believes in, but at the same time, not to cross the line and become a racist, because you only lower yourself to a racist level...  That's a huge lesson to teach a 9 year old kid.  And the only way one can do that is by example.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: trx#9 on October 17, 2008, 07:52:25 PM
Oh it surely comes from their parents.  Honestly I feel racist does suck.  It just breeds hatred, and that was the past, and if we continue to live in the past, we will surely never change our future.  One would hope by now, kids would be growing up in a Country was past all that crap, but clearly that ain't the case....

so  thats where is wrong.   It  takes 2 to be happy   ignorant people think that  if u say stop that hate it works   there is more prejudice people   out there towards  white  then there is towards black. plain and simple. You can not hide the past and we should not hide the past.  We   as a group need to stand together   and almost preach what we believe in. weather its peace on earth or not. until the day  when people  stop throwing the color card, race card, or  religion card   there will never be  the world that Mr.  Lincoln   wanted.   Your  son  got a taste  today of   what the world is really  like.  As   a proud parent of him  it stinks really bad  to see what kinda world  we are living in.. Now   do you want him to grow up thinkin everything gonna be OK  or you want him to take charge and stand  up for  what he believes in?   
Wow that's the most intelligent dialog ever from 4x4matt. :Clap.gif

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: crom A zone on October 17, 2008, 07:56:05 PM
i do agree  a real man  does what he needs to do  keeps  quiet  and get her done.   A lil boy trying to be a man says he is  a racist so people   fear him and think he is a bad a**.   You can call me what u want  i hate the whole color card thing  i work for the county and thats all i hear  and i am sick of it. take your actions  as u give them  don't blame them on other things. i wear the flag  i shave my head i drive a truck drink beer  listen  to country music does that make me one?  no but the people i work with think so.   So they stay away   because they are smart.    i was brought up yes we are diffrent from each other till this day i still believe that until  i see change i will not change i am teaching my bro's  kid and my sis's  kids the same thing there will never be peace between races  ever on this earth   it  was a good dream but  got shut down pretty   quick

The main problem is   that the people  that call color cards   don't no the truth of what really happen   until they understand history  and realize what really went on they will always  think the deserve something  and will never work and will just make crime rate go up  and this world  worse   for our kids to grow up

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: crom A zone on October 17, 2008, 07:57:09 PM
trx9     your welcome   :-*

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: 686RAPTOR on October 17, 2008, 08:00:18 PM
Sucks that the youngster has to hear that type of crap already. Unfortunately thats not the worst thing he/she is going to hear growing up.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: AintSkeered on October 17, 2008, 08:06:33 PM
I'm shocked that this happened in a Catholic school?(j/k) I think my kids used to go to that school for CCD. We don't like that pastor's policies, so, we now take them somewhere else for CCD. But, how would you feel if that little girl called your son a fag? I trust that you'd react to that just as seriously, right? During everday play, my sons were calling my next door neighbors "Gay Iraqis", until their mother reported it to me. A few days later, it was back to normal playing football, baseball, street hockey, basketball, etc.. No soccer allowed, it's a communist sport! They're actually Palestinians, the Iraqis are on the other side of me. A white guy and a black guy can be just as much a doctor, lawyer, soldier, fire/police, teacher, bald-headed truck driver, etc. as anyone else. 

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: yunt2ride on October 17, 2008, 08:32:27 PM
The next time someone calls him a racist for not choosing the black man. Tell him to just tell those kids that they must be a racist towards the white man for not choosing the white man. It is supposed to go both ways, every man is supposed ti be created equal. Its always the white man that is called the racist but the black man is always the first to yell RACE. That would make them the ones who are the racist.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2008, 09:26:31 PM
The fag thing, that really wouldn't bother me, just it's different.  But to call a kid out cuz he likes white a president over a black president, when the reason he does, has nothing to do w/the color of his skin, that's just wrong....  Its basically like Yunt pointed out. Seeing it as an adult, and realizing where that was coming from (her rants), it's the race card issue.... Calling someone a fag, or calling someone a racist, for me that a whole nother level...

My only point on the whole post was, what are some of our young kids thinking and/or being brought up to believe.... that's all...  The past is the past, and this Country will never move on from her past, if we keep reliving it and passing it down from generation to generation.  It funny how the race thing, never enter my son's head, until some other kid said he was a racist....  He NEVER saw it that way...  Just sad, that's all.

It is what it is.  Just another example, that racism is surely not dead in this Country.  But I truly believe that it is totally getting turned around.....  And surely racism is not dead...  It still rears it ugly head.   I would just would hope by sometime it would end, that's all.   

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: FishaHallic on October 18, 2008, 12:22:13 AM
Did someone mention Obama?  J/k   ;)   Chero, sorry for what happend to your son today, that is not right.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: AintSkeered on October 18, 2008, 08:20:16 AM
Chero, Chero, Chero, I wish we could have this conversation live because I'm sure you don't draw any distinction between a racist and a gay-basher. They're birds of the same color! :) If we're so confident of our own views, values, etc. why should the comments from some ignorant child bother us? For example, when we see a disheveled, homeless psycho standing on the street corner shouting profanity, do we get offended? No, we simply take pity, appreciate the health we have and, sometimes, we help that person when we can and drive on. You son's classmate will become an ignorant adult and go on to the workplace with our children. However, it's our job as parents to teach our children how to overcome/work with ignorance. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but, way too many people refuse to accept the consequences of expressing their opinions. Someone who accuses you of voting against a black man is clearly someone who has themselves suffered the consequences of verbal racism(lately and repeatedly). Yes, it occurs on both sides of the equation. But, it'll just get worse if whitey starts acting like the victim. 
P.S. I just remembered that one of my sons was being verbally-harassed on the school bus. An idiot was bashing him as a "geek",  and "fag" because he was in GEM classes and knew not to fight back while in school or on the bus. He kept quiet and simply invited the harasser to meet him off the bus. One day, his offer was taken and my son had to be pulled off the offender when he was drowning him in a nearby pond. No more harassment after that. Discrimination(religious, sexual, economic, racial) starts verbally and often ends violently.    

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: Keeter on October 18, 2008, 08:48:13 AM
Chero, Chero, Chero, I wish we could have this conversation live because I'm sure you don't draw any distinction between a racist and a gay-basher. They're birds of the same color! :) If we're so confident of our own views, values, etc. why should the comments from some ignorant child bother us? For example, when we see a disheveled, homeless psycho standing on the street corner shouting profanity, do we get offended? No, we simply take pity, appreciate the health we have and, sometimes, we help that person when we can and drive on. You son's classmate will become an ignorant adult and go on to the workplace with our children. However, it's our job as parents to teach our children how to overcome/work with ignorance. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but, way too many people refuse to accept the consequences of expressing their opinions. Someone who accuses you of voting against a black man is clearly someone who has themselves suffered the consequences of verbal racism(lately and repeatedly). Yes, it occurs on both sides of the equation. But, it'll just get worse if whitey starts acting like the victim. 
P.S. I just remembered that one of my sons was being verbally-harassed on the school bus. An idiot was bashing him as a "geek",  and "fag" because he was in GEM classes and knew not to fight back while in school or on the bus. He kept quiet and simply invited the harasser to meet him off the bus. One day, his offer was taken and my son had to be pulled off the offender when he was drowning him in a nearby pond. No more harassment after that. Discrimination(religious, sexual, economic, racial) starts verbally and often ends violently.    

 :box.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: Miami450R on October 18, 2008, 09:43:04 AM
holy crap . 4th grade? talking about presidents?

in my 4th grade , we were arguing about who had more pokemon cards and what girls had more cooties than the others.

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: 4fittyr on October 18, 2008, 10:45:24 AM
thats a shame  but only white folks can be racist  no other race can be .so be proud to be an american / racist/ future 5th grade klans member /leader  and let it go

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: grizzlefoshizzle on October 18, 2008, 04:54:01 PM
that the teachr that wrote on the board C.H.A.N.G.E = Come Help A Nigger Get Elected ???

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: AintSkeered on October 18, 2008, 07:07:19 PM
That last response is exactly why "THEY" can't get over it and why your son paid the price in school. Here's more;

Title: Re: This happen to my son today at school....
Post by: yunt2ride on October 19, 2008, 12:38:24 PM
That last response is exactly why "THEY" can't get over it and why your son paid the price in school. Here's more;

Not axactly. I few years ago my son was playing with two friends across the street, one was black, I was outside and they were pushing each other between a matress that was under the garage, well the black kid got pushed between it and the other two were sitting on it and he got mad and called my son and the other kid the N word. I have tault my kids to never say that word and when I heard it, I went over there and told him that I teach my kids not to say that word and if he doesn't want people to call him that then he best not ever call other people that. Then I told him to go home and my son to come home. I let him know that we don't teach it in my house. Then you hear these songs that are supposed to have a good beat and be COOL, but every other word is the N word, always sung by black people. Teaching starts at home and until every home teaches it and the government does away with race on applications and in laws, it will not change.