ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Chillinthemost on October 01, 2008, 06:52:30 PM

Title: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Chillinthemost on October 01, 2008, 06:52:30 PM
 I cannot even imagine the lonely life that you lead. To move from Florida all the way across the country and not have anything better to do than come on a FLORIDA website and start trouble. Will no one in Nevada talk to you? Do you have ANY friends on this site? Does anyone in your house even talk to you? Do you even ride ATVs? 
 I challenge you to post 1 picture of you riding an ATV and show us some pics of riding spots in your area.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: crom A zone on October 01, 2008, 07:52:08 PM
i wish i had an    atv  and rode     i am so mad at fish i thought i was only one that came on this site to cause trouble 1  and 2    talk about rideing atv and not ever ride  i am so mad lol

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: jrpro130 on October 01, 2008, 08:32:32 PM
no matt, kev is not on the site, he has an atv and don't even ride it...

your not a trouble maker anymore, you try to smooch smooch on fishy's butt...

i'm mad i can't ride for a while. i'll still post here too :)

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 08:35:16 PM
I cannot even imagine the lonely life that you lead. To move from Florida all the way across the country and not have anything better to do than come on a FLORIDA website and start trouble. Will no one in Nevada talk to you? Do you have ANY friends on this site? Does anyone in your house even talk to you? Do you even ride ATVs? 
 I challenge you to post 1 picture of you riding an ATV and show us some pics of riding spots in your area.

Let me see what I can find.  I only have 1 picture of me riding a ATV if I can find it.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on October 01, 2008, 08:37:20 PM
Here ya go Matt. I found one of him..........our favorite Obama supporter.


Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 08:48:47 PM
Here ya go Matt. I found one of him..........our favorite Obama supporter.


Nope, that is not me because if you look at my signature you will see I own 2 suzuki king quads and a polaris 90 and both of my suzukis are 4x4.  Also if you will notice that is a yamaha and a sport quad at that.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: svtbolt04 on October 01, 2008, 08:49:55 PM
Thank you Captain Obvious. ::)

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Fast66071 on October 01, 2008, 08:51:25 PM
Another Obama voting quad rider. Tax and spend Dawg!

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 09:00:47 PM
Rather tax and spend then just spend like the republicans do.  I have a feeling all you republicans don't care about future generations as long as you don't have to pay the bill some one else will right?  You guys are no better then those people on welfare, they get money for nothing but you want lower taxes and then send the bill into the future so you don't have to pay.  Same difference to me, you both get something for nothing.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: wheelie_boy on October 01, 2008, 09:05:23 PM
"where is the love?"

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: crom A zone on October 01, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
dang i am jealous   them are some sick   bikes lol      i want one    hey fish  if u look at my Sig  it says i got a ranger on  33's   i haven't had that  in almost a year  there is a song by brad  paisley called ONLINE   u fit the   description perfect  lol      I  think you are cool    But i would bet my last dollar   that u live in Miami   trailer  park  with you mom dad  sis  aunt and grandma  an dog    and the best part bout   your family  tree     IT DONT FORK lol    :'( :-* <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty>

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: rider on October 01, 2008, 09:10:16 PM
Fish? I have one question, what is your goal by posting what you post? All it is seeming to do is dig your hole deeper, seems like all it is doing is making less people that will actually give your posts creditability.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: rider on October 01, 2008, 09:13:44 PM
LMAO about that last comment about the Brad Paisley song, that is perfect! 2:L

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 09:15:33 PM
Fish? I have one question, what is your goal by posting what you post? All it is seeming to do is dig your hole deeper, seems like all it is doing is making less people that will actually give your posts creditability.

I have the same goal as anyone else who post a political thread.  Why would my goal be any different?

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: rider on October 01, 2008, 09:20:01 PM
Fish? I have one question, what is your goal by posting what you post? All it is seeming to do is dig your hole deeper, seems like all it is doing is making less people that will actually give your posts creditability.

I have the same goal as anyone else who post a political thread.  Why would my goal be any different?

At first it seemed like you were pumping out good facts and trying to support Obama, but now it seems that you just try to insult people and post hate messages against McCain/Palin.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Chillinthemost on October 01, 2008, 09:20:29 PM
Rather tax and spend then just spend like the republicans do.  I have a feeling all you republicans don't care about future generations as long as you don't have to pay the bill some one else will right?  You guys are no better then those people on welfare, they get money for nothing but you want lower taxes and then send the bill into the future so you don't have to pay.  Same difference to me, you both get something for nothing.

I pay a substantial amount of taxes and dont consider myself getting anything for free. I also have 3 children, so I care considerable about future generations. I hope that my grandchildren will speak English, believe in God, and still have some freedoms left.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: crom A zone on October 01, 2008, 09:23:06 PM
online  i drive a 4x4 quad online  i think i no what i am talking bout online when u got my my kinda stats its hard to love everyone   online lol <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty> <nanaparty>

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: flt mech on October 01, 2008, 09:24:22 PM
Anyone here ever see two brothersin their pre teens fight?  One (usually the older one) says somethingto get the younger wound up, then if it does not work he tries something else until he gets a reaction.  Once reaction is received then first brother continues to pick and pick.  The only way to get him to to stop reacting to him.  No reaction = no response.    For you slower ones....stop gettinig so fired up about Fish and let him do what he wants!  If you know something to be false just let them keep thinking it.  He (fish) is just trying to get you to react or at the very least he will never change his opinion.  Lets just agree to disagree!  Again just my .02.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on October 01, 2008, 09:34:41 PM
That political thread section is sounding better and better every day. C'mon Bones,at least until after the election.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 01, 2008, 09:41:04 PM
Meanwhile, Fish avoids my comments and challenges like the plague.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 09:42:45 PM
Rather tax and spend then just spend like the republicans do.  I have a feeling all you republicans don't care about future generations as long as you don't have to pay the bill some one else will right?  You guys are no better then those people on welfare, they get money for nothing but you want lower taxes and then send the bill into the future so you don't have to pay.  Same difference to me, you both get something for nothing.

I pay a substantial amount of taxes and dont consider myself getting anything for free. I also have 3 children, so I care considerable about future generations. I hope that my grandchildren will speak English, believe in God, and still have some freedoms left.

Who is paying for all this deficit spending your fiscal conservative president and his wannabe (McSame) are doing?  It's not you, so yes you are indeed taking something for free.  You are getting a lower tax bill, while future generations are getting stuck with the bill (deficit spending) plus all the interest.  Can you not see this?

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 01, 2008, 09:50:38 PM
Trust me, Chillin, like myself, is NOT getting a lower tax bill. My taxes (and his) go up every year. Meanwhile, Obama proposes an additional ONE TRILLION in spending that no amount of wealthy [sic] taxpayers can afford over time on top of the 700 Billion bailout proposal?

Oh, and lets not forget the fact Obama advocates raising taxes on people like Chillin and myself while giving breaks to those who already pay the lowest amount of tax (even at the margin) in the form of earned income credit raises and government funded programs.

You should quit harping on Bush and the past and start realizing whats best for the future.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 09:59:33 PM
Trust me, Chillin, like myself, is NOT getting a lower tax bill. My taxes (and his) go up every year. Meanwhile, Obama proposes an additional ONE TRILLION in spending that no amount of wealthy [sic] taxpayers can afford over time on top of the 700 Billion bailout proposal?

Oh, and lets not forget the fact Obama advocates raising taxes on people like Chillin and myself while giving breaks to those who already pay the lowest amount of tax (even at the margin) in the form of earned income credit raises and government funded programs.

You should quit harping on Bush and the past and start realizing whats best for the future.

Well the fact remains the republicans were all for Bush and saying how great it would be to have a fiscal conservative in office and now look what is going on.  Now they are saying the same thing about McSame (who votes with Bush 90% of the time), and this time we are supposed to believe the republicans, I think not.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 01, 2008, 10:03:14 PM
Fish, if you knew anything at all about McCain's economic plans you'd realize just how absurd your viewpoint sounds.

Tell you what, you're really good ad bad mouthing the past. Why don't you flex that brain of yours and explain to us all just why Obama and his proposed economic plans make sense for the United States. Be sure to explain the benefits as well as the feasability of these plans too.

We are all ears and the ball is in your court. Man up or shut your yap because you've been called out.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: flt mech on October 01, 2008, 10:06:19 PM
funny you mention lower tax bill.   Obama's plan would give lower income families a bigger tax break, middle income families would get little or no tax break and the wealthy would pay more.  If you GIVE people money for doing nothing then that sounds like welfare.  Once someone gets on welfare it seems very few let go of it.  they never do anything the just live off of others.  It's the whole feed a man fish and you feed him for a day but teach him to fish and you feed him for a life time thing.  Give people the skills, the want to do better and they will. Under obama it seems like just throwing money to people who just exist and nothing more.  How about the millions that he wanted to give to the third world coountries.  It is bad enough to give more money to deadbeats but now he wants to throw money to other countries, for nothing ?????  Sounds like we are paying for absolutly nothing.  So who spends more? and for smaller returns.  Just stop to think.  

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 01, 2008, 10:10:43 PM

You've got all night to try and come up with something. I'm going to bed and will stomp you and whatever you post in the morning...with ease I might add.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 10:21:50 PM
Fish, if you knew anything at all about McCain's economic plans you'd realize just how absurd your viewpoint sounds.

Tell you what, you're really good ad bad mouthing the past. Why don't you flex that brain of yours and explain to us all just why Obama and his proposed economic plans make sense for the United States. Be sure to explain the benefits as well as the feasability of these plans too.

We are all ears and the ball is in your court. Man up or shut your yap because you've been called out.

Stop the train there, there is so much more to this election then Obamas economic plan.  Now you republicans are always worried about your money and I can see that is where you are coming from.  Me on the otherhand can afford to pay a few extra dollars in taxes if it will help the country as a whole.  

Pulling our troops out of the civil war in Iraq is one thing that is important to me because I hate to see these good young men and women dying for a war that will never be won because as soon as we leave be it in 1 year or 10 years the Iraq people will go back fighting each other, that is just how it is.  I also would like to see the $10,000,000,000 a month being spent on problems here at home which there are many.

Abortion rights is something I believe in, I don't think you republicans have the right to tell a woman what she can do with her body.  

Republicans have had 8 years and things are as screwed up in this country as  bad as they ever have been in my 47 yrs.

Actually fighting the war on terrorism would also be nice.  Pull the troops out of Iraq and send some of them to Afghanistan to fight the real battle against terrorism.

Maybe do a little for the earth like try to do something about global warming so our kids have something to live for.

Having a right wing conservative out of office would be the best of all though.  I find most republicans to be hypocrites and Bush is no exception.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 10:47:36 PM

You've got all night to try and come up with something. I'm going to bed and will stomp you and whatever you post in the morning...with ease I might add.

Your a legend in your own mind

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 01, 2008, 10:55:53 PM
(  My daughter at Stampede resevoir in California

( my fat self snowmobiling

(  my wifes and my quad

(  me on the quad in California

(  me again

(  my daughter on her quad for the first time

Last but not least why they call me FishaHallic  (

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: jrpro130 on October 02, 2008, 12:00:41 AM
Nice bass

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 02, 2008, 12:16:59 AM
Thank you, 9lbs 15oz, I could just not get it to go 10

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: AintSkeered on October 02, 2008, 07:21:42 AM
Hey Fish, haven't you heard that the environment(Global warming) is just as "fundamental sound" as the economy! LOL :)

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Chillinthemost on October 02, 2008, 08:03:58 AM
WOW, you have proof that you love to destroy the enviroment like the rest of us ATV lovers. Thats beautiful country out there.
 You are still a pinhead though.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on October 02, 2008, 08:04:18 AM
Fish always seems to skate the question at hand. He should be a politician.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: asmart82 on October 02, 2008, 08:04:56 AM
I guess this means he "Put Up"  :box.gif

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 08:28:22 AM

You swerved so hard to avoid being called out that you left skid marks. Again, more hollow unbased rhetoric from you with no attempt at facing the issues presented.

Thanks for proving what all of us already knew.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 09:52:02 AM
You know Fishy, I see your actions as an opportunity for me to demonstrate to you how one would go about actually addressing the issues raised. So, lets take your comments and go through them, leaving nothing unturned.

Your comments -

Fish, if you knew anything at all about McCain's economic plans you'd realize just how absurd your viewpoint sounds.

Tell you what, you're really good ad bad mouthing the past. Why don't you flex that brain of yours and explain to us all just why Obama and his proposed economic plans make sense for the United States. Be sure to explain the benefits as well as the feasibility of these plans too.

We are all ears and the ball is in your court. Man up or shut your yap because you've been called out.

Stop the train there, there is so much more to this election then Obamas economic plan.  Now you republicans are always worried about your money and I can see that is where you are coming from.  Me on the otherhand can afford to pay a few extra dollars in taxes if it will help the country as a whole.  

Pulling our troops out of the civil war in Iraq is one thing that is important to me because I hate to see these good young men and women dying for a war that will never be won because as soon as we leave be it in 1 year or 10 years the Iraq people will go back fighting each other, that is just how it is.  I also would like to see the $10,000,000,000 a month being spent on problems here at home which there are many.

Abortion rights is something I believe in, I don't think you republicans have the right to tell a woman what she can do with her body.  

Republicans have had 8 years and things are as screwed up in this country as  bad as they ever have been in my 47 yrs.

Actually fighting the war on terrorism would also be nice.  Pull the troops out of Iraq and send some of them to Afghanistan to fight the real battle against terrorism.

Maybe do a little for the earth like try to do something about global warming so our kids have something to live for.

Having a right wing conservative out of office would be the best of all though.  I find most republicans to be hypocrites and Bush is no exception.

First, the concern over the economics on my part. You know, your boy Obama lists economics as one of his key three points along with health care and the environment (more on that in a minute). I mean economics is the basis for everything. Without a sound fiscal policy none of the rest matters. So, for you to pretend that economic policy proposals are not the single most important issue in the election shows a level of myopic thought I certainly didn't think you were capable of.

Second, the war in Iraq. Obama's plans on the war are completely unknown. He talks in code for the most part and then acts in derivation to his promises over and over. Examples? Well lets start with Obama's strong talk on the war and promise to oppose any funding for the war. Then, he goes on to approve over $300 billion in appropriations during his term.

Also,  he says he intends to "end this war". Yet, he gives no plans that have any hope of being feasible. In fact, just about the only thing he's advocated is "diplomacy" between the waring factions in Iraq. Never mind the fact that Obama has zero experience and knows nothing of foreign policy or the fact that diplomacy has NEVER worked in that region.

Meanwhile, McCain's plans for Iraq have definite timelines, feasible withdrawal measures and a framework for stabilization in that region resulting in the required pressure being put on nations such as Syria and Iran.

McCain recognizes that simply turning tail and leaving Iraq as Obama basically advocates with create a vacuum that will be filled by the likes of Syria, Iraq and now Pakistan. McCain's plan also recognizes the need to pursue terrorists where they shelter and advocates the buildup of military might in those regions harboring terrorists. Obama can't even begin to think this one through.

Third, if you are okay with late term abortions, fine. As for me, I have an issue with aborting a baby that lives for a period of time after it's been sucked from it's mother's womb. Look at your kids when you consider this one.

Fourth, the environment. Obama only recently made this an issue. He was "late to the game" as far as the environment is concerned. So, what has he done and what does he propose? Spend money. Yep. Obama want to spend upwards of $600 billion on environmentally friendly energy studies. Not protection, not regulation, not mandates...studies. Guess who get to pay for it all with no promise of action? We do.

McCain on the other hand, has a stellar track record on the environment. He's sponsored bills, passed legislation, acted promptly and been a champion for the environment. Take global warming for instance, McCain not only sponsored, but WROTE the Climate Stewardship Act which creates the cap-and-trade system that Obama now supports. This is the Act that would reduce emissions 65% over time.

Unlike his counterparts, McCain conducted balanced climate hearings taking testimony from actual scientists and not industry puppets. He's proposed tax credits for "results" not studies to companies that actually come up with green power alternatives. In otherwords, save us the money on oil and we'll give you the tax cuts, not vice versa.

And that Fishy, is how you address the issues.  ;)

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: VForcedave on October 02, 2008, 09:53:08 AM

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 02, 2008, 09:58:39 AM
Yes your right, I have seen how the republican party addresses an issue.  Lets see, what are we up to in bail-outs in the last month it must be around $1,500,000,000,000 , and that's from just 7+ years of a republican administration.  Put McSame in for another 4 years of failure and and see if we can hit another  $4,000,000,000,000.  I would say that is not very smart, and neither are you if you vote for another republican.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 10:02:00 AM
Wow, yet another great job of attempting to switch the issues (even when it was a few that you brought up) and dodging what's in your face with another harp on the past.

Keep digging your hole. Everyone is laughing at you.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on October 02, 2008, 10:05:43 AM
Obviously he isn't going to answer anyones questions. I have an idea. We just don't respond to any of his posts and he will eventually get tired of talking to himself and go away.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 02, 2008, 10:11:40 AM
Your scared of the truth.  Have you seen the news lately, good lord people the truth is slapping you in your face.  Are you such a toe the line republicans that you can't see what is happening.  Some body needs to wake up and look around and it is not me, it is you Lushbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly listening minions that act like nothings wrong.  Go back to your beer drinking you have no business talking politics let alone voting, your the reason we are in this mess.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 10:25:27 AM
Obviously he isn't going to answer anyones questions. I have an idea. We just don't respond to any of his posts and he will eventually get tired of talking to himself and go away.


You are right. He's not capable of addressing the issues. All he can do is spout off about how much he hates Bush, etc. I think we've all established quite well he hasn't a clue about anything he posts.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 02, 2008, 10:39:36 AM
Obviously he isn't going to answer anyones questions. I have an idea. We just don't respond to any of his posts and he will eventually get tired of talking to himself and go away.


You are right. He's not capable of addressing the issues. All he can do is spout off about how much he hates Bush, etc. I think we've all established quite well he hasn't a clue about anything he posts.

I think I am right about you being a Bush lover and the fact that you Reality take from our government, not the same as people on welfare but your doing it in a back handed way by pushing our bills from this generation to another.  All I want to do is pay our own bills like we did when Clinton was in office.  Take your baby you just had recently and put him on your lap and look him in the eye and tell him he will have to pay for your lower taxes and try not to laugh when you do it because your child might just remember that.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 10:51:05 AM
How does one become as confused as you? It really is unbelievable.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: trx#9 on October 02, 2008, 10:59:47 AM
I don't feel to greatly about Palin's opinion on abortion, she was asked the other night if a father rapped his daughter and conceived pregnancy would an abortion be ok in your thinking. She said NO, are you kinding me NO, thats what wrong with this country to many religious freaks trying to bring there religious beliefs in government. Someone that states something like that needs to stay in Alaska, McCain really hurt his creditability on picking Palin. It's also pretty bad that they have been spending days pumping info into Palin what to say at this debate tonight, facts are this bimbo could be running our country with her Neanderthal views.  :(

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: MudMan on October 02, 2008, 11:19:34 AM

You've got all night to try and come up with something. I'm going to bed and will stomp you and whatever you post in the morning...with ease I might add.

Your a legend in your own mind


Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: singleshot on October 02, 2008, 11:47:00 AM
Obviously he isn't going to answer anyones questions. I have an idea. We just don't respond to any of his posts and he will eventually get tired of talking to himself and go away.


You are right. He's not capable of addressing the issues. All he can do is spout off about how much he hates Bush, etc. I think we've all established quite well he hasn't a clue about anything he posts.

I think I am right about you being a Bush lover and the fact that you Reality take from our government, not the same as people on welfare but your doing it in a back handed way by pushing our bills from this generation to another.  All I want to do is pay our own bills like we did when Clinton was in office.  Take your baby you just had recently and put him on your lap and look him in the eye and tell him he will have to pay for your lower taxes and try not to laugh when you do it because your child might just remember that.

If you did your research you would know that the credit and finance mess we are currently in is due to the Clinton era.  So we are now paying for the mess his administration created.  Bill Clinton's fair housing act is what loosened the restrictions on borrowing and enabled people to get sub-prime loans without proof of income. In addition, the Association of Community Organizations to Reform Now (ACORN) which Obama was a part of pushed to give mortgages to people who could not afford them by threatening banks and using the Fair Housing legislation against them.  Do your research and you will see that Obama plays as much a part in this mess as do the CEO's of the banks we have to bail out.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: trx#9 on October 02, 2008, 12:07:23 PM
Obviously he isn't going to answer anyones questions. I have an idea. We just don't respond to any of his posts and he will eventually get tired of talking to himself and go away.


You are right. He's not capable of addressing the issues. All he can do is spout off about how much he hates Bush, etc. I think we've all established quite well he hasn't a clue about anything he posts.

I think I am right about you being a Bush lover and the fact that you Reality take from our government, not the same as people on welfare but your doing it in a back handed way by pushing our bills from this generation to another.  All I want to do is pay our own bills like we did when Clinton was in office.  Take your baby you just had recently and put him on your lap and look him in the eye and tell him he will have to pay for your lower taxes and try not to laugh when you do it because your child might just remember that.

If you did your research you would know that the credit and finance mess we are currently in is due to the Clinton era.  So we are now paying for the mess his administration created.  Bill Clinton's fair housing act is what loosened the restrictions on borrowing and enabled people to get sub-prime loans without proof of income. In addition, the Association of Community Organizations to Reform Now (ACORN) which Obama was a part of pushed to give mortgages to people who could not afford them by threatening banks and using the Fair Housing legislation against them.  Do your research and you will see that Obama plays as much a part in this mess as do the CEO's of the banks we have to bail out.

That's not entirely true, you forgot to add the Bush also increased monies for borrowing and didn't pass guide lines. Most of the default mortgages came from 2002 to 2006 era and the type of loans were completely different in that time. I don't remember people being able to borrowing over there home values in the 90's.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: MedicMudder on October 02, 2008, 01:01:15 PM
hi fish,I think the air is to thin were you are,First of all Pres Bush is not running!! Get off of him!!.pres Bush is not a right wing Conservative. I wish he was!!.This whole mortgage mess lies at the feet of Dems. Slick Willy signed a bill to allow people to buy
houses that could not be appoved normally.the Republicans tried to shine light on this mildue but Barney Frank and the other commies on his side of the hill stopped it ,you can see the footage on you tube.I am upset Pres Bush for the way he spent money!! He spent more than Slick Willy

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 01:23:40 PM
I don't feel to greatly about Palin's opinion on abortion, she was asked the other night if a father rapped his daughter and conceived pregnancy would an abortion be ok in your thinking. She said NO, are you kinding me NO, thats what wrong with this country to many religious freaks trying to bring there religious beliefs in government. Someone that states something like that needs to stay in Alaska, McCain really hurt his creditability on picking Palin. It's also pretty bad that they have been spending days pumping info into Palin what to say at this debate tonight, facts are this bimbo could be running our country with her Neanderthal views.  :(

I understand your feelings on this issue. But, I think it's a two way street. Just as bad as Palin's all or nothing stance and opinion is the alternate side of the coin which advocates late term abortions.  Having seen my son's ultrasound at 8 weeks and watching his heart beat, I can't imagine a late term abortion.

However, this is a moral issue that is never going to be satisfied in favor of everyone. Not even close. It's like the death penalty. Nobody will ever win and, more importantly, it doesn't have the same importance as issues such as the economy, health care, foriegn policy, etc.

Not disagreeing with you. Just saying it's a tough call for either side and probably not something to base a vote on.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: trx#9 on October 02, 2008, 02:11:07 PM
I don't feel to greatly about Palin's opinion on abortion, she was asked the other night if a father rapped his daughter and conceived pregnancy would an abortion be ok in your thinking. She said NO, are you kinding me NO, thats what wrong with this country to many religious freaks trying to bring there religious beliefs in government. Someone that states something like that needs to stay in Alaska, McCain really hurt his creditability on picking Palin. It's also pretty bad that they have been spending days pumping info into Palin what to say at this debate tonight, facts are this bimbo could be running our country with her Neanderthal views.  :(

I understand your feelings on this issue. But, I think it's a two way street. Just as bad as Palin's all or nothing stance and opinion is the alternate side of the coin which advocates late term abortions.  Having seen my son's ultrasound at 8 weeks and watching his heart beat, I can't imagine a late term abortion.

However, this is a moral issue that is never going to be satisfied in favor of everyone. Not even close. It's like the death penalty. Nobody will ever win and, more importantly, it doesn't have the same importance as issues such as the economy, health care, foriegn policy, etc.

Not disagreeing with you. Just saying it's a tough call for either side and probably not something to base a vote on.
It's a two headed sword, thats why I'm staying home on election day. >:D

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Mudneck on October 02, 2008, 03:23:31 PM
I thought this was the JOKE thread...

A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is at work. Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in the bedroom closet to watch.
The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already.
                  The little boy says, 'Dark in here.'
                  The man says, 'Yes, it is.'
                  Boy: 'I have a baseball.'
                  Man: 'That's nice.'
                  Boy: 'Want to buy it?'
                  Man: 'No, thanks.'
                  Boy: 'My Dad's outside.'
                  Man: 'OK, how much?'
             0    Boy: '$250'
In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the lover are in the closet together.
                  Boy: 'Dark in here.'
                  Man: 'Yes, it is.'
                  Boy: 'I have a baseball glove.'
                  The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, 'How much?'
                  Boy: '$750'
                  Man: 'Sold..'
A few days later, the Dad says to the boy, 'Grab your glove, let's go outside and have a game of catch.'
The boy says, 'I can't, I sold my baseball and my glove.'
                  The Dad asks, 'How much did you sell them for?'
Boy: '$1,000'
They go to the church and the Dad makes the little boy sit in the confessional booth and closes the door.
                  The boy says, 'Dark in here.'
                  The priest says, 'Don't start that sh*t again; you're in my closet now.'

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Anoriginal on October 02, 2008, 03:46:37 PM

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 02, 2008, 08:55:48 PM
hi fish,I think the air is to thin were you are,First of all Pres Bush is not running!! Get off of him!!.pres Bush is not a right wing Conservative. I wish he was!!.This whole mortgage mess lies at the feet of Dems. Slick Willy signed a bill to allow people to buy
houses that could not be appoved normally.the Republicans tried to shine light on this mildue but Barney Frank and the other commies on his side of the hill stopped it ,you can see the footage on you tube.I am upset Pres Bush for the way he spent money!! He spent more than Slick Willy

He is as right wing as they come and he is a conservative.  The part about Clinton being responsible may or may not be true, there are several theories on that.  Both parties can own up to this.

Your right Bush is not running but according to McSame he votes with Bush 90% of the time so with him we can expect more of the same and this country can't handle 4 more years like the last 8.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Chillinthemost on October 02, 2008, 09:02:13 PM
In the scenario where a father rapes his daughter and the question of whether an abortion would be OK in that case. I say maybe, but only if the father is also killed.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: MadMudder on October 03, 2008, 12:18:16 AM
hi fish,I think the air is to thin were you are,First of all Pres Bush is not running!! Get off of him!!.pres Bush is not a right wing Conservative. I wish he was!!.This whole mortgage mess lies at the feet of Dems. Slick Willy signed a bill to allow people to buy
houses that could not be appoved normally.the Republicans tried to shine light on this mildue but Barney Frank and the other commies on his side of the hill stopped it ,you can see the footage on you tube.I am upset Pres Bush for the way he spent money!! He spent more than Slick Willy

He is as right wing as they come and he is a conservative.  The part about Clinton being responsible may or may not be true, there are several theories on that.  Both parties can own up to this.

Your right Bush is not running but according to McSame he votes with Bush 90% of the time so with him we can expect more of the same and this country can't handle 4 more years like the last 8.
How can you say that Clinton might not be responsible for this??!?! He signed the bill in 1999. It was a bad idea from the start and in 2003 there was a hearing about it. The republicans tried and tried to tell them that it was a bad idea and was going to fail. But your buddys biden obama and every other democrat there just shot them down.

You know fish when I first saw you posting I honestly thought you were a really smart guy who just had different view points. Now after a few more years of exprience I see now your nothing more then someone who resorts to name calling and dwelling on the past in your arguments rather then facing the issues and the future. You were called out on obamas economic plan earlier in the thread and instead of explaining it you dodged it completly. Its not extremly suprising. People like you who support obama simply hop on the bandwagon of change and feel good mush and your arguments prove it. Then you realize the hidden liberal agenda which is a communistic view of a strife towards some utopian society on a hill. There arent many facts rather just warm and fuzzy words that make everything seem ok. Thats obamas whole campaign. If you read into any issue and really think about it, hes dead wrong. Anyway back to the point, fish, your just digging your hole deeper. Mabye if your comments had real substance and not simple nicknames and calling people stupid stuff then mabye you would still be taken seriously.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 03, 2008, 12:50:05 AM
hi fish,I think the air is to thin were you are,First of all Pres Bush is not running!! Get off of him!!.pres Bush is not a right wing Conservative. I wish he was!!.This whole mortgage mess lies at the feet of Dems. Slick Willy signed a bill to allow people to buy
houses that could not be appoved normally.the Republicans tried to shine light on this mildue but Barney Frank and the other commies on his side of the hill stopped it ,you can see the footage on you tube.I am upset Pres Bush for the way he spent money!! He spent more than Slick Willy

He is as right wing as they come and he is a conservative.  The part about Clinton being responsible may or may not be true, there are several theories on that.  Both parties can own up to this.

Your right Bush is not running but according to McSame he votes with Bush 90% of the time so with him we can expect more of the same and this country can't handle 4 more years like the last 8.
How can you say that Clinton might not be responsible for this??!?! He signed the bill in 1999. It was a bad idea from the start and in 2003 there was a hearing about it. The republicans tried and tried to tell them that it was a bad idea and was going to fail. But your buddys biden obama and every other democrat there just shot them down.

You know fish when I first saw you posting I honestly thought you were a really smart guy who just had different view points. Now after a few more years of exprience I see now your nothing more then someone who resorts to name calling and dwelling on the past in your arguments rather then facing the issues and the future. You were called out on obamas economic plan earlier in the thread and instead of explaining it you dodged it completly. Its not extremly suprising. People like you who support obama simply hop on the bandwagon of change and feel good mush and your arguments prove it. Then you realize the hidden liberal agenda which is a communistic view of a strife towards some utopian society on a hill. There arent many facts rather just warm and fuzzy words that make everything seem ok. Thats obamas whole campaign. If you read into any issue and really think about it, hes dead wrong. Anyway back to the point, fish, your just digging your hole deeper. Mabye if your comments had real substance and not simple nicknames and calling people stupid stuff then mabye you would still be taken seriously.

You don't understand what I am saying, I am not saying Clinton is or is not responsible because I don't know.  Just like you are stating it is Clintons fault I read other peoples threads on other forums say it is Bushs fault.  I am not going to try to figure it out because it is too late for that.  But I want to know why the republicans with control of the house, congress and the white house did not fix it if they knew it was broke?

I have not called anyone a name that did not attack me first, which brings up a point about the attack mode of republicans.  That is all they do, attack and hope nobody notices the mess they made.  Well I have noticed and so has most of the country.  And the reason we bring up the past is if you don't learn from history then your bound to repeat it and history shows McSame votes with Bush 90% of the time and this country can't handle 4 more years of that.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Mudneck on October 03, 2008, 08:02:37 AM


You don't understand what I am saying[/quote]

Have you ever thought other than the 3 people that you spent countless hours wasting your time arguing with will not VOTE your way,you wont change them? :-[

And the other 7878 members could honestly give two shits about your ramblings and these topics you keep cluttering up this forum with? ;)


Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Keeter on October 03, 2008, 09:22:05 AM
Dang Wacker I gotta give you a "X2"  again.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Mudneck on October 03, 2008, 09:26:27 AM
SHOW YOUR SUPPORT CAN I GET A X3-x4-x5 etc..... brothers & sisters

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: flt mech on October 03, 2008, 10:36:14 AM
 Ha Ha! This is so much fun  X3 Brother.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: KAW3604x4 on October 03, 2008, 10:40:45 AM
And X4 ;) ;D

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: VForcedave on October 03, 2008, 11:20:52 AM


Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on October 03, 2008, 11:55:57 AM

Like I said earlier. If no one replies when he posts a topic. He will go away.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 03, 2008, 09:44:35 PM
I just looked it up, this whole mess was caused by the Bush administration and his cronnies. 

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Mudneck on October 03, 2008, 09:53:19 PM

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: MadMudder on October 04, 2008, 12:06:06 AM
I just looked it up, this whole mess was caused by the Bush administration and his cronnies. 
Ah yes, no facts no reasons. Just its bushes fault. Hes to blame. Even though BILL CLINTON PUT HIS NAME ON THE BILL. But he probably had nothing to do with it. Im sure it was all a grand evil scheme by the bush administration that didnt exist in 1999. Dude get over yourself. This is not his fault and you know it. Infact republicans tried to stop it but Barney Frank and other of his liberal friends would hear nothing of it. Wrote us off as jack asses who dont want people to have affordable housing.

As for the other people that are in here spamming it with x (insert next number here), leave us alone. If you dont like the discussions then dont read the topics. Im sure you have the ability to click on something else.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: cheropride on October 04, 2008, 08:25:12 AM
I just looked it up, this whole mess was caused by the Bush administration and his cronnies. 
Ah yes, no facts no reasons. Just its bushes fault. Hes to blame. Even though BILL CLINTON PUT HIS NAME ON THE BILL. But he probably had nothing to do with it. Im sure it was all a grand evil scheme by the bush administration that didnt exist in 1999. Dude get over yourself. This is not his fault and you know it. Infact republicans tried to stop it but Barney Frank and other of his liberal friends would hear nothing of it. Wrote us off as jack asses who dont want people to have affordable housing.

As for the other people that are in here spamming it with x (insert next number here), leave us alone. If you dont like the discussions then dont read the topics. Im sure you have the ability to click on something else.

I don't think anyone really cares about the political discussion, cuz everyone realizes that we are so close to the Election.  I think what people are having a problem with that Fish comes in here, and post 3-4 sometime 5 post in a row about politics, which over ride the board w/politics. He rants and rants and rants.  Why can't he just stick w/the one or two political topics already on the forum, and go from there.  I personally love politics, but I also realize as much as I love politics, other's can't stand politics (for instance my husband :-*); but when this forum gets bombarded by political post, after political post, it does get a little old.

Everyone knows that I surely express my political view, and now when I see Fish just ranting on w/all his topics, I tend to ignore him.  He is like beating a dead horse, literally, he just don't get it.  And he thinks he is changing peoples mind about Obama.  Some people get it, some don't.  Think about it, you have to be a nit-wit to think this all just one administration's doing, one party's doing.  There is plenty of fault to go around, and for people just to try and blame the Republicans for everything, is just very short sighted.  AGAIN WHO HAS HAD CONTROL OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS!!! 

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on October 04, 2008, 08:31:37 AM
If you all would stop entertaining him he will go away. A few of you just keep getting sucked in. Just walk away.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: cheropride on October 04, 2008, 09:15:06 AM
If you all would stop entertaining him he will go away. A few of you just keep getting sucked in. Just walk away.

That really was not what my point was, but actually based on the number of topics...

I think that if some members on this board want to discuss politics, than that should not be the issue, especially w/the elections being so close.  It is obvious that there are members that like discussing politics, and or making jokes about politics, which is great, and brings forth alot of discussion.  However, I think the problem is that there are so many topics being posted on this site, that it is getting a little old, even for me... ;)  I think out of respect for ALL the members on this site, that political topics should be kept to say one or two topics.  We should not have topic, after topic, about politics. 

If we come on the site, and we already see one or two topics on political discussion going, let's just keep it to that.  As for Bones creating a Political Section, I would honestly just wait till after the elections.  Not to say there will never be any further political discussion after the election, but I am sure it will surely quiet down. 

And yes, TRX you are absolutely right, when we, as members, see another member posting topic, after topic, after topic; We should just ignore those topics, and stay w/the topic already started.  Cuz, that ain't much different than SPAMMING, and if you ignore it will go away.  If Fish or anyone wants to join in a topic already started, well by all means, do so. If there are no other Political Topics, and a member wishes to start ONE than that should be okay.... 

But there has to be a limit.... 

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 04, 2008, 02:06:39 PM
If I did not get attacked by your gang for posting of facts then maybe I would not post so many political threads.  I take it as a challenge when everyone joins a bandwagon against me because I am not going anywhere.  I post the truth and facts and you guys say it is liberal media and you (not necessarily you chero) post known lies and your side calls them facts.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: flt mech on October 04, 2008, 02:22:53 PM
LMAO   Fish you are hilarious.  I hope when I get older I have a warped sense of reality like you.   I can't wait for that to happen.   :R :R     :M rolback1

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 04, 2008, 02:34:31 PM
Hang with your gang, someone will eventually like you.

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: flt mech on October 04, 2008, 04:22:05 PM
 :R  :R :R  Tell another one ur killing here, stop it. rolback1

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 04, 2008, 04:47:51 PM

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: Gato on October 04, 2008, 05:48:11 PM
X10 wacker Frank is right people just stop giving fish amo

Title: Re: Challenge for Fishaholic
Post by: FishaHallic on October 04, 2008, 08:49:02 PM
Nobody gives me ammo except the republican party and some trailer trash.