Title: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: GENERAL-Z on August 30, 2008, 08:07:24 PM tell me what you all think http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://dealer.webmakerx.net/Images/Picture/2007/September/lg_dodge_m80_rear.jpg&imgrefurl=http://greenwaydodge.com/Concept_Cars.aspx&h=323&w=400&sz=77&hl=en&start=103&usg=__4M2NG4CQT3t1fRby4oSFUP0NR4g=&tbnid=MAXXKiPthyJC4M:&tbnh=100&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthere%2527s%2Bno%2Bword%2Bin%2Bjapanese%2Bfor%2Bpick%2Bup%2Btruck%26start%3D90%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: 4fittyr on August 30, 2008, 09:59:11 PM bike is kewl all the rest r 2 but expensive i bet
Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: MudPuppy on August 30, 2008, 10:04:55 PM The motorcycle is from batman...not too bad.
The 4 door car aint too bad lookn. The "truck" looks like a kids toy. The convertible dont look bad at all. The van type thing looks good. The Maxxcab looks a little funny. The Rampage is too rick people looking. The ME412 looks very good. The Hurricane aint bad at all. Pretty sweet actually. The Gladiator looks like a new old school type truck. The willys 2 looks like a dang joke. And the treo is just plane funny lookin. I like the trucks and jeep just the way they are these days... But hey, I might change my mind in a few years. Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: wheelie_boy on August 30, 2008, 10:29:49 PM Im really liking the demon! It looks like a mini viper.
Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 30, 2008, 11:17:47 PM Dodge Hemi super8. Gayest looking car I've ever seen.
Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: Team Alba Z400 Rider 43 on August 31, 2008, 12:15:17 PM That Dodge Tomohawk has been a concept vehicle for quite some time now. About 6 or 7 years. It's not from Batman haha.
The Demon looks pretty nice, they sort of copied the nissan 350z and honda s2000 for looks. 2.4l 4 cylinder? :dunno.gif The Hornet looks like a scion. The maxxcab looks like a nissan titan/mini van in the front. Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: GENERAL-Z on September 01, 2008, 03:39:03 PM I LIKE THE Gladiator
Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: kfx400rob on September 01, 2008, 04:53:26 PM i doubt any will hit production but the gladiator and the little ricer lookin convertible.
Title: Re: pics and info on dodges new concept vehicles! Post by: Chevy1500z71 on September 01, 2008, 04:58:53 PM as much as i hate jeeps, the jeep pickup looks pretty cool...