ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: IXIswamperIXI on June 26, 2008, 09:36:05 PM

Title: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on June 26, 2008, 09:36:05 PM
A while ago someone on here asked about a good mech. job and I made a reply about remembering no job is beneath you.  Well I now am digging holes (with a shovel) to find pipes.  I am a glorified ditch digger and I own a business. (completely separate from "the ditch digging") I am trying to keep my business going so I don't have to take a paycheck, and I can get benefits for me, my wife, and my 7 month old son instead of my shop paying for it.  I just wanted the younger generation out here (not say I am old) to understand.  Going into business for yourself is not easy... For the first time in my life I think I may have failed we may loose everything.  We are trying to figure out the best situations to loose...... (not exactly looking at the glass 1/2 full) and that is not easy to think about while stabbing a shovel in the ground all day.  Everything I could possibly sell is finaced.... which needless to say is not worth what I owe on it.  Mortgage companies flat told me (even though I have NEVER been late for YEARS) they will do nothing for me until I am late for 2 months (so it show up on my credit) I HATE the fact I have to tell my employees (with families) I can not afford their medical ins right now.  I know I just posted pics of hats I just bought and I know I probably shouldn't have bought them.  My intentions were increasing advertising with nice hats but I should have spent the money on other more important things.  All this going on I sit and wonder  when my son looks at me with his curious looks if he sees failure.... and if he is thinking "Try harder dad, I am worth it"


Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 26, 2008, 09:51:54 PM
just know that god has a plan. we just went through the same thing and we are coming out WAY ahead of where we were, even though we did have to get rid of a lot. just keep working and it will happen.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: backwoods boy on June 26, 2008, 10:13:58 PM
going thru the same thing man luckily i have some stuff that isnt financed but i work a 6 day work week every week tuff times for alot of people i havent been riding at my property in 5 months it sucks ive been saving to sell my 4wheeler sounds stupid i know but i need the money more than the quad that hasnt been ridden in months :'(

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: billabongcr on June 26, 2008, 10:19:29 PM
hope everything will get better for you man. you have a son, you know what you have to do, you have the desire to make everything better, so in time you will make everything right. just keep pluggin along, best of luck to you. i hope everything turns around for you.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: MedicMudder on June 26, 2008, 10:25:54 PM
You know the nice thing bout being a dad is no matter how much of a screw up you are (not that you are) your kids still think you are cool!! 8)
With hard work you will pull out of this.What part of the state do you live in?What kind of work do you do?May be some of the folks on the site can
spend some $$$$$ at your place of business.Good luck.    ps sounds like you are not afraid of hard work,so you will bounce back.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: Justardnck on June 26, 2008, 11:15:42 PM
A while ago someone on here asked about a good mech. job and I made a reply about remembering no job is beneath you.  Well I now am digging holes (with a shovel) to find pipes.  I am a glorified ditch digger and I own a business. (completely separate from "the ditch digging") I am trying to keep my business going so I don't have to take a paycheck, and I can get benefits for me, my wife, and my 7 month old son instead of my shop paying for it.  I just wanted the younger generation out here (not say I am old) to understand.  Going into business for yourself is not easy... For the first time in my life I think I may have failed we may loose everything.  We are trying to figure out the best situations to loose...... (not exactly looking at the glass 1/2 full) and that is not easy to think about while stabbing a shovel in the ground all day.  Everything I could possibly sell is finaced.... which needless to say is not worth what I owe on it.  Mortgage companies flat told me (even though I have NEVER been late for YEARS) they will do nothing for me until I am late for 2 months (so it show up on my credit) I HATE the fact I have to tell my employees (with families) I can not afford their medical ins right now.  I know I just posted pics of hats I just bought and I know I probably shouldn't have bought them.  My intentions were increasing advertising with nice hats but I should have spent the money on other more important things.  All this going on I sit and wonder  when my son looks at me with his curious looks if he sees failure.... and if he is thinking "Try harder dad, I am worth it"

I know how you feel, my business is so far off right now that I can barely keep gas in my work truck. While my situation is not as bad as yours I can see it may be very close to yours soon.

I hope things get better for you and your family.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on June 26, 2008, 11:58:49 PM
No matter how bad it gets, if you and your family have your health you're way ahead of the game. Me personally ,I could survive washing up in public bathrooms and eating in soup kitchens if I had to as long as I had my family together. There are alot of people in alot worse situations than you so count your blessings. I'm not trying to minimize your situation at all so please don't take it the wrong way. If you keep the faith and keep  plugging away at it things will turn around for you.You are your sons hero so dont let him see you get down on yourself. You never fail until you give up. It sucks that the economy is in the situation that it is but hopefully it starts to level off soon and you can get back on your feet. I respect you for working two jobs just to survive instead of being like some of the leaches that do nothing except sit back,make more babies and have the government support them. That in itself is something to take pride in. Keep your chin up and Good luck.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on June 27, 2008, 07:09:42 AM
Thanks for the replies! i know it could be worse so i am trying to stay positive.  Everything just kinda hit me last night, i had to vent.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: digginfool on June 27, 2008, 07:38:59 AM
I feel your pain.  There was a time when I literally drug bedsheets through the grass to try to catch enough shrimp and minnows to use as bait so I could hopefully catch something to eat.  More than once, I had nice helpings of 'bait stew' for dinner.  That was the bottom and it's been all uphill since.  The point here is to never give up.  Before that experience, I thought I was on my way to the big time.  It turned out that living like that gave me a drive to never quit; it was the edge that helped me find true success.  In tough times, tough decisions must be made.  It's admirable that you want to keep the perks available for your employees but far larger and better financed operations than yours have cut back or even eliminated benefits for hundreds or even thousands of employees when it no longer made good financial sense.  Don't be ashamed to cut it back or even eliminate it.  Your employees might not be happy but the alternative (unemployed) is probably less appealing to them, and certainly to yourself.  For what it's worth, I just bid a job in Golden Gate yesterday.  If we get the project and we decide to hire some local help, I'll contact you.  The work won't be much different than what you're doing but it is something.  Good luck to you.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: VForcedave on June 27, 2008, 09:00:37 AM
Diggin just may have stepped up to lend a helping hand. Amazing how that works. He will not give you more than you CAN handle. The key words are CAN HANDLE. Thanks for bringing your story to us. It will help some people, and most likely be a step forward for you. Hang in there.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: NYRAPTOR on June 27, 2008, 09:20:03 AM
my screening business just slowed down after booming for the past 4 months. i'm doing the same thing. my neighbor is a painter and gives me plenty of fill in work when i'm slow. he's a great friend.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on June 27, 2008, 09:57:00 AM
Thanks for the invite diggin, I will keep it mind for sure!  In a few hours I have to meet with my guys to see what to do about their benefits.  Not fun.  Thanks again for all the words of encouragement!!

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: Moose on June 27, 2008, 10:20:08 AM
Keep you chin up as said before, things will work out with your attitude.
I've been looking for another job as well, no luck so far.
Here's a link to look for jobs.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: digginfool on June 27, 2008, 11:09:02 AM
Diggin just may have stepped up to lend a helping hand. Amazing how that works. He will not give you more than you CAN handle. The key words are CAN HANDLE. Thanks for bringing your story to us. It will help some people, and most likely be a step forward for you. Hang in there.

I'm not sure if that is a compliment or a slap down...  My company offers a very specialized service and unless he has extensive experience in that particular field, there's not much more I would be able to offer aside from basic labor.  Sorry if I hurt your feelings, DAVE, but at least if I can help, I will.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: backinsaddle on June 27, 2008, 11:35:02 AM
Diggin just may have stepped up to lend a helping hand. Amazing how that works. He will not give you more than you CAN handle. The key words are CAN HANDLE. Thanks for bringing your story to us. It will help some people, and most likely be a step forward for you. Hang in there.

I'm not sure if that is a compliment or a slap down...  My company offers a very specialized service and unless he has extensive experience in that particular field, there's not much more I would be able to offer aside from basic labor.  Sorry if I hurt your feelings, DAVE, but at least if I can help, I will.

I think he's referring to the Good Lord?

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: VForcedave on June 27, 2008, 02:57:11 PM
No slap Diggin, I was talking about someone else. Unless you can walk on water. ;)

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: digginfool on June 27, 2008, 04:00:39 PM
My kids think I can walk on water but I know my place in the universe.   ;D

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: Mars on June 27, 2008, 08:45:52 PM
Starting your own business is a major undertaking. If you have the will and hopefully the skill (body work right?) you will make it work.
Go to the Collier County web site, find the purchasing department and fill out the vendor information. Bids usually renew in Sept./Oct. You may be able to get some work from the county.

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on June 27, 2008, 09:42:06 PM
thanks for the info i will look into it!!

Title: Re: Humbling experience (story)
Post by: MedicMudder on June 28, 2008, 11:30:37 AM
I am a FireFighter So my Job is safe,but your job is kinda the same way,in that long as stupid folks run into each other get hurt then the cars have to be fixed!! :P :P