ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Hawgin4x4 on May 18, 2008, 01:55:06 PM

Title: MMa
Post by: Hawgin4x4 on May 18, 2008, 01:55:06 PM
does anyone in here do any mma fighting or UFC style fighting? im looking at getting into a gym and really getting into it.. Any ideas? some friends and i are trying to start a fight team and be each others corner guys..

any and all input is appreciated..

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 18, 2008, 05:25:42 PM
 Just go into a bar and and smack the biggest guy there, that's the best way to  get experience!!

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: eldiablo64 on May 18, 2008, 06:11:41 PM
when I was younger me and all the other rowdies from Inglis would go to the ABC in Dunellon and clean it out.The Brothers in Dunellon didn't like us very we used to have some excellent brawls.And then I grew

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: shirah86 on May 18, 2008, 07:53:15 PM
my bestfriend has his first fight this friday in tampa for the rfc he is in the 145 class and is gonna kick some arse, hawgin where are u located im sure there are plenty in your area

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: Hawgin4x4 on May 18, 2008, 11:11:27 PM
im in leesburg...

shirah its me 400mph...i changed my name.

my only problem is im going to be in the heavyweight division..and to them guys im freaking small.

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: MudMan on May 19, 2008, 11:54:03 AM
I'm close to Leesburg.....check your PM

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: Hawgin4x4 on May 19, 2008, 12:38:17 PM
mudman check your pm.

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: racefan15 on May 21, 2008, 10:39:12 AM
I live in NY most of my life (till I was 34 and moved here), when i was younger, 21-24ish I used to fight in canada a lot. They had an underground league in Montreal. No refs, no rules.
It was illegal of course but it was before all the hype over UFC,Pride, KOTC, etc...
If you ever watched the movie Fight Club, it was very much like that.
After growing up a little and getting my @ss kicked everynight, you will realize that even if you win or lose that particular fight, you are still going to be a world of hurt for the next week or so, especially if the fight goes over a few minuites.
It was a lot of fun I guess (not so much paying hospital bills for broken jaw, broken wrists (x3 times), 2 broken ankes, dislocated shoulder (several times), torn rotator cuff (right), and 3 broken ribs....All that and I was a good fighter. Expect more injuries if you are not a godo fighter.
Things are a little diff now though. There are refs, rules, gloves, no kneeing to a downed opponent, etc....
Good luck and the best advice I can give anyone entering the sport is CONDITIONING, CONDITIONING, CONDITIONING... and when you think you are conditioned enough, then go out and start conditioning.
You may think that sounds redundant, but watch UFC fights...You will see guys that look in great shape that get ot round 2 and are punching and kicking like a 3rd grade girl because they simply have no more breath left...
UFC SATURDAY NIGHT<<<<Cant wait to see Tito get his ass kicked again(I hope)

Title: Re: MMa
Post by: trx#9 on May 21, 2008, 12:26:57 PM
If you want to fight get married. ;)