Title: Need Input Post by: payhayokee on May 05, 2008, 11:14:17 AM I posted a thread on good,bad,ugly about Kawasaki brute force...I need some input before I make a decision...Please help!!! Joe
Title: Re: Need Input Post by: foreman1 on May 05, 2008, 12:11:34 PM Hey man ,
The following is a post from member Anoriginal1 , MATT. Give him a PM if you want more info , 27 General / Open Discussion / Re: Grizzly 700 or brute force 750 on: April 15, 2008, 09:14:39 AM Myself along with 4 of my friends have the BF750's , BF650s and Prarie 700, all of which have essentially the same power plant and layout save IRS on the BF650. We love them and have experienced absolutely zero problems. We typically run them in the Big Cypress and in South Carolina when hunting. We are not "easy" on them in any form of the word. The power and durability of these bikes still impresses me and if I were to buy another utility bike today, it would be a BF 750. Not saying the Grizzly isn't a nice bike. However, I can only speak from my experience with the Kawasaki and I am very satisfied. Reply Quote Notify Robert Title: Re: Need Input Post by: backwoods boy on May 05, 2008, 03:12:27 PM i LOVE mine the baddest bike ive ever ridden and just as fast as my 400ex [in a straight line] i ride mine hard and havent had a problem yet just take it in for maintenance every couple months