ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: zman03 on April 23, 2008, 10:17:52 PM

Title: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: zman03 on April 23, 2008, 10:17:52 PM
the us army corps of engineers has decided at this time  all off-road vehicle use (two,and four wheels) is not compatible use with the everglades restoration plan despite public request through several information gathering meetings  they set up. this means they have no plans to designate an area for riding legally from palm beach south to the keys.if we the riders dont get together you might as well start putting the for sale sign on your bikes right now.there are plans to strenghten legislation for stiffer penalties starting at 350 dollars and or confiscation of said property used in the infraction if you flee the police (its considered felony eluding) so they have the authority to inpound and request the property be forfited to the state (if its payed for). if more people dont get involved you could say goodbye to the activity we all love so much.       

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: VForcedave on April 24, 2008, 08:07:23 AM

( Free riders are OHV riders who:
1. Do not own their own property to ride.
2. Do not belong or own rights to a private riding or hunting area.
3. Do not ride in closed course events such as FTR, Moto Cross etc.
4. Do not ride in areas that are illegal but not posted as such (yet)
5. Do not have the funds to drive 3 to 5 hours to a closed course or riding area.

If you fall into the above categories, the previous post said it all. Sell your rides and say goodbye. :(   

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: Paul_S on April 24, 2008, 08:20:04 AM

( Free riders are OHV riders who:
1. Do not own their own property to ride.
2. Do not belong or own rights to a private riding or hunting area.
3. Do not ride in closed course events such as FTR, Moto Cross etc.
4. Do not ride in areas that are illegal but not posted as such (yet)
5. Do not have the funds to drive 3 to 5 hours to a closed course or riding area.

If you fall into the above categories, the previous post said it all. Sell your rides and say goodbye. :(   

Or.....come together and buy your own land to ride on.

It is possible.

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: DRWalum on April 24, 2008, 08:47:00 AM

( Free riders are OHV riders who:
1. Do not own their own property to ride.
2. Do not belong or own rights to a private riding or hunting area.
3. Do not ride in closed course events such as FTR, Moto Cross etc.
4. Do not ride in areas that are illegal but not posted as such (yet)
5. Do not have the funds to drive 3 to 5 hours to a closed course or riding area.

Thats why I sold mine in April of 06. Seen it all comming way to soon !!

                  Note the Sig. Below : vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv  ;)  ;)

If you fall into the above categories, the previous post said it all. Sell your rides and say goodbye. :(   

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: zman03 on April 24, 2008, 09:39:53 PM
hate to say it but i was in a county meeting today and they voted yes on moving the urban developement boundary line and changing the zoning from open land to business use on the northwest corner of 137 ave and sw 8st for lowes and a charter school because lowes is donating the land for the school.most of the residents that were there are from pinecrest.there was a teacher who spoke in favor of the lowes store and the school and also said she hated the fact this site was a dump and the atvs trashed the place and started fires.this just goes to show you how a couple of people that race on the street, litter, ride where they should not,and most importantly dont where safety gear (atleast a helmet) they give us all a bad image.     

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restorat
Post by: qt314nfla on April 24, 2008, 09:52:48 PM

Or.....come together and buy your own land to ride on.

It is possible.

and we thank you for the land and atv park you bought and opened paul!  it's more fun than anywhere i ride legally!  which is why i keep coming back!!! and will continue to do until the economy and friends splitting the ride ends.

the motoplex is awesome!  but there are so many especially in far south florida that just can't afford the trip.  such a shame they have to miss out on what you're facility provides!!

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: z400stunter on April 25, 2008, 11:40:32 AM
Yup, I've got 2 nice looking paperweights in my garage.  Any word on a riding park near Lee or Collier county?  I just cant afford the drive to Croom or  Motoplex when I wanna ride. 

Title: Re: army corps decided off-road vehicles not compatible with everglades restoration
Post by: m0n0x1d3 on April 25, 2008, 02:28:59 PM
hate to say it but i was in a county meeting today and they voted yes on moving the urban developement boundary line and changing the zoning from open land to business use on the northwest corner of 137 ave and sw 8st for lowes and a charter school because lowes is donating the land for the school.most of the residents that were there are from pinecrest.there was a teacher who spoke in favor of the lowes store and the school and also said she hated the fact this site was a dump and the atvs trashed the place and started fires.this just goes to show you how a couple of people that race on the street, litter, ride where they should not,and most importantly dont where safety gear (atleast a helmet) they give us all a bad image.     
This is IMHo why when its all said and done,any riding areas we will have will be closely monitored and policed.
Wich realy isnt a bad thing becuase we honestly had our chance to keep these areas clean,but lots of us (ATV riders) chose to
litter the land.People seem to think that it goes unnoticed or nobody realy cares when in fact everything we do these days is being watched by somone.
So why make a littered dumpsite a legal riding place when we are the ones who destroyed it?
I don't blame the county,I also want a legal place to ride becuase like most of you my garage has become a  storage place for ATV's that just sit.
It totaly suxx but this is the reality of the situation.