ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Southern Outlaw on April 17, 2008, 11:17:33 AM

Title: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: Southern Outlaw on April 17, 2008, 11:17:33 AM

Darrin's 16 year old cousin was serverly injured this morning while riding his 4 wheeler and had to be air lifted to Shands in of now we know he has severe head trama. Sad for a 16 year old...details are a little schetchy as of now other then the fact that he WAS NOT wearing a helmet....

I know most ALL of us on here gear up before we ride and teach our children the same rule...NO HELMET-NO RIDE-NO EXPECTIONS!!!!!!

SO help police OUR SPORT next time you are out riding and see someone without a helmet, ask them to help keep our sport safe, wear a wonder SO MANY private land owners don't want 4 wheels on there property...afarid of getting sued by someone elses STUPIEDTY!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: renmus on April 17, 2008, 11:21:22 AM
All I can offer is prayer.  Hope they are able to help him heal.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: Fox17 on April 17, 2008, 11:51:00 AM
sorry to hear that. my prayers are out to the him and the family.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: JackL on April 17, 2008, 11:58:45 AM
That is terrible news. I hope he recovers fully.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on April 17, 2008, 12:03:54 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and the family.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: backinsaddle on April 17, 2008, 12:06:12 PM
Sorry to hear that Wayne, my prayers are with him

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on April 17, 2008, 12:37:20 PM
That's terrible. I hate to hear of anyone getting hurt, especially a child. It really burns me up to  hear that he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: Southern Outlaw on April 17, 2008, 01:54:43 PM
That's terrible. I hate to hear of anyone getting hurt, especially a child. It really burns me up to  hear that he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Me to TRX RACER...Darrin has told him time and time again to wear a helmet...I know when Darrin rode with him it was with a helment or he would not ride.....just stupied that .."oh it'll not happpen to me attitude".....

thanks Mark and all the others...will pass it on to the family

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: rancher1 on April 17, 2008, 04:41:41 PM
Sorry to here hope for the best and my thougths and prayers.

Title: Re: My son's 16 year old cousin injured...NO HELMET!!
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on April 18, 2008, 08:10:33 AM
Any updates?