ATV Florida Forum

General => ATV Activist => Topic started by: lswjth2 on April 03, 2008, 06:42:15 PM

Title: Attention south/southwest florida riders, I need your help!
Post by: lswjth2 on April 03, 2008, 06:42:15 PM
All, I will be doing an Interview with Patrick Nolan of Fox 4 news here in Naples. His looking to get some of us together and and do a story on the lack of legal riding areas in South Florida. I only ride out in Big Cypress, i don't know if any of you would be able to join me for this on Friday April 18th at around 3:00 pm. Please pass this along to any responsible riders that you know that are willing to participate and help get the word out. Remember that you need to have your BCY registration decal to be able to ride there...Thxs Rick


Title: Re: Attention south/southwest florida riders, I need your help!
Post by: AintSkeered on April 04, 2008, 07:18:55 PM

Title: Re: Attention south/southwest florida riders, I need your help!
Post by: 686RAPTOR on April 04, 2008, 08:15:18 PM
they tried to do this in miami a couple years back and a bunch of bikes showed up but no news people showed. hopefully this works out for you guys.