Title: Which Pipe is better? Post by: suzuki400k4 on December 20, 2004, 01:36:33 PM Im in the process of buying an exhaust system for my Z400. i cant decide between the HMF or the DMC alien systems. If any1 has any feedback id really appreicate it.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: J.D. on December 20, 2004, 01:59:47 PM The Alien looks cool but I have read where people weren't that impressed with the performance . Yoshi knows Zuki .
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: JeffP on December 23, 2004, 05:59:04 AM HMF is a better pipe by far.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: VelociRaptor350 on December 23, 2004, 06:25:50 AM You can't beat the HMF price, i know a place to get it for 200 shipped to your door, check out sweetquads.com and say your from atvconnection.com. For another 20 bucks you can get it powdercoated.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: skizzfry on December 23, 2004, 03:17:52 PM Yoshi is the pipe for the z400. Im poor so i got a fmf powercore 4 and i have to say it ads size to my quads nutsac.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: JeffP on December 23, 2004, 03:43:47 PM Guess I should mention I have a nice Muzzy full exhaust I'm selling as well. $275. The headpipe has been Jet Hot Ceramic Coated for additional protection and performance.
Jeff Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: TOY_DOCTOR on December 23, 2004, 05:43:48 PM If you want the best pipe you should get a Yoshi or a Curtis sparks, if you can't afford them then you will have to settle for what you can afford...
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: CrazyCat420 on January 15, 2005, 09:50:09 PM I just ordered a hmf system for my dvx( suzuki) yes the price is great compared to the yoshi plus I talked to some one who had been through a yoshi full, fmf, and I think he said he also had white bros but he said by far the hmf was the best like night and day differant on this bike I think you are just paying for the name with a yoshi I dont know all of the specs on the yoshi but he had a 7.5 hp gain with the hmf and it is not all at the top but more concentrated in the bottom then mid and some on top great torq pipe to! cant wait to get mine this week will let you know how it is when I get it on!!!!
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: VelociRaptor350 on January 15, 2005, 09:52:14 PM one warning, the HMF is LOUD, it runs damn near 108 decibles without the quiet core insert, with it in its around 96-98.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on January 15, 2005, 10:05:35 PM I was a firm believer in W.B until I got my Sparks pipe and header.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: Hollywood on January 17, 2005, 01:29:29 AM Quote I was a firm believer in W.B until I got my Sparks pipe and header. Sparks is deff. the way to go if you want the best. ;D Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: CrazyCat420 on January 19, 2005, 09:01:04 AM Quote one warning, the HMF is LOUD, it runs damn near 108 decibles without the quiet core insert, with it in its around 96-98. Well I guess they will hear me coming!!! LOL loud pipes, save lives!!!!! Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: VelociRaptor350 on January 19, 2005, 09:03:18 AM You know it, and no one has to look back to make sure your still with a group, gotta love HMF.
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: CrazyCat420 on February 07, 2005, 06:00:37 PM Well I have had my hmf installed now for a few weeks, and I love it, it is a bit loaud but not to much more than the average! My first amazment was the differance in size of the stock head pipe to the hmf it is huge, secondly the jet jump was from 130-5? main to a 175 main I had a bit trouble getting the air fuel mix right and had it real close and it was still cutting out towards the top I took off the air lid to the air box and WOW!!! that pipe rocks night and day differance!! The proof over stock my roommate also has a dvx just like mine but all stock we were drag racing and even swaped bikes and that pipe from the bottom to the extream top pulled away from the stock bike!!! very inpresive!!! The salseman was not lieing when he told me it was even night and day differance from the other three pipes he had on his z400!!!
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 07, 2005, 06:52:05 PM Quote Well I guess they will hear me coming!!! LOL loud pipes, save lives!!!!! then you get old and put the baffles back in, LOL.. you might want to look into the white brothers E-series2 I am very pleased with it and or the pulse charger http://pulsecharger.net Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: felix_z-4 on February 07, 2005, 07:22:22 PM Is the Sparks available as a slip-on?? How loud in Db?? How much??
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 07, 2005, 07:44:10 PM Quote Is the Sparks available as a slip-on?? How loud in Db?? How much?? Felix, Sparks just recently came out with a pipe for the Z400. Don't know the decibels but a full pipe and header is around $500. A friend is having us get one for him tomorrow so I'll check on the exact price. Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: felix_z-4 on February 08, 2005, 05:17:00 PM Thanks Mike, I've been tossing & turning with the idea of putting a pipe for a couple of months now, just not sure where to look(too many choices).You know my bike is still stock,even down to the tires.I dont have to get the baddest pipe out on the market,but it defenetly has to be as QUIET as possible.I think stock is about 92db measured @ 3200 rpm,according to dirtwheels mag. pipe shootout.Let me know if you have any others that you reccommend. Felix!!
Title: Re: Which Pipe is better? Post by: spankindatazz on February 08, 2005, 05:19:20 PM i love my CT racing pipe...very similiar to curtis sparks