ATV Florida Forum

General => Tech Corner => Topic started by: Chris505 on February 08, 2005, 09:30:46 AM

Title: Help!  Bent Frame need to fix
Post by: Chris505 on February 08, 2005, 09:30:46 AM
Ok my cousin has a raptor, and last weekend rolled it.. Come to find out the steering stem is bent,the radiator bent, along with the piece of frame that holds the steering stem up top..
Anyone know of someone that can straigten it or fix it???

Here is a couple shots
The first one is the frame where it is bent (red arrow showing which way it is bent towards),
not much but it is tweaked and i think needs to be fixed..

Second one is the steering stem.. Must have came down right on the handle bars and left front quarter of the bike

Title: Re: Help!  Bent Frame need to fix
Post by: stump66 on February 08, 2005, 12:30:51 PM
Heres the best fix other then some heat and torch and pri-bar or porta power.


Title: Re: Help!  Bent Frame need to fix
Post by: miamiblaster on February 08, 2005, 12:53:58 PM
Yea buddy I think your best bet would be get another frame. I think no matter how are you try that frame will never be perfectly straight again.

Title: Re: Help!  Bent Frame need to fix
Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 08, 2005, 07:14:45 PM
come along , a good length off chain and a couple near buy trees.. Its not bad it is only a challenge.  getcha a cutting torch, welder and grinder and a few old pots and pans we'll have you a Honda in No time. Seriously though. you got some lemons dude. make lemonade  Get R Dun

Title: Re: Help!  Bent Frame need to fix
Post by: Chris505 on February 08, 2005, 07:43:24 PM
Thanks for the input.. but isnt there a shop that does work like this???
It has to be cheaper than $500 for a new frame...

I think a porta power would do the job.. we tryed a small floor jack today and got it pretty close. but the small floor jack didnt have enough push,,,