ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: crom A zone on March 08, 2008, 04:59:18 PM

Title: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: crom A zone on March 08, 2008, 04:59:18 PM
Honda rubicon formen 500. Is that a good atv to get or no?  Anyones input exepted. Thank you in advanced

Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: MedicMudder on March 08, 2008, 05:25:44 PM
Bullet proof motor,dependable as all get out,I like independent suspension,not sure if it is swing arm or not,tons of aftermarket things to do to them.

Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: Fox17 on March 08, 2008, 11:11:08 PM

Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: Ida_Mann on March 08, 2008, 11:43:41 PM
I know of a  certain un-named person who used to frequent this site who knew the warranty was about to run on his new Rubicon and decided since the transmission was the most expensive thing to replace that he would try to break it by yanking orange trees out of the ground.

he tried for the better part of a day to get up some speed and yank orange trees out of the ground.

eventually the Rubicon won.

he still has the original transmission in it after doing that a few years ago, and it still runs like a top.

I'll say I have moved a 2,000 pound trailer around a couple-acre lot in the sand with my Rubicon without much problem,,,,I haven't tried to move my 3,000 pound trailer around yet, but I don't think it will have much of a problem.

for a workhorse that can play as well,,,,yes it's a good quad.

come on out to the Motoplex and you can ride mine and possibly the other one that was used to snatch orange trees as well.


Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: Slick89 on March 09, 2008, 01:34:52 AM
My dad And I both have a rubicon in fact both 05s and we have never had a problem with them... Pull a 18ft trailer like its nothing and even pulled an old camaro around too. It a great work horse! Also it doesnt require as much maintenance as the other ones

Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: crom A zone on March 09, 2008, 10:54:02 AM
thanx alot guys i should be going to the dealer tomrow to get mine

Title: Re: good, bad, and the ugly. need your help
Post by: MudMan on March 09, 2008, 11:19:24 AM
I have an 06 Formean and I would trust it with my life....LOL