Title: Equipment & general auction south florida fair Saturday Post by: Mudneck on February 29, 2008, 02:17:36 PM I just brought over some stuff. Though yall may be interested.They got all sorts of golf carts,atv's,tools,gennys,trailers,cars,trucks,jeeps,and some weird stuff.They will be taking in merchandise for auction all day today & tomorrow am early.May be a great opportunity to get rid of your stuff or buy some more cheap.
772-781-2436 South Florida equipment auction. registration 9am auction 10 Title: Re: Equipment & general auction south florida fair Saturday Post by: raca65 on February 29, 2008, 03:12:06 PM Here you go Wacker...
http://southfloridaauction.com Title: Re: Equipment & general auction south florida fair Saturday Post by: Mudneck on February 29, 2008, 07:12:52 PM Thnaks trace ;D