ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: dvx400#1 on February 12, 2008, 09:03:35 PM

Title: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 12, 2008, 09:03:35 PM
oh well later

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 12, 2008, 09:11:39 PM
no, you suck.

your turn.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 12, 2008, 09:25:06 PM
George Bush hates

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 12, 2008, 09:27:56 PM
tangerines or oranges.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 12, 2008, 09:34:40 PM
Cheese burger in paradise or two piņa coladas?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Mudneck on February 12, 2008, 09:36:05 PM
2 pina coladas

sex with yourself or someone else :o

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 12, 2008, 09:36:29 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 12, 2008, 09:40:08 PM
2 pina coladas

sex with yourself or someone else :o

someone else,,,RR or Motoplex (for non-owners ;-)


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 12, 2008, 09:41:13 PM
Never been to the plex, but I loved R.R ( Thanks Big D ;))

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: ~Demon_Boy250X~ on February 12, 2008, 09:42:14 PM
I'm scared  :H  boho

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: predatorracer8 on February 12, 2008, 10:11:50 PM
what the hell is goin on

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: KD 428 on February 12, 2008, 10:20:58 PM
what the hell is goin on

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dynodon on February 12, 2008, 10:24:58 PM
Janet Reno, or Rosie O`donal :Dead.gif

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: ~Demon_Boy250X~ on February 12, 2008, 10:25:15 PM
IDK im just here for umm.... erm... moral support? (thats my story and im sticking to it)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on February 12, 2008, 10:31:03 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Fox17 on February 12, 2008, 10:33:45 PM
WTF??  ???

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Mudneck on February 12, 2008, 11:01:08 PM
cheep bppze or cheap hookers ???

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: trx#9 on February 12, 2008, 11:12:31 PM
oh well later
You must of got a reflection off of your screen, its ok it happens! :G

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: gearhead400 on February 13, 2008, 05:38:35 AM
Janet Reno, or Rosie O`donal :Dead.gif

wow  :Dead.gif is right.....i'll take rosie *barf*

Crazy britney spears or hilary clinton....? lol best i can do.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 13, 2008, 06:11:04 AM
cheep bppze or cheap hookers ???


frosted flakes or peanut butter crunch?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Mudneck on February 13, 2008, 06:35:31 AM
frosted flake

jeep or rhino

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: renmus on February 13, 2008, 07:00:17 AM

male or female

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: 05greengriz on February 13, 2008, 07:09:57 AM
Blue Front or Sweet Baby Rays

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: NYRAPTOR on February 13, 2008, 07:11:31 AM
Liger. cats suk!  

richard simmons or sock monkey?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: trx#9 on February 13, 2008, 07:19:25 AM
What were you doing to that sock monkey? You got hooker lip stick on it and its a$$ is beat red. :groupies.gif Molester

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 13, 2008, 08:05:20 AM
this site still sucks

 I found that out recently about this palce as well.Yall are welcome to come over to the Rubberdown Customs Forum.You can speak your mind there and the MODS there dont discriminate against certain brands of atvs like they do here.So come on over if yall want.This place is turning into a girl thingy whiped version of the high lifter forum.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 08:11:26 AM
how is it that we discriminate against some brands of ATVs?

please sir, point this out so we can all see.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Anoriginal on February 13, 2008, 08:31:20 AM
Shaved or hairy?  ;)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 08:33:25 AM
Shaved or hairy?  ;)


Mac or PC

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: svtbolt04 on February 13, 2008, 08:43:09 AM
Mac...but i use a PC.

Lays stackems or Pringles.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 13, 2008, 08:49:05 AM
Shaved or hairy?  ;)

for the record, He's talking about an upper lip. ;D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 13, 2008, 08:50:44 AM
this site still sucks

 I found that out recently about this palce as well.Yall are welcome to come over to the Rubberdown Customs Forum.You can speak your mind there and the MODS there dont discriminate against certain brands of atvs like they do here.So come on over if yall want.This place is turning into a girl thingy whiped version of the high lifter forum.

Thats news to me.

By the way, Honda rules, Every other brand sucks! :D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: budman on February 13, 2008, 09:06:11 AM
Wow....Mike finally says something intelligent.... :D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: 94Hardbody4x4 on February 13, 2008, 09:44:43 AM
Donkey Kong or Super Mario Bros?

(Hint: Super Mario Bros)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: trx#9 on February 13, 2008, 09:52:53 AM
carburated or fuel injected

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: big-daddy on February 13, 2008, 10:06:53 AM

spit or shallow

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 13, 2008, 10:12:00 AM

 Your more than welcome to come on over and read about it.You can even post post a response if you want I wont edit your post like you did mine here because you dont like a certain brand atv. (

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 13, 2008, 10:22:24 AM
Did someone forget to take their Midol this morning?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Bigscrb15 on February 13, 2008, 10:57:36 AM

 Your more than welcome to come on over and read about it.You can even post post a response if you want I wont edit your post like you did mine here because you dont like a certain brand atv.

 [url][/url] ([url][/url])

hmmmmmmm. glad to see their mods follow the rules.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 13, 2008, 11:02:21 AM
Turks a troll. I say....


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MudMan on February 13, 2008, 11:18:48 AM
Another vote for giving him the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT (preferably steel toe)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Anoriginal on February 13, 2008, 11:23:54 AM
Drop kick his whiny butt.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 13, 2008, 11:27:53 AM
OR instead of banning him we could have a site vs. site fight at the flagpole around 3:30....

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: bignickwaite on February 13, 2008, 11:37:49 AM
sock monkey all day long if it looks like that .

ford or chevy

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: 94Hardbody4x4 on February 13, 2008, 11:51:21 AM
Oh my god, website war! That could possaby be the greatest gathering of idiots in history! Will this take place in Ocala or at the next L-cross ATV Rally?

BTW, Chevy.

Windows up or down while mudding?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: renmus on February 13, 2008, 12:07:37 PM
Oh my god, website war! That could possaby be the greatest gathering of idiots in history! Will this take place in Ocala or at the next L-cross ATV Rally?

BTW, Chevy.

Windows up or down while mudding?

windows?  who has windows?!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: budman on February 13, 2008, 12:22:38 PM
crybaby or sissy...

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 13, 2008, 01:09:34 PM
 If the administrators of this forum choose to ban me that is there choice.I dont have a problem with that it's thier forum they can do whatever they choose to do.With the exception of my post at the top of this threads page all the other post I have made on this forum have been positve and respectful.Some of you folks here are living up to the sterotype you've been labeled with over the years and I think thats a shame because some of you seem like you would be pretty decent people outside of this forum and away from from the computer screen.I came to this forum to learn and become more educated about atving in the state I live in.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: budman on February 13, 2008, 01:16:36 PM
There is plenty of ribbing that goes on here as far as what brand of crap we ride. I know that at least one or more mods have gone to switch brands. There is also a lot of un-neccecary crap slung about. This is life in the forums. I have gotten pissed, left this site, gone to another, got pissed, left it, started my own, got pissed...whatever. Either you are here or not. Life will go on. There are assholes here and there. Either you need to be a little more thick skinned, or you will go away mad.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 02:13:31 PM

 Your more than welcome to come on over and read about it.You can even post post a response if you want I wont edit your post like you did mine here because you dont like a certain brand atv.

 [url][/url] ([url][/url])

the website automatically censors some foul language, I'm sorry you can't express youreself without using that, but it isn't anything the moderators do themselves, this is a family site and we like to keep it that way.

As far as poolaris, who cares other than you what you ride?


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: predatorracer8 on February 13, 2008, 02:17:46 PM

 Your more than welcome to come on over and read about it.You can even post post a response if you want I wont edit your post like you did mine here because you dont like a certain brand atv.

 [url][/url] ([url][/url])

the website automatically censors some foul language, I'm sorry you can't express youreself without using that, but it isn't anything the moderators do themselves, this is a family site and we like to keep it that way.

As far as poolaris, who cares other than you what you ride?


i take offense to

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Anoriginal on February 13, 2008, 02:21:31 PM
I like fried pork chops, lima beans and rice with great big home made biscuits. MMM MMM Good!!   ::)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 13, 2008, 02:24:33 PM
I understand it's a Family forum so is the Rubberdown Customs forum.we have all ages viewing and posting there,no bad langauge and all that.I've meet and rode with folks from this forum a few years back and recently meet some really nice down to earth folks on one of my last rides out at the holey lands.Anyhow I'd like to tip my cap to "The Captian and The Morgan Crew".

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: indianjoe on February 13, 2008, 02:27:10 PM
I like fried pork chops, lima beans and rice with great big home made biscuits. MMM MMM Good!!   ::)

You forgot the greens!!!!!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 02:30:34 PM
I understand it's a Family forum so is the Rubberdown Customs forum.we have all ages viewing and posting there,no bad langauge and all that.I've meet and rode with folks from this forum a few years back and recently meet some really nice down to earth folks on one of my last rides out at the holey lands.Anyhow I'd like to tip my cap to "The Captian and The Morgan Crew".

That's cool, and everyone I have met from this site and others have been great to get along with, no matter the brand of ATV we all share a common love.

I'm still waiting for the evidence of discrimination though, if you are going to make an accusation like that, I'd like to see it.

pudnocker huh?

I've been called worse.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MedicMudder on February 13, 2008, 02:32:16 PM
MMMMMMMM.... Bring back the hot SOCK MONKEY and pinto beans mashed
tayters MMMMMM :-[ :-[ :-[ :-*

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 13, 2008, 02:44:11 PM
I'm still waiting for the evidence of discrimination though, if you are going to make an accusation like that, I'd like to see it.

 You deleted my post in a thread where somone was asking about the polaris sportsman 500 and inserted your own negative comments about polaris in place of my post.Wasnt that you who did that??If it wasnt then I apolgize about the entire thing,but someone here with mod/admin powers sure did and I thought that just wasnt right,but hey it's not my forum.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 02:47:04 PM
I'm still waiting for the evidence of discrimination though, if you are going to make an accusation like that, I'd like to see it.

 You deleted my post in a thread where somone was asking about the polaris sportsman 500 and inserted your own negative comments about polaris in place of my post.Wasnt that you who did that??If it wasnt then I apolgize about the entire thing,but someone here with mod/admin powers sure did and I thought that just wasnt right,but hey it's not my forum.

news to me, I haven't deleted an individuaal post in a very long time,,,,,I think about 1.5 years, if there was something wrong with a post I move it to a special place that only the mods have access to.

can you remember something about the thread to maybe jog a memory or two?


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: indianjoe on February 13, 2008, 02:59:58 PM
HEy Ida you pickin on my poolaris again??? Wanna race my Sportsman or the wife in her Ranger???

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: renmus on February 13, 2008, 03:04:54 PM
ssssshhhh, IJ, you know I drive like an old lady.  Dont get me involved in any races!!!  :o

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: budman on February 13, 2008, 03:09:27 PM
ssssshhhh, IJ, you know I drive like an old lady.  Dont get me involved in any races!!!  :o

So does he....


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 03:12:38 PM
HEy Ida you pickin on my poolaris again??? Wanna race my Sportsman or the wife in her Ranger???

Always ;-)

it's just easy ;-)

and me on my Hondont.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Young Gun on February 13, 2008, 03:14:24 PM




I think I made my point ;D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 13, 2008, 03:18:49 PM




I think I made my point ;D


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Hondabeefast on February 13, 2008, 03:20:59 PM
/\ omg i just spit my iced tea all over the place, lol

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: indianjoe on February 13, 2008, 03:34:43 PM
ssssshhhh, IJ, you know I drive like an old lady.  Dont get me involved in any races!!!  :o

So does he....


At least I don't get lost in the Playpen!!!! >:D >:D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: ~Demon_Boy250X~ on February 13, 2008, 03:38:49 PM




I think I made my point ;D


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 13, 2008, 04:09:35 PM


My sister just saw this and asked if you would please remove her picture from the internet ASAP!!!! She said that pic was for your eyes only and if you don't remove it she will post the naughty pictures you had sent to her!!!!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: 94Hardbody4x4 on February 13, 2008, 04:20:14 PM
The accuracy of those pictures is shocking  :o

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: KD 428 on February 13, 2008, 04:44:45 PM




I think I made my point ;D

hmm I wonder whats kawasakis?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Young Gun on February 13, 2008, 04:53:35 PM
hmm I wonder whats kawasakis?

Here's a picture of the Polaris sisters and their friend Kawasaki


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Mudneck on February 13, 2008, 05:21:13 PM
hmm I wonder whats kawasakis?

Here's a picture of the Polaris sisters and their friend Kawasaki


 I thought you couldnt post nude pics here?  Or quick grap a snatch strap & yank out that g-string

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 13, 2008, 06:27:39 PM
yep same people and the site still sucks.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: ~Demon_Boy250X~ on February 13, 2008, 06:45:44 PM
coming from sir sucks alot.  >:D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Young Gun on February 13, 2008, 07:01:59 PM
coming from sir sucks alot.  >:D

Sir sucks alot and then some ;)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: caospop on February 13, 2008, 07:12:11 PM
cheep bppze or cheap hookers ???
BOTH of course...

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 13, 2008, 08:21:41 PM
yep same people and the site still sucks.

Yet you still keep coming back.hmmmmmm

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 13, 2008, 08:27:11 PM
yep same people and the site still sucks.

Yet you still keep coming back.hmmmmmm

yep and i can do that , that,s what i like about freedom of speech

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 13, 2008, 08:57:10 PM
You're always bringing up your freedom of speech. There's no freedom of speech around here. You should remember that from a couple of years ago. ;)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: garym on February 13, 2008, 09:09:31 PM
beer or booze?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: NYRAPTOR on February 13, 2008, 09:15:16 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on February 13, 2008, 09:22:38 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: o4250 on February 13, 2008, 09:27:16 PM
Oh, you must listen one my voice message on one posts.

Ok i don't hate color folks.But my message was saying
the town of live oak didn't wanna color folks be inside of
town and,my friend down street many years ago back in 1996
she held sign in air  in front  of courthouse and she trying to help
color folks to live in live oak it did past and the color folks roam free in live oak untill this day happen.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on February 13, 2008, 09:31:08 PM
Oh, you must listen one my voice message on one posts.

Ok i don't hate color folks.But my message was saying
the town of live oak didn't wanna color folks be inside of
town and,my friend down street many years ago back in 1996
she held sign in air  in front  of courthouse and she trying to help
color folks to live in live oak it did past and the color folks roam free in live oak untill this day happen.


Man where have you been??

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: o4250 on February 13, 2008, 09:34:26 PM
I do work ;)

Well i use to live down in hollywood fl
over by county line rd  a place called lake forest.
I live there for 5years and live in nice house.I Used
have two drug dealer that live same house for 3years
and one went to nutwar,And other new drug dealer
move in from canada and every years eves they shoot guns like crazy around whole block.I had leave south fla during 1998 and moved up in mcalpin and live here for 10years i haven't seen much crime here and no drug dealer where i live at.

My best bet get out of naples and move to  the country
and find some get deal on  piece of farm land and have it more than 20acers to ride your atvs on.And don't buy land in a
subdivision and they have more crazy rules like the city almost
 and you will be paiding alot more taxs.

My best bet live near a very small town out in middle nowhere
and make sure you live about 50miles or 60miles to nestest biggest city.Sometimes you can go alot bigger towns near by up in northern fla areas or live near outside
panama city area it's like miami but smaller.Try talk to your parents about it and tell them why i want to moved out here.
One more thing make sure the area you live in if they some very jobs nearby towns

I understand what are you coming from down there.I know crime
never changes.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: trx#9 on February 13, 2008, 09:47:34 PM
Are you having a fictional conversation with someone? :oo

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 13, 2008, 10:48:43 PM
Oh, you must listen one my voice message on one posts.

Ok i don't hate color folks.But my message was saying
the town of live oak didn't wanna color folks be inside of
town and,my friend down street many years ago back in 1996
she held sign in air  in front  of courthouse and she trying to help
color folks to live in live oak it did past and the color folks roam free in live oak untill this day happen.

highlander, where ya been? ;-)

I'm getting sleepy.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 13, 2008, 11:00:54 PM
Black magic woman or dont fear the reaper?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on February 13, 2008, 11:12:34 PM
I tried a new Thai restaurant by my house and it sucked.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on February 13, 2008, 11:37:08 PM
yep same people and the site still sucks.

 Yet you are still must want to be the pivot man.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: NYRAPTOR on February 14, 2008, 06:25:31 AM
where's the party?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Bleedsblue on February 14, 2008, 02:43:25 PM
Don't feed the trolls.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: 94Hardbody4x4 on February 14, 2008, 03:17:56 PM
Wait, if we are all on a site that sucks, then don't all of us suck? I'm confused. I'm gunna go ride my Honda (and I'm not talking about the one with 4 wheels  ;))

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MedicMudder on February 14, 2008, 03:36:48 PM
how can 4250 hold the crack pipe and type at the same time????? ??? ??? MORE PARTYING WITH DA SOCK MONKEY!!!!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 14, 2008, 08:00:18 PM
ha ha some tools never change   ::)

o,k i guess i,ll leave you guys
c- yall b 4 the powers to be get upset and banned me like last time
but we won,t go there

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Young Gun on February 14, 2008, 08:58:38 PM
ha ha some tools never change   ::)

o,k i guess i,ll leave you guys
c- yall b 4 the powers to be get upset and banned me like last time
but we won,t go there

I think its safe to say 'Mission Accomplished'

Have a nice life :w

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: big-daddy on February 14, 2008, 09:08:52 PM
Wait before you go.......

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 14, 2008, 09:26:54 PM
ha ha some tools never change   ::)

o,k i guess i,ll leave you guys
c- yall b 4 the powers to be get upset and banned me like last time
but we won,t go there

Nothing you didn't deserve. By the way, Wasn't that a permanent ban? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was but when you came back a few months later you were allowed to stay as long as you didn't start any trouble. Why is it that you insist on starting trouble?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on February 14, 2008, 09:36:00 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on February 14, 2008, 11:07:11 PM
ha ha some tools never change   ::)

o,k i guess i,ll leave you guys
c- yall b 4 the powers to be get upset and banned me like last time
but we won,t go there

Nothing you didn't deserve. By the way, Wasn't that a permanent ban? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was but when you came back a few months later you were allowed to stay as long as you didn't start any trouble. Why is it that you insist on starting trouble?

 Yea and why did you make me say all those things in the other know the one that got removed. Why man, Why?? :'(

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 15, 2008, 07:29:30 AM


 Thats to funny.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dynodon on February 15, 2008, 12:27:24 PM
Some peaple REALLY need "hooked on phonics". I have tried several times to read a couple of posts, BUT still cant make heads or tails out of them!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MudMan on February 15, 2008, 12:40:11 PM


 Thats to funny.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 15, 2008, 09:50:42 PM
Some peaple REALLY need "hooked on phonics". I have tried several times to read a couple of posts, BUT still cant make heads or tails out of them!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?

it can get pretty tough.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MedicMudder on February 15, 2008, 10:02:19 PM
mmmmmm mmmmm  gonna get me sum deM french fried taters  mmmm  mmmmm and thems some purtttty lipzzz on dat SOCK MONKEY!!!!!!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on February 15, 2008, 11:03:47 PM
mmmmmm mmmmm  gonna get me sum deM french fried taters  mmmm  mmmmm and thems some purtttty lipzzz on dat SOCK MONKEY!!!!!!

 I like da way you talk......I recon you kinda like da way I talk too.    I recon I Aim ta kill ya with it, see some folks call it a kiezer blade I call it a sling blade.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Slick89 on February 16, 2008, 02:13:05 AM
"Carl what are you gunna do with the lawn mower blade?" carl- I recon Ima gunna kill you!  Thats for you ppl who have watch the movie sling blade. lol

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Dr.Dirt on February 18, 2008, 03:56:36 PM
BUMP  8)

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 18, 2008, 04:05:10 PM
BUMP  8)


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: GrizzlyGator on February 18, 2008, 04:09:58 PM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 18, 2008, 04:15:54 PM

Exactly. The guys last post was November of 2006. Looks like another sh!t stirrer to me.


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 18, 2008, 07:21:56 PM
ha ha @ least give me some credit, i got you guys to start posting again, wich is what is all about, i mean b 4 this post hardly anything was been posted, i come back from a long break and i get things going. it,s got to count for something, i brought you guys back together, ha ha ha    >:D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 19, 2008, 08:23:37 AM
ha ha @ least give me some credit, i got you guys to start posting again, wich is what is all about, i mean b 4 this post hardly anything was been posted, i come back from a long break and i get things going. it,s got to count for something, i brought you guys back together, ha ha ha    >:D

get over yourself


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Turk on February 19, 2008, 02:07:48 PM

 I didnt post in this thread to stir anything up.Heck I didnt even look to see how old this thread was was when I posted in it.I posted in it because of the thread title and because I wanted to get the chip off my shoulder that I had with this forum in general.What I found was it's a pretty decent forum with some pretty nice folks who have a great vast of knowledge about atving.Yall can bash me all day and night year round about the what brand machine I ride but I'll never buy or own anthing else but that.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 19, 2008, 02:10:24 PM

 I didnt post in this thread to stir anything up.Heck I didnt even look to see how old this thread was was when I posted in it.I posted in it because of the thread title and because I wanted to get the chip off my shoulder that I had with this forum in general.What I found was it's a pretty decent forum with some pretty nice folks who have a great vast of knowledge about atving.Yall can bash me all day and night year round about the what brand machine I ride but I'll never buy or own anthing else but that.

and hey, without the Polaris riders, we would only have to make fun of the Yami riders,,,,,oh wait.... ;-)


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Fox17 on February 19, 2008, 02:24:43 PM

 I didnt post in this thread to stir anything up.Heck I didnt even look to see how old this thread was was when I posted in it.I posted in it because of the thread title and because I wanted to get the chip off my shoulder that I had with this forum in general.What I found was it's a pretty decent forum with some pretty nice folks who have a great vast of knowledge about atving.Yall can bash me all day and night year round about the what brand machine I ride but I'll never buy or own anthing else but that.

at least youll stay in shape from all the walking youre gonna be doing.  2:L

 I didnt post in this thread to stir anything up.Heck I didnt even look to see how old this thread was was when I posted in it.I posted in it because of the thread title and because I wanted to get the chip off my shoulder that I had with this forum in general.What I found was it's a pretty decent forum with some pretty nice folks who have a great vast of knowledge about atving.Yall can bash me all day and night year round about the what brand machine I ride but I'll never buy or own anthing else but that.

and hey, without the Polaris riders, we would only have to make fun of the Yami riders,,,,,oh wait.... ;-)



Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on February 19, 2008, 03:34:25 PM
ha ha

ha ha @ least give me some credit, i got you guys to start posting again, wich is what is all about, i mean b 4 this post hardly anything was been posted, i come back from a long break and i get things going. it,s got to count for something, i brought you guys back together, ha ha ha    >:D

get over yourself


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Able on February 21, 2008, 12:11:28 AM

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Dr.Dirt on February 21, 2008, 12:26:20 AM

Exactly. The guys last post was November of 2006. Looks like another sh!t stirrer to me.


Just because I havent posted in awhile doesnt mean I am a stirrer of the shiat. 

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Able on February 21, 2008, 12:28:59 AM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Dr.Dirt on February 21, 2008, 12:33:59 AM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o

Probably.  I would say yes.

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 21, 2008, 10:36:53 AM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o

Probably.  I would say yes.
For the record, I was. It's all good though..... I became a preist.  >:D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Able on February 21, 2008, 12:58:20 PM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o

Probably.  I would say yes.
For the record, I was. It's all good though..... I became a preist.  >:D

Well it was either preist or work in a candy store so you could obtain the title "professional fudge packer"

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: shogun323 on February 21, 2008, 01:18:28 PM
Well it was either preist or work in a candy store so you could obtain the title "professional fudge packer"


Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Slick89 on February 22, 2008, 02:20:47 AM
Can you say BURN!!!!!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: MedicMudder on February 22, 2008, 06:33:26 AM
Easyyyyyy on da poolrisseses  I luv my 4wd couch,me and the sock monkey can take long rides,stare into each others eyes (Oooppps did i say dat out loud???) But now that you mention it the furry lil hamsters kinda cute..... :-\ :-\ :-\

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: garym on February 23, 2008, 09:14:41 AM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o
Hey I take offense to that...I was a scout leader for 3 years!

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: Able on February 23, 2008, 05:14:34 PM
Doc you saying he deserves to be molested by a boy scout leader ?  :o
Hey I take offense to that...I was a scout leader for 3 years!

Not at all implying that all scout leaders are sick perverts that need to be shot, just pointing out the fact that so many have been molested by scout leaders. Most people take on such a role to help kids either theirs or someone else's, but some perverts use that position to take advantage and prey on them. I figured it was safer than using the preist one  ;)    but you do know how to get a nun preg right ?  dress her like an alter boy  :o

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: dvx400#1 on December 05, 2015, 09:17:28 PM
8 years later.   >:D

Title: Re: this site still sucks
Post by: grizzlynick on October 01, 2016, 03:11:51 PM