Title: Seminole 2-2 Miami mx 2-3 Post by: YELLOW RR on February 03, 2008, 09:09:14 PM http://www.doublezeroproductions.com/images/sem20208_1/sem20208_1-Pages/Image112.html
http://www.doublezeroproductions.com/images/sem20208_2/sem20208_2-Pages/Image95.html http://public.fotki.com/Tom385/miami-mx-park-2-3-08/img7937.html http://public.fotki.com/Tom385/miami-mx-park-2-3-08/img7943.html http://public.fotki.com/Tom385/miami-mx-park-2-3-08/img7944.html http://public.fotki.com/Tom385/miami-mx-park-2-3-08/img7964.html http://public.fotki.com/Tom385/miami-mx-park-2-3-08/img8035.html 8) Title: Re: Seminole 2-2 Miami mx 2-3 Post by: klutchbuster400 on February 03, 2008, 10:30:18 PM Nice pic, Seminole looks sick!!!
I need to get my frame welded and head back out there!!! Title: Re: Seminole 2-2 Miami mx 2-3 Post by: LTR450 994 on February 04, 2008, 11:25:11 PM i was out there on 2-2. its not as wild with doubls as before but still alot of fun
http://www.doublezeroproductions.com/images/sem20208_1/sem20208_1-Pages/Image161.html |