ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: rejotan on December 29, 2007, 10:08:24 AM

Title: plant bamboo
Post by: rejotan on December 29, 2007, 10:08:24 AM
what is the earliest you can go ride at underhills on a sunday and how much does it cost for 2 adults and one 12 year old.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on December 30, 2007, 09:31:26 AM            thats the website and  you  can call ed and ask him.We have gone in and out at all times.His number is on the website.Usually $20 each for the day and a little more if you camp and stay the night.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: kaRMa on January 03, 2008, 02:34:02 AM
Its $20 a person, and 30 to camp all weekend, which is the better deal if you dont have plans.
Its great out there, so come join us.
Also, there was loose talk that Ed wasnt going to allow sport quads anymore, so you might want to check up on that before you head up. If I can cinform either way, Ill reply.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: BCConviber on January 22, 2008, 08:02:26 AM
It's official.. Got this email last Sunday.


Effective Monday January 21, 2008

Any & all racing type quads such as Banshees & Rafters will B permanently barred from Underhill land effective Monday. N the future owners of racing type quads R welcome 2 enter Plantbamboo only if they don’t bring their racing type Quad when they enter.

N other words if U bring a racing type quad U will not B allowed  entry at Plantbamboo

Edward Underhill

And then this one this morning....

Dear PLantbamboo,

Portions of this letter isn’t in any way intended to sander, although I will admit that some of this is a response  to  a couple of individuals who responded to the flyer that I sent out Sunday stating what I decided is necessary.. The most difficult part for me was in me having to ban all racing quads I would have preferred to selectively enforce but I know that would be impossible, so I apologize to those of you  that have racing quads and  have respected my rules  the rules. Please remember that even though I am not allowing you to enter with said quads you are welcome to come out any time.

Explaining my decision to ban all racing type quads this doesn’t include 4x4 off reading quads.  Sense 2004 when we first opened Plantbamboo myself and other that I have assigned responsible to help keep  Plantbamboo safe have spent 95 present of our time attempting to get those that bring their racing type quads to Plantbamboo to  abide by our rules.  After explaining the conditions to these individuals most of the time that simply disregards them and very often make every effort to flaunt our rules that they can.

 Three or four weeks ago was when the proverbial straw broke the camel’s back.  A edit that was driving a racing type  quad almost ran over a 4 year child. Sense then I  have pondered how best to implement  the best means of control  those that don’t give a damn  one way or other who they may be endangered  as result of their actions. During this timed it  did most of the patrolling myself.  At first I threatened to expel those that apparently  have never learned to read my signs, I explained to their meaning and intent of why I had posted the signs. For some reason the majority of those that ride the racing quads not only have bad eye site, and  to top this off they must be unable  to remember my rules even when I read and explained the rules to them.  If anyone that has been riding the racing quads hasn’t seen this coming then what can I say. If you feel a need it’s fine and dandy to blame me and call as my names as you like I am adult who has to make decisions based on logic not because it feels good    I knowing that some of those that come out to ride the racing quads are responsible people and that this decision  may cause them discomfort but I had much rather do that than to have done nothing about endangering other.   

If a child is hurt or god forbid killed because I failed to correct this problem I would be able to live with myself knowing that I could have stopped this high speed driving that not only endangers children but all that comes to Plantbamboo.

I decided that  if banning racing quads was to mean that plantbamboo  no longer will makes enough money to stay open I felt and I feel that I had much rather close Planbamnboo down than to have  a child hurt .   No I AM NOT LOSING PLANTBAMBOO DOWN I AM SIMPLY  CORRECTING A PROBLEM THAT IS LONG OVER DEW FOR ME TO ADDRESS. 

My farm isn’t a race track contrary to what most of those that come out and ride the racing quads must think.  Moroso motor sports park facility is was made and is set up for racing type quads.

Please remember that anyone That has a racing quad  still welcome to enter Pantbambioo if they don’t bring their racing quads with them to plantbamboo

My decision to ban any and all racing type quads  is final and there will not be any exceptions. In the future if you come to Plantbamboo and bring a racing Quad with you will have to take it home before you enter.

It will be your responsibility to leave racing quads home.  It is not  our to responsibility find or see a racing quad in your vehicle or trailer when you are entering Plantbamboo.  If you find a way to hide or we fail to notice a racing quad in your vehicle or a trailer when you enter then you have disregarded this rule, when we see that you have a racing quad with you will be ask to leave and on refund and never you will be banned for life from entering Plantbamboo.

Said done and final ,

Edward Underhill


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Joedirt on January 22, 2008, 08:08:40 AM
Aww shoot..I can not ride my Rafter in the Poo Pit?...LOL

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 22, 2008, 08:28:05 AM
So I am welcome but my racing quad stays at home? What about my racing Rhino or my 1800hp monster truck that goes 85mph through the mud hole? We need to get him to sign up for this site,Is that the americankids uncle? LOL HA!~HA!~

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: shogun323 on January 22, 2008, 09:04:59 AM
I think they should offer 1 final ride for all the racing quads. Then all the proceeds can go to buying Ed a text editing program that has spelling/grammar check.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Greenbln117 on January 22, 2008, 11:43:00 AM
LAME   >:(
time to found a new place.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: BCConviber on January 22, 2008, 03:34:05 PM
LAME   >:(
time to found a new place.

Spoken like a true part of the problem.  ::)

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on January 22, 2008, 04:08:56 PM
If these letters are true, I for one comend him for standing up and making a decision.  This to me shows he TRULY is out for a safe place for our kids to ride not out for money.  So many people are afraid to make hard decision because of how "unpopular" it may be.  I think it is time to check this place out.  It is unfair to condemn ALL racing bikes drivers because a few do not listen BUT is it worth someone getting hurt (like a innocent child) I don't think so.  There may be 850HP 10,000LBS trucks running through holes but I am assuming he doesn't have problems with them listening when they get out of line.  Anyway that is just my 2 cents sorry to carry on.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Greenbln117 on January 23, 2008, 09:22:49 AM
LAME   >:(
time to found a new place.

Spoken like a true part of the problem.  ::)

For your infomation I was not part of any problems there.
We camped out there 2 times a month w/friends.
We follow all the rules.
Sooo maybe you should know  some one before judging them.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Greenbln117 on January 23, 2008, 09:28:59 AM
The reason why I said it was lame was because dumb people always have to mess a good thing up. Dumb people give us ATV rider a bad name.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: greenmachine on January 23, 2008, 11:32:23 AM
But its ok for a beer filled cooler toting 800cc ute to ride around drunk all day.......nah thats not near as dangerous as one of them "race quads" ::)

I wonder what he will classify the new Can Am Renegade 800. Fastest quad i have ever seen stock. Outran every 450 at the drag races at the Motoplex.

This is a stupid decision.
Instead of his illiterate letter to everyone, why dont he use some of his untaxed wealth to hire security to throw out the idiots. The man clearly has no business sense. If he were to let everyone in & 1 or 2 people break the rules kick them out, then you have their money & every good person still has a good time & he made an example out of the bad behavior for all to see.

Someone else mentioned, the rincon 250 & the 250ex are the same quad different plastic, what about that?
What about kids quads, most are not ute style, will that make them "race quads"?

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Bleedsblue on January 23, 2008, 12:28:21 PM
He really should just have someone in the camping area monitoring and tossing people out. Every time I've been there I've seen people flying through the camp area/parking lot with no regard of who is around them. Nine times out of ten it's a sport quad but I have seen utility owners do it as well.


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: BCConviber on January 23, 2008, 04:37:44 PM
Idiots ride all kinds of atvs... At the end of the day, it is his land, and he can make whatever rules he likes as far as admittance... I was merely posting what I got in responce to a post above. My appologies for judging you Greenbln117 as being part of the problem if in fact you are not. Now excuse me gentlemen- I have to go load up my cooler full of beer on my 800cc ute.  ;)

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on January 23, 2008, 04:53:18 PM
Anybody can drive anything badly, racing around and such.  I think in this case his problem was the same group or type of people racing around, so he made a judgement call.  Which in the end thats all anyone can do.  I don't think he is doing this to make money or have good business.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Turboderf on January 24, 2008, 12:28:23 PM
Just called underhill you guys are right NO SPORT QUARDS racing around here but drunk mudders are welcome bummer for us sport quaders

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Bleedsblue on January 24, 2008, 03:18:41 PM
Just called underhill you guys are right NO SPORT QUARDS racing around here but drunk mudders are welcome bummer for us sport quaders

If you think the mudders are the only drunks riding out there you are crazy.


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Turboderf on January 24, 2008, 04:01:18 PM
well you dont see to many sportquads riding around with a beer in there hand and cooler on there bikes ...but you do see mudders atv and truck with coolers and a few under age drinking kids out there driving and riding atv. but eather way it still sucks no sportquads

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: 05greengriz on January 24, 2008, 04:41:22 PM
Probably haulin azz, not able to enjoy a beer and slower down. Could be the clutch...IDK?

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 25, 2008, 07:21:11 AM
I am happy ed made this decision.I do not enjoy riding with the go fast machines.They are too loud and are only made to go fast.They dont mix well with others that are not into racing and I think ed has made a decision to try to survive in a sue happy world.Underhills will be a much better place for this change.Cant wait to ride with out lookin out for the racers.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 25, 2008, 09:41:28 AM
I am happy ed made this decision.I do not enjoy riding with the go fast machines.They are too loud and are only made to go fast.They dont mix well with others that are not into racing and I think ed has made a decision to try to survive in a sue happy world.Underhills will be a much better place for this change.Cant wait to ride with out lookin out for the racers.
now you can drink more hell maybe even have both hands on your beers now that you only have to look around to piss in doo-doo I for one am ok with it cause I dont go there anyways it must be something about rolling in doo-doo ??? and that is me that I ride both styles of bikes

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on January 25, 2008, 09:47:54 AM
here we go agian... sports bikes vs. utes this is sad

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Turboderf on January 25, 2008, 10:54:48 AM
i take my vote back close the place down he has already had people hurt not wearing helmet and riding gear the place is kinda a party place for under age folks... in time he will be busted

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Bleedsblue on January 25, 2008, 12:56:19 PM
well you dont see to many sportquads riding around with a beer in there hand and cooler on there bikes ...but you do see mudders atv and truck with coolers and a few under age drinking kids out there driving and riding atv. but eather way it still sucks no sportquads

No because they haul butt back to their truck, guzzle down a few then fly through the parking lot to go riding. LOL.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 25, 2008, 01:54:57 PM
well you dont see to many sportquads riding around with a beer in there hand and cooler on there bikes ...but you do see mudders atv and truck with coolers and a few under age drinking kids out there driving and riding atv. but eather way it still sucks no sportquads

No because they haul butt back to their truck, guzzle down a few then fly through the parking lot to go riding. LOL.

No No No got it all wrong. We sport riders keep our camel backs full of beer. We go back to camp for a shot of whiskey!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: jrpro130 on January 25, 2008, 03:01:57 PM
I always have a full cooler at the truck and on the atv.

Sadly it's not full of beer though. Gatorade all the way  :-*

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 25, 2008, 03:18:54 PM
I always have a full cooler at the truck and on the atv.

Sadly it's not full of beer though. Gatorade all the way  :-*

Anyone that knows me knows I don't drink at all. I was just kidding.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Turboderf on January 25, 2008, 03:49:16 PM


Anyone that knows me knows I don't drink at all. I was just kidding.
 i thought you where going to join the beer team 

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: mrbones on January 25, 2008, 05:20:17 PM
For those who don't know, could someone explain what Plantbamboo is exactly?

The mission statement from doesn't seem to relate to ATVs whatsoever.

Mission Statement 

Presenting a positive perspective about agriculture by the use of educational classes, exhibitions and reenactments’, agricultural festivals with a theme of promoting Florida’s farm grown agricultural products and the sale of “Florida Fresh” farm products. These activities to be conducted on our family owned farm/ranch, a bona fide family farm that has been continually run by members of the Underhill family since November of 1940.

AND, why is there a Girl of the Month on the site?

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 25, 2008, 06:14:14 PM
It is against code for him to hold events (allow riding on his land), so they don't advertise it. He is under scrutiny by the law all the time. He was fined years ago some crazy amount like $250,000 for holding a mud fest. They somehow got it reduced to like $48,000. His land is a big sewage dump and it isn't all cow poop either. It is nasty and stinks really bad out there.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 26, 2008, 01:22:16 AM
there isnt any sewage on the property and it is a great place to ride.trx450 is just  upset they dont want go fast  rude punks buzzing around being jerkwads so he made up the sewage thing.Ed underhill is great to let us ride and camp on his property and only real idiots have to drive all the way to north florida because they have been run out of the local spots.Underhills is a great place to ride for mudders and people that like to camp and enjoy florida.There is cow poop,but thats from the cows that live there.The bullshit is from trx450.plant bamboo will be a better place to ride without him and those like him.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 26, 2008, 08:37:40 AM
there isnt any sewage on the property and it is a great place to ride.trx450 is just  upset they dont want go fast  rude punks buzzing around being jerkwads so he made up the sewage thing.Ed underhill is great to let us ride and camp on his property and only real idiots have to drive all the way to north florida because they have been run out of the local spots.Underhills is a great place to ride for mudders and people that like to camp and enjoy florida.There is cow poop,but thats from the cows that live there.The bullshit is from trx450.plant bamboo will be a better place to ride without him and those like him.

I know more than you think.

I was there once and have no desire to return.

Does it stink like that at L-Cross?................NOT!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: yfz122 on January 26, 2008, 08:42:48 AM
there isnt any sewage on the property and it is a great place to ride.trx450 is just  upset they dont want go fast  rude punks buzzing around being jerkwads so he made up the sewage thing.Ed underhill is great to let us ride and camp on his property and only real idiots have to drive all the way to north florida because they have been run out of the local spots.Underhills is a great place to ride for mudders and people that like to camp and enjoy florida.There is cow poop,but thats from the cows that live there.The bullshit is from trx450.plant bamboo will be a better place to ride without him and those like him.
Idiot >:D

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 26, 2008, 09:40:55 AM
there isnt any sewage on the property and it is a great place to ride.trx450 is just  upset they dont want go fast  rude punks buzzing around being jerkwads so he made up the sewage thing.Ed underhill is great to let us ride and camp on his property and only real idiots have to drive all the way to north florida because they have been run out of the local spots.Underhills is a great place to ride for mudders and people that like to camp and enjoy florida.There is cow poop,but thats from the cows that live there.The bullshit is from trx450.plant bamboo will be a better place to ride without him and those like him.
Idiot >:D
no go fast punks just old drunk farts allowed lol you guys can keep the crapper!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Ida_Mann on January 26, 2008, 03:39:12 PM
only idiots go all the way to North Florida?

I love the plex and want to support it which is why I go up there.

I could drive only 73 miles and have a roofer over my head with all the amenities and ride out of the front yard into the ONF, but I choose to go 210 miles to the plex instead.


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 26, 2008, 04:30:18 PM
i dont really care where everyone rides,as long as you dont make up stuff about the place i like to ride.This isnt the first time trx450 has spouted off with made up bullcrap and I cant  just ignore the babble.Sorry to all you others.I love riding at plant bamboo.Those that cannot ride there because ed doesnt allow the real fast machines dont need to make up crap.Personally I am happy and I wish L-cross and the other mudfests would follow suit.Racing is to be done on racing venues,not amoung other riders who like to ride slowly.i am happy yal got a place 250 miles from me.Most of the people i meet at underhills are great.Its all we have here and a few love to bash the place for some strange reason.I am glad I dont have to drive 250 miles to ride thanks to mr underhill.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 26, 2008, 05:39:05 PM
i dont really care where everyone rides,as long as you dont make up stuff about the place i like to ride.This isnt the first time trx450 has spouted off with made up bullcrap and I cant  just ignore the babble.Sorry to all you others.I love riding at plant bamboo.Those that cannot ride there because ed doesnt allow the real fast machines dont need to make up crap.Personally I am happy and I wish L-cross and the other mudfests would follow suit.Racing is to be done on racing venues,not amoung other riders who like to ride slowly.i am happy yal got a place 250 miles from me.Most of the people i meet at underhills are great.Its all we have here and a few love to bash the place for some strange reason.I am glad I dont have to drive 250 miles to ride thanks to mr underhill.

I would like to know what I made up.

I also stated I went there once about a year or so ago and have no desire to return.

Plus how come L-Cross doesn't stink like Underhills.

Next time you're at Underhills riding double on a quad made for one person, with no helmet on, in your flip flops, drinking beer, take a look around. Look at the muck around the trees. Ever notice there are a ton more flies at Underhills? Probably not because you are used to flies being around you.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on January 26, 2008, 06:44:37 PM
Next time you're at Underhills riding double on a quad made for one person, with no helmet on, in your flip flops, drinking beer, take a look around. Look at the muck around the trees. Ever notice there are a ton more flies at Underhills? Probably not because you are used to flies being around you.

I hope you personally know sbripple and know how he rides to make a comment like that or are you talking about anyone who rides utes out there?  If you are talking about everyone out there that is the same thing the owner did.  Its funny to me how people don't want to generalized with groups yet they do it themselves.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 26, 2008, 07:06:45 PM
Next time you're at Underhills riding double on a quad made for one person, with no helmet on, in your flip flops, drinking beer, take a look around. Look at the muck around the trees. Ever notice there are a ton more flies at Underhills? Probably not because you are used to flies being around you.

I hope you personally know sbripple and know how he rides to make a comment like that or are you talking about anyone who rides utes out there?  If you are talking about everyone out there that is the same thing the owner did.  Its funny to me how people don't want to generalized with groups yet they do it themselves.

I was talking to sbripple and no one else. We have discussed in the passed how each other rides.

I could care less who Ed underhill lets on his property. Like I have said more than once, I've been there and don't care to return.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on January 26, 2008, 08:25:55 PM
thats cool, hard to know what everyone knows

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 27, 2008, 09:37:43 AM
No trx450 does not know me .He has made up things about me before yes.He is a punk ,yes.I dont own any flip flops,I rarely ride 2 up on my quad,I dont notice the smell at underhills being any worse than L-cross,except of course that one place that 450 camped once.It still has a lingering stench.I dont know this 450 guy except to know he is a punk that will spout off with assumptions .I am certain he is a punk and again I am glad we dont ride the same places.I dont know what drinking beer has to do with the subject about underhills riding but  thats a punk for you .He cant come up with anything else ,so he calls me a drunk.He is probly one of those weak minded people that had to give up alcohal because he could not control himself around it.One day at a time 450.Hows the meetings going?Why do you go fast guys take it so personally when someone says he does not like riding with you?Go find a race course to race on.Leave me alone.Is  that asking too much?

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Chillinthemost on January 27, 2008, 10:08:36 AM
TRX is not a punk. He is a great guy and loves this sport. I dont hold it against him that he doesn't drink beer, more beer for me ;D.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 27, 2008, 11:31:35 AM
then he need to stop behavin like one . whether he drinks or not is irrelevant.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 27, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on January 27, 2008, 05:32:28 PM
All I did was make a joke about beer in the camel pack and here we go. I never once mention about being mad we couldn't ride there. I was having fun and some of you take it personally. Maybe because it's true...........I don't know. You all have fun in the poo.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 27, 2008, 05:38:46 PM
I dont have a sport quad & I HOLD my breath when I drive past there...Couldnt imagine wading through it...HA!~ I crack myself up!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: jrpro130 on January 27, 2008, 05:59:53 PM
I want to ride out there one of theese days.  I'm looking for more of a place that isn't ridden with irresponsible people.  I really don't want to drive up to the plex, and I already know what all the other spots are like.  I'm just a hardcore mudder and I want to RIDE I don't care about partying...

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on January 27, 2008, 10:24:10 PM
P-U Bamboo Fair place to ride but watch out for the cow pie's also not a large area to ride. Howdy R&R Gods gift to OHV were there.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Rick16b on January 28, 2008, 08:08:30 AM
Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

I'm just a Budweiser A-Hole.  :ThumbsUp.gif   :T

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: ScooterB on January 28, 2008, 11:47:41 AM
TRX is not a punk. He is a great guy and loves this sport. I dont hold it against him that he doesn't drink beer, more beer for me ;D.

As stated above TRX is a great guy and loves this sport, I am sure TRX has no need to ride at Plant, as he races several XC series and has plenty of private land opportunities to ride.

As far as Sport quads go..if you own one check out ( 

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on January 28, 2008, 03:34:49 PM
i take my vote back close the place down he has already had people hurt not wearing helmet and riding gear the place is kinda a party place for under age folks... in time he will be busted

Since when has it been the owner of a riding area's responsibility to have people wear helmets ? ? ? and timmy r lee who died out at bamboo on april 21, 2007 WAS WEARING A HELMET !
you're just pissed because you can't ride your little sport quad out there .... GET OVER IT & BE AN ADULT !

i dont really care where everyone rides,as long as you dont make up stuff about the place i like to ride.This isnt the first time trx450 has spouted off with made up bullcrap and I cant  just ignore the babble.Sorry to all you others.I love riding at plant bamboo.Those that cannot ride there because ed doesnt allow the real fast machines dont need to make up crap.Personally I am happy and I wish L-cross and the other mudfests would follow suit.Racing is to be done on racing venues,not amoung other riders who like to ride slowly.i am happy yal got a place 250 miles from me.Most of the people i meet at underhills are great.Its all we have here and a few love to bash the place for some strange reason.I am glad I dont have to drive 250 miles to ride thanks to mr underhill.

I as well as my whole family, including my overly caution mom, love riding bamboo ! it's some of the best riding in south florida ... even after I watched one of my highschool friends die at bamboo I still go back there from time to time to ride & the best reminder to slow down is that no matter where you are on the property you can see the memorial cross for timmy  ! Those whow ant to bash bamboo can bash all they want ! don't be jealous just because you can't ride like a bunch of morons out there ... everytime I've been out to Bamboo I've had problems with sport quads ... Like the one who the rider was so drunk he didn't realize that he came full throttle through our camp & hit the side of my enclosed trailer...

So to each is own ... But remember that ONE BAD APPLE SPOILS THE BUNCH !

Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Well I drive a big truck & I'm a female ... So what are you trying to say ?

And I ride a Ute BUT I don't drink bud lite nor am I an alcholic .... Maybe you sould get off the sexist generalization rants and worry about your self first !

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Ida_Mann on January 28, 2008, 03:39:09 PM
i take my vote back close the place down he has already had people hurt not wearing helmet and riding gear the place is kinda a party place for under age folks... in time he will be busted

Since when has it been the owner of a riding area's responsibility to have people wear helmets ? ? ? and timmy r lee who died out at bamboo on april 21, 2007 WAS WEARING A HELMET !
you're just pissed because you can't ride your little sport quad out there .... GET OVER IT & BE AN ADULT !

i dont really care where everyone rides,as long as you dont make up stuff about the place i like to ride.This isnt the first time trx450 has spouted off with made up bullcrap and I cant  just ignore the babble.Sorry to all you others.I love riding at plant bamboo.Those that cannot ride there because ed doesnt allow the real fast machines dont need to make up crap.Personally I am happy and I wish L-cross and the other mudfests would follow suit.Racing is to be done on racing venues,not amoung other riders who like to ride slowly.i am happy yal got a place 250 miles from me.Most of the people i meet at underhills are great.Its all we have here and a few love to bash the place for some strange reason.I am glad I dont have to drive 250 miles to ride thanks to mr underhill.

I as well as my whole family, including my overly caution mom, love riding bamboo ! it's some of the best riding in south florida ... even after I watched one of my highschool friends die at bamboo I still go back there from time to time to ride & the best reminder to slow down is that no matter where you are on the property you can see the memorial cross for timmy  ! Those whow ant to bash bamboo can bash all they want ! don't be jealous just because you can't ride like a bunch of morons out there ... everytime I've been out to Bamboo I've had problems with sport quads ... Like the one who the rider was so drunk he didn't realize that he came full throttle through our camp & hit the side of my enclosed trailer...

So to each is own ... But remember that ONE BAD APPLE SPOILS THE BUNCH !

Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Well I drive a big truck & I'm a female ... So what are you trying to say ?

And I ride a Ute BUT I don't drink bud lite nor am I an alcholic .... Maybe you sould get off the sexist generalization rants and worry about your self first !

you apparently didn't notice that Bushguy was making a funny.

and I drive a F150,,,,but it aint jacked up to the sky or anything,,,,so I guess I have a medium peepee ;-)


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: big-daddy on January 28, 2008, 03:53:55 PM
Wow......... I need more popcorn and another beer.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 28, 2008, 06:39:10 PM

Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Well I drive a big truck & I'm a female ... So what are you trying to say ?

And I ride a Ute BUT I don't drink bud lite nor am I an alcholic .... Maybe you sould get off the sexist generalization rants and worry about your self first !

I will let eveyone else make coments about HOT chicks who drive BIG trucks. Get over yourself and by a Geo. What does your BIG truck prove...LOL!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 28, 2008, 06:40:00 PM
Wow......... I need more popcorn and another beer.

Proves my point,your not even on your quad :o ??? :-[

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 28, 2008, 06:44:33 PM
i take my vote back close the place down he has already had people hurt not wearing helmet and riding gear the place is kinda a party place for under age folks... in time he will be busted

Since when has it been the owner of a riding area's responsibility to have people wear helmets ? ? ? and timmy r lee who died out at bamboo on april 21, 2007 WAS WEARING A HELMET !
you're just pissed because you can't ride your little sport quad out there .... GET OVER IT & BE AN ADULT !

i dont really care where everyone rides,as long as you dont make up stuff about the place i like to ride.This isnt the first time trx450 has spouted off with made up bullcrap and I cant  just ignore the babble.Sorry to all you others.I love riding at plant bamboo.Those that cannot ride there because ed doesnt allow the real fast machines dont need to make up crap.Personally I am happy and I wish L-cross and the other mudfests would follow suit.Racing is to be done on racing venues,not amoung other riders who like to ride slowly.i am happy yal got a place 250 miles from me.Most of the people i meet at underhills are great.Its all we have here and a few love to bash the place for some strange reason.I am glad I dont have to drive 250 miles to ride thanks to mr underhill.

I as well as my whole family, including my overly caution mom, love riding bamboo ! it's some of the best riding in south florida ... even after I watched one of my highschool friends die at bamboo I still go back there from time to time to ride & the best reminder to slow down is that no matter where you are on the property you can see the memorial cross for timmy  ! Those whow ant to bash bamboo can bash all they want ! don't be jealous just because you can't ride like a bunch of morons out there ... everytime I've been out to Bamboo I've had problems with sport quads ... Like the one who the rider was so drunk he didn't realize that he came full throttle through our camp & hit the side of my enclosed trailer...

So to each is own ... But remember that ONE BAD APPLE SPOILS THE BUNCH !

Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Well I drive a big truck & I'm a female ... So what are you trying to say ?

And I ride a Ute BUT I don't drink bud lite nor am I an alcholic .... Maybe you sould get off the sexist generalization rants and worry about your self first !

you apparently didn't notice that Bushguy was making a funny.

and I drive a F150,,,,but it aint jacked up to the sky or anything,,,,so I guess I have a medium peepee ;-)


Medium maybe but definately a glue sniffer with that hair dew!

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 28, 2008, 06:49:22 PM
this crap all started when 450 trx said underhills had sewage that wasnt from cows on his property.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 28, 2008, 06:50:50 PM
see what one   punk who takes it personal that we dont wanna ride with him can stir things up.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 28, 2008, 07:00:58 PM
this crap all started when 450 trx said underhills had sewage that wasnt from cows on his property.

Research it for your self. That statement does have merit. :o

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 28, 2008, 07:03:51 PM
see what one   punk who takes it personal that we dont wanna ride with him can stir things up.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: brett711 on January 28, 2008, 07:30:44 PM
sport bikes have not been banned from underhills..... sport bikes are only allowed during the week... weekends are for everyone else.

my work associate who was there sat with his sport bike told him only m-f riding for those bikes.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: yfz122 on January 28, 2008, 07:53:40 PM
What difference does it make what kind of quad it is? My last utility did about 70 mph. I rode it like a sport bike. Doughnuts, wheelies, jumps and everything else.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 28, 2008, 08:27:45 PM
sport bikes have not been banned from underhills..... sport bikes are only allowed during the week... weekends are for everyone else.

my work associate who was there sat with his sport bike told him only m-f riding for those bikes.
thanks but if Blacks were only allowed in bathrooms only M-F in this day and age they would be pissed still to this day I would prefer never to go again and I was there only 1 time I am with TRX keep the poo farm

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Ida_Mann on January 28, 2008, 09:15:44 PM
I would only say it's private property and the owner can do what they want.

I own both a sport and a ute, so don't try to lump me in any class,,,,,I am a class to myself ;-)

pass the glue


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 28, 2008, 09:25:46 PM
I would only say it's private property and the owner can do what they want.

I own both a sport and a ute, so don't try to lump me in any class,,,,,I am a class to myself ;-)

pass the glue

ditto my friend I also have both

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Ida_Mann on January 28, 2008, 09:30:56 PM
I would only say it's private property and the owner can do what they want.

I own both a sport and a ute, so don't try to lump me in any class,,,,,I am a class to myself ;-)

pass the glue

ditto my friend I also have both

aint life great  ;D


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Gato on January 29, 2008, 02:12:27 PM
I would only say it's private property and the owner can do what they want.

I own both a sport and a ute, so don't try to lump me in any class,,,,,I am a class to myself ;-)

pass the glue

ditto my friend I also have both

aint life great  ;D

Yes it is we can call our selves go fast punks and one hand ute driver at the same time except I put mine in a camelback why stop to drink anything lol

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: big-daddy on January 29, 2008, 02:36:20 PM
uummmm, has a norm....... people the has both , normally swing both ways too!  ;) 

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: greenmachine on January 29, 2008, 04:00:23 PM
this crap all started when 450 trx said underhills had sewage that wasnt from cows on his property.

Research it for your self. That statement does have merit. :o
You give him way too much credit by assuming that is even possible for such a closed mind. ???
TRX never said anything that deserved ripple's bashing, it goes to show who the real punk is. Now its my turn ripple, slam away. :D

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: greenmachine on January 29, 2008, 04:04:45 PM

Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

Well I drive a big truck & I'm a female ... So what are you trying to say ?

And I ride a Ute BUT I don't drink bud lite nor am I an alcholic .... Maybe you sould get off the sexist generalization rants and worry about your self first !

I will let eveyone else make coments about FAT chicks who drive BIG trucks. Get over yourself and by a Geo. What does your BIG truck prove...LOL!

he was joking, take a chill woman.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: budman on January 29, 2008, 04:04:57 PM
Sport quad riders smoke crack

Ute riders are Bud light aholics

Rhino guys are Cpnt Mrgn drunks

Jeep guys are confused do a lot of all the above

Samuarai drivers are bi-sexual meth heads

Big truck guys have little peepies and they sniff glue

I drink BUD...not lite, and I ain't no alcoholic...I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.  8)

Any cow pasture has poo in it, L-Cross, Underhills, River Ranch.... ::)

Turboderf and trx450_racer are cool..... ;D

and opinions are like a$$holes...we all got 'em, and some stink worse than others.... :'(

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 29, 2008, 06:44:14 PM
trx450 is a punk with a big mouth.I didnt know wha he looked like til I looked up punk in the dictionary,and there he was.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Chillinthemost on January 29, 2008, 07:03:13 PM
Sbripple, I cant stand it anymore. You are an azzhole. Anyone take the time to look at any of this azzholes post and they are all BS shizit stiring nonsense.
  Go away, nobody here wants your BS.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 29, 2008, 07:16:32 PM
Sbripple, I cant stand it anymore. You are an azzhole. Anyone take the time to look at any of this azzholes post and they are all BS shizit stiring nonsense.
  Go away, nobody here wants your BS.

HEHE you said sbribble is an not a very nice person! HA!~

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Chillinthemost on January 29, 2008, 08:05:22 PM
Thats not true, I didn't say that. He may be a nice person...........for an azzhole.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Mudneck on January 29, 2008, 09:47:46 PM
Sbripple, I cant stand it anymore. You are an azzhole. Anyone take the time to look at any of this azzholes post and they are all BS shizit stiring nonsense.
  Go away, nobody here wants your BS.

HEHE you said sbribble is an not a very nice person! HA!~

I have been moderated...thanks guys for keeping me clean :-*

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Islandbreeze07 on January 29, 2008, 10:31:22 PM
What difference does it make what kind of quad it is? My last utility did about 70 mph. I rode it like a sport bike. Doughnuts, wheelies, jumps and everything else.

Excellent point!! I commend Ed for taking action due to a 4 yr old child almost getting hurt. I guess, after having my own two little ones, I can't support any kids getting hurt, or even dead.


Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: sbripple on January 30, 2008, 03:27:37 AM
agreed island breeze.It is that simple.

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: greenmachine on January 30, 2008, 07:49:38 AM
I am happy ed made this decision.I do not enjoy riding with the go fast machines.They are too loud and are only made to go fast.They dont mix well with others that are not into racing and I think ed has made a decision to try to survive in a sue happy world.Underhills will be a much better place for this change.Cant wait to ride with out lookin out for the racers.
Funny you agree with island breeze, but in your earlier post you generalize "go fast machines" & "racers" with the sport quads that your idol "mr.underhill" has banned. Then say "Underhills will be a much better place".

You must be a democrat & plan to vote for Billary........another flip flopper.
Are you drunk when you post one here? ???

I am totally in agreement with Chillinthemost on his assesment of sbripple! He is like a fly, always stirring his nose in the shiz! Hey maybe that is why he doesnt notice the sewage & the flies at underhills. :o

Title: Re: plant bamboo
Post by: Ida_Mann on January 30, 2008, 08:28:00 AM
uummmm, has a norm....... people the has both , normally swing both ways too!  ;) 

HEY, I have never voted for a demoncrat ;-)


Title: underhills
Post by: sbripple on January 30, 2008, 09:47:37 PM
ok  i see how you guys are