ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: 06 BaNsHeE on December 25, 2007, 08:55:04 PM

Title: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: 06 BaNsHeE on December 25, 2007, 08:55:04 PM
Can I download windows XP online?Like I buy it and just download it right now?And if so how long does it take.I have windows 2000 now.Also will I loose my memory and my songs on limewire?I need it because I cant download the new itunes into my comp with 2000 I need atleast xp.

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on December 25, 2007, 09:05:06 PM
I am almost 100% positive you can not, I might be wrong though.

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: BarterMaster 21 on December 25, 2007, 09:40:37 PM
I might have an extra copy of windows xp professional I can check in the am . If i have it you can have it, I have a couple new laptops sitting on the shelf and they should have all the new software with themWhere are you located at?

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: Thunderdually on December 25, 2007, 10:26:11 PM
Can I download windows XP online?Like I buy it and just download it right now?And if so how long does it take.I have windows 2000 now.Also will I loose my memory and my songs on limewire?I need it because I cant download the new itunes into my comp with 2000 I need atleast xp.

You can't download a legal copy of XP on the internet.  If you do get a full copy of XP you will have to make a clean install. You will have to format your drive which will erase all the information on your drive. So you will need to make a back up of any files you want to keep. If you are using limeware chances are you have a virus or 2 on your drive. I would suggest you run a virus scan on any files you back up so that you don't  infect your new install of XP.

No you will not lose your memory.

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: shogun323 on December 26, 2007, 09:56:32 AM
As Thunderdually said you will not be able to get a "legitimate" copy of XP online. In the event that you do obtain a copy via limewire or torrent I can almost guarantee it will have a known pirated key and you will be unable to get and updates from Microsoft. Instead of forking out the cash for a new OS I would look into a new PC. If it isn't financially feasable to buy a new one you could check Ebay, Craigslist or the classified.

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: Ida_Mann on December 26, 2007, 08:53:56 PM
Can I download windows XP online?Like I buy it and just download it right now?And if so how long does it take.I have windows 2000 now.Also will I loose my memory and my songs on limewire?I need it because I cant download the new itunes into my comp with 2000 I need atleast xp.

You can't download a legal copy of XP on the internet.  If you do get a full copy of XP you will have to make a clean install. You will have to format your drive which will erase all the information on your drive. So you will need to make a back up of any files you want to keep. If you are using limeware chances are you have a virus or 2 on your drive. I would suggest you run a virus scan on any files you back up so that you don't  infect your new install of XP.

No you will not lose your memory.

I have to disagree on everything except for the very last part there.

It is possible to get a legitimate copy of any of Microsoft's operating systems online from MSDOS to Windows 3.1 all the way up to Vista Ultimate and I use it on a weekly basis because I lose discs all the time.  It's called Technet, and you must have access to it through a subscription through Microsoft,,,,dunno how much it costs because I have access through work, but I'm sure it's pricey.  As far as the average Joe wanting to download a copy they just bought,,,,not that I know of.

You do not always have to do a full clean install of XP when upgrading from 2000, but it is recommended because even though 90% of the time everything works OK, there's always that 10% left over and it is better to do a clean install.

Limewire doesn't always mean you have a virus on your PC, but it depends on how good your anti-virus program is.

anywho, that's my technical update for the evening, ciao


Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: Thunderdually on December 26, 2007, 10:55:37 PM
Can I download windows XP online?Like I buy it and just download it right now?And if so how long does it take.I have windows 2000 now.Also will I loose my memory and my songs on limewire?I need it because I cant download the new itunes into my comp with 2000 I need atleast xp.

You can't download a legal copy of XP on the internet.  If you do get a full copy of XP you will have to make a clean install. You will have to format your drive which will erase all the information on your drive. So you will need to make a back up of any files you want to keep. If you are using limeware chances are you have a virus or 2 on your drive. I would suggest you run a virus scan on any files you back up so that you don't  infect your new install of XP.

No you will not lose your memory.

I have to disagree on everything except for the very last part there.

It is possible to get a legitimate copy of any of Microsoft's operating systems online from MSDOS to Windows 3.1 all the way up to Vista Ultimate and I use it on a weekly basis because I lose discs all the time.  It's called Technet, and you must have access to it through a subscription through Microsoft,,,,dunno how much it costs because I have access through work, but I'm sure it's pricey.  As far as the average Joe wanting to download a copy they just bought,,,,not that I know of.

You do not always have to do a full clean install of XP when upgrading from 2000, but it is recommended because even though 90% of the time everything works OK, there's always that 10% left over and it is better to do a clean install.

Limewire doesn't always mean you have a virus on your PC, but it depends on how good your anti-virus program is.

anywho, that's my technical update for the evening, ciao


Yes I am aware of the fact some people and companies can download copies of windows. As you said the average Joe can't. I am sure he didn't want to pay Microsoft hundreds of dollars to download one copy of XP. That is why I didn't mention it. Also I figured since he asked if he would lose his memory that He hasn't been using a computer for very long and there wasn't any need to go into great detail about all the different options that was available.

As far as upgrading 2000 to XP It's just a matter of opinion as to weather it's a good idea or not. I my self would never do it especially if the system has been in use for a long time.  I was talking about a full version install (not an upgrade) which requires a clean install. Some times less information is more.

Just adding my 2 cents back into the discussion. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: logandzwon on December 27, 2007, 01:12:32 PM

It's not really worth upgrading...  your computer is at lest 4 years old if it came with win2k.

You can buy a license for XP on-line, but you can't download the media legally, other then threw tech-net, which is thousands, not hundreds.  (If you fail wga it'll offer to let you buy a license to make it legal.)

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: 06 BaNsHeE on December 28, 2007, 12:07:08 PM
Well I just went and bought the Windows XP pro.My labtop had VISTA and it plain sucks.So does my sisters computer so we just decided to buy it.Still havent downloaded it on the labtop yet.

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: Ida_Mann on December 28, 2007, 01:58:03 PM
If you bought a laptop or desktop with Vista on it, you can contact Microsoft and request a downgrade for free to XP,,,,no need to buy it.


Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: 06 BaNsHeE on December 28, 2007, 02:37:42 PM
for real?I needed it anyways for my comp with W2k.I havnt touched the other comps yet tho

Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: Ida_Mann on December 28, 2007, 06:10:38 PM
usually you would have to ask whoever sold you the laptop, or a computer shop could do it for a small fee, and you have to have either Vista Ultimate or Vista Business. (


Title: Re: Can I download windows XP online?
Post by: logandzwon on December 28, 2007, 10:34:35 PM
for real?I needed it anyways for my comp with W2k.I havnt touched the other comps yet tho

You'll need one copy per machine.