Title: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: shawnley1222 on November 26, 2007, 04:47:26 PM I just joined thes site cause its local but was ify since its was an atv site but i have a rhino and have some places we go but lookin 4 more legal places to ride
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: wasntme on November 27, 2007, 02:30:29 PM I have a rhino also.I also have two friends with Rhino's and one with a RZR. We have been going to a place near my home in Pasco County. All goes well we will be going somewhere this weekend. You can hit me up at soundsgr8@hotmail.com if you want to ride with us.
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: shawnley1222 on November 27, 2007, 04:23:04 PM around wat general part in pasco?
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: wasntme on December 02, 2007, 07:59:31 AM East Pasco. I live in Wesley Chapel. In two weeks a good size group of us are planning a trip to ride somewhere all day. Either Ocala or Motoplex.
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: shawnley1222 on December 02, 2007, 12:22:02 PM well just let me know somethin a few days or so before and ill try and make it as well as bring some more people...i wanna go and ride @ ocala and aint heard much bout motoplex
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: wasntme on December 02, 2007, 12:47:01 PM Ocala is cool because it is so big. I have only read about Motoplex but it looks awesome. I will let you know when and where we are going. I should have my motor back next week and I am finishing my cage install today.
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: shawnley1222 on December 02, 2007, 12:50:47 PM hopefully i have a cdi box before long so i can go faster as well as clutch jets and a sheave
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: js4uhaterz on December 20, 2007, 12:34:01 PM i dont have a rhino but i have a honda 450r and a friend with a 400ex that will be willing to ride whenever
Title: Re: Rhino ridin near brandon/riverview? Post by: shawnley1222 on December 20, 2007, 06:05:07 PM well just pick a spot and we'll go