ATV Florida Forum

General => Photo Gallery & Videos => Topic started by: TRXASAURUS on November 06, 2007, 08:32:50 AM

Title: TBRD Cookout 11/3 pics...
Post by: TRXASAURUS on November 06, 2007, 08:32:50 AM
we had a great time and chowed down hardcore!!! woooot

come join us for the next one  ;) (

Title: Re: TBRD Cookout 11/3 pics...
Post by: greenmachine on November 06, 2007, 11:40:54 AM
I saw you & your wife out there 2 Sundays ago when my friend broke his back. Next time i will stop & say hey.....especially if I see that grill fired up ;)

Title: Re: TBRD Cookout 11/3 pics...
Post by: TRXASAURUS on November 06, 2007, 12:36:36 PM
I saw you & your wife out there 2 Sundays ago when my friend broke his back. Next time i will stop & say hey.....especially if I see that grill fired up ;)

dang that was your friend?  we were talking to the rangers about that.  i saw the medflight chopper fly over my house when we got home.  is he ok?  recovering?

how do you break your back?  ouch!   my prayers go out to him and his family!

yeah, next time come say hi fo sho

Title: Re: TBRD Cookout 11/3 pics...
Post by: greenmachine on November 06, 2007, 02:14:54 PM
He was climbing the hills in the NE section near I75 when he went up a steep hill & decided he couldnt make it. He "pulled the clutch" & it flipped over in a ravine pinning him under it.
He had a compression fracture in his lumbar area. He is home & walking! Expected recovery time is approx. 14weeks per the Dr.'s. I havent asked if he will ride again, its a little too early.
Will see you guys next time out. My son rides with me, he is 9. I think my wife & daughter will come next time as well, she is 5.
Will be cool to meet some other riding families.

Title: Re: TBRD Cookout 11/3 pics...
Post by: TRXASAURUS on November 07, 2007, 09:48:57 AM
glad to hear your friend is doing well and recovering.

those hills can get ya.  almost got my daughter.  we had a long discussion on what to do if you get stopped on a hill.  it can be scarry fo sho.