Title: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: CrazyCat420 on April 25, 2005, 03:28:43 PM Any one planing on heading to the dirt farm on the first for the opening motocross race??
Crazy Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: TBR_#86 on April 25, 2005, 07:38:50 PM where is this.
Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: redrider on April 26, 2005, 04:04:45 PM were is it ? ?how much to get in? need information
Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: CrazyCat420 on April 28, 2005, 08:28:55 AM This is the web site for the dirt farm www.powersportz.com here they will have all the information you will need! they are located somewhat close to north florida motocross track ( hilliard) very easy to find! they have good directions on there website!!
I was out at the track last night and the track looks real good just a couple minor adjustments are needed!! This will be there grand opening also! Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: TBR_#86 on April 28, 2005, 01:24:53 PM sry but i live in central fl and that is just a tad bit too far for me
Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: redrider on April 28, 2005, 02:53:00 PM mr. thacker # 3 were is it at ?
Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: CrazyCat420 on May 01, 2005, 02:50:05 PM To any one who was planing on attending the race at the dirtfarm today unfortionally it got flooded out with the non stop rain we have had all day! :'( But it has been rescedualed for the 29th of may that is labor dayweekend, there is plenty of room to camp out if you would like to make a weekend out of it!
Crazy Cat for more info you can contact the owner Tony Gooch at tony@powersportz.com/ or by phone at (912) 496-1111 Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 04:40:19 PM we were just thinking about where we could go camping for that weekend also. ;D
Title: Re: Race at the dirt farm?? Post by: Hollywood on May 23, 2005, 01:34:45 AM Anyone going out there this weekend? I may go Sat and/or Sunday. :-/