ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: GrizzlyGator on September 21, 2007, 08:27:39 AM

Title: All kidding aside!
Post by: GrizzlyGator on September 21, 2007, 08:27:39 AM
the funny thing about the "For all you pit bull haters" thread is it is extremely reminiscent of the "are ATVs safe and are they tearing up our land" debate...what I mean by that is we as ATV'rs continually try and educate the public about our sport but the media and sierra clubs of the world continually bash us in the opposite light. from reading the above mention thread it is ironically the same pitbull owners (atv'rs)  struggling to get there message out to the media, public (sierra clubs)..maybe we could learn something from this hmmm. I know from reading the entire thread (I participated in it as well) neither group is doing their side much good from most of the responses I saw. If we are to ever gain any allies in the court of public oppinion some higher ground must be taken. 

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: digginfool on September 21, 2007, 08:51:45 AM
Here's the higher ground, the coup de grace in the above mentioned pit bull maelstrom:

 Re: For all you pitbull haters
« Reply #131 on: Today at 08:27:56 AM » Quote Modify Remove 

Quote from: blupits04 on September 19, 2007, 11:57:07 PM
Quote from: FishaHallic on September 19, 2007, 09:51:35 PM
I get it diggin, I never heard of a poodle killing some kid.  If you like pits that's great but don't come on here and act like they are the kindest most lovingest, gentle dogs out there because they are NOT.  If you want to own them go ahead but I would get a very large homeowners policy but then again that wont bring back some dead kid.

Go read this...If you have trouble with the big words I'll help you out......

Mixed breeds and not pure bred dogs are the type of dog most often involved in inflicting bites to people. The pure-bred dogs most often involved are German shepherds and Chow chows. This is from a Dr who studies all of this...Go look if you think I made it up.

This is the funny part.  You numbskulls keep attacking me for making up this information but it is YOU who keep giving it to me.  Just for giggles, I followed the link that Blupits posted to support her stand that pit bulls are a victim of sensationalistic journalism.  From her very own link, here's what it says:

And I quote:

 "In the United States, pit bulls make up one to three per cent of the overall dog population and cause more than 50 per cent of serious attacks."

As she says, if you don't believe me, look it up yourselves.  There's the proof.  Come on, you guys keep giving me all the information.  You're cracking me up.  You really do make it too easy. 

The pit bull crowd puts the figures out there themselves.  They just won't accept the undeniable truth. 

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: blupits04 on September 21, 2007, 01:20:19 PM
The problem with both debates is no matter how hard you fight you will always have someone trying to knock you down. If it's something you want to fight for it doesn't matter how hard you fight or how long but that you stick behind it. No matter the statistics life is not all about statistics but what you personally believe. If your opinion differs from others say it once and drop it, the good thing about it is it's your opnion you can say it till your blue in the face but it's still an opinion.

Atv'rs have the same problem as pits, the media only reports the negative, they onlt report the destruction, the bad, the problems that they cause. They don't report that during hurricanes ATV's were used to save lives, in search and rescue missions ATV's are used to help look for the missing or that families grow closer b/c they have a fun sport they can do together.

Media rules how people think, people tell people how to think and alot of spineless people won't stand up for what they believe in. If more people would fight for what they believe in there would be more people doubting the bad and wanting to see the good. Our country is based on the negative news, the gossip and the destruction of one thing or another.

I try to get my point across without being rude but no matter how you say it people will always look for the negative in the story and stick to that.

Yes i did make a remark that was a low blow to diggin but it's b/c people won't open their eyes to see past the bad in things and try to look for the good. People are their own worst enemy b/c they look for the faults in one another and not what can others do to help,or possibly what the others see first hand.

Before long we won't be able to own pits explain to me how I am supposed to explain to my 7,6 and 4yr old that the dogs they have had since pups won't be around b/c people only see the bad? My kids were 1 and 2 when we got our Male, he is their dog but before they are 10 he might be gone b/c of laws, and people who don't see that no matter what they are still a loved pet and will be missed by someone most likely a child who they were raised with. Less than 30 deadly attacks, over 200k attacks a year say 1/3 were from pits which was found in a book from 2006, how many of those are from pits with kids as part of the family? You find that out and then I'll drop my arguing.

ATV's are under scrutiny b/c of irresponsible owners/riders, how long before they are illegal next?

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: exrider on September 21, 2007, 06:31:33 PM
I think the reason alot of atv riders love pits for the same reason they love quads.
Both of them could kill you or some one else if you don't use common sense.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: digginfool on September 21, 2007, 07:15:44 PM
Once again, let me make this perfectly clear; I am not opposed to people owning pit bulls or any other dangerous breed or animal.  My position from the very beginning is that if a particular breed proves itself to be unpredictable, aggressive, viscious and dangerous as so many pit bulls have already done, then it is something that should be regulated, if to no other extent than to make certain the owners are financially capable (either through posting a bond or purchasing an insurance policy that specifically covers dangerous breed dog attacks) to cover the expenses if and when the dog attacks and seriously injures, maims, or God forbid, kills an innocent.  There are exceptions to everything but statistics have proven that the pit bull is not a gentle creature.  I'm sure many, possibly the majority, are but the facts don't lie.  I think it is very irresponsible to attempt to portray the pit bull as anything other than what it is; usually loyal, trustworthy, gentle but with great capacity for aggressiveness, visciousness and danger.  Your own articles support this conclusion.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: exrider on September 21, 2007, 07:25:06 PM
Are you standing on your soap box?

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: UncleRico on September 21, 2007, 07:25:29 PM
Why are you prejudiced against pit bulls? They're no more dangerous than ATV's.

I mean, you know,  if ATV's were godless killing machines who thirsted for human flesh!

I have video proof of the uncontrollable visiciousness of pitbulls and how they can't be restrianed or controlled.

View the carnage first hand! Witness the uncontrollable rage of the pitbull in captivity.



Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: KB on September 21, 2007, 07:40:27 PM
I was really afraid at first, I thought he was gonna lick them to death.

Cool Video.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: blupits04 on September 21, 2007, 07:43:15 PM
Man Diggin must be outta words he's copied and pasted that same post twice and also sent it to Sparky this morning at 8 in a PM!

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: Ida_Mann on September 21, 2007, 07:53:35 PM
where's that picture that says something about fighting on the internet and retarded?


Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: digginfool on September 21, 2007, 07:59:37 PM
I'm not out of words.  I've become bored with the subject and now I will sit back and wait for the next subject that comes up that I can rally a good 'discussion.'  Nothing more, nothing less.  As far as PM'ing Sparky and Ripple, it was more taunt than anything since it struck me so funny that once again you guys were providing me with the ammunition to support my stand; ammunition that you thought was proving me wrong.  It was quite amusing to me.  I also posted it on both threads so those who were following the other would see it.  But, nevertheless, I'm bored with this topic.  NEXT PLEASE!

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: sparkplug01 on September 21, 2007, 08:09:45 PM
New Topic

What company makes government cheese and do they have gift cards.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: digginfool on September 21, 2007, 08:29:40 PM
BORING!  Next!   ;D

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: sparkplug01 on September 21, 2007, 08:45:04 PM
I just wanted to send you some cheese to smooth over the waters.j/k
have a good night dinners done--possum and rice.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: Ida_Mann on September 21, 2007, 08:48:49 PM
New Topic

What company makes government cheese and do they have gift cards.

you aint goin to the bathroom with ease, when you been eatin gubment cheese.


Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: sparkplug01 on September 21, 2007, 08:52:46 PM

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: MadMudder on September 21, 2007, 10:01:43 PM
where's that picture that says something about fighting on the internet and retarded?

Well i personally think that internet forums are a great way to debate and discuss topics just like this. I mean some just turn into personal attacks and stupid comments but the ones that are kept factual and clean can really be intresting. Its no different then 2 people on the phone talking about something. Just a different way of expressing ideas. And from the good ones that dont turn into hi-jacked name fests i think most of us can learn something....

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: NYRAPTOR on September 21, 2007, 10:30:28 PM
i dress like a 2 bit hooker.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on September 21, 2007, 10:33:13 PM
Once again, let me make this perfectly clear; I am not opposed to people owning pit bulls or any other dangerous breed or animal.  My position from the very beginning is that if a particular breed proves itself to be unpredictable, aggressive, viscious and dangerous as so many pit bulls have already done, then it is something that should be regulated, if to no other extent than to make certain the owners are financially capable (either through posting a bond or purchasing an insurance policy that specifically covers dangerous breed dog attacks) to cover the expenses if and when the dog attacks and seriously injures, maims, or God forbid, kills an innocent.  There are exceptions to everything but statistics have proven that the pit bull is not a gentle creature.  I'm sure many, possibly the majority, are but the facts don't lie.  I think it is very irresponsible to attempt to portray the pit bull as anything other than what it is; usually loyal, trustworthy, gentle but with great capacity for aggressiveness, visciousness and danger.  Your own articles support this conclusion.

 DAM FOOL......good job ;)

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on September 21, 2007, 10:37:54 PM
i dress like a 2 bit hooker.

  I wear geranimals...does that count?    So easy to match lions with lions, rhinos with rhinos.....crap I am supporting same sex marriage

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: NYRAPTOR on September 21, 2007, 10:41:31 PM
thats gereat!!! underoos will work also.

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on September 21, 2007, 10:54:57 PM
thats gereat!!! underoos will work also.

 Yep with a towel as a cape ;)

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: NYRAPTOR on September 21, 2007, 10:56:01 PM
now thats old school!! :P

Title: Re: All kidding aside!
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on September 21, 2007, 10:58:47 PM
now thats old school!! :P

 Not really the MTG-MAN still wears them when riding @ RR... even the towel. ;)