ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: buzzardman on September 13, 2007, 08:44:58 AM

Title: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: buzzardman on September 13, 2007, 08:44:58 AM
About a month ago I went on vacation and took my dog to a kennel.  When I got back and picked him up he must have had about a hundred ticks on him.  I gave him the flee and tick shampoo then a couple of days later I dosed him with bio spot on his back.  I bought some yard insecticide from home depot and sprayed my yard and I set off a couple of bug bombs in my house.  A week later and last night I found a tick crawling up my arm and this morning I pulled a tick off my dog that was so full of blood it was bigger than a tick tac.  Obviously my methods haven't worked so does anyone have a brand of insect killer, or a way to solve this very gross problem?  I'm worried cuz the dog sleeps in my 9yr olds bedroom.  Plus I have the creepy crawlies non stop. ???

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: big-daddy on September 13, 2007, 09:19:42 AM
It's the time of the year for ticks. What brand did you buy at HD? Go to pet store and get Hartz in Control yard spray and for in the house Hartz in Control Home spray. For the dog I use Zodiac Flea and tick spray its a fast acting formula. Also be careful in pulling the ticks off and leaving the head in you dog skin that will cause an infection. oh the name of those big ticks are brown dog ticks, nasty looking!

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on September 13, 2007, 12:27:56 PM
12 guage ;)

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 13, 2007, 01:46:24 PM
1 of our dogs got ticks pretty bad this year. some were the big nasty gray ones, but most the little brown ones. we just kept spraying the yard with some stuff that hooked onto the hose and then washed his bedding every night and sprayed him and bathed him daily with tick shampoo. they were gone in a couple days and havent come back.

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: kawGIRL on September 13, 2007, 02:30:24 PM
Do you have a mango tree?  Ticks breed in them  :o  We had one and just walking by it the ticks would jump on you ??? Yes we cut it down.

When I had my dog (RIP Levi) I used the once a month Heart Worm/Flea & Tick treat.  Works Awesome, I think it was about 10.00 a month.  Not a pill it's a yummy treat.
He went to camp with us and we never saw anything on him.  Yes he slept in OUR bed too so I know how you fell about that.

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: Mudneck on September 13, 2007, 02:36:09 PM
Go to a lesco & buy telstar or crosscheck, as well as some permitherin aerosol bombs. I had a buddy have this problem & when you look up it looked like the ceiling was moving...Takes several treatments. The dog drops are a good start. Now you need to take care of the infestation...

GL  :o

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: WickedBanshee on September 13, 2007, 02:37:36 PM
The best thing i found so far is .....Demon WP  .....i spray my yard and inside my home twice a year and all i find is dead critters . You can get this at a feed store or search ebay //////it comes in a foil pouch or a gallon size jug , its in powder form .....the foil pouches have 4 dissolvable packets . 1 -2 packets per 1 gallon of water ....oh and you will need a sprayer (walmart under $10)  This will not leave a residue in your home nor will it stain anything (has no odor). If bugs come in you will find them DEAD ! You spot treat .....edge of walls , corners, behind stove ,fridge ect .Outside spray about 10ft around all sides of you home . Spray the area where your dog goes and along the edge of your property ,spot treat everywhere else. Within 24 hours you will see dead critters , repeat treatment 2 weeks later . It is commercial grade stuff and WORKS ! Demon WP

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on September 13, 2007, 02:39:02 PM
We had a big tick problem also, we had to switch from Revolution to Frountline because frountline works on ticks and revolution didn't but revolution had heart worm stuff in it, so now we have to give him heart worm treats.  Frountline is that stuff you squirt on the back of thier neck.

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: WickedBanshee on September 13, 2007, 02:41:40 PM

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: WickedBanshee on September 13, 2007, 02:43:08 PM

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 13, 2007, 02:44:58 PM
The best thing i found so far is .....Demon WP  .....i spray my yard and inside my home twice a year and all i find is dead critters . You can get this at a feed store or search ebay //////it comes in a foil pouch or a gallon size jug , its in powder form .....the foil pouches have 4 dissolvable packets . 1 -2 packets per 1 gallon of water ....oh and you will need a sprayer (walmart under $10)  This will not leave a residue in your home nor will it stain anything (has no odor). If bugs come in you will find them DEAD ! You spot treat .....edge of walls , corners, behind stove ,fridge ect .Outside spray about 10ft around all sides of you home . Spray the area where your dog goes and along the edge of your property ,spot treat everywhere else. Within 24 hours you will see dead critters , repeat treatment 2 weeks later . It is commercial grade stuff and WORKS ! Demon WP

we have used that before, works great.

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: IXIswamperIXI on September 13, 2007, 02:46:02 PM
You could always get Brad Paisley to "check you for ticks" LOL sorry I had to say it  :)

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: WickedBanshee on September 13, 2007, 02:46:55 PM
YES it works so good .....If you buy it and you think its not working for you ....I will buy what you have left over !!!  ;)

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: jayd on September 13, 2007, 02:55:40 PM
I agree Telstar the yard and Demon the house.
I had problems with the ticks earlier this year and it works.  Frontline makes a spray that will help eliminate existing flea and tick infestations on the dog, I had to buy it on-line.

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: buzzardman on September 13, 2007, 04:40:44 PM
thanks everyone.  I will get that Demon stuff.  I have been using Bio spot flee and tick treatment for the dog because it is 18 bucks vs the $50.  price of the frontline treatment.  But I guess I'm gonna have to plunk down the dough. 
I'm not sure what brand of bug bomb I used in the house.  I used em  and chucked em in the trash when I was done.  It is apparent that it didn't work.  a couple of days later I found one of those pincher bugs walking along on my kitchen counter.  The bug bomb wasn't supposed to let that happen.  I'l get that Demon stuff and switch to frontline.  This is a darn shame cuz me and the hound don't get along very well.  He is my boys dog and they are best friends.  In my personal opinion, the dog isn't worth the price of a bullet.  So every dollar I spend on this problem just gets too me that much more. :'(

Every young boy needs a dog I guess, so out comes my wallet again.   In colorado we never had bug problems. :'(    Of course the mice were big enough to stand flat footed and F*&ck a duck. ;)   I used to shoot em with my son's pellet gun. 

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: Young Gun on September 13, 2007, 05:43:56 PM
Wow, I didnt know ticks were such a big problem to others.  I have never had a dog that had a tick.  My current dog has a small flea problem, but nothing k9 advantix wont fix. ;)

Title: Re: Does anyone have knowlege of pest control?
Post by: buzzardman on September 13, 2007, 06:00:31 PM
I've lived here for about 2 1/2 yrs and never had a tick problem until I took the dog to a Kennel while I was out of town.  Now it's hell.