ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: budman on August 20, 2007, 10:33:54 PM

Title: Monday Night Football
Post by: budman on August 20, 2007, 10:33:54 PM
God, I miss Howard Cosell. I never thought I would even think that, but I am about to poke my eyes out, and puncture my eardrums. Is it just me, or are these 3 losers in the box about the worst you have ever heard. Jaworski was a suck ass QB, and his brodcasting skills make Dennis Miller look good. This other guy, reminds me of know as in Moe and Curly. At least the black dude comes off as intelligent, until he feels he has to add to their drivel....

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: Fox17 on August 20, 2007, 11:15:12 PM
i only watch jacked-up in the countdown. that is awesome.

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on August 20, 2007, 11:27:33 PM
I say we protest. Think about this........
Budman, Swampdonkey and Rico up in the box.......Holy crap that would be some good entertainment....

I'll start the petition

1. Mike Lumsden

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: Smoknbanshee on August 20, 2007, 11:52:32 PM
Anybody but brian gumble in the freaking box.  thursday night football was miserable last year.  i had to work nights this week, so didn't get to see the game, but can only imagine.

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: budman on August 21, 2007, 12:23:16 AM
I say we protest. Think about this........
Budman, Swampdonkey and Rico up in the box.......Holy crap that would be some good entertainment....

I'll start the petition

1. Mike Lumsden

I'm guessing that would make me the "Dandy Don Meredith" of the trio...

2. budman

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: GrizzlyGator on August 21, 2007, 07:45:07 AM
God, I miss Howard Cosell. I never thought I would even think that, but I am about to poke my eyes out, and puncture my eardrums. Is it just me, or are these 3 losers in the box about the worst you have ever heard. Jaworski was a suck ass QB, and his brodcasting skills make Dennis Miller look good. This other guy, reminds me of know as in Moe and Curly. At least the black dude comes off as intelligent, until he feels he has to add to their drivel....

I'M 110% WITH YOU ON THIS! An old quarterback (Jaws) with no flair for the position (see John Madden) and Tony Cornholer!! give me a break (Good night Canada!! WT*) Al micheals is the MAN in the booth imo, And you can't beat ole' slobber knocker John Madden either. And yes I like Cosell as well   

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: Fox17 on August 21, 2007, 11:35:05 AM
I say we protest. Think about this........
Budman, Swampdonkey and Rico up in the box.......Holy crap that would be some good entertainment....

I'll start the petition

1. Mike Lumsden

1. Mike Lumsden
2. budman
3. Brandon Graves

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: mrbones on August 21, 2007, 01:57:04 PM
Yeah, they all put me asleep, too. Tony Kornheiser is the worst. He's better than last year, but still says some dumb things. Too bad Joe Theismann got fired and isn't on this year. Here's an interesting read about the whole thing. (

Sunday Night Football is much better, imo.

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on August 23, 2007, 10:33:15 PM
I say we protest. Think about this........
Budman, Swampdonkey and Rico up in the box.......Holy crap that would be some good entertainment....

I'll start the petition

1. Mike Lumsden

1. Mike Lumsden
2. budman
3. Brandon Graves

4. SWAMP DONKEY  ...wait do I have to be politically correct or racially sensitive???  and I will not sit with TONY KORNHOLER or JOE (break my) THIES-MAN.

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: k.p. on August 23, 2007, 10:38:17 PM
5.kyle prince

john madden is the man!!!! has anyone seen the mad tv things where they make fun of him?they are freakin hilarous

and on the topic of bad announcers: mike goldberg from ufc is the worst announcer ever, all he does is agree with joe rogan, and when he tries to make a statement he is always proven wrong. he is the worst announcer ever. but the new nfl guys suck too

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: GrizzlyGator on August 24, 2007, 06:33:25 AM
5.kyle prince

john madden is the man!!!! has anyone seen the mad TV things where they make fun of him?they are freakin hilarous

and on the topic of bad announcers: mike goldberg from ufc is the worst announcer ever, all he does is agree with joe rogan, and when he tries to make a statement he is always proven wrong. he is the worst announcer ever. but the new nfl guys suck too

Yeah they are hilarious...I saw John Madden on celebrity death match  one time kicking' the s*#t outta I think Bryant thats funny  ;D   

Title: Re: Monday Night Football
Post by: Joedirt on August 24, 2007, 11:59:37 AM
I would rather listen to Beavis and ButtHead