ATV Florida Forum

General => Group Rides & Events => Topic started by: T2 on February 27, 2005, 02:48:03 PM

Title: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: T2 on February 27, 2005, 02:48:03 PM
Ok since we didn't ride on the last ride I am trying this again for next week. Dreth, BlasterBoy_200, and myself are going to Croom on Sat 3-5-05 hopefully we can get a group ride going since the last one got rained out. Hope to see everbody out there. Later T2 ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: atvtrailer on February 27, 2005, 02:50:21 PM
il hopefully be able to make it, i almost like it when its rainin  because there isnt any dust :)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: LakeMaryKid on February 27, 2005, 05:15:55 PM
imma try and make it, but yall may have to ride a lil slower with me in your crew  :-[ Tony, how you go to croom?  ::) ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: Suzuki_Outlaw on February 27, 2005, 05:24:08 PM
My family will be there camping thursday thru sunday....GEORGE

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: dreth on February 27, 2005, 05:27:04 PM
im in! zulio canceled his trip down from pennsylvania so im free. LMK , you dont have to worry about going slow cause Tonys gonna be there ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: LakeMaryKid on February 27, 2005, 05:34:01 PM
im in! zulio canceled his trip down from pennsylvania so im free. LMK , you dont have to worry about going slow cause Tonys gonna be there ;)

True and there will be atleast two yamaha's so far so your right i dont have to worry  ;D Imma try and get GaryInSeffner to go

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: RedNeckSweetie22 on February 27, 2005, 09:08:34 PM
If I had something to ride I would can't wait till I do  8) hehe

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: eric on February 27, 2005, 09:59:06 PM
Hang in there Mandy  :-[  I went a few years without a quad because I was too young for a good paying job $$$. I know how ya feel. It only get's better!!! Also good choice on your profile quad (Z400) ;)
T2 & Dreth when you all hitting Big Scrub? BTW I sold my DS Saturday so I am going to go looking at Z400's this week. I will have to break it in though before I hit that fenced in playground called Croom ;D

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on February 28, 2005, 06:32:56 AM

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on February 28, 2005, 10:04:49 AM
dam i wish i could make it, unfortunatly my quad is still in storage from our move :'( hopefully gonna get it this saturday though ;D  will be out the following week for sure


Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: dreth on March 02, 2005, 05:40:56 AM
the weather is gonna be nice ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 02, 2005, 01:55:59 PM
guys i might be able to get there !!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on March 02, 2005, 02:22:43 PM
what time and palce we meeting i got for sure  5 bikes going and possibly another 4

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: Chris505 on March 02, 2005, 06:03:35 PM
set a time
im ready
I might be camping since the weather is looking so good..

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: dreth on March 03, 2005, 04:16:54 AM
alright Tony, give us a time and place so we can get this show on the road

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: T2 on March 03, 2005, 07:01:26 AM
We can be there around 9 or 930 if we get up at 6 in the morning. We will park in the back at the 2nd day area, if thats were everones is going to be.

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 03, 2005, 09:22:15 AM
i can meet there if thats were we are gonna meet. i still need to know if my quad is going to be here in time

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on March 03, 2005, 09:46:05 AM
ok  so in second day area say near the bathrooms between 9- 9:30 ill be there this time  with the big banna youll see me =)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: LakeMaryKid on March 03, 2005, 02:25:05 PM
i will not be in attendence

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 03, 2005, 04:35:33 PM
ill be there!!! ;D

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: T2 on March 04, 2005, 07:32:58 AM
Alright tommorow is the day! hopefully it doesn't rain and the weather is real nice and everybody can make it. I look foward to seeing old faces and make some new friends on the ride. See you guys there Later Tony ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on March 04, 2005, 07:42:47 AM
we may not  beable to make it   i tihnk  the guys im oging iwth want to ride sunday instead out there   whch means ill be hitting up the beach with the ski tommrrow =)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: atvtrailer on March 04, 2005, 11:59:49 AM
well, it dont look like il be making it tomarrow  :(

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 04, 2005, 05:48:49 PM
hey tony ill be there on saturday. pm me so i know were to meet u, its my first time at croom


Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: T2 on March 04, 2005, 07:09:40 PM
Dan, hope you know there is a fee to get in the park, it cost 40.00 for the sticker, and you need some paperwork for your bike to prove that is your bike.

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 04, 2005, 07:21:58 PM
aw man i dont think we took the papers out of storage :'( thers no way to ride there?? is there another place to ride close by


Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: atvtrailer on March 04, 2005, 08:20:46 PM
ive seen someone just get in with their name, vin# this year, just use the excuse u didnt know and u will have it next time, ive seen alot of people do it and get sold their sticker,
just dont take advantage of it if they let people slide next year and so on

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: eric on March 04, 2005, 09:20:36 PM
atvtrailer's right thats how I got my croom sticker on my old quad. Just walk up with the vin# and your license and $40 in hand. They don't really want to throw $40 away since it pays their Ranger salary ;)

Title: Re: Try this again Croom Sat 3-5-05
Post by: raptorboy954 on March 05, 2005, 06:35:50 AM
r u guys already over there??