ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: wilburz on August 01, 2007, 11:42:31 AM

Title: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: wilburz on August 01, 2007, 11:42:31 AM
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update to my previous e-mail regarding ATV's.
Due to the current budget situation in Palm Beach County, county staff has decided not to pursue the grant for a study of potential property for ATV usage at this time.
Karen T. Marcus
County Commissioner

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: Joedirt on August 01, 2007, 12:01:58 PM
What a sweet lady.....remember when it comes time to Vote.... ;)

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: Michael Bolton on August 01, 2007, 12:05:14 PM
i think you should make clear that no one is to vote for her next election, we dont need people that are not on our side in office

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: mudnuri on August 01, 2007, 06:45:21 PM
Another smoke screen.
What a joke!
They need money to study?? WHAT??
I just came home today from a week in Georgia. Say what you want about our next door neighbors to the North, but at least they get things done.
A grant for a study??
Bend over and take it I guess

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: Mars on August 01, 2007, 08:29:47 PM
What an beach. You don't pay to apply for a grant. You fill out forms like everyone else.

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: AmericanRobster on August 03, 2007, 04:57:32 PM
This goes to show how these scam artists really work >:(

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: SomBch on August 04, 2007, 05:26:32 PM
Considering shes not the only one who makes this kind of a decision(typically its the county admin. Bob Weisman) and that she was behind getting Scripps to move to the right location I wouldnt be to quick to condem her on this alone. Incase some havent noticed the county is scrambling to continue providing the same service with out the current windfall of taxes dollars. That means there is little chance of anything but the mininum in regard to spending will be happening for quite some time. These geniuses put all their chips behind the housing boom supplying ample amounts of revenue like every other place in the nation.. Well , we all know that market is in the toilet and its still circling the bowl. I would not hold my breath for a newly elected anyone to do any different . Its sad but true.

Title: Re: letter i got from palm beach county commisioner karen marcus
Post by: AmericanRobster on August 04, 2007, 09:05:06 PM
Considering shes not the only one who makes this kind of a decision(typically its the county admin. Bob Weisman) and that she was behind getting Scripps to move to the right location I wouldnt be to quick to condem her on this alone. Incase some havent noticed the county is scrambling to continue providing the same service with out the current windfall of taxes dollars. That means there is little chance of anything but the mininum in regard to spending will be happening for quite some time. These geniuses put all their chips behind the housing boom supplying ample amounts of revenue like every other place in the nation.. Well , we all know that market is in the toilet and its still circling the bowl. I would not hold my breath for a newly elected anyone to do any different . Its sad but true.

Great post