ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: outtolunch on July 07, 2007, 12:11:47 PM

Title: keep an eye out
Post by: outtolunch on July 07, 2007, 12:11:47 PM
Good morning everybody, I need a favor from ya.  A customer of mine from Obrien, FL. had his boat stolen the other day, the boat was recovered but burnt to a crisp.  But before they did that they stripped the boat clean of everything.  Center console, raymarine C80, Clarion stereo, VHF, livewell leaning post, t-top, twin yamaha 115 four strokes, anything that is worth anything they took.  The boat is a Sailfish 2360CC made by Seminole Marine in Cario, GA.  If you are anybody notices somebody trying to sell boat parts that otherwise wouldn't let me know.  I have the serial numbers to the motors and trailer.  Thank you in advance.