ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: Weekend_Warrior on July 06, 2007, 11:05:26 PM

Title: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Weekend_Warrior on July 06, 2007, 11:05:26 PM
Anyone had a chance to check out Corbit?  Thinking of going, just don't know what to expect.  Let me know if anyone has gone or would be interested in going.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: papahouse on July 07, 2007, 09:29:55 AM
Corbitt is good for UTV access, lot's of trails and water crossings.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Southern4x4 on July 08, 2007, 12:05:10 PM
Where is this corbit place?

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: papahouse on July 08, 2007, 09:11:22 PM
Where is this corbit place?

Jupiter corner of 706 & 710

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: brett711 on July 08, 2007, 09:14:35 PM
i did some work up there at the youth camp owned by fau/fwc, they said there is no riding up, ... no atv, i think they said you can use a buggy, no atv.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Weekend_Warrior on July 09, 2007, 02:02:58 AM
UTV's are side by side machines like the Rhino, Mule and Ranger and supposedly not considered ATV's at Corbit.  I am in California for 10 days but would lilke to check it out before hunting season starts when I get back.  I dont like to ride with one machine so let me know if anyone is interested in checking it out.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: papahouse on July 09, 2007, 07:19:00 AM
Weekend Warrior is right because of the classification utv and the wheel base measurements you can use WMA Rangers have stated they are legal there as well

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on July 26, 2007, 08:18:25 PM
Yes, UTVs are aloud to go in Corbet as long as they are at least 60" or longer from front wheel center hub to rear center NO! ATVs sorry guys. The main road is around 23 miles long with a lot of trails to go on but now there is a lot of water there in the trails most of them are sand bottom and deep but you can go around them there is some restricted  areas and you can get a map at the gate for them. The day rate is $3.00 per person and you pay the iron ranger at the gate put your money in the envelope and take the top copy with you and you can get a yearly WMA pass at wal-mart or on line for $26.00 and that will get you in all the WMA's.  There is camping aloud in camping areas  around 10 spots. I have been there 5 times and its a nice place to go for UTVs would like to get together for a ride if we can make a date to go later. P.S. bring a GPS

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on July 29, 2007, 07:23:02 PM
Went out to Corbett today LOTS of water road 38 miles before the storm's run me home got in one water hole and I think my ranger was floating made it out glad I moved diff. and trans. vent tubes over the back seat no more water in there. Any of you UTV riders want to set a day  to meet there and ride let do so later.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Weekend_Warrior on July 29, 2007, 10:52:15 PM
Thanks for the update on Corbitt.  I am still interested in going, just need to find the time.  We drove by there Saturday on our way back from Lake Okeechobee.  I wanted to drive in and check it out ut the wife had other plans.  Is it muddy or sand and water?  Who do you ride with? friends or do you go with kids.  I have 13 and 11 year old boys that like to go but could go with out them if needed  The next weekend I have available is the 11th of August, either Saturday or Sunday.  Let me know if that is a good weekend to meet for a ride. 

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on July 31, 2007, 08:05:34 PM
Warrior, The 11th sounds good to me unless something comes up. There is mud but mostly it it sand water and a lot of places are deep as far as your boys its all good to me I have a boy thats 8 that can come to ride sat. or sun. is good. What utv do you have Rhino, Ranger, Mule and to all others that want meet and ride  lets get a pack to go let ride.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Weekend_Warrior on July 31, 2007, 09:50:34 PM
I have a Rhino with twenty seven inch XTR's.  It goes pretty well in the mud and water but it is not snorkeled.  Hopefully some others will join in.  Let me know what time you could make it.  We are about 45 minutes away.   Is there much shade on the trails.  We havent been to River Ranch since Memorial day due to the heat and lack of water.  That looks to be changing from the reports we have heard.


Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: sbripple on July 31, 2007, 10:18:16 PM
i can drive to corbet from my house but the sob's dont like me in there on my atv.Have been in there a few times but its not worth getting caught.I may buy a rhino just so I can ride in corbet legally.Its a great place to ride.Lots of trails and a main road thats high and dry.Plenty of water if you head off the main roads.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: JackL on August 02, 2007, 06:47:51 PM
Really awesome place to take your buggy.

i can drive to corbet from my house but the sob's dont like me in there on my atv.Have been in there a few times but its not worth getting caught.I may buy a rhino just so I can ride in corbet legally.Its a great place to ride.Lots of trails and a main road thats high and dry.Plenty of water if you head off the main roads.

I wish I lived closer, I would get a side by side for sure!!!

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on August 02, 2007, 08:48:38 PM
I am going to River Ranch this Fri & Sat. if any of y'all are coming out and want to meet up for a ride Nextel #158*61*665 call me later Big T.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on August 04, 2007, 09:30:28 PM
Back home from RR great two days road 145 miles lots of water and nice people O I forgot (offroaders) good people.  Anyways back to the grind on Mon. later Big T.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Weekend_Warrior on August 05, 2007, 09:36:36 PM
Just got invited to a friends house in the Keys this weekend.  Not going to be able to go to Corbit this weekend or next.  Man I miss RR.  I am going to try and get out there in three weeks.  If not maybe we can shoot for that weekend for Corbit.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on August 06, 2007, 07:07:09 PM
Lets go to rr keep in touch later

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: MATT1969 on August 06, 2007, 11:06:44 PM
i can only hope they change the utv rule in corbet.once again i see a very good hunting area on the chopping block of being trashed like holy lands.i camp and hunt in corbet 4 months out of the year. it is a very busy hunting WMA .yes i know the buggys tear thing up little bit but for the most we all stay on the numbed trails . unlike atvs and utvs(just look at holy lands from google earth) .i know everybody is gonna say its not them doing this,but i see most people doing can bet that if your out there messing around off the main trails and mes up a guys hunting day(maybe the only one he is gonna get)your gonna have a big problem.I hunted holy  lands back about ten years was very nice area .on the weekends is was and nice and quiet and clean .now its a trash pit atv park.thats not what is supposed to be.thses are hunting areas that are being turned in ohv parks . i have ATVs and i live a mile away from corbit,but would rather not be allowed out there because i know it will be trased.there is nowhere a utv can go in corbit except the main grade and 1 trail for about 2 miles.i know this because i was out there Sunday setting my tree stand on my buggy. all trails have at least two to three feet of water.if anybody says different they are all your gonna do is ride down the main grade and get dirty looks form the hunters.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: kawGIRL on August 07, 2007, 10:56:08 AM
We have a group that goes out in Rhino's, we stay on the numbered trails, we were out about a month a ago and had to turn around a few times...couple spots are VERY DEEP other than that yes you can see the hard pack sand bottom through the water.  We like it because there are no idiots tearing up the place, never see anyone else on the trails...except wildlife  ;D
We meet at the south entrance and go from there ;)

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Bleedsblue on August 07, 2007, 03:22:01 PM
there is nowhere a utv can go in corbit except the main grade and 1 trail for about 2 miles.i know this because i was out there Sunday setting my tree stand on my buggy. all trails have at least two to three feet of water.if anybody says different they are all your gonna do is ride down the main grade and get dirty looks form the hunters.

This is mostly true but it depends on the UTV as to how far they can go. I was out there two weeks ago and just about every trail was under water. Mostly a foot or two deep with some deeper spots. Trail 6 was too deep, 5 got a bit over 3' deep but if your snorkeled you can make it through, Tomato grade has some deep spots some as deep as 4' but again if your snorkeled you'll make it, trail 3 is near impossible as 95% of it is under water and so spots are 5' or deeper.

As for the trashing of the place you better look at the buggies and trucks. It's pretty obvious all the trails being made off the numbered trails are from vehicles with more ground clearance than a UTV. We've gotten off track a couple of times on trail 4 because it was hard to follow the designated trail and they were all made by vechiles with wider tracks than our UTV's. We go out there every few weeks and other than our group have only seen one or two other UTV's even out there.

Let's not even get into the trash problem out there. Lots of kids go out there with a case of beer and leave the cans along the trails in big piles. I know because I was out there with another UTV owner earlier this year on the clean up day picking them all up.

Fact is they need more ranger patrols out there otherwise people will just do what they want till the place is closed down to all. 


Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on August 07, 2007, 09:36:51 PM
Matt1969 I don't think we will have any problem with ATVs because there not aloud out there and you say you camp out there 4 months and hunt where take a bath in the ditch J/K so what do we do with the land the other 8 months out the year don't you think other people should be able to use the land besides hunters there are lots of places to hunt in Fla. like three lakes for one I don't want to sound like a smart A-- but I think we need more places to ride because if we don't there will be a lot of good people paying fines and going to jail for riding in the wrong places and also just a reminder I have lived and hunted all my life in Fla. and paid taxes in Fla. for 51 years its my land too later Big T.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: MATT1969 on August 08, 2007, 03:14:19 PM
all i can say is. look at holy lands.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: JackL on August 08, 2007, 03:28:10 PM
all i can say is. look at holy lands.

Yeah, what of it? You are complaining about BUGGY tracks my friend. That is what you see on google earth.

SFWMD needs to give the three million new people coming here water to drink. THAT is what these 'improvements' (LMFAO) are about.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Justbilly on August 08, 2007, 03:48:22 PM
SFWMD needs to give the three million new people coming here water to drink.

Shoot me know!

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Bleedsblue on August 08, 2007, 04:11:47 PM
all i can say is. look at holy lands.

No comparison at all. Holylands allows ATVs and on any given weekend there are a 100 or more out there tearing the place up. I've been going out to Corbett for a long time and there is no where near that many people out there.


Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: suzukitrash on August 08, 2007, 04:36:00 PM
There is also no more 60" wheelbase rule at Corbitt , it says no all terrain vehicle. This will leave it up to wildlife officials to dictate what is allowed out there. Just stick to the main trails , show up on clean-up day and make everyone happy. Enjoy the outdoors and don't be an idiot. Also respect the hunting seasons by finding out what areas are hunted and when.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: MATT1969 on August 08, 2007, 10:09:24 PM
No comparison at all. Holylands allows ATVs and on any given weekend there are a 100 or more out there tearing the place up. I've been going out to Corbett for a long time and there is no where near that many people out there.


that's my point. i hope it stays that way.   

deer and hog hunting seasons runs from aug 24 to jan 5.then its small game season.then  turkey season till that only leaves a couple of months with no hunting.98 percent of the people out there during that time are hunting,and there hunting all over .not just in certain areas.

oh ya .jack i guess your right i always see so many buggys in holy lands when im out there  ::)

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: JackL on August 09, 2007, 10:36:27 AM
oh ya .jack i guess your right i always see so many buggys in holy lands when im out there  ::)

How many people do you see exactly, out 500ft past the dikes on either side?

If you ride the gravel road you just might see these hundreds of people, but I'm not into that.
I have ridden the place all day and seen no one but buggies. How many of these hundreds even would know their is a buggy bridge out there if they didn't see pictures?

I hope you don't seriously believe the trails and ruts come from quads. If they do, these quads are as big as buggys. ;)

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: MATT1969 on August 09, 2007, 10:47:27 AM
if anybody went out there 10-15 years ago they would know what im talking about. it was vey nice before all the atvs started going for every 1 buggy you have 250 atvs trashing the place.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Rare Earth Rider on August 09, 2007, 04:29:40 PM
Well guess what 10- 15 years ago there was not as many people in the state but we could not put a gate at the state line and stop them also back in the day how many condos were on the beach now look at it why!!!! people are moving to Fla. by my neighborhood on U.S.1. use to be nothing but now its pack what about back in the 70 or 80s you cant go by what it used to be cause it ant never coming back and its going to get worse before it get better all we can do is try to let riders know to take care of there lands that they got and not trash it up and maybe it will work if you go about it the right way but you got to think what you say and not just say don't throw your trash on the ground because they not going to listen to that later Big T.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: M.Stavrinos on September 01, 2007, 05:03:55 PM
we have been goin to corbet for a few months now,,, we go out there with 4 rhinos,,,we found some real nice trails.

Title: Re: South Florida UTV owners
Post by: Palmettobay_recon on September 08, 2007, 04:56:44 PM
Also Holyland is not a comparison because it has no numbered trails and is extremely unorganized and unpatrolled. Basically no rules except you must have a flag...