ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Thrumud on May 18, 2007, 11:04:31 PM

Title: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 18, 2007, 11:04:31 PM
South West Florida Fox 4 News is bashing the use of ATVs in South Florida. On Monday May 21st they are having a special about the dangers of ATV use. I need you guys to e-mail the media in a polite way and give your input. 

As some of you may know, the SFWMD said they would open a temporary site in Collier County while the Lake Trafford permanent site is cleared. The SFWMD also said they would have the temporary site open by the beginning of April, GUESS WHAT ! No temp site open. Lee County Parks & Recreation (Fred Johnson) said that an OHV park was in the works in Ft Myers. Lee County Commissioners keep putting a wall every time the topic comes up. Lee County was supposed to receive a $440,000 grant for an OHV Park "what happen" ? Enough is enough – Please this is part of our battle, send your comments to the e-mails below before Monday 3:PM.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: JackL on May 19, 2007, 09:17:12 AM
South West Florida Fox 4 News is bashing the use of ATVs in South Florida. On Monday May 21st they are having a special about the dangers of ATV use. I need you guys to e-mail the media in a polite way and give your input. 

As some of you may know, the SFWMD said they would open a temporary site in Collier County while the Lake Trafford permanent site is cleared. The SFWMD also said they would have the temporary site open by the beginning of April, GUESS WHAT ! No temp site open. Lee County Parks & Recreation (Fred Johnson) said that an OHV park was in the works in Ft Myers. Lee County Commissioners keep putting a wall every time the topic comes up. Lee County was supposed to receive a $440,000 grant for an OHV Park "what happen" ? Enough is enough – Please this is part of our battle, send your comments to the e-mails below before Monday 3:PM.

I looked all over the site and can't find the story. You have a link or is it on TV?
What are they saying?

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: eldiablo64 on May 19, 2007, 10:20:11 AM
I emailed 6them .I also sent them this post from florida that was posted by Paul S.  and told them maybe they should do a story about the dangers of soccer seeing as it is more dangerous than atv's.    Just thought I would put up some interesting facts I have come across recently. These are a few years out of date, but it is the latest info available. As you can see the steady improvement of ATV safety over the years has led to the steady decline of injuries and fatalities on ATV’s. Check it out.

2003 Risk Injury Assessment per 100,00 vehicles

Activity                                     Emergency room injury per 100,000 participants

Football                                                                2,292
Basketball                                                             2,051
Wrestling                                                              1,960
Boxing                                                                  1,777
Soccer                                                                 1,439
Baseball                                                                  985
Skateboarding                                                          982
Bicycle Riding                                                           979
Softball                                                                   897
Ice Hockey                                                              879
Snowboarding                                                           815
Roller Skating                                                            596
Skiing                                                                      520
Snowmobiling                                                            509
Martial Arts                                                               496
Volleyball                                                                  476
ATV’s                                                                                       472
Racquetball                                                              338
Scooter Riding                                                          326
In-Line Skating                                                         280
Ice/Figure Skating                                                     271
Roller Hockey                                                            255
Weightlifting                                                              253
Swimming                                                                 235
Tennis                                                                      221
Paintball                                                                   190
Fishing                                                                     144
Water Skiing                                                              132
Golf                                                                         123
Archery                                                                    83
Fencing                                                                    67
Exercising w/equipment                                               62
Scuba Diving                                                             58
Bowling                                                                     39
Horseshoe Pitching                                                      32
Badminton                                                                  30
Table Tennis                                                              17
Billiards/pool                                                               12
Camping                                                                     6

For participants 7 years of age and older.


“2003 Annual Report of ATV Deaths and Injuries”,
CPSC, January 2005.
“Sports Participation in 2003″, National Sporting
Goods Association.

So as you can see we ranked right between Vollyball and Racquetball in injuries. I am still waiting for congress to legislate more safety on the Vollyball and Racquetball industries!!

Here is another one:

2003 Injury Risk Estimates Per 100,000 Participants

Activity                                              Injuries per 100,00 participants
Motor Vehicles                                                       993
Passenger Cars                                                      604
Atv                                                                      488

So we are safer than a car also.


Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: yfz122 on May 19, 2007, 11:55:33 AM
South West Florida Fox 4 News is bashing the use of ATVs in South Florida. On Monday May 21st they are having a special about the dangers of ATV use. I need you guys to e-mail the media in a polite way and give your input. 

As some of you may know, the SFWMD said they would open a temporary site in Collier County while the Lake Trafford permanent site is cleared. The SFWMD also said they would have the temporary site open by the beginning of April, GUESS WHAT ! No temp site open. Lee County Parks & Recreation (Fred Johnson) said that an OHV park was in the works in Ft Myers. Lee County Commissioners keep putting a wall every time the topic comes up. Lee County was supposed to receive a $440,000 grant for an OHV Park "what happen" ? Enough is enough – Please this is part of our battle, send your comments to the e-mails below before Monday 3:PM.

So which dangers are they referencing?  Are we discussing ecological issues or physical issues? I would like to know what to address when I send the email. Thanks.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 19, 2007, 01:43:24 PM
They have short radio announcements about the story on Monday.  Not on their site yet but keep checking.

yfz122 its about physical issues -

Maybe if there were more regulated areas to ride kids and riders won't be getting injured, that's the solution, but these idiots don't get it.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: JackL on May 20, 2007, 07:10:27 AM
They have short radio announcements about the story on Monday.  Not on their site yet but keep checking.

yfz122 its about physical issues -

Maybe if there were more regulated areas to ride kids and riders won't be getting injured, that's the solution, but these idiots don't get it.

So it is good they got that post with the injury data on various sports before they went to the press with the story. Maybe some of the info will actually make it into the story...

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: lisa on May 20, 2007, 08:54:42 AM
  Challenge them to attend the rally, so they can see, and film, folks behaving in an appropriate manner on ATVs.....

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Paul_S on May 20, 2007, 09:03:41 AM
  Challenge them to attend the rally, so they can see, and film, folks behaving in an appropriate manner on ATVs.....

Good idea.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 20, 2007, 11:15:21 AM
The report is on the "lack of strict safety measures"

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: r6realtor on May 20, 2007, 11:37:41 PM
The report is on the "lack of strict safety measures"
On the tv commercial they show what looks to be a 10 year old little girl that was hurt on an atv, which I can almost bet she was on a bike twice the size she needed to be on. They also show the reporter making a phone call, asking "why aren't there stricter saftey procedures for atv" like she's some troubleshooter tuff guy. Her story i can tell already will be one sided, hopefully someone can get the link on here and we can email her with constructive comments. Maybe we can show her it's not the manufactures faults or the salesmans faults, it's the parents who let the kids run wild on them. It's seems as if no one can take responsibility for there own actions anymore.
Plus who needs safety rules anyway when there is no where to ride?? an atv can't get much safer sitting in the garage ???
This is the womens email that is actually doing the story,her name is
Marisa Mendelson

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: yfz122 on May 21, 2007, 06:25:28 AM provides some valuable statistics from a reliable source.  I have emailed fcarr and asked that they take the time to review that information.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Loven It on May 21, 2007, 10:25:31 AM
The report is on the "lack of strict safety measures"
On the tv commercial they show what looks to be a 10 year old little girl that was hurt on an atv, which I can almost bet she was on a bike twice the size she needed to be on. They also show the reporter making a phone call, asking "why aren't there stricter saftey procedures for atv" like she's some troubleshooter tuff guy. Her story i can tell already will be one sided, hopefully someone can get the link on here and we can email her with constructive comments. Maybe we can show her it's not the manufactures faults or the salesmans faults, it's the parents who let the kids run wild on them. It's seems as if no one can take responsibility for there own actions anymore.
Plus who needs safety rules anyway when there is no where to ride?? an atv can't get much safer sitting in the garage ???
This is the womens email that is actually doing the story,her name is
Marisa Mendelson

I just wanted to add that unfortunately some of the fault does lie in the manufactures...or should I say the rules that the manufactures have to abide by not sure....

The atv size/cc rules have not been revised in years per the atv saftey council. That is a problem!! I really believe maybe just maybe atvs would not get a bad name when you see a kid on an atv that is not the appropriate size if the sizes were adjusted. Not sure if that makes sense. Let me try and put it this way. The general impression in society is that the sticker on the atv says no riders under the age of 12 on a 90cc. People look at that and go that kid shouldn't have even been on that atv he was under the required age. If the regulations were adjusted, and the 12 year old was on a 200cc or 250cc bike would people be so quick to judge? Probably not if the sticker would have their age catagory listed. See the point I am trying to make here. Please don't read this like I am blaming the manufactures I am not at all. They need people on thier side to help get the regualtions adjusted.

We have all bitched about this before. My child was in danger of being hurt on a 50cc atv at 6yrs old. He stands almost to my shoulders and is not a little boy. Him riding on a 50cc was so much more dangerous in the aspect that quad was getting more and more tippy when he would lean to the side just because of his size. Just like a 9 your old being on a 90cc unless that kid is tiny they are at more risk of being hurt on an "age appropriate" quad. The point is let the media get ahold of the fact that my son gets injured on a 90cc when he should have been on a 50cc and I will be the "bad parent" who has their kid on an inappropriate sized atv. Hope the point I was trying to make, makes sense.

ATV safety with children in my opinion all comes down to personal accountability on the childs parent. Nothing happens to parents when a child under the age of 16 is on an atv if they are not wearing a helmet. Why? Is it not the law that under 16 you must wear a helmet. Maybe if more and more parents had to pay the fines or actually be responsible for the actions of their kids they would take safety a little more seriously. Maybe not. See it this way if that dosen't make sense..Its just like us riders, we get stopped and told its not a legal riding area and if we come back we will get a ticket...what do MOST of us do? Not go back because we don't want to chance our bikes getting impounded or getting a ticket.

edit-sending my email now.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: r6realtor on May 21, 2007, 10:41:13 AM
Loven it, I hear what your saying and that does makes sense. I am just trying to remember the last time I saw a kid on an atv that looked like he weighed more than 60 pounds and his feet were so far away from the pegs or floorboard of the atv that he was using the side of the motor or the cvt transmission as the floorboards for a resting area for his feet. There are parents out there that do try to get an atv at least size approperaite for there children regardless of age and then there are some that let there son or daughter drive around the Parents atv, and that's what I see 98% of the time. So I blame the parents.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 11:15:08 AM
 I wrote them and here is the response I received.

Dear Mr. Bartus:

            Please don’t take this the wrong way, but any time we do a story having anything to do with certain hobbies that people feel passionately about – ATV’s and motorcycles being two prime examples – we get flooded with letters from enthusiasts who want us do a story putting what they would consider a “positive spin” on the story.   We don’t do that.  When we set out to do a story, we don’t set out to do either a “positive” or a “negative” story.  Instead, we set out to examine an issue or question that seems newsworthy.  In this case, the crux of our story is that certain types of ATV injuries possibly could be reduced if certain voluntary standards were made mandatory.   That’s it.  Most of the points you make do not fall within the scope of our story.


            I also responded some of your other comments on a point by point basis below.


            I invite you to watch the story and follow up with any comments at that time.


            Thanks for writing us.


Forrest Carr

News Director


621 S.W. Pine Island Rd.

Cape Coral FL 33991
Station Tel:  (239) 574-3636
Direct line:  (239) 829 1103

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 21, 2007, 06:47:17 PM
YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: mudnuri on May 21, 2007, 06:48:51 PM
The news media stinks. Can't ever remember them coming to an event and reporting on all the good things that happened. The stigma related to off-roading and ATV'ing is negative in many peoples eyes. We need to find a reporter who will show the positive side of ATV'ing. The family aspect should be enough.
Maybe this rally should generate some sort of fundraiser for a needy group. Like handicap children or something?

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 21, 2007, 06:51:35 PM
Well said r6realtor  ;)

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: americanhighlander on May 21, 2007, 07:44:39 PM
You guys should listen Rush Limbaugh show on friday
the  guy that doesn't like globe warming BS and
emp nuts.

Yeah  he  was talking about  southwest FLA about oil rigs
and he said  the people  in naples area all that area are  old fart emp nuts
and rush thinks the old farts are manics nuts, and all old farts do is eat sleep
and doing noting all day. He sure put plain stright on show on friday and he's right
about sw florida and like you guys on here your sure telling truth about that.

I swear god he telling this on friday all over air waves during afternoon hours  and he was talking with
guy over phone about oil gas prices and he was talking about why state of florida about oil prices.Thats
what bring up topic on Rush Show on friday.

Yeah i'll listen to it on 97.3fm the sky and this's right out of gainesville area
you should be getting this down in ocala areas.


Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: cheropride on May 21, 2007, 08:08:54 PM
Yes, I saw this too, I currently working on a letter and going to send.  Thanks for keeping me posted, as always...... ;)

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 08:55:28 PM
Here are the e-mails I sent in order. We went back and forth a few times.

  I heard you are going to do a story of the dangers of ATV riding. I would l;like it if you could include the following.

1. ATV riders don't have a safe, regulated place to ride.

2. The state caters to all out door activities except ours.

3. The hunters and ATVers are the only groups that have to PAY to use our National Forests, which is public land.

4. As far as injuries go ATVing is far down on the list compared to most activities.

2003 Risk Injury Assessment per 100,00 vehicles

Activity                                     Emergency room injury per 100,000 participants

Football                                                                2,292
Basketball                                                             2,051
Wrestling                                                              1,960
Boxing                                                                  1,777
Soccer                                                                 1,439
Baseball                                                                  985
Skate boarding                                                          982
Bicycle Riding                                                           979
Softball                                                                   897
Ice Hockey                                                              879
Snow boarding                                                           815
Roller Skating                                                            596
Skiing                                                                      520
Snowmobiling                                                            509
Martial Arts                                                               496
Volleyball                                                                  476
ATV’s                                                                                       472
Racquet ball                                                              338
Scooter Riding                                                          326
In-Line Skating                                                         280
Ice/Figure Skating                                                     271
Roller Hockey                                                            255
Weight lifting                                                              253
Swimming                                                                 235
Tennis                                                                      221
Paint ball                                                                   190
Fishing                                                                     144
Water Skiing                                                              132
Golf                                                                         123
Archery                                                                    83
Fencing                                                                    67
Exercising w/equipment                                               62
Scuba Diving                                                             58
Bowling                                                                     39
Horseshoe Pitching                                                      32
Badminton                                                                  30
Table Tennis                                                              17
Billiards/pool                                                               12
Camping                                                                     6

For participants 7 years of age and older.


“2003 Annual Report of ATV Deaths and Injuries”,
CPSC, January 2005.
“Sports Participation in 2003″, National Sporting
Goods Association.

Here is another one:

2003 Injury Risk Estimates Per 100,000 Participants

Activity                                              Injuries per 100,00 participants
Motor Vehicles                                                       993
Passenger Cars                                                      604
Atv                                                                      488

So we are safer than a car also.

My final thoughts are, if you give us a place to go you won't have half the problems that you do now.

                                                                                                     Thanks for reading
                                                                                                      Frank Bartus

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 08:57:39 PM

Dear Mr. Bartus:

            Please don’t take this the wrong way, but any time we do a story having anything to do with certain hobbies that people feel passionately about – ATV’s and motorcycles being two prime examples – we get flooded with letters from enthusiasts who want us do a story putting what they would consider a “positive spin” on the story.   We don’t do that.  When we set out to do a story, we don’t set out to do either a “positive” or a “negative” story.  Instead, we set out to examine an issue or question that seems newsworthy.  In this case, the crux of our story is that certain types of ATV injuries possibly could be reduced if certain voluntary standards were made mandatory.   That’s it.  Most of the points you make do not fall within the scope of our story.


            I also responded some of your other comments on a point by point basis below.


            I invite you to watch the story and follow up with any comments at that time.


            Thanks for writing us.


Forrest Carr

News Director


621 S.W. Pine Island Rd.

Cape Coral FL 33991
Station Tel:  (239) 574-3636
Direct line:  (239) 829 1103


From: []
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 9:57 AM
To: Forrest Carr
Cc: Krista Fogelsong; Judy Kenney; Patrick Nolan
Subject: Dangers of ATVing


  I heard you are going to do a story of the dangers of ATV riding. I would l;like it if you could include the following.

1. ATV riders don't have a safe, regulated place to ride.

--  We have done probably about a dozen stories on this very issue.   FYI, the response from most taxpayers has been, “Why is this MY problem?”

2. The state caters to all out door activities except ours.

-- “All out door activies?”  That’s certainly not true.  It is true that the state allows SOME other types of outdoor activities.  Offhand I can’t think of any other outdoor activity that is as hard on the environment as ATV riding.

3. The hunters and ATVers are the only groups that have to PAY to use our National Forests, which is public land.

-- Absolutely untrue.

4. As far as injuries go ATVing is far down on the list compared to most activities.

--  OK.  But what is your point?   Are you saying that the current level of death and injury is acceptable and that no more needs to be done?  Or do you feel we’ve done all we can?  In either case, a lot of people would disagree with you.

2003 Risk Injury Assessment per 100,00 vehicles

Activity                                     Emergency room injury per 100,000 participants

Football                                                                2,292
Basketball                                                             2,051
Wrestling                                                              1,960
Boxing                                                                  1,777
Soccer                                                                 1,439
Baseball                                                                  985
Skate boarding                                                          982
Bicycle Riding                                                           979
Softball                                                                   897
Ice Hockey                                                              879
Snow boarding                                                           815
Roller Skating                                                            596
Skiing                                                                      520
Snowmobiling                                                            509
Martial Arts                                                               496
Volleyball                                                                  476
ATV’s                                                                                       472
Racquet ball                                                              338
Scooter Riding                                                          326
In-Line Skating                                                         280
Ice/Figure Skating                                                     271
Roller Hockey                                                            255
Weight lifting                                                              253
Swimming                                                                 235
Tennis                                                                      221
Paint ball                                                                   190
Fishing                                                                     144
Water Skiing                                                              132
Golf                                                                         123
Archery                                                                    83
Fencing                                                                    67
Exercising w/equipment                                               62
Scuba Diving                                                             58
Bowling                                                                     39
Horseshoe Pitching                                                      32
Badminton                                                                  30
Table Tennis                                                              17
Billiards/pool                                                               12
Camping                                                                     6

For participants 7 years of age and older.

-- Again, I’d ask, what is your point?  Do you think “Racket ball” injuries, for instance, are the same type of injuries that young people tend to suffer from ATV crashes?  I assure you that’s not the case.  Further, when you exclude people under the age of 7, you’re excluding some people who have been very seriously injured or killed on ATV’s.  I personally know of someone who has been confined to a wheelchair suffering from severe brain damage because of an ATV accident she suffered at the age of 3.

Here is another one:

2003 Injury Risk Estimates Per 100,000 Participants

Activity                                              Injuries per 100,00 participants
Motor Vehicles                                                       993
Passenger Cars                                                      604
Atv                                                                      488

So we are safer than a car also.

-- Again, your point is what?  That anything more safe than an automobile is just fine as it is?  You are entitled to your opinion, but a lot of people have opposite opinions.  Cars are intensely regulated.  People under a certain age can’t drive them.   Those who do have to be licensed.  Strict insurance regulations apply.  Strict manufacturing requirements apply.  And so on.  By my read, if your stats are correct, ATV’s are only slightly “more safe” than cars.   Doesn’t that suggest to you that someone needs to be paying closer attention to what is happening on ATVs, especially given the age of some of the riders?

My final thoughts are, if you give us a place to go you won't have half the problems that you do now.

                                                                                                     Thanks for reading
                                                                                                      Frank Bartus

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 08:59:00 PM
My next e-mail back

 Thanks for your reply. Hopefully in the future you can do a story to help us. I know the media doesn't like positive stories.
                                                                      Frank Bartus

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:00:44 PM
Next response

It’s obvious you did not read my reply.  So let me underscore the following line in my note, written in response to your statement that ATV riders don’t have a place to ride: 

“We have done probably about a dozen stories on this very issue.”  Each one of those stories was about the very issue you bring up, and explored efforts to find a place for ATV’ers to ride.   In that light, your statement that “the media doesn’t like positive stories” is a little unfair.
I do think, however, that it would be fair to say that not all ATV enthusiasts are open to any kind of criticism of their sport.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:03:24 PM
My next one. I don't have children but it sounded good. I hope Bounty doesn't get offended about the disabled part. That was a lie too, but it seemed to work.

 I thank you again for replying. I didn't want to come off to harsh, but all you see in the news is negativity(I'm not just referring to ATV's). I know it's not your fault. That is what sells. The other thing that is usually not reported is if the person hurt had on a helmet. Thanks for any help you can give us to keep the only sport that I can participate in with my children, being a dissabled vet.
                                                                                  Frank Bartus

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:04:12 PM
there response

I understand.  Please do watch the story. I’d be very interested in any follow-up comments.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: qt314nfla on May 21, 2007, 09:04:39 PM
Write back and ask them if they give criticism to other sports that are listed that are far more dangerous that ATV's.  Or even trampoline's.  I see more kids in my office w/ trampoline injuries than the majority of others.  Why aren't we protecting our kids from these horrible toys?  They should clearly be banned from back yards county and state wide.  Yet, I've never seen any report on these dangers.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:09:40 PM
My last one

I don't want to beat you up but I want to comment on this.

  I heard you are going to do a story of the dangers of ATV riding. I would l;like it if you could include the following.

1. ATV riders don't have a safe, regulated place to ride.
--  We have done probably about a dozen stories on this very issue.   FYI, the response from most taxpayers has been, “Why is this MY problem?”

We pay money to title our ATVs that was supposed to open up riding areas in FL. We were promised new riding areas but nothing. They keep closing down what we have now. There is grant money that they are holding back with red tape. Also the SFWMD has been going back on the contract they made for land to ride on.

2. The state caters to all out door activities except ours.
-- “All out door activies?”  That’s certainly not true.  It is true that the state allows SOME other types of outdoor activities.  Offhand I can’t think of any other outdoor activity that is as hard on the environment as ATV riding.

Clearing a few thousand acres for a golf course is a lot harder on the enviorment then making trail through the woods. We don't misplace all the animals when we ride like development does. Plus all the water wasted to maintain it.

3. The hunters and ATVers are the only groups that have to PAY to use our National Forests, which is public land.
-- Absolutely untrue.

Do bird watchers and hikers have to buy a sticker to go in the forest and hike and bird watch?

4. As far as injuries go ATVing is far down on the list compared to most activities.
--  OK.  But what is your point?   Are you saying that the current level of death and injury is acceptable and that no more needs to be done?  Or do you feel we’ve done all we can?  In either case, a lot of people would disagree with you.

I agree with the point of you can never have enough education or safety in any sport.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:10:23 PM
there last one
I don’t feel beaten up on.  Please do watch the story tonight.  I’d be very interested in any follow-up comments.

BTW, the last three times I went hiking, I did pay a fee to get into the national forest.  But that was in Arizona.  I’m not familiar with Florida policies.


Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 09:11:30 PM
If someone has a link to the story I would like to see it. They are under the impression that i live in the area and am going to see it. Thanks

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: r6realtor on May 21, 2007, 09:22:15 PM
If someone has a link to the story I would like to see it. They are under the impression that i live in the area and am going to see it. Thanks

it will be on fox 4 news at ten, not sure when the link will be up but here is the site then look under fox 4 investigates, it should be in the troubleshooter section.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 21, 2007, 10:20:09 PM
Someone sent a real nasty e-mail to Fox news, they posted the e-mail. Not too smart !

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 21, 2007, 10:23:19 PM
From Fox News

4 In Your Corner Investigation
ATV Safety

May 21, 2007 10:15 PM EDT

    According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission over the past 20 years, there have been around 300 ATV related deaths in Florida...more than 60 of those people were under 16. Right now, ATV safety standards are voluntary. With the number of deaths rising all the time, some consumer groups want to know how many more people have to die before those voluntary standards become mandatory? I checked out both sides of the issue to find out what's going on and what safety experts say needs to be done.
     Back in October, Justine Huffer of North Port was riding on an ATV with her friend when the unexpected happened. Huffer says she "made a left turn, a really sharp left turn and it was on a shell driveway. We think that the ATV slid on the shells." She tells me that's when the adult-sized ATV flipped. "I stuck my leg out to catch myself from falling and the ATV fell over on my leg and it dragged it." What happened next will scar Huffer for the rest of her life. She tells me the "bone broke into the ground and I lost part of my bone, like a few inches or something."
     Even experienced riders like 22-year-old Chris Skillman of Lehigh Acres have their horror stories. He tells me once when he was on his ATV, he "flipped it and fractured my shoulder blade and messed my shoulder up. Other than that, that's pretty much it." Skillman tells me he's been riding ATVs since he was about 5-years-old.
     Skillman wasn't injured severely enough to stop riding ATVs, but every year a lot of people are. CPSC data shows that there were 467 ATV related deaths in 2005. 120 of those that died were children under 16. Rachel Weintraub of the Consumer Federation of America says those numbers are devastating. She tells me, "over 90% of children who are injured or killed on ATVs are actually operating adult-sized ATVs. So the problem is the system isn't working and isn't preventing kids from riding machines that are too large and too powerful for them."
     Right now, there's a voluntary standard in place that recommends children not ride adult-sized ATVs but the Consumer Federation of America wants it mandatory. The group that could change that is the Consumer Product Safety Commission. So I went straight to CPSC spokesperson Scott Wolfson. I asked, "why not make that voluntary standard mandatory?" He responded by saying "it really is an issue where CPSC is an agency that doesn't go into somebody's home...doesn not go into someone's backyard."
     Instead, the CPSC is developing rules to help drive down deaths. They include banning 3-wheel ATVs and offering free training. Meanwhile, Justine Huffer's parents aren't against ATVs, but they do want tougher safety standards. As for Justine, her scarred leg hasn't completely scared her away from riding again. She says "for right now, I think I'll stay off of them."
     Obviously, far fewer people get hurt on ATVs than in cars but there are far more cars than ATVs. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2003 about 116-thousand people got hurt or killed on ATVs that year. That works out to 0.18 per ATV. In that same year, according to the feds, 1.9-million people got hurt or killed on the highways, or .08 per vehicle. When you divide the two, you find ATV riders are more than twice as likely to get hurt per vehicle.
    The CPSC is working on a complete ban of 3-wheelers and it wants to require stronger warnings to parents. Meanwhile, there's no law in Florida requiring ATV riders to be a certain age and you don't have to have a license to operate one.
                                                                                                                       MARISA MENDELSON

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 21, 2007, 10:41:37 PM
They posted some of my comments too.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: r6realtor on May 21, 2007, 10:42:35 PM
Well I still think it comes down to the parents, when is the last time you saw a 10-15 year old or sometimes even older go buy a $6000+ bike by themselves? No one is taking responsibility for themselves anymore, the only time I get hurt my bike is when I am doing something stupid. I actually think there should be a test that you have to take to buy an atv, just some basics, like is it ok to ride on the pavement or on a main street? or is it ok to go as fast as you can on a trail because you don't think anyone else is on it? and how about is it ok for your 6 year old to ride your full size quad? you would be suprised how many dumba$$es would say it's ok. This story really seems to be going no where anyway how can you regulate some of the retard parents from letting there own kids ride in there own back yard and then when they get hurt it's the big bad oversized atv's fault??

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 21, 2007, 11:27:49 PM
  Challenge them to attend the rally, so they can see, and film, folks behaving in an appropriate manner on ATVs.....

maybe you should show up and volunteer to be a guest speaker. put your kind words to work and let everyone know just how hard you work for our riding areas. 

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: JackL on May 21, 2007, 11:47:17 PM
" According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission over the past 20 years, there have been around 300 ATV related deaths in Florida..."

This just doesn't seem very high compared to practically everything else in Florida, including crossing the street....?

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: HondaATC on May 22, 2007, 08:30:21 AM
Oh boy, a complete ban on 3 wheelers!  :o Well we'll just see about that, I know about 10,000 people that would love to make an ass out of the CPSC.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: MPTonyT on May 22, 2007, 09:27:38 AM
3,308 people died in 2005 due to vehicular homicide  :drive.gif (Non ATV Related).... sniff  :'( sniff.... looks like our cars are the next thing to disapear!!!  ;)

everysport has its dangers, people break bones playing football and soccer. doesnt seem right to bash on the ATV community. theres idiots out there in every sport that do dumb sh*t. look at the boaters that polute the waters, get intoxicated  :T and drive their boats like an idiot some resulting in death  :S ..... they are no better than the idiots we have in our sport!!  :Clown.gif

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Loven It on May 22, 2007, 10:05:05 AM
From Fox News

4 In Your Corner Investigation
ATV Safety

May 21, 2007 10:15 PM EDT

    According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission over the past 20 years, there have been around 300 ATV related deaths in Florida...more than 60 of those people were under 16. Right now, ATV safety standards are voluntary. With the number of deaths rising all the time, some consumer groups want to know how many more people have to die before those voluntary standards become mandatory? I checked out both sides of the issue to find out what's going on and what safety experts say needs to be done.
     Back in October, Justine Huffer of North Port was riding on an ATV with her friend when the unexpected happened. Huffer says she "made a left turn, a really sharp left turn and it was on a shell driveway. We think that the ATV slid on the shells." She tells me that's when the adult-sized ATV flipped. "I stuck my leg out to catch myself from falling and the ATV fell over on my leg and it dragged it." What happened next will scar Huffer for the rest of her life. She tells me the "bone broke into the ground and I lost part of my bone, like a few inches or something."       Even experienced riders like 22-year-old Chris Skillman of Lehigh Acres have their horror stories.  He tells me once when he was on his ATV, he "flipped it and fractured my shoulder blade and messed my shoulder up. Other than that, that's pretty much it." Skillman tells me he's been riding ATVs since he was about 5-years-old.
     Skillman wasn't injured severely enough to stop riding ATVs, but every year a lot of people are. CPSC data shows that there were 467 ATV related deaths in 2005. 120 of those that died were children under 16. Rachel Weintraub of the Consumer Federation of America says those numbers are devastating. She tells me, "over 90% of children who are injured or killed on ATVs are actually operating adult-sized ATVs. So the problem is the system isn't working and isn't preventing kids from riding machines that are too large and too powerful for them."
     Right now, there's a voluntary standard in place that recommends children not ride adult-sized ATVs but the Consumer Federation of America wants it mandatory. The group that could change that is the Consumer Product Safety Commission. So I went straight to CPSC spokesperson Scott Wolfson. I asked, "why not make that voluntary standard mandatory?" He responded by saying "it really is an issue where CPSC is an agency that doesn't go into somebody's home...doesn not go into someone's backyard."
     Instead, the CPSC is developing rules to help drive down deaths. They include banning 3-wheel ATVs and offering free training. Meanwhile, Justine Huffer's parents aren't against ATVs, but they do want tougher safety standards. As for Justine, her scarred leg hasn't completely scared her away from riding again. She says "for right now, I think I'll stay off of them."  
     Obviously, far fewer people get hurt on ATVs than in cars but there are far more cars than ATVs. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2003 about 116-thousand people got hurt or killed on ATVs that year. That works out to 0.18 per ATV. In that same year, according to the feds, 1.9-million people got hurt or killed on the highways, or .08 per vehicle. When you divide the two, you find ATV riders are more than twice as likely to get hurt per vehicle.
    The CPSC is working on a complete ban of 3-wheelers and it wants to require stronger warnings to parents. Meanwhile, there's no law in Florida requiring ATV riders to be a certain age and you don't have to have a license to operate one.
                                                                                                                       MARISA MENDELSON

How old is Justine??? What size ATV???

 I find it very interesting that when Justine's accident is mentioned her age nor size of atv is, it just stated "adult sized ATV" flipped over on her. But yet the rider in the next paragraph is listed as 22yrs old. I am lead to belive she was not on an "age appropriate" ATV. In the end of the article it again references Justine and "her parents would like to see tougher standards" more indication the rider was not on an "age appropriate" atv. Also I want to point out that reading Justines story it said she was RIDING ON an ATV WITH HER FRIEND...was that a 2up ATV she was on? Does anyone see the point I am making.

What I got from this article was that a parent allowed their child to ride an "adult sized atv" got hurt and the parents want to see harsher laws on ATV's because of it......Am I the only one that sees it that way.

There are currently labels on ATV's that say no one under the age of whatever should operate ATV. My question is what type of harsher laws could they come up with that they think people will actually follow? There are many parents now that let the children under the age of 16 ride with out a helmet and that is a state law. Why are the parents not getting tickets for allowing their child to break the law? I truely beleive the only way to have child atv related injuries reduced is to start holding parents accountable. After all the child would not be on an ATV if the parent did not allow them...well then the parent needs to make sure their child is as safe as can be as there is danger in any sport!

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: MPTonyT on May 22, 2007, 10:23:28 AM
don't forget the label that reads "NO PASSENGERS" unless you a 2up ATV

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Thrumud on May 22, 2007, 05:54:26 PM
They never mentioned the little girl riding an adult ATV.  I'm telling you guys .... THE MEDIA IS CRAP!

By the way, the reporter from FOX 4 news called me this afternoon and wants to ask me some questions regarding ATVs .  I just got out of a business meeting but I will call her tomorrow. Will keep you posted. 

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: gearhead400 on May 22, 2007, 06:35:50 PM
thank you for being an idiot Chris skillman! I know your not a member on this site and if you are, you probably have your head buried in the sand somewhere.

Also big thanks to nick!

Giving them ammo only hurts us.

We should of said something about Motorcycles and their saftey. I think the state wanted to UP the death toll when they made it legal to ride without helmets. Riding without a helmet on a motorcycle or quad is just stupid so i dont know why they would of even pasted that law.

Also that little girl was riding DOUBLE from what i heard, which your told NOT to do...they even have it written on the atv!!!!

----just went back and actually read this post instead of just hitting reply out of anger lol, and relised everyone else already said what i said.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: eldiablo64 on May 22, 2007, 07:13:08 PM
A real reporter would have looked at that girls parents and asked why she was riding double on an adult size machine while pointing at the warning labels mounted on the fender of an atv.while pointing out to the parents that it says noone under 16,no is a parental supervision problem and those are the only ones you can point the finger at the idiot parents.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: gearhead400 on May 22, 2007, 07:16:47 PM
I just wrote her what i would call a great email and tried to get her to do a follow up story about how to be safe on an ATV and still have fun. I also touched base on the subject of parenting problems ;) but i didnt want to hit to hard on that because its not like we can knock on every door telling parents to straighten up or else! I'm looking foward to a good reply. If i get one i will post it.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: gearhead400 on May 22, 2007, 10:12:28 PM
ohhhh yeaaaa 8)

Hey there,
Thank you so much for your email. You made a lot of great points.
I have another story airing tonight about ATVs but it isn't about what
you mentioned. I am going to hold onto your email and talk to my
producers about it.
About how far are you from Cape Coral?

Marisa Mendelson
Fox 4 News - WFTX-TV
"In Your Corner"
Consumer Reporter - TroubleShooter
621 SW Pine Island Road
Cape Coral, FL. 33991

Direct: 239-829-1114
TroubleShooter Line: 239-829-1118
Fax: 239-574-4803

-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Mansfield []
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 6:14 PM
To: Marisa L. Mendelson
Subject: ATV safety


I just wanted to say I'm glad the ATV community is starting to get some
coverage even if it isn't 100% positive. I totally agree with you that
needs to be some kind of course you must take (Just like to get a
license) in order to ride an ATV. Riding ATVs has become my biggest
and there's no way i could give it up. So naturally i hate to see people

like Chris skillman riding with no helmet next to a highway being
irresponsible and giving people who ride ATVs a bad name. I also cant
parents that let their child ride two up on an ATV meant for one adult
person, and then blame anyone but themselves for the accident. I'm not
positive the ATV was meant for only one rider because your report didn't

state it, but from what I've seen that was probably the case.  The
people i
ride with are some of the greatest people i have met. The reason is not
because i choose not to hang out with the bad seeds of the sport, its
the sport brings out the best in people. This is a great sport to get
if you take the appropriate precautions, just like anything with any
kind of
danger involved. You don't dive into a pool if your don't know how to

The biggest problem this sport and anything else that poses a threat to
children especially is the parents themselves. If the parents would put
their children through the proper safety courses or at least show them
to be safe on an ATV, half of those injuries and deaths would be
But since we can't make sure every parent puts their child through the
proper courses, they need to be made mandatory. Maybe the course should
made mandatory when buying and/or registering the ATV?

If you really wanted to show that your new station was helping the
community, you could do a follow up story on how to be safe and still
fun on ATVs! Remind the parents and young teens that there are certain
or ATVs for certain age's. Also do an interview with a person or a group
ask them what safety equipment they wear to stay safe on the trails and
track and tell them to give a brief description about how it may help
them safe from injury.

Like i said, i love this sport more than you can imagine and i would
love to
see more people enjoy what i have been enjoying for the past 6 years. If
need any help getting information to do a follow up story or getting
interviews myself and a ton of others would be more than happy to help!

I hope to hear back from you and again would like to thank you for
safety in our sport.

Thank you for your time,

Kyle Mansfield of Citrus County, Florida.
Age 20

p.s. There are a lot of other things i could add on like how every sport
their idiots and go on and on about that and make examples why other
activities should be put before atv safety, BUT i wanted to keep this
positive and to the point. You obviously cant touch on twenty different
subjects in one report so it would be pointless to bring them up at this


just gotta be nice i guess  :)

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: dalesgrl on May 22, 2007, 10:40:44 PM
WTG Nice job.  We can only hope that this will help lead to some positive coverage for those who ride responsibly.  :P

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: JackL on May 23, 2007, 01:27:33 AM
We should of said something about Motorcycles and their saftey. I think the state wanted to UP the death toll when they made it legal to ride without helmets. Riding without a helmet on a motorcycle or quad is just stupid so i dont know why they would of even pasted that law.

IMO, Freedom of choice is what makes this country great! While I don't particularly care to ride my street bike without a helmet, I have done it when the situation is appropriate. Same on the quad, when we are crawling around the swamp at 5 mph it just isn't necessary, but if you are planning on running the swamp/sawgrass at 65mph it becomes a necessity.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: gearhead400 on May 23, 2007, 07:36:52 AM
i agree with you there. But what if someone else is flying around on their bike and runs into you doing 5 mph with no helmet? sometimes you can be doing everything right and still get hurt.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: JackL on May 23, 2007, 08:11:59 AM
i agree with you there. But what if someone else is flying around on their bike and runs into you doing 5 mph with no helmet? sometimes you can be doing everything right and still get hurt.

That's what the tall flags are for. They are far more important where I ride. I can't see a helmet helping in that scenario anyway. Well maybe the speeding out of control guy.

Like you said, "sometimes you can be doing everything right and still get hurt. " does apply, but it is very unlikely someone will come blasting into you when you are knee deep in muck....unless it is your buddy following too close.

Personally, I am glad we have the choice. Far to many rules and regulations in this world these days.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Loven It on May 23, 2007, 08:23:21 AM
A real reporter would have looked at that girls parents and asked why she was riding double on an adult size machine while pointing at the warning labels mounted on the fender of an atv.while pointing out to the parents that it says noone under 16,no is a parental supervision problem and those are the only ones you can point the finger at the idiot parents.

That is the exact point I was making. I will be done with my email on this view point to her in just a few minutes.

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: Loven It on May 23, 2007, 08:56:29 AM
Is this thread a follow up story to this one. Because this is a better take and actually puts the blame on the parents.

I agree with gearhead400 in this thread below - Maybe Marisa is not against us....maybe we can ask to to help us show all the protective gear we have out there that PARENTS should supply for thier children to help reduce risk of serious injury....,24778.0.html

Title: Re: SW FLORIDA MEDIA BASHING ATVs - Need your comments sent to media
Post by: gearhead400 on May 23, 2007, 06:28:23 PM
yes it is a follow up story that aired the day after.